GUILTY IL - Laquan McDonald, 17, fatally shot, Chicago PD charged, 20 Oct 2014 -J. VanDyke GUILTY*

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After a 5 million dollar settlement? With that kind of money they would have NO reason to fear the Chicago PD, they could move wherever they like and say whatever they like. I would assume their statements were part of the settlement agreement.

It wasn't a 5 million dollar settlement. It was a 5 million dollar apology. There was no lawsuit.
Just a rant:
At this point, and only from reading what msm has printed about Laquan McDonalds' family, I think his family failed him.
Except maybe his grandmother.
Did any of his relatives call or try to get in touch with his friends that night ? To see if he was o.k., or to ask where he was ?
He was just 17, fgs.
Maybe if someone had taken time to raise him, we wouldn't have this thread.
My opinion.
End of rant.

As for Officer Van Dyke; once Laquan was on the ground ... there should have been no further reason to keep shooting, correct ?
Maybe someone with some experience (past or present) can weigh in ?

And did Ofcr. Van dyke know L.M. had a knife and not a gun ? Certainly someone with a gun can still shoot you, even if they're on the ground and wounded--- but I thought (assuming cops in the additional patrol cars were communicating with each other that night) Van Dyke KNEW L.M. only had a knife and nothing else.
Just appeared as if Van Dyke "lost it" that night in a spectacularly cruel fashion. Maybe if police are showing signs of stress-- and the PD is getting negative feedback about their behavior -- they need to retire early or take a vacation for a while ?
Until they can do their jobs correctly, patiently, and without showing any aggression or malice ?
A little patience can go a long way.

I still respect law enforcement ; and have never had any of them act towards me with anything less than courtesy.

Maybe if someone had taken time to raise him, we wouldn't have this thread.

Rather than blaming his family, I would hasten to point out: maybe if he hadn't encountered an extremely trigger-happy LEO, we wouldn't have this thread. Nobody from his family shot him (multiple times) with no justification.
Do you have a link for this? Not seeing any more footage than the actual shooting. A random picture of a squad car with a flat tire? Or the tire LM allegedly flattened in 2014?

No link. I saw it on our televised local news. It was the front passenger side tire on a marked squad car. I haven't been looking for video online.

Here is the link for the local ABC station. There has been additional video released today, but I did not see the flat tire image on TV again today.

Rather than blaming his family, I would hasten to point out: maybe if he hadn't encountered an extremely trigger-happy LEO, we wouldn't have this thread. Nobody from his family shot him (multiple times) with no justification.

Just my.02 from reading msm. (Btw, I've had trust issues with msm even before the Brian Williams debacle)
So take my opinion with a grain of salt.... it's possible Laquan had become difficult to control as far as his actions or whereabouts.
I've known a (now 20-something) girl who was raised in a very loving environment who went off the rails at the age of 16 and imo cannot blame anyone for the problems she now faces --- but that's another topic.

Looks like he's being charged with first degree murder and apparently the D.A.'s office felt Van Dyke was out of line.

My question is why did this take so long ?

Any time a tragic incident like this happens-- the public needs to know instantly, not a year later when faced by a concerned public.
Are other cities like this ?
NOVEMBER 25, 2015, 6:36 PM|Two new videos have emerged of the fatal shooting of a Chicago teen by indicted police officer Jason Van Dyke. In one of the videos, police are seen standing around as the teen is dying.
Seriously ??? Geeze.. I thought police were supposed to render first aid--- what the hell is going on in Chicago ?

Just very disheartening for someone who was raised to respect authority and LE.

ETA : Again my opinion; but I feel Chicago and other cities who are facing problems with LE and the public can REGAIN their respect by letting the public know everything that goes on, from the cops' smallest errors to who might be 'crooked' within the police dept.
TRANSPARENCY ! Just tell everything, and the people can begin to trust LE.
It's not that difficult, but many cities need to change how they operate so the public can trust them again.
The officers lied

The day after Laquan died, a police union official told the Chicago Tribune that he had “lunged at police” before the officer opened fire. The video shows the opposite.

