IL IL - Lee Cutler, 18, Buffalo Grove, Oct 2007

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DNA Solves
i see others here now, guess we all just finished the show, lol

anyways what was the stepdad doing at time he went missing???
I've not been here in a long time. What's the latest?

The story is he went to the woods, was depressed, and he went walking into the woods and they can't find him??

Didn't they find some of his clothes and personal items in the woods?
we just watched the show they found an empty (aside from one lone advilpm pill) bottle of advil pm and also and empty box of corciden (kids use this dxm to get high on); a blanket, his prized yamicka, and a note to his mother apologizing and also he stated that he would finally be able to sleep.

in the show tonight, they made no mention of what happened to the money he had on him. supposedly he took $500-800 out of a jar in the house.

if the money is missing, i'd say he met foul play and was murdered for it.

if not missing, then possibly others were in those woods and murdered him. if animals dragged the body, they'd eventually find it as i believe they searched the area relatively quickly.
So much about this story doesn't hang together, and the whole Israel/passport thing is one of them. This guy was supposed to be some kind of brainiac, but his notes are full of misspellings. He is quoted as saying he wanted to be a soldier in Israel to bring peace to the region - wasn't that idiocy a red flag to anyone?

I found it intriguing that his stepfather and brother didn't contribute to the show, although it's impossible to draw any specific conclusions from that. The mother seemed to be extremely scattered in her affect, and from her own admission she had never really imposed any boundaries on Lee (he'd been known to leave for the night before, his suicide attempt was tossed off as more of an interesting story than anything else) and she just seemed "off."

I don't buy her motivation for leaving home to live with her dying mother, either. The step father was known to be unloving and demanding with the children, at the very least, and she just left them with him? It sounds more like she was running away than anything.

My point here is that Lee seemed like a very sensitive young man, and he would have been intensely aware of the family dynamics. Anyone who identified with Holden Caulfield at his age needed psychiatric treatment. He seemed to have regarded himself as some kind of misunderstood intellectual, but what I saw was a spoiled rich kid from a dysfunctional home.

I feel sure he ran away of his own free will, and his willingness to convince his family and friends that he was dead is evidence of a very deep anger toward them. I don't doubt that he later got into some massive trouble because he was clearly out of touch with reality on a deep level. (What's with the "he liked to go to the truck stop and talk with truckers" thing?) Maybe he envisioned himself as Grizzly Adams and one day his remains will be found in the woods somewhere.

I do think that, had he survived, he would have gotten in touch with someone he knew by now.

that's a very good point, why wasn't his brother on the show? i think they had mentioned the stepdad? (maybe it was bio dad) died of a heart attack after lee was missing at some point.

the mother seems to be to intent on believing that her son is alive and well living in the woods or israel (both unlikely, imo).
she seems to really love her son and now want to think the obvious, being death. isn't it a sin in the jewish religion to kill oneself? i believe so.

those corciden pills he had; well kids use them to get high. had he taken the whole package, i'd think he'd be tripping ba11z as the saying goes. if he was that out there on the dextromethorphan drugs, he may not even have known what he was doing. he would also be prey to anyone out there near him.

dxm can affect people differently, however i've yet to see it make people angry. it can make them sick, suicidal, usually passive extremely passive.
since he had a box of it empty, i'd take a guess he's done dxm before.

lee did seem like an extremely intelligent young man, and a lot of people of high intelligence levels and empaths have trouble dealing with the world and unfairness they see.

qoute his note left "my head is too big for my body". on dxm; i think the above is what he meant by that qoute.
After watching the show, I see his mother as someone in deep denial.
I can't see any other outcome than Lee being deceased.
I may be the only one, but I don't think he staged his death. I see a lot of reaching by the mother to find any explanation other than suicide.
Throwing in my two cents worth. This is just my opinion, but I believe Lee committed suicide and that he had no intention of being mysterious about it. I don't think he thought his body would not be found. If I were going to jump into a river to commit suicide, I would assume that my body would surface somewhere within a few days.
The fact that he left his car parked in the open instead of concealing it shows he intended for it to be found at some point. He openly purchased and probably took the pills and made no effort to conceal the bottle. The note referenced now being able to sleep which I assume means the taking of the pills and his death. I don't think the leaving of his pants was staging or else he would have left them at the campsite instead of them being actually in the river below the waterline. The note sounds suicidal and his previous suicide attempt makes it seem even more obvious that this was a second attempt that was successful. He sounds like a very sad person and I wonder if he was getting any counseling following his previous suicide attempt.
His deep thoughts at his age don't sound anything at all like my friends and I had at his age in the 80s. Our deepest thoughts were about what to wear on our next date. But maybe we were just shallow and flaky. I do think he had some sort of mental issues but I would have no idea exactly what.
It's understandable that his mom and close friends wouldn't want to believe he has passed on but sadly I think all the evidence points to that.
Bumping for Lee....

