Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #11 *GUILTY*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Stratescoop’s summary of highpoints is very good; will just add a bit:

Even though she doesn’t much appear until the 2nd hour of the show, Terra Bullis was a centerpiece, as the open and courageous hero who got the evidence needed for the court case. I wish they’d given an update on what and how she’s doing today, but that wasn’t included.

Similarly, updates on the civil suit not given (other than U of I saying they couldn’t talk about it — agree, that U of I came off at least slightly poorly here, though U of I police came off well). Michelle came off very oddly as well (as she probably does to all of us), though there was no direct interviewing of her nor update on her current life.
And no current update on BC.

They did mention BC’s claim of 12 prior killings, and the police finding no evidence for such, thus putting into question what else he may have lied about on (his drunken) vigil tape.
As said by someone else, the very strong implication was that there would be no landfill search, so I agree it’s odd they haven’t just come out and publicly stated that.
I thought interview clips of BC’s father were not very satisfying, and no interview with his mother or siblings… but they were trying to squeeze a lot into 2 hrs.
There was no significant discussion of what areas were searched during the early weeks of the crime.

There was tape, by the way, of YY chasing after the bus she missed… so heartbreaking that but for a missed bus, and a missed campus alert going out warning of a guy in black vehicle trying to pick up females, this never would’ve happened. So many if-onlys.... (if counseling center had acted differently, if Michelle hadn't sought a divorce, if BC had never gotten involved on FetLife...).
No interviews with any of the defense lawyers involved in the case.

Also heartbreaking to see Ms. Zhang wailing in so many scenes, but it did serve to show the devastation this crime brought to the family. And the newsman did go back to the Zhangs’ actual, very modest home in China and speak to them there— their area of China, though very poor, was full of natural beauty.

Overall, not much new for those who have long followed the case here, but still worth watching to hear the actual voices of major individuals involved and to see more tape of YY and others than perhaps previously viewed. But the randomness, meaningless-ness, grisliness of it all will tear you up all over again.
There was tape, by the way, of YY chasing after the bus she missed… so heartbreaking that but for a missed bus, and a missed campus alert going out warning of a guy in black vehicle trying to pick up females, this never would’ve happened. So many if-onlys.... (if counseling center had acted differently, if Michelle hadn't sought a divorce, if BC had never gotten involved on FetLife...).

Emily Hogan didn't call this in to UIPD, she called it in to Urbana PD. It happened a few blocks off campus. So the campus police had no idea it happened on the day it happened, and would not have been able to put out some sort of alert. From what I understand, Urbana PD informed UIPD of this incident a couple of days after YY was kidnapped. Even if they had put out some sort of alert, there is no guarantee that Yingying would have even seen it.

I will watch this later this week. IF there is any bit of information that stands out to me as something new, I will be sure to comment on it.

I'm not looking forward to it. From what I understand, some of the clips they show of YY's life before this will only make you feel more sad and livid about what happened to her
Emily Hogan didn't call this in to UIPD, she called it in to Urbana PD. It happened a few blocks off campus. So the campus police had no idea it happened on the day it happened, and would not have been able to put out some sort of alert. From what I understand, Urbana PD informed UIPD of this incident a couple of days after YY was kidnapped. Even if they had put out some sort of alert, there is no guarantee that Yingying would have even seen it.

I will watch this later this week. IF there is any bit of information that stands out to me as something new, I will be sure to comment on it.

I'm not looking forward to it. From what I understand, some of the clips they show of YY's life before this will only make you feel more sad and livid about what happened to her

Unless I completely misunderstood, she (Emily) placed a warning message (the show showed the message) on some sort of social media (but perhaps it was just FB; I had impression it was campus social media?) a few hrs. after it occurred (saying, 'this morning I was approached....', or some such) addressing it to all U of I students, but not in time for YY to have seen it by 1 pm. Anyway, it'll clarify when you see it, if I got it wrong.
And yeah, the early clips of YY (and other clips as well) are livid-producing! :(
Emily Hogan didn't call this in to UIPD, she called it in to Urbana PD. It happened a few blocks off campus. So the campus police had no idea it happened on the day it happened, and would not have been able to put out some sort of alert. From what I understand, Urbana PD informed UIPD of this incident a couple of days after YY was kidnapped. Even if they had put out some sort of alert, there is no guarantee that Yingying would have even seen it.

I will watch this later this week. IF there is any bit of information that stands out to me as something new, I will be sure to comment on it.

