GUILTY IL - Willow Long, 7, Watson, 8 Sept 2013 - #2

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I've had time to come out of my lollipop and gumdrops world. I will say it again, I am NEW to all of this. Not only to this site, but paying attention to missing persons period. I know how horrible that sounds, but yeh, I'm a newbie. I've lived a very sheltered life...small towns, no crime, nothing but rainbows pretty much (apart from a few things).

SO, my mindset automatically goes to "he's innocent", "she's innocent"..."there's good in everybody if you just look for it." That sort of BS, etc.

After coming to my senses I really feel there is no way, shape or form this could be accidental. :( I wanted it to be so...which is why I was so adamant about it, but wanting something to be true doesn't make it so.
in honor of the 2974 who died 12 years ago - i wish nothing but peace and love to you all

Off topic, but WOW those 12 years flew by fast. It feels like it was only yesterday that I was in my 2nd grade class and a next-door teacher slammed open our classroom's door and yelled for our own teacher to turn on the TV. Can't remember if the second tower had been hit at that point; we were all kids and we were so confused and scared because we'd never seen anything like that before, and parents started pouring in to pick up their kids.

I was kinda sheltered as a kid and that was when I was really exposed to real violence and the fact that, holy ****, that stuff actually happens in real life. And realizing that it happened to totally innocent people who were doing nothing wrong and that it could've happened to anyone, and that there really was evil in the world. Seeing the people jump out of the towers, seeing innocent people hurt and killed, seeing the fear in everyone's faces and crying parents picking up their kids, the relief on my mom's face when she picked me up from school and saw I was safe, my parents sitting me down at night to explain what had happened ... it's really hard to describe that loss of innocence/naïvety. I wish I could've really experienced and remembered the pre-9/11 years.

All of us students had to participate in writing a book dedicated to the 9/11 victims. We had to write a page about our favorite moment in the 2nd grade and a little tribute to those who died. I guess it was the school's way of helping us all cope with what happened. I still have a copy of it somewhere...
It still doesn't seem real that she is gone. I watch the fake stuff frequently, like CSI and other shows that are not 'real'. I don't watch the documentary ones. I want Willow to be some character in a TV show...I might be no spring chicken (40ish), but this just doesn't seem real. I want her to pop back up and go home, out of the role she played and back into reality.

This is's real and this little girl is gone and that is impossibly difficult to accept.

* Her mom will not be able to go shopping with her anymore to pick out her school clothes, or to ask her if she wants a purple marker or a pink one - ever again.

* Her grandpa won't be able to go shopping at the store and bring her back a candy bar - ever again.

* Her precious little brother will never be able to hug, play with, or annoy ..his sister - ever again.

* Her classmates and friends will not be able to exchange jokes and holiday cards with Willow - ever again.

* The clerk where Willow gets her ice cream cones (going off a picture I saw) will never be able to receive the gift of giving an ice cream cone to that smiling little redhead - ever again.

No, this isn't TV, and this isn't just some random internet gathering of people for the cause of discussing crime. This is a deceased CHILD who had everything in front of her.

God bless you, little Willow. I hope your room in Heaven is decorated in purple.
Trying to make sense of conflicting statements and media reports is an exercise in futility. Yes, the police know more than we do; they always know more than the public.

And until officials involved with the investigation release information, we won't know for sure what happened. Not all the stories can be correct. But neither does it mean everyone is lying or purposely trying to deceive.

None of this stops people from making up entire scenarios in their heads based on precious few facts of a case combined with how people look in photos, and running with it full-on. Happens every time.

I'll sit on the "wait until confirmed information comes out and not make up faux facts to fit my fantasy/nightmare scenario" bench. Plenty of room here on the bench--come have a seat.

Scoot over and make room for me too please :)
IMO what ever he did to her to put her out of her misery was not an accident, that would be first degree murder.

That is what i said upthread, it is in itself planned and intentional killing which makes it 1st degree.

It is also why i am not running to disbelieve him YET. the injury would have corked as someone said with very little blood, if it went through the neck and up with enough force it could have entered the brain.

