Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

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Updates in red from yesterday:

Monday, February 11th:
*Motions Hearing (@ 9:30am ET) - IL - Yingying Zhang (26) (missing on June 9, 2017, Urbana; not found) - *Brendt A. Christensen (28) indicted (6/30/17) on kidnapping (Federal charge) resulting in death of Yingying and 2 counts of giving false statements to FBI. Plead not guilty; DA will seek DP.
2/11: Motion in Limine Motion #118 & #119 to be heard; 3/4: Response to Motion in limine & Motion to strike potential jurors; 3/11: Pretrial Conf.; 3/25: Final Pretrial Conf.; 4/1: Jury Selection begins; 4/9: Trial begins, which should last about 5 weeks.
From 1/11/19 to 1/29/19 Motions denied - see post #165 here - Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*
2/1/19 Update: Judge Shadid gives defense 3 more weeks to conduct the mental health exam and disclose the results. 2/4/19 hearing (re #118) was vacated and moved to 2/11. Motion in limine filings (from 2/8) due on 2/11. DNA and cadaver dog searches (#118) are on the schedule for 2/11.
2/6/19 Update: U.S. District Judge James Shadid approved a list of about 120 questions Wednesday that potential jurors. Jury selection is scheduled to begin April 1 and could last several days to several months. 1. Defendant's Motion 158 to Require Potential Jurors to Complete Jury Questionnaires in Person at the Federal Courthouse is DENIED; 2. The Court ADOPTS, with minor modifications, the parties' Agreed, Proposed Jury Questionnaire [164-1]; 3. The Defendant's Amended Motion 179 in Support of Defendant's Proposed Supplement to the Joint Jury Questionnaire is GRANTED as to questions 5 and 6 in Defendant's Sealed Proposed Supplement to the Joint Jury Questionnaire 165 and DENIED in all other respects; and 4. Question 45 from the United States' Response 166 will also be included in the questionnaire. The Motion Hearing set for Monday, 2/11/2019 in Urbana will now begin at 9:30 AM. This is a change in time only.

2/8/19 Defense files motion for continuance - to or after October, 2019.
2/11/19 Update: Judge James Shadid denied a motion (#118) to exclude DNA & blood test results taken from the apartment of Christenson. Re Defense motion for continuance: U.S. District Judge James Shadid denied the motion, saying “an October trial date is absolutely out of the question.” After denying the motion to continue, Shadid said both parties have until the end of the week to request a more reasonable start date for trial. Shaded also heard arguments Monday about the cadaver sniffing K9 that allegedly alerted to the presence of a decaying body in Christensen's bathroom. Shaded had yet to rule on this motion (#119). Next Response to Motion in Limine & Motion tot strike potential jurors on 3/4.
Updates in red from yesterday:

Monday, February 11th:
*Motions Hearing (@ 9:30am ET) - IL - Yingying Zhang (26) (missing on June 9, 2017, Urbana; not found) - *Brendt A. Christensen (28) indicted (6/30/17) on kidnapping (Federal charge) resulting in death of Yingying and 2 counts of giving false statements to FBI. Plead not guilty; DA will seek DP.
2/11: Motion in Limine Motion #118 & #119 to be heard; 3/4: Response to Motion in limine & Motion to strike potential jurors; 3/11: Pretrial Conf.; 3/25: Final Pretrial Conf.; 4/1: Jury Selection begins; 4/9: Trial begins, which should last about 5 weeks.
From 1/11/19 to 1/29/19 Motions denied - see post #165 here - Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*
2/1/19 Update: Judge Shadid gives defense 3 more weeks to conduct the mental health exam and disclose the results. 2/4/19 hearing (re #118) was vacated and moved to 2/11. Motion in limine filings (from 2/8) due on 2/11. DNA and cadaver dog searches (#118) are on the schedule for 2/11.
2/6/19 Update: U.S. District Judge James Shadid approved a list of about 120 questions Wednesday that potential jurors. Jury selection is scheduled to begin April 1 and could last several days to several months. 1. Defendant's Motion 158 to Require Potential Jurors to Complete Jury Questionnaires in Person at the Federal Courthouse is DENIED; 2. The Court ADOPTS, with minor modifications, the parties' Agreed, Proposed Jury Questionnaire [164-1]; 3. The Defendant's Amended Motion 179 in Support of Defendant's Proposed Supplement to the Joint Jury Questionnaire is GRANTED as to questions 5 and 6 in Defendant's Sealed Proposed Supplement to the Joint Jury Questionnaire 165 and DENIED in all other respects; and 4. Question 45 from the United States' Response 166 will also be included in the questionnaire. The Motion Hearing set for Monday, 2/11/2019 in Urbana will now begin at 9:30 AM. This is a change in time only.

