IL IL - Lane Bryant Murders, Tinley Park, 2 Feb 2008

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Our Lane Bryant has a Male store manager so it's possible he was an X employee. (although I doubt that to be the case)
I'm thinking the lady who survived knows who he is OR he has her personal info and is in protective custody in case he tries to hunt her down.

I hope they catch this guy soon!
Thanks for the information, Legallee! Welcome to Websleuths! I honestly did not know they had male employees or managers since the sales staff would have access to the dressing rooms etc. I think it would make some women (not me) uncomfortable.

Wasn't it mentioned he took the women's personal information and credit cards? If this is a gangbanger...LE would have a definite fear of retalliation against her or her family.
Life has changed
The survivor of Saturday's shooting was just beginning to get her life back on track.
After her marriage fell apart, she decided she was ready to make a clean break with the past by putting everything she had into her future. She enrolled in nursing school this semester and took two jobs to make ends meet.
Just when it seemed everything was falling into place, life has irrevocably changed.,020508shootingfolo.article
Life has changed
The survivor of Saturday's shooting was just beginning to get her life back on track.
After her marriage fell apart, she decided she was ready to make a clean break with the past by putting everything she had into her future. She enrolled in nursing school this semester and took two jobs to make ends meet.
Just when it seemed everything was falling into place, life has irrevocably changed.,020508shootingfolo.article

According to that article her and her sister took over the parents house in Mokena after they had moved to Kentucky, so it would make sense the sister is in protective custody as well.

I talked to our AP Exec (Target security) at our store yesterday and she said it is odd how tight lipped the LE are being, that usually she can get SOME info from them (she is friends with quite a few SP etc in this area) and in this case they are saying NOTHING.

It's too bad that "Martha's" family chose to talk to the media in Kentucky and disclose the information that they have so far...don't they realize thier daughter(s) life could be in danger? And I have noticed in the articles that they refer to witnesses...plural not just a witness... I find it hard to believe that on a busy Saturday morning no one walked in while that was going on in the back or was walking by and heard the gunshots and saw the gunman leaving.

I don't understand why his face isn't all over the TV," Koos said.
That the killer remains at large is uppermost in the minds of those who shopped at Brookside Marketplace Monday.


This needs to be published asap! Thanks Martha for helping police. does this reference to her past mean she was into things she should not have been and turned her life around?!
Interesting that while LE is tight lipped about the details, they sure aren't tight lipped about the security surrounding the witness. And her family. Seriously, two bit thugs don't go after witnesses. They hit their target and get. Erring on the side of caution maybe. I'm thinking this is no two bit . And what's with the Chief's repeated comments that this is an extremely sensitive investigation. Things that make me go Hmmmm.
I think so. Why haven't they done a sketch yet?

LE keeps saying they are working with her on it. Well gee, confuse her recollection by having her look through photos. And how many thousands of photos are there? You would have to know something to even start looking.
LE keeps saying they are working with her on it. Well gee, confuse her recollection by having her look through photos. And how many thousands of photos are there? You would have to know something to even start looking.

The sketch should have been done Sunday, while it was fresh in her mind.

LOl, right....gee...
I think the security surrounding the witness and her family are more of a "comfort" issue rather then an actual threat. I am betting this guy is probably long gone by now or has changed his appearance at the very least. I rather doubt he would "go after" Martha or her family especially now that she has given the LE whatever details she has and if she knows who he is. To act now against her or her family members would be too risky if he doesn't want to get caught.

I don't understand what the holdup is on the sketch either, people HAD to have seen him and someone would in all likelyhood recognize him if they knew him given the detailed description "Martha" gave....It can't take this long to do a sketch!
I heard on the news radio earlier that a sketch will be available tomorrow. I'm thinking they had her looking at mug-shots first. Hopefully they will catch him soon.,CST-NWS-shoot06.article

Before he opened fire in a Tinley Park clothing store, the gunman covered some of his victims' faces, sources said Tuesday.
Five women died in the Saturday morning shootings at Lane Bryant. The shootings were "execution-style" at close range, and the victims were bound, sources have said. (more at link)

Why would he cover some and not the others?,1,4081983.story?ctrack=2&cset=true

While police have been able to release a detailed description of the attacker, Bruno said they were still working on a sketch of the man.

"We're trying to be sensitive to the victim's condition, and that's why it has not yet been published," Bruno said. "They're in the process of creating a composite, and the minute it's complete, we'll send it out."
The gunman is now described as having three to five "puffy" corn rows that begin at the top of his forehead. One strand with green beads hangs over his right cheek.,1,4081983.story?ctrack=2&cset=true

the gunman had a thick braid of hair curled across his clean-shaven cheek and decorated at the end with four pale green beads. His hair, receding and carefully groomed, was pulled straight back beneath a charcoal-gray knit cap.,CST-NWS-shoot06.article

He had on a black, waist-length jacket with no writing and a charcoal knit cap concealing thick, braided hair. He had a receding hairline and let one braid fall to his right cheek. That braid had four light-green beads at the end.

I think his hair will be key here.
.. trying to get a mental image here; the cornrows began at the top of his forehead (with receding hairline) so they would continue at least halfway to the top of his head and then drop off into braids with the beads (as opposed to cornrows that was his whole head; then they would end at the bottom near his neck). That is the most common styles. So i'm not sure how a strand would be able to fall across his cheek, unless he had more hair that was hidden under the hat and a strand fell loose. I want to know how this one strand got loose, as it seems out of place unless his hair length was uneven to begin with. Aside from that hopefully he didn't have a weave added on. Then he can just take that out and it's goodbye hair.,CST-NWS-shoot06.article

Before he opened fire in a Tinley Park clothing store, the gunman covered some of his victims' faces, sources said Tuesday.
Five women died in the Saturday morning shootings at Lane Bryant. The shootings were "execution-style" at close range, and the victims were bound, sources have said. (more at link)

Why would he cover some and not the others?

Mayor Ed Zabrocki said Wednesday that the gunman covered the women's faces with clothing.,0,3757810.story

One of the reports is wrong. He covered some or all.

Either is not typical, especially in an execution style killing. When a killer covers the face it is usually because he knows the person and doesn't want to see their face afterwards from what I have read. This could put it back into the domestic situation column.
Maybe its just me but something just doesn't seem "right" with this story. It had to have taken some time to get all of the victims in the backroom, tie them ALL up with the duct tape and cover some of thier faces, make at least one sexual advance...shoot them all in the head execution style yet "miss" and get one only in the either the door was locked so no one could come in or he was just damned lucky no one else entered the store during all that time? If she was bound up like the other victims with duct tape it had to have taken her some time to get herself undone in order to call 911? All this happened in a matter of 45 minutes and no one else came in the store during that time? Am I missing something here?

And the police sure seem to be dragging thier feet on releasing the sketch of the suspect??? They have given a pretty vivid description so why the hold up on the actual sketch?
Maybe its just me but something just doesn't seem "right" with this story. It had to have taken some time to get all of the victims in the backroom, tie them ALL up with the duct tape and cover some of thier faces, make at least one sexual advance...shoot them all in the head execution style yet "miss" and get one only in the either the door was locked so no one could come in or he was just damned lucky no one else entered the store during all that time? If she was bound up like the other victims with duct tape it had to have taken her some time to get herself undone in order to call 911? All this happened in a matter of 45 minutes and no one else came in the store during that time? Am I missing something here?

And the police sure seem to be dragging thier feet on releasing the sketch of the suspect??? They have given a pretty vivid description so why the hold up on the actual sketch?

Yes, the surviving witness' story is a bit screwy, right now we have nothing else to go on..

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