What we don’t know

We also don’t know what the surveillance footage from the nearby Burger King restaurant would have shown had it not disappeared. A Chicago NBC affiliate reported Tuesday that, according to the restaurant’s district manager, four officers spent three hours with the tape of the incident, and when they left 86 minutes, encompassing the entire shooting, had been erased. The camera is located roughly 100ft from where Laquan died.

Doesn't seem to be any footage of tire slashing anywhere. Only a statement from over a year ago.
The officers lied

The day after Laquan died, a police union official told the Chicago Tribune that he had “lunged at police” before the officer opened fire. The video shows the opposite.

What we don’t know

We also don’t know what the surveillance footage from the nearby Burger King restaurant would have shown had it not disappeared. A Chicago NBC affiliate reported Tuesday that, according to the restaurant’s district manager, four officers spent three hours with the tape of the incident, and when they left 86 minutes, encompassing the entire shooting, had been erased. The camera is located roughly 100ft from where Laquan died.

Doesn't seem to be any footage of tire slashing anywhere. Only a statement from over a year ago.

The Burger King video:

NBC Chicago quoted a district manager for Burger King in May as saying Chicago police deleted separate video from a security camera at a Burger King restaurant less than 100 yards away

While 86 minutes of the video were missing, the city's Independent Police Review Authority said there was "no credible evidence" that police tampered with it. Alvarez repeated that assertion Tuesday.
Never gonna happen but what I'd like to see here as bad as the violence is in Chicago is this:

The Police in Chicago should set a big flipp'in example for the rest of the Nation and fully in the most wide open way possible reach out and admit to the communitys they serve that even they have flaws,that they had a homicidal maniac on their force who is a disgrace and never deserved to carry a gun and wear a badge.
This is about as bad as it gets in my recollection. What a disappointment!

Just my.02 from reading msm. (Btw, I've had trust issues with msm even before the Brian Williams debacle)
So take my opinion with a grain of salt.... it's possible Laquan had become difficult to control as far as his actions or whereabouts.
I've known a (now 20-something) girl who was raised in a very loving environment who went off the rails at the age of 16 and imo cannot blame anyone for the problems she now faces --- but that's another topic.

Looks like he's being charged with first degree murder and apparently the D.A.'s office felt Van Dyke was out of line.

My question is why did this take so long ?

Any time a tragic incident like this happens-- the public needs to know instantly, not a year later when faced by a concerned public.
Are other cities like this ?
NOVEMBER 25, 2015, 6:36 PM|Two new videos have emerged of the fatal shooting of a Chicago teen by indicted police officer Jason Van Dyke. In one of the videos, police are seen standing around as the teen is dying.
Seriously ??? Geeze.. I thought police were supposed to render first aid--- what the hell is going on in Chicago ?

Just very disheartening for someone who was raised to respect authority and LE.

ETA : Again my opinion; but I feel Chicago and other cities who are facing problems with LE and the public can REGAIN their respect by letting the public know everything that goes on, from the cops' smallest errors to who might be 'crooked' within the police dept.
TRANSPARENCY ! Just tell everything, and the people can begin to trust LE.
It's not that difficult, but many cities need to change how they operate so the public can trust them again.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. You raise a number of issues -- I hope I can address all of them. (I may paraphrase you, and please let me know if I've done so inaccurately or unfairly.)

First off -- why did this take so long to surface?

I don't know. If I had to guess, I think that LE wanted it to go away.

Second -- are other cities like this?

I hate to say, but I think that many cities, and many small towns, are like this.

Third -- what the heck is going on with Chicago?

Well, I lived in 'Chicagoland' for about 8 years when I was doing my PhD at Northwestern. And I thought it was a pretty safe place. Mind you, there were areas I just wouldn't go into that often. I learned my lesson a few times. Not that I was victimized, but I did learn that I might be at risk going into some areas, despite having a good deal of what we used to call mixed combatives. Just the same, when my gf wanted to go someplace, one day, the bus driver (who was black) said that we shouldn't go there, even after I bragged for a bit.