2/8/19 Defense files motion for continuance - to or after October, 2019.
2/11/19 Update: Judge James Shadid denied a motion (#118) to exclude DNA & blood test results taken from the apartment of Christenson. Re Defense motion for continuance: U.S. District Judge James Shadid denied the motion, saying “an October trial date is absolutely out of the question.” After denying the motion to continue, Shadid said both parties have until the end of the week to request a more reasonable start date for trial. Shaded also heard arguments Monday about the cadaver sniffing K9 that allegedly alerted to the presence of a decaying body in Christensen's bathroom. Shaded had yet to rule on this motion (#119). Next Response to Motion in Limine & Motion tot strike potential jurors on 3/4.
Niner, that last paragraph... decaying... how long did he keep her there exactly? We were under the impression that he had disposed of her within 5 hrs.. decay would not commence that quickly for sure... Maybe he left her body in the bathroom, possibly in the bath for a much longer period of time? and while moving it, a lot of hours later, hit it off the washbasin which he overlooked in his cleaning frenzy?
Head fried now.
Niner, that last paragraph... decaying... how long did he keep her there exactly? We were under the impression that he had disposed of her within 5 hrs.. decay would not commence that quickly for sure... Maybe he left her body in the bathroom, possibly in the bath for a much longer period of time? and while moving it, a lot of hours later, hit it off the washbasin which he overlooked in his cleaning frenzy?
Head fried now.

“Decaying” may be a misleading word… My understanding is that cadaver dogs can detect the volatile chemicals given off by a human body easily within 3 hrs. and even within minutes of death (parts of a body almost immediately begin undergoing decomposition) — and they can do this even after a time lapse (like the weeks later that dogs were brought to BC’s apt. after the crime).
“Decaying” may be a misleading word… My understanding is that cadaver dogs can detect the volatile chemicals given off by a human body easily within 3 hrs. and even within minutes of death (parts of a body almost immediately begin undergoing decomposition) — and they can do this even after a time lapse (like the weeks later that dogs were brought to BC’s apt. after the crime).
True. I think the issue the defence is having with the cadaver dog is that he is inexperienced and unreliable, not sure, but something along those lines
I just took the words from the article! :) Not mine! Should I change it something else??
no, absolutely not. You did a perfect job, I was mentally admiring the red typeface, it's hard to see on the actual site and I really appreciate the effort you always make to render it legible and highlight the relevant passages.

God, we're all wrecked from this case... we never had so little info to work from...
My energy just zaps at each new defence motion, I feel like tearing my hair out. Luckily I have a lot of it so wouldn't miss a few fistfuls here and there, but if I start I'll be bald as an egg by the time the trial comes.

It's a rough ride for all of us here, much rougher than what BC is experiencing and that's annoying me too. I'm cranky and cantankerous and I'm feeling older each minute.

I just wish they would get on with it. The death penalty will not be enforced the day after the trial in any case so i'm not sure why they're pushing for time on a maybe when they'll have loads of time afterwards if he is convicted.
I'm a bit worried about the cadaver dog too, why judge deferred his decision yet made decisions on everything else, pretty much.
Bavarian, thank you. I'm stunned but not surprised. That doesn't make sense I know. I feel so much anger building up if that's what he has done. Her family, what will they do. My prayers go to them.

That's also why Defense team are trying to get most of the evidence thrown out. I hope he rots in prison shame the DP doesn't kick in right after verdict. No I know that would never be the way. I just feel so much hatred and rage against the animal.
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Not sure if it has been shared before but
its the second news clip I've seen the last days were they make it sound like he cut her up and flushed her down the toilet. That would explain why they never really searched for her

Feds reveal gory scene in apartment of accused Chinese scholar killer

I’m not clear where you’re drawing the idea of him ‘cutting her up and flushing down the toilet’ from??? So far as I can tell all that’s been indicated is that blood was found in the plumbing, which more likely means the bathtub or bathroom sink plumbing. As a practical matter I can’t imagine how he could’ve chopped a body up in small enough pieces to flush entirely down a toilet, without creating a far greater mess (and noise) than he did.
Likewise, as a practical matter I don’t think he could’ve stored enough acid or other chemical on-hand to dissolve her body in the bathtub (though I do find mention of that form of disposal in “American Psycho” interesting). For now, I still believe, following a violent death in the apt. he took her body elsewhere.
By the way, if anyone recalls any other of his favorite books or movies, it would be interesting to know of.
Means there is no way this will start on time.. October denied, but he will likely grant them a few additional months anyway. Not good.

The judge has said he is open to "reasonable" proposals. One thing he suggested was giving them some time between the verdict and the beginning of the sentencing phase. He was open to giving them 2-4 weeks after the verdict before starting the sentencing phase. My guess is that he *might* delay the start by up to a month, but not any longer. He has repeatedly said that he wants to get this started in April, but has said he would be willing to delay it a "matter of weeks" if necessary.

My guess is that he will push the start back a couple of weeks in April, then give them 2-4 weeks in delaying the start of the sentencing, and that is it. He seemed outraged that they were asking for October, and he shot them down and denied the motion without even hearing an argument from the prosecution.
Not sure if it has been shared before but
its the second news clip I've seen the last days were they make it sound like he cut her up and flushed her down the toilet. That would explain why they never really searched for her

Feds reveal gory scene in apartment of accused Chinese scholar killer

No. That headline is misleading, and the author of the piece either didn't fully understand what the evidence is, or is just being sensational to grab attention. They didn't walk in and find dried, obvious blood stains all over the place. They sprayed areas of his apartment in question with luminol to reveal traces of blood. The luminol staining revealed traces of blood left over after his cleaning -including traces that resembled partial palm prints in places. Further testing confirmed the presence of blood in those trace samples, and the presence of her DNA in some of them.

