IL IL - Timmothy Fry-Pitzen, 6, Aurora, 13 May 2011 - mom found dead - #2

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I think I posted it first yesterday afternoon. Go back and read from yesterday and you will see it.

I think what happened is they were unblurred but now the news agencies have edited the photos.

If you look on images, for example, WFIR has an unblurred one but when you click on it it is now blurred.

So they were valid links.
"CBS Chicago reports that the teen gave police the proper birthday for Timmothy Pitzen and said his middle name is James, his father’s name."

Father of missing boy Timmothy Pitzen once said he ‘knows he’s alive’

I’m not being pessimistic. But I could pop up and be like “I’m Maura Murray” and rattle off all her info too. He could be a kid in a bad home life and tried to find someone online he could be. Hopefully not, but it could happen. It’s elaborate for a teen though IMO.
She did delete it and her comments don't reveal one thing that could be sensitive.

Mentioning they exist?

We see this differently. If a police officer said "Look, there are others. Delete that." I wouldn't go post " I deleted it because there are others. "

Hopefully, she's just shaken by the experience. Maybe seeking attention or trying to process. It seems a little odd for an officer to tell her there are other children involved. Why share that with her, especially if you're concerned about her social media activity?


I'm really hoping it's him, all chatter aside.
I’m not being pessimistic. But I could pop up and be like “I’m Maura Murray” and rattle off all her info too. He could be a kid in a bad home life and tried to find someone online he could be. Hopefully not, but it could happen. It’s elaborate for a teen though IMO.

Sure, anyone could do anything unethical and criminal. But that's not the logical conclusion in the vast majority of cases.
I don't want to open this up to a debate about human trafficking but suffice it to say that there is a lot of mythology that came from white slavery panic (which is what the Mann Act stemmed from), rooted in early 20th century fears about women's independence and race mixing:

"According to historian Mark Thomas Connelly, "a group of books and pamphlets appeared announcing a startling claim: a pervasive and depraved conspiracy was at large in the land, brutally trapping and seducing American girls into lives of enforced prostitution, or 'white slavery.' These white slave narratives, or white-slave tracts, began to circulate around 1909."[2] Such narratives often portrayed innocent girls "victimized by a huge, secret and powerful conspiracy controlled by foreigners", as they were drugged or imprisoned and forced into prostitution."
Mann Act - Wikipedia

This mythology has continued to the present day helps along by media hysteria and movies like Taken.


But the incredible tale of Noreen is the stuff of fantasy and wild conspiracy theories. At no time has there ever been any credible evidence to support her beliefs.

And the worst part is, people who fall for this stuff do so because they want some excitement in their dull little suburban lives. They get a thrill out of thinking that someone might be targeting them, and not foreigners, homeless teens, etc.

These are the same people who slander hard-working scientists and engineers with vile lies about the moon landing being faked and vaccines causing autism. It’s their ego. They need to feel special, but they don’t want to exert the energy to do anything that would warrant that. So they sit in their living rooms, refusing to vaccinate their children, and when the newborn next door who can’t yet be vaccinated or the woman allergic to the measles vaccine down the street dies because they took their own little Chesley to a “measles party” instead of vaccinating him like they should, they sigh and drip tears all over some message board instead of taking responsibility for their actions.
I’m not being pessimistic. But I could pop up and be like “I’m Maura Murray” and rattle off all her info too. He could be a kid in a bad home life and tried to find someone online he could be. Hopefully not, but it could happen. It’s elaborate for a teen though IMO.