That said I want to see the charges because sexual assault makes a lot of sense to me but then I am jaded.
True there are so many worse things that could happen. I just can't get past what the mother supposedly told LE about Sunday morning?

I think Cat Fancier had it right, he told mom that she was still sleeping and he would take care of brekky for her when she got up and mom went with that as her story perhaps because she simply believed it or didnt want to get in trouble for being out the night before partying or something silly like that.

I still see this as a family tragedy for some reason in my gut even though my head is suspicious
Poor little Willow. Such a beautiful bright happy face, but I think she will be mostly be remembered for her glowing hair. A horrific tragedy in a quiet town where nothing exciting ever happens. Days and nights are just sheets on a calendar. Until, something like this happens and the town's tongues start wagging. Nobody knows the entire story, but we all hear bits and pieces. Whatever did happen to Willow, it has marked her town as a place where tragedy stole the life of a lovely innocent young girl. Why? The truth may come out, but it won't be enough to patch up the emptiness left in the hearts of those who loved this little girl with the enchanting name. RIP Willow.
Mom CD and gramps DD both have FB pages that are sort of public -- for now. Grandpa posted that he is leaving. I use FB in my job so I tend to turn there for insight into the people. Just putting that out there. Part of what drew me to this site is learning what makes people tick and you can learn a lot from people who have not figured out the privacy settings. Not putting this out there so people can make judgements but in case you are curious and trying to piece things together like I am.

Oh boy, he is leaving? That is the oddest thing I have heard yet. Nothing bad on him but he has a daughter and a wife and grandson that need him right now as well as a son who is in court this afternoon. I am just surprised.
It still doesn't seem real that she is gone. I watch the fake stuff frequently, like CSI and other shows that are not 'real'. I don't watch the documentary ones. I want Willow to be some character in a TV show...I might be no spring chicken (40ish), but this just doesn't seem real. I want her to pop back up and go home, out of the role she played and back into reality.

This is's real and this little girl is gone and that is impossibly difficult to accept.

* Her mom will not be able to go shopping with her anymore to pick out her school clothes, or to ask her if she wants a purple marker or a pink one - ever again.

* Her grandpa won't be able to go shopping at the store and bring her back a candy bar - ever again.

* Her precious little brother will never be able to hug, play with, or annoy ..his sister - ever again.

* Her classmates and friends will not be able to exchange jokes and holiday cards with Willow - ever again.

* The clerk where Willow gets her ice cream cones (going off a picture I saw) will never be able to receive the gift of giving an ice cream cone to that smiling little redhead - ever again.

No, this isn't TV, and this isn't just some random internet gathering of people for the cause of discussing crime. This is a deceased CHILD who had everything in front of her.

God bless you, little Willow. I hope your room in Heaven is decorated in purple.

Thanks button wasn't enough. I must admit I follow these threads with a measure of emotional distance. I can't spend long looking at the photo's of the missing or deceased or it does become overwhelming. But I thankyou for this post because it brought tears to my eyes and made the image of Willow in my mind come to life (so bittersweet).

Btw, I have enjoyed reading your posts. I think you have thrown out some great ideas, and made some sharp observations. I can see you have been really touched by this so here's a :hug:
Oh boy, he is leaving? That is the oddest thing I have heard yet. Nothing bad on him but he has a daughter and a wife and grandson that need him right now as well as a son who is in court this afternoon. I am just surprised.

He is leaving Facebook. I thought the same until I went and read the entire remark.
Okay I'm pretty much caught up here. I skipped the last 10 pages though because my eyes are drooping :(

After reading through it all, my gut feeling is that both JD and CD are telling the truth. Except I don't really believe that JD and Willow were playing a game that Willow was willingly participating in. I know I'm a tad bit jaded in this aspect but I will wait for LE statement before jumping to conclusions on that. It's my opinion that Willow died on Sunday after mom fed her and bro breakfast and went back to bed. I believe that something happened between Willow and JD that led to JD chasing her. Willow, sans glasses, fell on into the slash pile and was impaled by a branch. JD then freaked out (maybe because of the REASON why he was chasing her) and seeing her twitch and struggle, smothered her (maybe to keep her quiet so that neighbors didn't hear). Then he panicked and dumped her body. I'd think that she was probably buried since body was found 3 miles away but search was an 18 mile area. I think LE found evidence in or near JDs vehicle which led to questioning, and in turn led to a confession on where body was buried.