I'm sure it was pretty awful after he was all done, but that's not what investigators walked in on.
no, absolutely not. You did a perfect job, I was mentally admiring the red typeface, it's hard to see on the actual site and I really appreciate the effort you always make to render it legible and highlight the relevant passages.

God, we're all wrecked from this case... we never had so little info to work from...
My energy just zaps at each new defence motion, I feel like tearing my hair out. Luckily I have a lot of it so wouldn't miss a few fistfuls here and there, but if I start I'll be bald as an egg by the time the trial comes.

It's a rough ride for all of us here, much rougher than what BC is experiencing and that's annoying me too. I'm cranky and cantankerous and I'm feeling older each minute.

I just wish they would get on with it. The death penalty will not be enforced the day after the trial in any case so i'm not sure why they're pushing for time on a maybe when they'll have loads of time afterwards if he is convicted.
I'm a bit worried about the cadaver dog too, why judge deferred his decision yet made decisions on everything else, pretty much.

I wouldn't worry too much about the cadaver dog issue. He probably just needs some time to dig into the background and look at other trials before issuing a ruling. He has heard testimony on several motions, and then took several days to issue written rulings on them, and has ruled against the defense motions pretty much every time. The DNA and blood issue was just such a slam-dunk, that he didn't need to do any background work. Serology tests are a staple of investigative work and have been for a century. DNA hasn't been around nearly as long, but it is now the gold standard of identification technology and has been shown to be extremely reliable.

I think that he will allow the cadaver dog evidence, and say that it will be up to the Jury to decide how reliable it is -that it will be up to the defense to try and pick it apart during cross examination in order to put doubt to its reliability in the Jury's collective head.

Even if it isn't allowed, I think it is something the prosecution can survive. They have him on tape explaining what he did. They have blood and her DNA in his apartment in places where he describes doing things -and evidently in a patter that matches what he describes. That coupled with the fact that they can probably show he did NOT let her out a few blocks after picking her up, and that she is still missing, will be enough to convince a jury that BC actually did what he describes doing.
I want justice for her, but I’m not sure I can handle finding out what he truly did to her. I just realized that after the last few posts. I have no doubt it’s going to be utterly horrifying.
Same as that and neither can I handle that we never found her and she may never be found.He robbed her life and he robbed her death and he robbed her body. It was her's. Not his.
nothing much here just news reports we have already
Judge OKs Blood, DNA Evidence In Chinese Scholar’s Case
I couldn't open the others but the # is reflective of the situation, people are tracking like crazy, tarot readers, facebook watchers.. the works.
brendt Christensen - Twitter Search

I've been meaning to check out chinese media, did not get to it yet tho'
I had a good laugh at one tweet about the fact that there are 57 people who have not yet unfriended Christensen on Facebook. She's right. Who are these people and what is their deal?
Another defense motion is denied.

This time, the motion to throw out the superseding indictment and the NOI on grounds of Unconstitutional discrimination in the decisions to bring federal charges against defendant and to seek the death penalty.

I keep wondering if, after all these defense motions are thrown out, the defense will try to go back to plea deal negotiations and work on offering a guilty plea and life in prison in exchange for her remains.
Another defense motion is denied.

This time, the motion to throw out the superseding indictment and the NOI on grounds of Unconstitutional discrimination in the decisions to bring federal charges against defendant and to seek the death penalty.

I keep wondering if, after all these defense motions are thrown out, the defense will try to go back to plea deal negotiations and work on offering a guilty plea and life in prison in exchange for her remains.
I doubt it, they had that opportunity already.
I have a feeling state won't negotiate any more with them, judge practically called them vexatious.
They're spinning and spinning.
Disrespecting YingYing in the process.

(I was just back looking for manholes again around Stonegate apartments, wondering how they are designed,is it a chute, a pipe, angled or straight?
Is there any way to know whether he would have had prior knowledge of their construction, in the way students discover all sorts of weird things, usually for the wrong reasons... grasping at straws... if she's in water, I don't think there is any hope of finding any trace of her. If she's on land, there might be.Half tank of petrol, half tank of petrol, half tank of petrol...not far...
Surely someone must have asked him what he did with her?
I was re-reading some of the older reports and saw complaints from his first attorney complaining about 1000pages of evidence and he was awaiting footage and wondering whether some of that was from his phone?
But they said 'presumed dead' so I assume they didn't find actual filmed evidence of a body that because of it's injuries could not sustain life...

They did the drains, for sure they did the manholes too. They must have. I remind myself again that when fBI is investigating any case, almost no information is ever released.

But I'll never understand why he didn't agree to the plea bargain initially.
He is delicate and cosseted- his nature insofar as we know it goes for the path of least resistance.

That only leaves his ego.
He wants to outsmart them.
He wants to be seen as cleverer.
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