Identified! IL - Will Co., Male body in Des Plaines River, May'09 - Gary Schmidt

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What I don't understand about the remains is, according to WMAQ 10 p.m. news, there's the ribcage, spinal column, and upper leg bones. So, where on earth is the pelvis? The femur connects to the hip sockets in the pelvis. No pelvis, and the legs fall off.

I always thought the pelvis is attached to the spinal column in the back and then both sides of it curve around to the front, giving formation for our hips.
I was thinking the very same thing...and you are right about that.
I would think that when the barrell froze and as it thawed out it would have broke and the other thing I wondered was if there was something in the barrell that made them continue to look for a body?
Scandi, I also can't imagine a man DP's size needing help with 100# of Stacy and maybe 5# of barrel. Some cement, maybe 10# or 20# could tip the weight into a range where another person was needed and account for the extra warmth.

Hi Sweetie, I was thinking a barrel would be about 35 or 40 lbs. Even adding 100 pounds of weight in death, it doesn' seem VERY heavy to me either. 200 lbs would be though.
Scandi, I also can't imagine a man DP's size needing help with 100# of Stacy and maybe 5# of barrel. Some cement, maybe 10# or 20# could tip the weight into a range where another person was needed and account for the extra warmth.

I guess too if he mixed up cement and added it to the barrel, perhaps making sure to cement her feet (at least) at the bottom then thinking even if the lid came off at some point she'd stay down with the barrel???
I always thought the pelvis is attached to the spinal column in the back and then both sides of it curve around to the front, giving formation for our hips.

I had to look up an anatomy picture. There is a curve. (basketlike?) The sockets are about 2/3 of the way down the sides. What I couldn't really tell was if the sacrum (lower part of the spine, fuses with age) fuses with the pelvis. Dislocating a hip is pretty rare. Think about the amount of work it takes to disjoint a chicken thigh from the body. Are they including the pelvis as part of the spinal column?:waitasec:
Hi Sweetie, I was thinking a barrel would be about 35 or 40 lbs. Even adding 100 pounds of weight in death, it doesn' seem VERY heavy to me either. 200 lbs would be though.

Hi, Scandi--
I've handled some of the barrels in the 50# or 10 gal. capacity range. Maybe 5# is a little low of an estimate: maybe 15-20# sounds about right. I could pick an empty up one handed, but it was awkward.
Scandi, I also can't imagine a man DP's size needing help with 100# of Stacy and maybe 5# of barrel. Some cement, maybe 10# or 20# could tip the weight into a range where another person was needed and account for the extra warmth.
100 pounds in a barrel is heavy because it is awkward. You can't get directly under it or over it so you have no leverage.
OK, a few people are getting hung up on what the remains consist of.
One thing that seems fairly certain at this point when they describe the remains is that the femur bones are there. These are the largest, heaviest bones in the body. The sternum also seems to be intact because they are talking about ribs, etc. Sternum is also bone marrow rich and a good source for DNA in skeletal remains.

DNA inside the bone marrow cannot be destroyed by fire nor by water.

Most likely, they will have DNA sequenced from multiple bones found within a few days. The rub will be/ or is if no match to either Stacy's DNA or Lisa's DNA and the families have to be told this.
Then, we will be told if a Jane Doe was found, and the search for UID will go on.

I keep reading here and praying:
God, please bring closure to either Stacy's or Lisa's family.

Just speculating here, but if the remains did have underwear such as a bra still on, would it be possible that something identifying breast implants would still be remaining, like secured under the bra to the skeleton?

If her implants were in the barrel it would be a big problem for Drewie.


The breast implant manufactures offer conditional guarantee with each implant to their customers. These implants are given with a serial numbers, which is mainly for the customers use for identification. Breast implants are incorporated with a packet of post-operative information, which is also provided with serial number stickers.

Mostly, these serial number stickers are kept in the physician's record. If the patient does not deem it to be necessary to make inquires regarding breast problems to a physician, then that patient can ask for this serial number sticker for their own records.

