IL IL - Timmothy Fry-Pitzen, 6, Aurora, 13 May 2011 - mom found dead - #3

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I thought of that too . She might have been looking at then went there in person to find that place off the main road she could maybe dig a hole later where she could hide her car good enough . You have to kind of put yourself in her place to imagine how she did this . But if she maybe overdosed that little kid she would probably need to go back when it was warm enough to dig a hole because when she went in Feb & March to do her scoping the ground was probably hard as a rock and snow covered . I think Illinois must have a lot of severe winter . I read the other day that in the motel room where they found her body there was a bottle of child's medicine that she maybe used to give Timmy to sedate him , have to look at that site again. She used pills twice on herself so I am leaning towards her giving him something to overdose him . Also, I am wondering if the county officials could require all the land-owners in those 6 possible counties to comb their land for possible disturbed ground where she might have buried him . I think her plan was to take him WITH HER . I hope she did not harm him though and that she found some really good family to take care of him , the higher road instead of the lower road . Timmothy needs his dad and his dad needs him . Amy must have left him alone with his dad for the trips she took . Maybe she just didn't want to take care of him that much even though she loved him .
Amy AND Tim knew them

To see Amy walking into the Winnebago store brushing off her shorts does not look like a woman who just KILLED HER SON . Last night , during the night I was putting together a picture like this : I believe Amy and Timmy had interacted at one time with whoever she gave him to . And since Tim was born in Aurora that person(s) might have been from there too and maybe moved to Sterling . So , whatever Tim was involved in socially that person(s) met and interacted with Amy & Tim . So Tim went to school , probably church meetings and I read that he had swimming lessons too . Don't know where else the boy would have been . In all these he would have been a " student " of sorts . Learning and associating with other kids and their parents I would assume. So I thought the mystery people might have been church members , parents from his school or parents who brought their kids to the swimming lessons Tim took . I think Tim and Amy knew the people Tim went with and when Amy began to see what was ahead , maybe losing Timmy in a divorce she went out to Sterling where these people lived to see if they would possibly be someone who would take Timmy . And communicated with under the strictest cover , no calls , no emails , no texts , no letters. We know she went there 3 times . So the people had to have lived there Feb , March , April and May of 2011 at least . She did not look like she had just murdered her son while she walked into that store and also Amy was so kind and loving to Timmy , today I am thinking Amy & Tim knew these people she gave him to and were also at church , school or lessons , had kids or their own and Amy probably told them something to get their sympathy and their pledge to take Timmy. They are kind people and probably did not know she was intending to kill herself as soon as they took Timmy . Amy would not have told them. Another possibility I arrived at . Not a fact I know .
Hello @DenverGuy ! Very interesting. There is still a part of me that wants to believe his is alive out there. His disappearance is very well-known in the Chicago surburbs, so these people would have to be a bit off-grid or non-technological to avoid neighbors seeing him and suspecting anything for such a long amount of time. Aurora is the 2nd largest city in Illinois after Chicago, so it's not too far out that maybe she had friends from there that moved to somewhere more rural. Thanks for giving your opinion.
How many of you think the Triaminic syrup found in Amy Fry's motel room was what she used to make Tim go to sleep so he did not witness his handover to whoever , wherever and whatever was said , the whole scene of his own mother giving him away ? She didn't want him to be aware of what was going on so she put him to sleep . She had to hand them his things , toys , stuff she bought and also her own clothes or whatever she had in the car she didn't want anyone to find later . Sure wish we knew how she was maintaining contact with the people who took him . Does anybody have an idea about that . She had to meet them before somewhere out there between Sterling and Mt.Carroll so they would both know exactly where to meet when she did the actual hand-over . Or , the hand-over could have been in Rockford. She bought crackers and milk , which to me is a " kid's snack " . Maybe Tim was asleep in the back seat when she ran into Sullivan's and Family Dollar . Then 3-4 hours later she shows up at the Rockford Inn giving her plenty of time to drop Tim off to someone's house in Rockford . Just more thoughts .
Amy AND Tim knew them

To see Amy walking into the Winnebago store brushing off her shorts does not look like a woman who just KILLED HER SON . Last night , during the night I was putting together a picture like this : I believe Amy and Timmy had interacted at one time with whoever she gave him to . And since Tim was born in Aurora that person(s) might have been from there too and maybe moved to Rockford. So , whatever Tim was involved in socially that person(s) met and interacted with Amy & Tim . So Tim went to school , probably church meetings and I read that he had swimming lessons too . Don't know where else the boy would have been . In all these he would have been a " student " of sorts . Learning and associating with other kids and their parents I would assume. So I thought the mystery people might have been church members , parents from his school or parents who brought their kids to the swimming lessons Tim took . I think Tim and Amy knew the people Tim went with and when Amy began to see what was ahead , maybe losing Timmy in a divorce she went out to Sterling and around to Rockford where these people lived to see if they would possibly be someone who would take Timmy . And communicated with under the strictest cover , no calls , no emails , no texts , no letters. We know she went there 3 times . So the people had to have lived there Feb , March , April and May of 2011 at least . She did not look like she had just murdered her son while she walked into that store and also Amy was so kind and loving to Timmy , today I am thinking Amy & Tim knew these people she gave him to and were also at church , school or lessons , had kids or their own and Amy probably told them something to get their sympathy and their pledge to take Timmy. They are kind people and probably did not know she was intending to kill herself as soon as they took Timmy . Amy would not have told them. Another possibility I arrived at . Not a fact I know .
Amy AND Tim knew them