I don't think a random teen would keep up a hoax for this long. When LE said let's do a DNA test, it seems that would have been the end of a hoax attempt.
I don't want to open this up to a debate about human trafficking but suffice it to say that there is a lot of mythology that came from white slavery panic (which is what the Mann Act stemmed from), rooted in early 20th century fears about women's independence and race mixing:

"According to historian Mark Thomas Connelly, "a group of books and pamphlets appeared announcing a startling claim: a pervasive and depraved conspiracy was at large in the land, brutally trapping and seducing American girls into lives of enforced prostitution, or 'white slavery.' These white slave narratives, or white-slave tracts, began to circulate around 1909."[2] Such narratives often portrayed innocent girls "victimized by a huge, secret and powerful conspiracy controlled by foreigners", as they were drugged or imprisoned and forced into prostitution."
Mann Act - Wikipedia

This mythology has continued to the present day helps along by media hysteria and movies like Taken.

The reality is human trafficking is about immigrants who become indentured servants or are roped into slavery. It's about coyotes taking people across borders for illegal pay. It's about illegal adoptions. It's about garden variety prostitution including child prostitution.

While many predators can be charged with sex trafficking violations and pedophiles and predators will associate with one another and trade *advertiser censored* and sometimes access to kids they have control of, the idea of vast networks involving powerful people or governmental corruption is mostly just fiction.

Yeah, Sharon Marshall was kidnapped by a monster and he had a lot of bad friends.

That's not the same thing as some shadowy and organized sex trafficking network.

Oh there are networks. Low level criminals who trade young people for sex. They utilize truck stops and motels.

It's not some sophisticated enterprise involving auctions and cages and government officials. Instead, it involves street people and at risk kids from super dysfunctional backgrounds, drug addiction, mental illness, kids kicked out for being gay, kids who ran away die to sex abuse or physical abuse. It involves poverty and hopelessness.

Could this kid had been trafficked? Yes. If he's Timmothy, whoever he was given to cannot have been a functional, normal human because no normal person would keep a missing child the authorities are looking for.

And in that case I can see the kid running away or wing handed off to other dysfunctional people and eventually lured or forced into prostitution, drug dealing and crime like burglary.

These creeps beat the kids into submission so that would fit.

But the incredible tale of Noreen is the stuff of fantasy and wild conspiracy theories. At no time has there ever been any credible evidence to support her beliefs.

Nothing you've said about low level criminals, indentured servants, "garden variety" child prostitution or the rest precludes higher level (politicians, the wealthy) from also having deviants who also partake in this horrific stuff. Being so dismissive is exactly why it continues. I'm sorry, but I have to speak up about this and don't like the ridicule of implying people are deluded. This is just one of many photos that Maureen Gosch received of her son, after his abduction:


He's never been found and this is not crackpot conspiracy. It's is a global enterprise.

God help this poor boy, Timothy, because whatever he's been through will screw him up for the rest of his life. I hope the perps are caught but I'm not hopeful because they are a vast network.
I think what happened is they were unblurred but now the news agencies have edited the photos.

If you look on images, for example, WFIR has an unblurred one but when you click on it it is now blurred.

So they were valid links.

They were absolutely good links when posted. But now we know that the media is blurring the images. Maybe we should follow suit and remove the images here as well. ???
You are making assumption #1 this is a child (under 18) and #2 he was abused. We don't know enough yet.

I'm not making an "assumption," I'm reading the statements made by law enforcement. If you don't think LE can tell the difference between a child and an adult I don't know what to tell you. Real life isn't a movie.
The majority of kids who become victims of human trafficking are sold it into by their own family members. When this first happened, I wondered if his mother met someone online, or through someone else, and "re-homed" Timothy. Maybe she thought she was giving him to a family who would take care of him, when they were just a cover for something more insidious.

I honestly believe that this is going to be Timothy. The bad thing is there's no telling what kind of hell he's been through; since he ran away from the two men, I can only assume that the situation was not a good one. The good thing is that if it IS him, he has retained enough mental capacity and memories to know that he's NOT meant to be with those people and he knew enough to escape them.

I hesitate to call this any kind of "happy ending" because nobody can get back those years in which he was missing. But the best case scenario is that it is Timothy, he's reunited with his family, and together they can attain some psychological counseling and move on from this as best they can.
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