IL IL - Timmothy Fry-Pitzen, 6, Aurora, 13 May 2011 - mom found dead - #2

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I haven’t seen a link yet that states they know he was in a hotel in Sharonville. If anyone can find this, please post. I don’t want to go down a rabbit hole of how he got 25 miles on foot if that did not actually happen. This post is the only place I’ve seen it stated that they know which hotel he was in.

I heard the report on WCPO tv news ( I live in the northern part of Cincy so the Sharonville part really stuck out). I checked their site and they only have a bare bones story but here is the link Family waits on DNA to confirm if boy is Timmothy Pitzen
Sorry if the images don’t work, this is my first post ever.

What if he got confused on the name of the hotel and it actually isn’t Red Roof Inn but something very similar and not even located by a Red Roof Inn? I did some research and there is a hotel that is a 1 hour and 52 minute walk from where he was found. The name of the hotel is Rest In, the address is 3244 Central Pkwy, Cincinnati OH 45225 and right off of I74 but is kinda off(away from) the main road and is next to woods, which would be a good location to hide out with a missing kid. This is all speculation, and obviously might not be the case, but it could be a similar situation.
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Good research! I think you should alert whoever is conducting the investigation in case they haven't done what you did.
Am really hoping this is really the right child, but part of the story doesn't ring true to me (if what is being reported is correct of course). I live in Cincinnati and local news has been reporting he was in a hotel in Sharonville (a suburb in a very northern part of the Cincinnati area) and was found in Newport, Kentucky, which is right over the river from downtown Cincinnati. Sharonville is about a 25 mile drive from downtown using the I-75 freeway. Using regular roads is a very convoluted drive and takes much longer. On either route that he would have taken (on foot) there are many very populated areas (in fact I can't think of any that aren't, other than a couple of industrial type exits that still have convenience stores, etc.) that he would have come across (non expressway would have even more). If he was following the expressway route he would have taken the I-75 bridge that takes you into Covington, not Newport (though it is just a matter of a fairly short distance between bridges). I am hoping that this is really the right child, but if so why didn't he stop for help sooner along the way?
Fear. Trust issues. And who knows how long he has been on the run from his captors,he probably reached the point of exhaustion. One thing that comes to mind is that it’s probable he hasn’t had any sort of education since he was six. So what he’s learned, he’s picked up along the way from wherever he’s been. My point being, he probably has a very young mentality and could have been trying to sort out what to do. Poor kiddo whoever he is, and Thank God he had the courage to ask for help.
Hate to be the bringer of bad news, but to me, it looks like this was a case of human trafficking and there are more children involved. Hopeful that the rest of the children involved can be saved & justice will be brought to the monsters that held these children.
The reason I say this is because I looked up the public Facebook profile of the woman who took the pictures of the boy claiming to be Timmothy that are circulating online. A news twitter account mentioned their source of the photos by her name.
On her Facebook account, she said she was asked by police to take the photos down because more children are involved. (screencap)
Would explain the delay in confirmation of this child's identity as there is likely so much more to the story. Also, FBI is involved & I'm not sure if that's typical, but wouldn't be surprised if it were.
Prayers for this boy, Timmothy's family, the other children involved, hope they catch the people that have had him and possibly others.

I'll hold out hope the other children include the Skelton brothers, who also went missing about 8 years ago. The youngest would be about 13 now. They lived in Morenci MI, right over the Ohio state line.

There's a Red Roof near the airport. A 19 minute drive through thick traffic crossing the Licking River to get to Columbia St. Near the airport could suggest he might have been set to be smuggled. JMO
Ugh. It makes me livid when any parent believes they own their child.

No he didn't belong to her as if he was a used table or some other material object. What she did with his little life is reprehensible imo.

Every pain, every bruise or harm he has endured, she is the sole one who is responsible. She set all of this in play.

If he had been loved, and cared for he wouldnt have been found bruised, and afraid fleeing from his captors.

That is not motherly love. IMO. That is being very self centered, and what a narcissist does who believes they are the only one who matters.

Imo, it will become known her selfish decision has greatly harmed Timmothy.


I couldn’t agree with you more. Someone else mentioned how well planned this was because investigators have not been able to find anything on his mother’s phone or computer to give them any leads. She was not in her right mind but lucid and motivated enough to pass him off without any leads or a trace.

