GUILTY IL - Mya Lyons, 9, stabbed to death, Chicago, 15 July 2008

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I cannot believe the media are just letting LE forget this case. Can you imagine WESH just letting Caylee's case slide after a few months?

Putting pressure of public opinion on these cases is the only way to get them solved. WTH is wrong with the journalists in Chicago? Don't they realize that a child is dead and her murderer walking free?
I cannot believe the media are just letting LE forget this case. Can you imagine WESH just letting Caylee's case slide after a few months?

Putting pressure of public opinion on these cases is the only way to get them solved. WTH is wrong with the journalists in Chicago? Don't they realize that a child is dead and her murderer walking free?

:clap::clap::clap: thank you !!!!
I haven't forgotten you Mya. I'm praying that justice will be done in your case.

RIP beautiful little girl.

I echo your sentiments, lizzybeth! Too many little victims are being forgotten by the media and many others.
I wish NG would give just 3 minutes of her precious time to precious little Mya. Seems like she could share just a little of the Caylee - Haleigh time for another little girl who needs to have her murderer brought to justice.
Bumping for Mya. Wondering if there has been any progress in the investigation.

I sent this email out this evening on behalf of Adji and Mya. Maybe Mr. Sharpton and his organization can help to bring some attention to these two precious children:

Taken from National Action Network's Webpage: "Since Reverend Sharpton founded NAN in 1991, NAN has served as a megaphone for the voiceless and an advocate for those in need. NAN has taken on issues relating to voter registration, education, decency and police misconduct."

In the spirit of NAN's statement, I am writing to ask for Mr. Sharpton's help on behalf of two small children of color.

Adji Desir is a 6-year old boy, with some learning/communicating disabilities. He disappeared from the front yard of his family's home in Immokalee, Florida on January 10, 2009. You can read more about Adji here:

Adji's family is Hatian and they live in what is called a "Farmworker's Village." I believe the Law Enforcement Agency with jurisdiction is doing all they can to find Adji, but they need help. There are few leads coming in and members of the community appear to be afraid to talk to authorities, maybe because of immigration issues, I don't know. But Adji's family could use a megaphone. Specifically a megaphone that could raise media awareness of Adji's plight and get his name and face back in the news. They could also use a megaphone that would act as an intermediary with the local law enforcement agency and the community. Someone the community could feel safe talking too.

The second child I am requesting assistance for is Mya Lyons. This website has a chronology of events and media reports in the brutal death of this precious child.

Chicago police have allowed this case to go cold. Mya's father was cooperative with Law Enforcement and continued to be cooperative even after he hired a lawyer to assist him in dealing with investigators. However, there has been no progress in this case in months. It does not appear as if anything is happening at all.

Mya needs a megaphone that can demand answers and motivate the Chicago Police Department to solve this case and bring Mya justice. Mya was a beautiful 9 year old child that deserved to have the rest of her life. She does not deserve to be forgotten.

I am respectfully asking NAN to be a megaphone for these two beautiful children, to help find one and bring justice to the other.

I appreciate your time and attention to these matters and hope that your organization will be a VOICE for these children, who desperately need a megaphone.

If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to email me.

Thank you,

Thank you Salem. Would you mind if I copied and sent your email replacing your name with mine? I'll do anything to help these two.
ArizonaGiGi - I would be honored! Any and all help is very much appreciated!

As much as I dislike Al Sharpton, I would be appreciative if he (or anyone for that matter) would help get Adji and Mya's stories out there.

Do you have the email address for Mr. Sharpton? If it's okay I would like to send one too.
The email address for Sharpton's organization is in Adji's thread. Wonderful Gracenote found it for us. I will go get it and post it here.

Rev. Al has the busiest website I have ever seen!

Here is some contact information:

Crisis Department
To seek our assistance in a crisis please send a letter three pages or less, printed or typed, include your name, address and a contact number addressed to:

National Action Network
Crisis Department
106 W. 145th Street
Harlem, New York 10039
(Please remember to print clearly)

or email:

I wish James Brown was still living. He was my couple of streets over neighbor for 20 years until they moved out to Beech Island. He had his issues for sure, but he never turned down a request for help.

I'll be back with the NAACP. The organizations have different chapters. You can find the closest one to Mya by checking the website.

Thank you for reviving this thread. Mya is never far from my thoughts.
Here's the national NAACP:

I'll come back and find the chapter specific address for Chicago as soon as I catch up on Sandra Cantu.


There are 3 or 4 Chicago addresses but the links don't seem to work. Probably outdated. I would send any correspondence to the main headquarters and ask them to pass it on.
I'm quoting myself to replace the link for Mya. EVERYONE - please take note that my original email had an incorrect link for Mya - the link actually went to a story on Adji (bless his heart). I have replaced it with a corrected link here.

Sorry for all the confusion!