Chicago has a huge population of people under the poverty line, not unlike New York. But New York has done a lot with its LEOs. It's an incredibly safe place, all things considered. And so, going back to your question, I don't know what's going on in Chicago, but I think it has more to do with the LEOs than with the public.

And to what I'm taking as your main point -- I totally agree, transparency is incredibly important. I really think that it should be a law that LEOs wear body cams. And it's not just that I worry about bad LEOs who need to be caught -- but the cost of the lawsuits against LE agencies is incredible. Even if only a tiny sliver of lawsuits are frivolous or fraudulent, the cost of using bodycams is minute.

I have to add that I appreciate your final point -- that LE needs to do things so that the public can trust them again. They really do need to do more to earn respect. (And if I haven't said so before, the vast majority of LEOs that I know are really stand-up guys and gals. Terrific people. But it doesn't take too many rotten apples, as they say.)
No link. I saw it on our televised local news. It was the front passenger side tire on a marked squad car. I haven't been looking for video online.

Here is the link for the local ABC station. There has been additional video released today, but I did not see the flat tire image on TV again today.
FWIW...we moved away from Chicago early this year...knew that this was coming and watched on CNN I saw the same image over and over...haven't seen it again since the actual video was released. It was that situation room show...we saw that the press conference was happening and that was the only place to see it where we live. There was a WGN logo in the don't know if it was stock footage or if that was the original footage.

We lived there still when this happened but I don't remember it...I drove through a war zone every morning to work and the three shooting victims I saw on the ground during my commute the previous summer cemented our decision to move out of state.

Growing up, I was very naive to think that we were past a lot of the racial tensions that had plagued our Country years before I was even born. Very naive. I grew up with family and friends from all walks of life. Different races, cultures, religions, etc... I am very grateful for the life I had growing up.

We also didn't have the technology we have today. I am sure if we did, we would be seeing the same things going on today. This all didn't just start happening. It's been here all along and we sadly haven't progressed that much, have we? What will "our" generations History books say about us? Not much good, will it?

It really makes me sad. Sad for our future generations.

RIP Laquan.
New video excerpts from Chicago police shooting

Newly released videos from four other police cars offer new perspective on the moments before and after the 2014 shooting death of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by police Officer Jason Van Dyke, who has been charged with first-degree murder. Until Wednesday, city officials had released only one video of the events; the new videos raise questions about how police documented the shooting. Here are excerpts from three of the videos.

This excerpt is from previously unreleased dashboard-camera video of the police vehicle in which Officer Jason Van Dyke was a passenger.
Open-carry advocates walk down the street with assault rifles over their shoulders, but police don't shoot them 16 times in the back.

I watched the news video linked in the first post and heard the newsperson state that Laquan was shot 16 times in the back. That was a LIE. If you look at the drawings with the autopsy, he was NOT shot 16 times in the back. The wounds are marked on the ME's sketch as to whether they were incoming or exit wounds. Not all the shots were from the back. Typical newscaster razzamatazz. Mainstream media at its best. (Yep, law enforcement at its best, too ... not!)

So very sad.

In a perfect world, that young person would not have been shot 16 times, or at all. In a perfect world, that young person would not have been breaking into cars, had a knife in his hand, or had PCP in his system. LE would not have been necessary. They would not have been called, would they? And none of this would have happened.

I thought the Michael Brown thing in Ferguson was based on lies and blown way out of proportion by a bunch of "activists" looking for a cause regardless of the actual facts.I believe the black lives matter movement is more about division than making things right....But having said all that,living here in the Chicago area it's tempting to stand shoulder to shoulder out in the streets with those peacefully protesting the the cold blooded murder of Laquan McDonald.

While I understand what you are saying I have to point out one thing. For a group that claims to live in "constant fear" of the police why in the heck wouldn't they do more to AVOID interactions with police? Specifically avoid breaking the law in obvious ways that would attract police attention? Instead the group that claims to fear the police the most has the highest rate of criminal activity which attracts police attention including rampant public drug use, traffic violations, along with a host of more serious crimes.

I have a fear of spiders, as such I do everything possible to AVOID spider encounters, when I know I am in areas with a lot of spider activity I am especially vigilant and take steps to prevent walking into webs etc...