My own mother was mentally ill and always swore she was doing what she thought was best for us but would also repeatedly put my siblings and I in very dangerous situations whenever it suited her such as leaving us waiting alone at school for 2-3 hours because she was too busy at home to pick us up or sending me at the gas station at midnight to get her cigarettes.
The police report from Campbell county released said that he had just escaped from two kidnappers that had been holding him for 7 years.
Teenager in Kentucky tells police he is boy who went missing in 2011
The passed around part may have meant they moved around a lot.We won’t get more clarification until the police release more information.

Keep in mind that the press often goofs up details. That is wasn't reported that he knew his current captor's names (if that's true) could mean he's been sold (passed around) over the seven years. When they're passed around, they are sold.
Talk about a manhunt from hell if it’s him. I hope they will nail everyone involved. Hope there’s surveillance footage.
It sounds like this involves numerous people, and not just the last two men to have him.

This will be extensive, if it does end up being Timmothy.

They’ll start with those two though.
Noreen has issues, but I don't doubt there are traffickers operating rings in this country. Just look at FDF and Sharon Marshall and all of Floyd's associates and everything they are allegedly a part of.

I don't want to open this up to a debate about human trafficking but suffice it to say that there is a lot of mythology that came from white slavery panic (which is what the Mann Act stemmed from), rooted in early 20th century fears about women's independence and race mixing:

"According to historian Mark Thomas Connelly, "a group of books and pamphlets appeared announcing a startling claim: a pervasive and depraved conspiracy was at large in the land, brutally trapping and seducing American girls into lives of enforced prostitution, or 'white slavery.' These white slave narratives, or white-slave tracts, began to circulate around 1909."[2] Such narratives often portrayed innocent girls "victimized by a huge, secret and powerful conspiracy controlled by foreigners", as they were drugged or imprisoned and forced into prostitution."
Mann Act - Wikipedia

This mythology has continued to the present day helps along by media hysteria and movies like Taken.

The reality is human trafficking is about immigrants who become indentured servants or are roped into slavery. It's about coyotes taking people across borders for illegal pay. It's about illegal adoptions. It's about garden variety prostitution including child prostitution.

While many predators can be charged with sex trafficking violations and pedophiles and predators will associate with one another and trade *advertiser censored* and sometimes access to kids they have control of, the idea of vast networks involving powerful people or governmental corruption is mostly just fiction.

Yeah, Sharon Marshall was kidnapped by a monster and he had a lot of bad friends.

That's not the same thing as some shadowy and organized sex trafficking network.

Oh there are networks. Low level criminals who trade young people for sex. They utilize truck stops and motels.

It's not some sophisticated enterprise involving auctions and cages and government officials. Instead, it involves street people and at risk kids from super dysfunctional backgrounds, drug addiction, mental illness, kids kicked out for being gay, kids who ran away die to sex abuse or physical abuse. It involves poverty and hopelessness.

Could this kid had been trafficked? Yes. If he's Timmothy, whoever he was given to cannot have been a functional, normal human because no normal person would keep a missing child the authorities are looking for.

And in that case I can see the kid running away or wing handed off to other dysfunctional people and eventually lured or forced into prostitution, drug dealing and crime like burglary.

These creeps beat the kids into submission so that would fit.

But the incredible tale of Noreen is the stuff of fantasy and wild conspiracy theories. At no time has there ever been any credible evidence to support her beliefs.
I hope they find the white FORD SUV with yellow transfer paint, WI plates, and bumper damage either way. Something bad happened to this kid and if they can crack a pedophile ring in Ohio and WI, that would be terrific.

It is entirely possible that this kid was told he was Timmothy and given the parents names and birthday and easy to find information, but in looking at the pictures, he looks like a darker haired version of the boy that went missing and James Pritzen. Especially the brow bone and cheekbones. I hope James has been able to get to the hospital in KY and see for himself this morning.
My thought was mentioning the other children may have put them in more immediate danger. She obviously doesn't know who is reading her comments. If police asked me to delete something from social media to protect children? I would stop posting on the subject. I wouldn't want to risk accidentally revealing something that might harm others. Wouldn't you?

She did delete it and her comments don't reveal one thing that could be sensitive.
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