Half of the set of the ID stickers are given to the patient, the remaining half are kept towards the breast implant manufacture with the record of the patient. This record contains social security number for warranty purpose. It is also used for the identification of the patient.
What I don't understand about the remains is, according to WMAQ 10 p.m. news, there's the ribcage, spinal column, and upper leg bones. So, where on earth is the pelvis? The femur connects to the hip sockets in the pelvis. No pelvis, and the legs fall off.
Seems like what's missing is what could provide an ID: Pelvis could show, if female, whether person had given birth; fingers for prints; skull for dental records
I don't think they can have partial femurs (L & R) without a pelvis. Threads of denim and US currency suggest pieces of a pocket.
What is so troubling for me is seeing the two older kids on Dr. Phil talking about what an amazing dad he was...and then seeing the two younger kids who he fathered with Stacy. And then thinking how sad that he killed off the mothers of both sets of kids and sat there so smug as his older boys said how wonderful he is. I haven't had time to read the entire thread, but wow....wonder what he was thinking at that moment. A big HAHA moment for Drew could see it in his face. And how ironic that his daughter with Stacy is named Lacy. Weird for me....and oh so sad.
I had to look up an anatomy picture. There is a curve. (basketlike?) The sockets are about 2/3 of the way down the sides. What I couldn't really tell was if the sacrum (lower part of the spine, fuses with age) fuses with the pelvis. Dislocating a hip is pretty rare. Think about the amount of work it takes to disjoint a chicken thigh from the body. Are they including the pelvis as part of the spinal column?:waitasec:

LOL We need our Nursie! ;}

On TV I have seen them have to put a hip joint back into the socket and it is so painful they have to almost get on comotose to do it. If they don't get it back in quickly the leg starts to die as the blood supply is cut off from the leg.
Seems like what's missing is what could provide an ID: Pelvis could show, if female, whether person had given birth; fingers for prints; skull for dental records

Was it stated the remains had no pelvis?
Was it stated the remains had no pelvis?

I believe on NG or JVM tonight they mentioned the femur wasn't available and that the forensic scientists will have to work with rib bone which is a lot harder to extract DNA from.
If this does turn out to be Stacy, is there an award for the one who found the body?
I hope they're able to determin quickly, so many people are holding out hope that soon they can get answers.

It just seems odd if there were no pelvis. What kept the partial femurs with the rest of the remains? Clothing which has been described as red panties (first reports) and threads of denim with US currency?

And Coroner Patrick O’Neil said it may take two weeks to complete DNA analysis to identify the skeletal remains — which included only the rib cage, spinal column and the upper parts of both legs.,body-des-plaines-river-dna-052109.article

There were more than just bones found on the riverbank. What was left of the corpse was inside a pair of shredded jeans. There was even a small amount of money, presumably in a pocket.
ABC7 learned on Thursday the partial skeletal remains consist only of a rib cage, spinal column and parts of the left and right femur bones. The coroner says the remains do not include a head, arms or legs below the knees.

'pelvis' just isn't mentioned in any reports I can find.
I believe on NG or JVM tonight they mentioned the femur wasn't available and that the forensic scientists will have to work with rib bone which is a lot harder to extract DNA from.

HI Steely Dan, I wonder if that means the sternum was gone?

Until I read a link where LE is quoted I just can't take Jane Valdez's word about what she says. Tonight I heard both that the BB didn't match Tom's description and then that LE had said the BB was not connected to the case. Two distinct variables. I like her spunk and sass and some of her guests. But usually here we know more than she does anyway. We have locals too. LOL YaYa
It just seems odd if there were no pelvis. What kept the partial femurs with the rest of the remains? Clothing which has been described as red panties (first reports) and threads of denim with US currency?

'pelvis' just isn't mentioned in any reports I can find.

Hi Chico ;} Thanks for that. Do you know if the pelvis would be mentioned separately? I ask because the first thing we heard that they had was the torso. Torso was even mentioned on Jane's show tonight. It is kind of hard to imagine a skeletal torso without hips, or a pelvis, don't you think? xoxoxo
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