IL IL - Timmothy Fry-Pitzen, 6, Aurora, 13 May 2011 - mom found dead - #2

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Dunno if you've ever read the Franklin Coverup but it's not nonsense. Whether Johnny Gosch became one of those trafficked kids is unknown but his mother can certainly be forgiven for suspecting that, especially after the photos she was sent. of Johnny bound and gagged and the guy who showed up at her door.

The dirty underworld of trafficking and *advertiser censored* is huge and global. It's too terrible for most people to believe.

I have delved into that rabbit hole. Extensively. There is no credible evidence to support anything she's said. It is, IMO, very well crafted fiction born of understandable desperation and denial.

Who Took Johnny: The Temptation of Conspiracy and the Power of Denial

Did Timmothy end up with pimps or other criminals who exploited him? That's a good possibility. Is he the victim of some shadowy and powerful network that allows its victims to occasionally visit home but then they have to come back and continue as sex slaves well into middle age?

IMO, nonsense.
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Not unless it's hyperlinked. All MSM pics showing the boy have his face blurred. What you're doing is sharing them off of sites that don't qualify as MSM.
To be fair, I saw his unblurred images yesterday on a reputable news site; however, as of today they had updated it to the blurred images. It is still accessible on that website in the cached version. As it is obvious that all news sources are now displaying the blurred version, I will not post the link.
"Police say at this moment they aren’t sure he is who he says he is. They don’t believe he is a missing person from the Tri-State."

I am inclined to agree with the police at this moment in time. If they don't believe him, then how can I?

This is a statement from yesterday. It is not a new statement. This is why the Police ordered DNA tests yesterday.

Statement appears here during the 4/3/19 2pm EST update.
FBI, police investigating whether child is missing Illinois boy Timmothy Pitzen
"I am inclined to agree with the police at this moment in time. If they don't believe him, then how can I?

I snipped out too much of the quote regarding the phrase “tri-state.” I doubt Illinois would be included in something called the tri-state from the area where he was found. It’s too far away and not in the cluster of states that come together near Cincinnati and Kentucky.

I believe they were indicating they don’t have (matching) missing kids within their three state area.

Isn't that tri-state area OH, IN, KY? He’s not claiming to be from that area. He’s from IL.

Yes. I read that and took it to mean that they are certain that he is not a missing person from OH, IN or KY, therefore ruling out their open cases and increasing the probability that he might be Timmothy.
HLN reporter: “Whooo did this mooother send her child with?!” (rolling eyes we don’t know this yet moo)

Current discussion with James on HLN
“Human trafficking is one of the biggest emergent threats and..around the world...”

“ step is track down people...there is enough (resources?), SM, forensics, etc which were previously not accessible by police...I’m confident they will track down suspects and get to the bottom of this.” (If this is Timmothy)

“LE will have a lot of work:

Reunification & Mental health.
Next is to track down any person or people who were involved...false imprisonment, etc etc”
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I snipped out too much of the quote regarding the phrase “tri-state.” I doubt Illinois would be included in something called the tri-state from the area where he was found. It’s too far away and not in the cluster of states that come together near Cincinnati and Kentucky.

I believe they were indicating they don’t have (matching) missing kids within their three state area.

Lol yes this is what I was going to say. The tri-state area absolutely does not include Illinois.
Way behind and trying to catch up.
Praying that the results will be positive for Timmothy.

There was a mention of different bridges he could have crossed and I thought about cameras on bridges, especially if there was a walkover. If LE could find him on one of the videos, they could go from there to find out where he had been. Surveillance cameras on businesses and houses would be a big help to LE. I haven't seen any request by LE for any videos.
Another thought on the descriptions of the kidnappers. They may have seemed big and muscular to him because he had been so traumatized for so long.

I wonder if there are any running trails along the river there that would have footbridges?
Would be wonderful if they also have someone in custody. He gave very detailed descriotions, including the vehicle.

I wonder if he knows their real names and has given them to LE.

I truly think this boy is Timmothy, and he is, if wishing hard enough could make something true!

Bless his heart, even if he should happen to not be Timmothy, but they will have to convince me.
"CBS Chicago reports that the teen gave police the proper birthday for Timmothy Pitzen and said his middle name is James, his father’s name."

Father of missing boy Timmothy Pitzen once said he ‘knows he’s alive’
This is partially why I’m confident that it will in fact be him.

The question for me when this first happened, was did his mother kill him before she killed herself?

At the time, I wasn’t convinced that she did.

If she did hand him off, then the odds of him still being alive, were extremely good.

If any case had a good chance of a happy ending, it was this one.

I think that’s about to happen.
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