I'm not familiar with the area where Lee went missing, and I know very little about the way various bodies of water might affect the finding of a body. IIRC, it was stated on Disappeared that the police were confident their search was thorough, and that he was not, in fact, still in the water. Is that a statement that they could safely make, does anyone know? Or is it more so like searching for a needle in a haystack, as some prior posters had opined? Thanks in advance for any input you guys have. This case is tragic (they all are, really) and I wonder if there's been any updates lately.
It makes me very sad that there is so little publicity and media coverage for this young man. I initially believed he did go to Israel, because there is no way the IDF would admit to it, but now I fear he may have been abducted as he seemed very trusting. I.e hanging out with truckers
If Lee is reading any of these posts, Tzom Kal and may you return to your family safely.
I'm new here and just stumbled onto this thread. I am originally from Buffalo Grove and graduated A.E. Stevenson high school 4 years ahead of Lee. This story is just so sad, especially since he has not been found.
I'm new here and just stumbled onto this thread. I am originally from Buffalo Grove and graduated A.E. Stevenson high school 4 years ahead of Lee. This story is just so sad, especially since he has not been found.

Hello, I'm new here too. I remember watching a show about Lee, maybe Disappeared, that had interviews with his mother. You're right, it is sad. I was hoping to read good news here that he had been found safe. There was a FaceBook page called Let's Find Lee run by I believe his family or friends, that I had come across last year and saw friends of his writing messages for him to please come home. They seem to hold out the hope that he is alive.
The Mysterious Disappearance of Lee Cutler

A year after his disappearance, Beth Frazin told reporters that uncertainty about her son’s fate haunts her. “I feel like I’m suspended in the air. A part of my heart is broken,” she said.



Source: The Mysterious Disappearance of Lee Cutler
I watched Lee's episode of Disappeared a while ago and to me it seems pretty obvious that he took his own life and they never found his body. I do think he was a "lost soul" who's hopefully at peace now.

It's been 6 years. As time flies by I'm not sure if he'll ever be found. I hope he's happy and free wherever that is. No more sadness and pain for this young man.
those corciden pills he had; well kids use them to get high. had he taken the whole package, i'd think he'd be tripping ba11z as the saying goes. if he was that out there on the dextromethorphan drugs, he may not even have known what he was doing. he would also be prey to anyone out there near him.

Aren't there several allergy/cold medications marketed as Coriciden? The one I had once is just a brand of Chlortrimeton, which is similar to Benedryl. It helps with allergies and causes drowsiness. The one I took did not contain DXM. Do they even make one that's has enough DXM to predominate over the effects from other ingredients?

I also took DXM once during a day-long engineering license test. The test was given in gym full of license candidates. If you fail you have to wait a year to re-take it. I had a horrible cough from the vestiges of a bad cold. I felt bad for other candidates. During the course of the day, I drank a whole 8oz bottle, about 20 doses of DXM. It did little for my cough, and I experienced no side effects or buzz at all. I passed the test. It's hard for me to imagine DXM causing drugged-out behavior.

Advil PM contains Advil and Benadryl. In high doses Advil causes possible upset stomach while Benadryl causes drowsiness. I understand why he might have wanted drowsiness. Why not buy pure Benadryl instead of Advil PM?

If he just wanted to get wasted so that he could jump into the freezing river without knowing what he was doing, alcohol would have been a better choice. He was under 21, though, and maybe he didn't plan far enough ahead to have someone buy him some.

My guess is he did buy the OTC drugs to get wasted and commit suicide and he just didn't care too much which drugs. He just bought some that he knew from experience caused drowsiness without putting much thought into it.
Did anyone else notice that the girlfriend didn't even seem to care that he was missing? I don't know if it was her attitude but she just came off as odd to me.

She may also have given several quotes to media outlets, resulting in a more perfunctory demeanor than she would have presented the first time someone asked her about it.

My wild guess about his g/f:
She knew he was somewhat troubled in his life. Not being so close to him, she chooses to hope he's out there somewhere doing something he loves. She's going on with her life and hopes he's doing the same. Nothing would be gained by her agonizing about it. She's upset but not nearly as much as someone who knew him all his life.​

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