If the group truly does fear the police they would have a two prong approach 1) Educating their community in order to avoid police encounters by following the law and 2) Work to get bad cops off the force.
Any time a tragic incident like this happens-- the public needs to know instantly, not a year later when faced by a concerned public.
Are other cities like this ?

I would say sure. A lot of local agency's don't seem to feel that what they do is any of the publics business. The scary part here is that one lone person had to file a law suit for the release of the video without any help or backing from any main stream media outlet. Then when he showed for the press conferance, he was denied access because he forgot to ware a shirt that said: "Main Stream News Agency."

On a lighter note. That video should have been released to the citizen within 13 days that he ask for it. Not 13 months, and a bunch of time and money later.

Gosh Darn It!!!!
All those police on the scene,armed and perfectly capable of neutralizing any threat Laquan McDonald could have reasonably posed
yet Van Dyke opened fire with a vengeance,a steady stream of bullets torn through young Laquan's flesh.I know Chicago's a flipp'in war zone and being a cop is tough,but this is overwhelmingly wrong in every possible way.

I thought the Michael Brown thing in Ferguson was based on lies and blown way out of proportion by a bunch of "activists" looking for a cause regardless of the actual facts.I believe the black lives matter movement is more about division than making things right....But having said all that,living here in the Chicago area it's tempting to stand shoulder to shoulder out in the streets with those peacefully protesting the the cold blooded murder of Laquan McDonald.

The problem with both view points is that they've been used by the racial politics on both sides (liberal and conservative) that the truth in any instance lost because of the political one-upsmanship going on at the cable news channels and Internet sites like ********* and Salon.

People seem determined to stick their head in the sand from the moment the words white cop-black victim appear. It's really sad.

We'll never know what happened in Ferguson because it was politicized from the get go on both sides. There was obviously a problem going on in that community before the shooting and some of the leaders of the protestors exploited Brown's death to promote civil unrest. The DA did himself no favors, though he was really stuck in a no win situation.

However, you go to a site like free republic and read through the forums on a case like this and it makes your stomach turn because it's so blatantly racist. In the end, this country wasn't ready for a black president, regardless of his politics, because political disagreements have become racial disagreements. Many in the black community couldn't handle a lot of the criticism Obama was going to receive over his leftist policies, while many on the far right exploited his policies to make thinly veiled racial attacks. It's sad that this is where we are at, but it is what it is.
Growing up, I was very naive to think that we were past a lot of the racial tensions that had plagued our Country years before I was even born. Very naive. I grew up with family and friends from all walks of life. Different races, cultures, religions, etc... I am very grateful for the life I had growing up.

We also didn't have the technology we have today. I am sure if we did, we would be seeing the same things going on today. This all didn't just start happening. It's been here all along and we sadly haven't progressed that much, have we? What will "our" generations History books say about us? Not much good, will it?

It really makes me sad. Sad for our future generations.

RIP Laquan.

You weren't naive back then,racial tensions had decreased in a big way and that progress still exists in several areas,but it's been badly tainted by the politics of division practiced by both the main political parties and bleak economic conditions for many as they see fewer and fewer good jobs available.
While I understand what you are saying I have to point out one thing. For a group that claims to live in "constant fear" of the police why in the heck wouldn't they do more to AVOID interactions with police? Specifically avoid breaking the law in obvious ways that would attract police attention? Instead the group that claims to fear the police the most has the highest rate of criminal activity which attracts police attention including rampant public drug use, traffic violations, along with a host of more serious crimes.

I have a fear of spiders, as such I do everything possible to AVOID spider encounters, when I know I am in areas with a lot of spider activity I am especially vigilant and take steps to prevent walking into webs etc...

If the group truly does fear the police they would have a two prong approach 1) Educating their community in order to avoid police encounters by following the law and 2) Work to get bad cops off the force.

That's not the way it works.They feel powerless,victimized and disrespected,they're not interested being told to sit down,shut up and play by the rules.They're inundated by music other media that glorifies materialism,violence and rebellion a far cry from any recipe for law enforcement avoidance.

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