To see Amy walking into the Winnebago store brushing off her shorts does not look like a woman who just KILLED HER SON . Last night , during the night I was putting together a picture like this : I believe Amy and Timmy had interacted at one time with whoever she gave him to . And since Tim was born in Aurora that person(s) might have been from there too and maybe moved to Sterling . So , whatever Tim was involved in socially that person(s) met and interacted with Amy & Tim . So Tim went to school , probably church meetings and I read that he had swimming lessons too . Don't know where else the boy would have been . In all these he would have been a " student " of sorts . Learning and associating with other kids and their parents I would assume. So I thought the mystery people might have been church members , parents from his school or parents who brought their kids to the swimming lessons Tim took . I think Tim and Amy knew the people Tim went with and when Amy began to see what was ahead , maybe losing Timmy in a divorce she went out to Sterling where these people lived to see if they would possibly be someone who would take Timmy . And communicated with under the strictest cover , no calls , no emails , no texts , no letters. We know she went there 3 times . So the people had to have lived there Feb , March , April and May of 2011 at least . She did not look like she had just murdered her son while she walked into that store and also Amy was so kind and loving to Timmy , today I am thinking Amy & Tim knew these people she gave him to and were also at church , school or lessons , had kids or their own and Amy probably told them something to get their sympathy and their pledge to take Timmy. They are kind people and probably did not know she was intending to kill herself as soon as they took Timmy . Amy would not have told them. Another possibility I arrived at . Not a fact I know .

So, we're going to make a judgement on how someone looks as to determine whether they killed someone? SMH... You cannot be serious. Does she look like a person who would be committing suicide, or no?
I read on one site that there was an airport in Rockford. I'm wondering if Amy bought the " kid snacks " ( crackers & milk ) at Sullivans grocery for Timmothy , who was asleep in the back seat of her car , to give him something to eat for his plane trip . As you can see from Winnebago she went straight by the airport before checking into the Rockford Inn ( red star ) , she maybe finally connected with people collecting Timmothy at the Airport who left on a flight that evening between 9 pm and 10:30 pm May 13 from Rockford to wherever , before checking into Rockford Inn about 11:30 pm for the end of her wild 3-day freeway trip and also the end of her life . Hopefully the police have checked with the airport for May 13 to see what flights were going where at that time in the evening that registered a young male child with them.

Well , I have to say , tonight , that I believe Timmy and Amy are together on the other side of the veil . I have a feeling Amy's trips were to find a very special place for Timmy , a nice spot in one of the six counties she was in . Maybe in an very old abandoned cemetery . It looks like " PILLS " were Amy's method as she used them TWICE on herself and maybe she put Timmy to sleep forever with the same . I have been working this through my mind , laboring over it and looking at everything I can find out on the internet for over a week now and can not see anyone going for such a deal and taking Timmy illegally especially some strangers and just disappearing with him so that he would be a complete misfit as an adult . Especially when he was already old enough to know his real name and his real parents . I don't think anyone else was involved . I think Amy wrote about him being in a safe place with people who would take good care of him was a lie , a cover-up . I really think Amy acted TOTALLY ALONE and would never leave her little sweet boy with strangers and wanted him to be WITH her . She must have had reinforcement over and over , again and again , in no uncertain words , that Timmy was going to be taken away from her and she just could not bear it and had to do something very drastic . Not having feelings for her husband anymore , who had become her enemy , she was NOT going to just let him take Timmy from her , no siree maam . I know James loved that little boy very much too . This is my opinion. I just can not see anyone taking him to a wonderful forever home . There is nothing at all to show she was in contact with anyone , like emails , texts , phone calls . Tim was hers and she was taking him with her . Again just my opinion . Hope it's not true .


  • Pitzen Airport Motel.jpg
    Pitzen Airport Motel.jpg
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I read on one site that there was an airport in Rockford. I'm wondering if Amy bought the " kid snacks " ( crackers & milk ) at Sullivans grocery for Timmothy , who was asleep in the back seat of her car , to give him something to eat for his plane trip . As you can see from Winnebago she went straight by the airport before checking into the Rockford Inn ( red star ) , she maybe finally connected with people collecting Timmothy at the Airport who left on a flight that evening between 9 pm and 10:30 pm May 13 from Rockford to wherever , before checking into Rockford Inn about 11:30 pm for the end of her wild 3-day freeway trip and also the end of her life . Hopefully the police have checked with the airport for May 13 to see what flights were going where at that time in the evening that registered a young male child with them. I would think Amy would avoid an airport with security cameras all around .


