IL IL - Paul Fronczak, newborn, Chicago, 1964 + UID Male, 1, NJ, 1965

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
There was just a followup on 20/20 on ID on this case. The conclusion is that Paul found out his real name, though it wasn't revealed, his bio parents were dead, and the real Paul may have been taken to Tennessee. Glad to see he found his 2nd cousin and their family.
There was just a followup on 20/20 on ID on this case. The conclusion is that Paul found out his real name, though it wasn't revealed, his bio parents were dead, and the real Paul may have been taken to Tennessee. Glad to see he found his 2nd cousin and their family.


Maybe someone can post the new interview on You Tube? Just to clarify, you mean that the "adopted Paul" found out his real name, and that the birth-parents of kidnapped Paul, Chester and Donna Fronczak, are now deceased?

Adopted Paul's birth parents are also deceased, according tp te 20/20 interview.

Maybe someone can post the new interview on You Tube? Just to clarify, you mean that the "adopted Paul" found out his real name, and that the birth-parents of kidnapped Paul, Chester and Donna Fronczak, are now deceased?


I don't know about the Fronczak's other than they weren't happy that Paul pursued the DNA search. Paul located his biological family and those parents were dead. We don't have a last name for them. His real name was Jack________. Apparently he had a twin sister who had died, people suspected the family was abusive, and that's why they abandoned him. The Fronczak's have not located their real son.
Are the parents of the real "Paul" still alive? If so, have they given any interviews regarding these latest developments? If not, when did either or both pass away?


The Fronczaks are still alive. They have not done any interviews.

Paul has a book coming out in November called "The Foundling."
Is anyone working on finding "Jill".

I have found only one Jane Doe around that time period. Is it possible something happened to Jill so the parents abandoned Jack so that they could explain the absence of both twins by saying they were with the other family?

That's a pretty good theory. I'm new to this case and just read about it in the past few days, so forgive me if I'm mixing things up, but if they found out adopted Paul's birth identity-- "Jack" wouldn't they know his DOB now? His sister might have died or been adopted out as well. Couldn't they find out if his twin sister is still alive by searching for woman with that exact DOB? It might be time consuming but if they can narrow it down even more by location and ethnicity they might be able to find her. I think it's a good chance something happened to her :(
That's a pretty good theory. I'm new to this case and just read about it in the past few days, so forgive me if I'm mixing things up, but if they found out adopted Paul's birth identity-- "Jack" wouldn't they know his DOB now? His sister might have died or been adopted out as well. Couldn't they find out if his twin sister is still alive by searching for woman with that exact DOB? It might be time consuming but if they can narrow it down even more by location and ethnicity they might be able to find her. I think it's a good chance something happened to her :(

Yes we know his DOB (and hers), but it is unlikely she knows/is using her own real DOB if she is living. Paul/Jack certainly wasn't.
What a fascinating case, I wonder why Paul/Jack hasn't revealed what happened to Jill, or what his bio family surname is. There is someone who commented during a discussion on his FB page "you are a Rocco" so maybe that's his original surname.

I imagine the Fronczak's weren't keen on DNA because they feared Paul/Jack wasn't really their son, and they were right.

And where is the real Paul Fronczak? Kidnapped aged 1 day old and never seen since?
I recently found out about this case, it's fascinating. My personal theories:

1. The real Paul was kidnapped by a woman who had been faking a pregnancy. You hear quite often of women who pretend to be pregnant in order to keep their husband or boyfriend from leaving them; when nine months rolls along with no baby they get desperate and kidnap a child or cut a baby out of a pregnant woman's womb. I've been shocked to find out how common those cases are, especially the latter. I would imagine the former (kidnapping a newborn) would've been more common before there was so much security in hospitals. In such a situation, the real Paul wouldn't know his kidnapper was not his biological mother and he may have a father or siblings who believe the same. After all, people would've seen her pregnant. I think there's a very good chance he grew up in the Chicago area or in a city less than a day's drive away, and he may be found by publicizing the case and asking for men who were born around that time and had mothers with mental issues and/or always suspected they weren't biologically related to their family.

2. I suspect the parents of "Jack" and "Jill" may have sold their children or left them with an unsavory character who wanted the girl but not the boy and so abandoned him. Jill may be alive today but likely grew up in a horrific and abusive situation. I can't help but think of Suzanne Sevakis and her missing brother. It's also possible that the parents decided they didn't want (and thus abandoned) both children but decided to do it separately as they'd have less chance of being traced back to them. Therefor Jill would be a baby would was found abandoned at roughly the same time and may have been adopted and raised in a loving family.
I am watching a 20/20 on Own right now about this case. It is fascinating.
I just read Paul/Jack's book The Foundling, which was released yesterday. It was very good and answers a lot of questions but some still remain open.


He knows who his parents were, has been in contact with siblings and met many members of his family including several cousins and one sibling. He also learned some disturbing things about his family -- not surprising considering that he was left on a street.

Reading how the genetic genealogists put all the pieces together was fascinating.

The mystery of his sister remains but he believes the most likely scenario is that she was killed or died from an accident. To cover it up, they got rid of Paul, because it is easier to explain away why both kids are gone than why one is left. They told each side of the family that someone on the other side had the twins. Though it did appear that several family members suspected that the twins had come to a bad end.

As for the bio Paul - the FBI won't speak to adoptive Paul/Jack about it because he is not related to the bio Paul. Personally, I do not think there will be a break in the case unless someone has a deathbed confession or bio Paul actively looks for family.

The Fronzaks (neither parents or remaining bio son) will not give DNA to ancestry or other sites, though they have given to the FBI. Which is sad, because I think the most likely way for this mystery to be solved is if Paul realizes that he is adopted and does a DNA test with ancestry or another site. He wouldn't go to the FBI unless he thought something illegal went on. The Fronczak story has been around long enough that anyone who suspected something shady went on would already have contacted adoptee Paul or the FBI. (And many people had)

Paul would just think he is adopted - or maybe just do a DNA test for the heck of it -- and proceed as most adoptees do. Hopefully there are some bio cousins who did a DNA test on ancestry so he figure out who he is.

I believe that Paul is alive - or at least he was for some time after the abduction. The "nurse" was seen at more than one hospital looking at babies before taking Paul. I suspect she was looking for a child that had certain physical characteristics so either she or someone else could pass him off as their own.

On the plus side, it sounds as if Paul/Jack and his Fronzcak parents have a very good relationship now.

I highly recommend the book.
There is a story in the book about someone who contacted Paul/Jack about a baby called "Tiger" who showed up at her grandmother's home in 1964. He died from a gunshot wound as a teenager and is buried in Amarillo TX. Very interesting story. The book explains the brick walls that have been encountered regarding the investigation of this individual--problems getting a judge to allow the body to be exhumed, etc.

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