Then, grandpa comes home and is receiving very little info. CD is released, JD is arrested. Grandpa speaks to a distraught CD and she relays scenarios that LE gave her during their questioning. G'pa is tired and even more distraught now. He comes home and a camera man is there wanting answers. He still hasn't received the full details. Just knows his daughter is overwhelmed with grief, his grand daughter has been murdered and his son is in jail. He relays what HE believes are truths. Saturday night instead of Sunday, only child to not smoke/drink, etc. which creates a huge frenzy on social web sites (and WS) because everyone is looking for facts and answers. Then he deletes his fb account.

I'm just now realizing that if G'pa hadn't given those interviews, I could have been caught up and asleep hours ago :lol: without those interviews, none of the past 20 pages of speculations would have happened. I can't base my opinion of what happened on ONE mans distraught interview. I will hold off and wait for LEs COD and TOD before I will even consider if mom was fibbing.

As for murder 1 charge. They only need a homicide along with a felony to get murder 1. I think hiding the body and lying to LE (obstruction of justice) would be enough to bump the charge to murder1.

Just my opinion :)
Is it possible that Justin was abusing the little boy and his sister saw it? I hope he has been checked out thoroughly.

Also, I am really worried about Ciara's dad saying that he's leaving. He has been under immense stress and has been through a very traumatic experience. And it may not be wise for him to be alone at this time.
When a child gets hurt and it is truly an accident, you call 911 to get the child help.

That's what innocent people do, anyway.
I know this has already been stated but I think people are missing it.

Dale DeRyke's statement regarding leaving is referring to his Facebook post, in which he stated he was leaving Facebook due to misinformation, people speculating upon things and to assist in protecting his family from ongoing turmoil that is arising as a result. You can go to FB and type in his name to see his post (for now) as I paraphrased his quote.

Once again - not leaving town...leaving Facebook.
I think when we hear party we think of tons of people. But in reality, probably a few close friends, and they party. KWIM

Something happen the early hours of Sunday. Why did mom say she saw her, and now it is coming out she probably did not happen that way. I think she maybe thought she did, but was to hungover to really think about it. And I am not judging.
I think she was moved during the time mom went back to bed. Because I think that is the time he realized she was dead. What took place in those early hours, ? Maybe Willow stayed up and watched movies, like my kids do when we have company over. Maybe she did start to play with her Uncle and they ran outside.
Do you guy remember the story of the car driving, while drunk, or on something, and he gets to close to the telephone pole, and his friends head gets taken off. So he doesn't even noticed but just went home to bed. Very sad, indeed. But I think we might have a situation, similar. I do believe it was some accident, and it wasn't noticed till the morning.
My daughter when she was three, would never talk to anyone about anything she saw. She would just cry.
Maybe the house has a basement that is finished, and set up for little kids. I think at this time.
Or I came down, and the kids were watching tv. Some people just say that in general when going from their bedroom to the living room.
If LE believed for one second that this was an accident and an uncle panicked, did something, and then put her to rest in the woods, he would not be charged with Murder 1.
Now isn't this a mess. Soon as I saw I had over 30 pages to catch up on from overnight my stomach knotted. Accidentally fell on a 'pile of sticks' ? = excuse for multiple stab wounds MOO. I'm <self snipping> any further comment until we have COD

I'm so so so sorry Willow <3

Effingham County State&#8217;s Attorney Bryan Kibler said he expects to charge DeRyke Wednesday with first-degree murder charges for Willow&#8217;s death and additional charges could be filed later. DeRyke&#8217;s first court appearance is set for one o&#8217;clock Wednesday afternoon.

This article has no new info but sums up all we know, really well. imo
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