I'm not looking forward to it. From what I understand, some of the clips they show of YY's life before this will only make you feel more sad and livid about what happened to her
We discussed and shared that info in either first or 2nd or third thread here. If anybody knows how to search them?
I'm sorry I don't remember exactly...
Yes, immediately west of the tracks and immediately north of Bradley. Neighborhood bound by Roper on the north, N Chestnut on the east, Bradley on the south and N. Market on the west. Old run down neighborhood that was at that time being cleared out to make room for a new housing development. That would make the most sense to me for him to pull in there and attack her. It isn't that far away from One North, and to keep her from getting suspicious and panicking, he can say that he's pulling in to that area to turn around and go back. With no one living there at the time, he could have been far enough away from Bradley to keep anyone from seeing what he was doing. Or, he could have knocked her out in the car somehow on the way, then pulled in there to bind her and stuff her in the bag without anyone seeing. There are also some semi-obscured areas off of N Market heading south back toward downtown that he could have pulled into; areas that are used by CN to access the railroad tracks. They are gravel roadways and are somewhat obscured by brush. Only problem is that the further and further away he gets from One North, you would think the more suspicious she would become and she would panic. A problem unless, again, he knocked her out somehow while driving.

S. Chestnut is one of those disjointed streets that you often find in downtown areas. It is broken up, and to get to that exact location where the ping was, you can't just drive directly south on that street. I don't have the map in front of me, but he would have to go south from Bradley on one of two or three streets, and make a couple of turns to get there. It is kind of a relatively dead urban area, but I don't know why he would choose there to dispose of her phone. Maybe he heard her phone chiming, he panicked a bit, and just found a spot where no one was around and chucked it out after removing the sim card -or he threw out the sim card and kept the phone; I can't remember if he mentioned her phone as one of the belongings he threw away on Monday when he disposed of her clothes and other belongings with the green duffle bag. IF he did go back on Monday, I would assume it would be to look for the phone. A phone might be easily found by people searching the area, so it would make sense for him to go back and look for it.

Another issue is the resolution of the GPS. The report from ATT regarding her phone location (in PDF #4 of the UIPD FOIA stuff) mentions a resolution of 200 meters. I took that to mean that the phone could have been anywhere within 200 meters of the location tagged as the source of the ping. IF I am reading that right, then it means that he could have been near that location, but on the other side of the tracks. Reports again from the UIPD FOIA stuff mention that Stiverson (and others I think) searched the area on south Chestnut where the ping was located, but it makes no mention of searching on the east side of the tracks opposite of South Chestnut.

I don't remember the exact location in the FOIA PDFs where all this is detailed -including the part about his phone pinging there on Monday. I think it is in documents 3 and 4, but I can't remember.
When I was looking around this area on street view, I came across the Terminal I believe it was stated early on that her phone pinged at the Terminal, shortly after she was abducted, based on a text being received from the person she was scheduled to meet. This certainly could be where he disabled her to get her in the duffle bag.
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>

Most of this area is rural jungle and frozen over for over 1/4th of the entire year. The wooded area behind BC's apartment alone could take a month to search, especially 2.5 years after this crime has been committed. So what I'm asking from anyone here who cares to help is a two sentence summary of several years of threads on this site so I can focus my efforts on a handful of places worth checking out in my spare time. I still give it a less than 1% chance of yielding anything, but what could it hurt?

What wooded area are you speaking of? Just curious..
Unless I completely misunderstood, she (Emily) placed a warning message (the show showed the message) on some sort of social media (but perhaps it was just FB; I had impression it was campus social media?) a few hrs. after it occurred (saying, 'this morning I was approached....', or some such) addressing it to all U of I students, but not in time for YY to have seen it by 1 pm. Anyway, it'll clarify when you see it, if I got it wrong.
And yeah, the early clips of YY (and other clips as well) are livid-producing! :(

It was her Facebook page. I believe she may have commented on a local Reddit page later that day, or the next day.

I don't know if YY used Facebook, but even if she had, there is no guarantee she would have seen it. It was not disseminated to a wide enough audience. There was a bit of controversy early on about a campus alert not being sent out -but again, UIPD didn't take her initial call. It happened off campus and she called it in to Urbana PD.

Even from the short preview clips, you can see that YY is a happy young woman full of life. It is infuriating to think that someone would throw her out like trash. She didn't deserve that.