I sent this email out this evening on behalf of Adji and Mya. Maybe Mr. Sharpton and his organization can help to bring some attention to these two precious children:

Taken from National Action Network's Webpage: "Since Reverend Sharpton founded NAN in 1991, NAN has served as a megaphone for the voiceless and an advocate for those in need. NAN has taken on issues relating to voter registration, education, decency and police misconduct."

In the spirit of NAN's statement, I am writing to ask for Mr. Sharpton's help on behalf of two small children of color.

Adji Desir is a 6-year old boy, with some learning/communicating disabilities. He disappeared from the front yard of his family's home in Immokalee, Florida on January 10, 2009. You can read more about Adji here:

Adji's family is Hatian and they live in what is called a "Farmworker's Village." I believe the Law Enforcement Agency with jurisdiction is doing all they can to find Adji, but they need help. There are few leads coming in and members of the community appear to be afraid to talk to authorities, maybe because of immigration issues, I don't know. But Adji's family could use a megaphone. Specifically a megaphone that could raise media awareness of Adji's plight and get his name and face back in the news. They could also use a megaphone that would act as an intermediary with the local law enforcement agency and the community. Someone the community could feel safe talking too.

The second child I am requesting assistance for is Mya Lyons. This website has a chronology of events and media reports in the brutal death of this precious child.

Chicago police have allowed this case to go cold. Mya's father was cooperative with Law Enforcement and continued to be cooperative even after he hired a lawyer to assist him in dealing with investigators. However, there has been no progress in this case in months. It does not appear as if anything is happening at all.

Mya needs a megaphone that can demand answers and motivate the Chicago Police Department to solve this case and bring Mya justice. Mya was a beautiful 9 year old child that deserved to have the rest of her life. She does not deserve to be forgotten.

I am respectfully asking NAN to be a megaphone for these two beautiful children, to help find one and bring justice to the other.

I appreciate your time and attention to these matters and hope that your organization will be a VOICE for these children, who desperately need a megaphone.

If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to email me.

Thank you,

Email to NAACP at <>:

I'm writing to request your assistance in the matters of Mya Lyons and Adji Desir. Mya and Adji are in need of advocates that can help to keep their names in the news and, in Mya's case, put pressure on Chicago Law Enforcement to continue to investigate her brutal murder.

Adji Desir is a 6-year old boy, with some learning/communicating disabilities. He disappeared from the front yard of his family's home in Immokalee, Florida on January 10, 2009. You can read more about Adji here:

Adji's family is Hatian and they live in what is called a "Farmworker's Village." I believe the Law Enforcement Agency with jurisdiction is doing all they can to find Adji, but they need help. There are few leads coming in and members of the community appear to be afraid to talk to authorities, maybe because of immigration issues, I don't know. But Adji's family could use a strong advocate that will help them with media needs and interacting effectively with volunteer search groups. An advocate that could raise media awareness of Adji's plight and get his name and face back in the news and act as a spokesperson for Adji's family should they wish to have a spokesperson. An advocate that could act as an intermediary with the local law enforcement agency and the community. Someone the community could feel safe talking too.

I'm hoping you will take the time to forward this email to the appropriate department in your organization and that one of your members will feel moved to become Adji's advocate.

The second child I am requesting assistance for is Mya Lyons. This website has a chronology of events and media reports in the brutal death of this precious child:

Chicago police have allowed this case to go cold. Mya's father was cooperative with Law Enforcement and continued to be cooperative even after he hired a lawyer to assist him in dealing with investigators. However, there has been no progress in this case in months. It does not appear as if anything is happening at all.

Mya needs a strong advocate that can demand answers and motivate the Chicago Police Department to solve this case and bring Mya justice. Mya was a beautiful 9 year old child that deserved to have the rest of her life. She does not deserve to be forgotten.

I am respectfully asking that you pass this information on to the appropriate department in your organization and praying that one of your members will feel moved to be Mya's advocate.

Please help these two beautiful children. Help bring Adji home and help bring justice to Maya.

I appreciate your time and attention to these matters and hope that your organization will be a VOICE for these children, who desperately need strong and sophicated advocates.

If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to email me.

Thank you,

The father of a 9-year-old girl who was murdered has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Metra.
He claims the overgrown weeds made it a prime spot for her murder. The article also says Mya is buried in Burr Oaks Cemetary. Hopefully she's still resting in peace.

Really? This bugs me.

I think Metra should cut back the weeds, but they certainly aren't responsible for a MURDER.

I think the murderer is almost solely responsible. Then, possibly, some blame to whoever was supposed to be watching Mya (ahem). Then, maaaaayyyyybeee, a tiny fraction of responsibility to Metra or the city for making the area safe.

GMAB. Why have we still not heard from this man exactly what happened that night or nailed down a firm timeline so that the public might be able to help?
I was so hoping for some REAL news about this little girl. It is like she has been forgotten. Heck; maybe the city will get so worried about possibly having to part with some money that they will look for her murderer.:(

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