According to this link, it says it was found on the side of the road between Mt Carrol and Stockton. Along RT 78, that's about a 20 mile stretch of road and quite a bit away from Rockford, IL. I hope that helps!
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I read on one site that there was an airport in Rockford. I'm wondering if Amy bought the " kid snacks " ( crackers & milk ) at Sullivans grocery for Timmothy , who was asleep in the back seat of her car , to give him something to eat for his plane trip . As you can see from Winnebago she went straight by the airport before checking into the Rockford Inn ( red star ) , she maybe finally connected with people collecting Timmothy at the Airport who left on a flight that evening between 9 pm and 10:30 pm May 13 from Rockford to wherever , before checking into Rockford Inn about 11:30 pm for the end of her wild 3-day freeway trip and also the end of her life . Hopefully the police have checked with the airport for May 13 to see what flights were going where at that time in the evening that registered a young male child with them.


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She murdered her son and fabricated a story about giving him away just to spite the father. As tragic as this may be, I don't condone victimising the abductor/killer and demonizing the father.
I read on one site that there was an airport in Rockford. I'm wondering if Amy bought the " kid snacks " ( crackers & milk ) at Sullivans grocery for Timmothy , who was asleep in the back seat of her car , to give him something to eat for his plane trip . As you can see from Winnebago she went straight by the airport before checking into the Rockford Inn ( red star ) , she maybe finally connected with people collecting Timmothy at the Airport who left on a flight that evening between 9 pm and 10:30 pm May 13 from Rockford to wherever , before checking into Rockford Inn about 11:30 pm for the end of her wild 3-day freeway trip and also the end of her life . Hopefully the police have checked with the airport for May 13 to see what flights were going where at that time in the evening that registered a young male child with them.


  • Pitzen Airport Motel.jpg
    Pitzen Airport Motel.jpg
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I read on one site that there was an airport in Rockford. I'm wondering if Amy bought the " kid snacks " ( crackers & milk ) at Sullivans grocery for Timmothy , who was asleep in the back seat of her car , to give him something to eat for his plane trip . As you can see from Winnebago she went straight by the airport before checking into the Rockford Inn ( red star ) , she maybe finally connected with people collecting Timmothy at the Airport who left on a flight that evening between 9 pm and 10:30 pm May 13 from Rockford to wherever , before checking into Rockford Inn about 11:30 pm for the end of her wild 3-day freeway trip and also the end of her life . Hopefully the police have checked with the airport for May 13 to see what flights were going where at that time in the evening that registered a young male child with them.
I read on one site that there was an airport in Rockford. I'm wondering if Amy bought the " kid snacks " ( crackers & milk ) at Sullivans grocery for Timmothy , who was asleep in the back seat of her car , to give him something to eat for his plane trip . As you can see from Winnebago she went straight by the airport before checking into the Rockford Inn ( red star ) , she maybe finally connected with people collecting Timmothy at the Airport who left on a flight that evening between 9 pm and 10:30 pm May 13 from Rockford to wherever , before checking into Rockford Inn about 11:30 pm for the end of her wild 3-day freeway trip and also the end of her life . Hopefully the police have checked with the airport for May 13 to see what flights were going where at that time in the evening that registered a young male child with them. I would think Amy would avoid an airport with security cameras all around . After worrying about all this for a while like a lot of other people I really think probably Timmothy will get old enough that he himself tries to find his dad and family .

I read on one site that there was an airport in Rockford. I'm wondering if Amy bought the " kid snacks " ( crackers & milk ) at Sullivans grocery for Timmothy , who was asleep in the back seat of her car , to give him something to eat for his plane trip . As you can see from Winnebago she went straight by the airport before checking into the Rockford Inn ( red star ) , she maybe finally connected with people collecting Timmothy at the Airport who left on a flight that evening between 9 pm and 10:30 pm May 13 from Rockford to wherever , before checking into Rockford Inn about 11:30 pm for the end of her wild 3-day freeway trip and also the end of her life . Hopefully the police have checked with the airport for May 13 to see what flights were going where at that time in the evening that registered a young male child with them.
I still hold some hope that Tim is alive out there somewhere for one simple reason. Tim’s body was not with Amy when they found her. If a mother was going to kill her son then kill herself, I think for quite a few Mom’s the instinct would be to keep their beloved child close even in death.

On the other hand, there are multiple scenarios that would explain why they might both be dead but not in the same place.

1) She may have killed him to spite his father, and was overwhelmed by remorse and only decided to kill herself after she checked into the hotel.

2) She may have deliberately left him someplace where he wouldn’t be found so:

a) People would remember her as a good mother who saved her son by finding him a safe home.

b) She wanted her own mother to be comforted by the thought that Tim may be safe.

c) Or she may have left him where he’d never be found just to make his father suffer forever never knowing if Tim was alive or dead.

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