..... Drugs and alcohol, my @ss :mad:
When I was looking around this area on street view, I came across the Terminal I believe it was stated early on that her phone pinged at the Terminal, shortly after she was abducted, based on a text being received from the person she was scheduled to meet. This certainly could be where he disabled her to get her in the duffle bag.

The Terminal is the Amtrak/Grehound bus center, and is also a center where a number of CUMTD busses pass through, as well as being where other shuttle/bus services pick up and drop off. No way at that time of day he could do something like that there. Way too much activity, and too many security cameras. The ping was from a location a few blocks away, off the main roads and is rather dead. That said, I don't think he got her subdued there. There is a camera that views some of this area and I don't think they see his car there. It is also almost 30 minutes after he picks her up.
So heartbreaking to see the new clips of YingYing at her birthday party, and various clips shown throughout. It goes without saying, she was the type of child every parent dreamt of having.

They also showed a brief clip of the second interview with BC at the FBI office, before he “sent them on a wild goose chase”.

ABC 20/20 did a good job, almost wish they would have done a two part series, turning this into 4 hours, not two.

To our beautiful YY I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes

“May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars”
I 'got' something.

According to the Federal Transfer Center Holdover Admission and Orientation Handbook, inmates who are housed at a federal transfer center are typically there temporarily, before they are moved to another facility. It was unclear whether Christensen would be transferred to another facility, or when he would be moved.

The cells include two bunk beds, a toilet, sink and common showering area. Inmates are required to make their beds by 8 a.m. every morning. Inmates have quiet hours between 9:15 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Phone calls are only permitted during quiet hours, and calls are limited to 15 minutes. Inmates are never permitted Internet access. They are served breakfast at 6 a.m., lunch at 10:30 a.m. and dinner at 4 p.m.

Brendt Christensen Now: Where Is He Today in 2019? |

(he won't like the no internet bit, I'll wager.)
What wooded area are you speaking of? Just curious..

I wasn't very clear in what I meant. There's a residential area with dense clusters of trees that would be harder to comb through than someone's front lawn, but "wooded" wasn't the right term for the point I was trying to make.

What I meant was that searching isn't just about covering area. Those trees are on private property so you'd have to get consent to search and if it was just one person doing it on their personal time, there would be limited opportunities, especially with snow (we've had two already this year), etc.

Sorry if it sounded like there were actual woods behind his apartment.
Don't know how much new we will learn, or when this will happen, but short news piece on Zhang case from couple of days ago says “the judge has made an order to unseal all remaining documents in the interest of the public.

Documents in the Yingying Zhang case to be unsealed

I don't think that is new. They are just now getting around to reporting the ruling Shadid made at the beginning of the month. If you look at courtlistener, all the previously sealed documents have now been unsealed -except for those he exempts in his ruling. I haven't been able to look at them, because they are behind their paywall -but I don't think they will supply a lot of new info, now that the trial is concluded.
I don't think that is new. They are just now getting around to reporting the ruling Shadid made at the beginning of the month. If you look at courtlistener, all the previously sealed documents have now been unsealed -except for those he exempts in his ruling. I haven't been able to look at them, because they are behind their paywall -but I don't think they will supply a lot of new info, now that the trial is concluded.

yeah that’s what I had thought, but the article specifically states, “Never-before-seen documents will soon be unsealed to the public,” and seemed odd they’d be reporting it this late… but then it's Fox News and very brief, and I don’t see anyone else reporting it, so good chance you’re right!
yeah that’s what I had thought, but the article specifically states, “Never-before-seen documents will soon be unsealed to the public,” and seemed odd they’d be reporting it this late… but then it's Fox News and very brief, and I don’t see anyone else reporting it, so good chance you’re right!

When I saw that fox report the other day, I went to the courtlistener site and looked at the docket. Nothing new added since Shadid's ruling on the 30th of October that directed things to be unsealed, so I am about 99% certain they are just reporting on his October 3oth ruling.

My guess is that it fell off the radar with reporters and no one had checked the docket for a while, someone saw the 2020 episode, remembered that Shadid was going to rule on unsealing stuff, then went and looked at the docket and saw that he had ruled on the 30th -then worded it like they did so it would look like they were first to report breaking news........

I am about halfway through the 2020 episode. Nothing new really, but Michelle does come off as odd. It made me laugh when they actually mentioned that she answered the door naked and didn't seem uncomfortable at all. They show a picture of the mirrored sunglasses taken by the FBI and you see her reflection standing there looking at it in her robe with the hood up. That seemed really creepy.

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