Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

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I didn’t remember any previous mention of BC having a Reddit account, deleted or otherwise, as mentioned upthread (though it certainly makes sense), but I googled “reddit +murder +american psycho” and "reddit +body disposal” among other variations, and of course there’s lots to peruse (whether one can connect any of it to BC’s thought processes is anyone’s guess).
One thing I’ll mention that came up a number of times was pig or hog farms as places for disposing a body to never be found. There are certainly plenty of hog farms in central Illinois (and hog lagoons), but I have no sense of how easy or hard it would be for a member of the public to gain access to one (perhaps late at night)??? Anyone know?
There were all kinds of theories doing the rounds at the time on Reddit guessing which was his account, people were believing every new name and none of them were ever proven to be his In one of the reports for Michelle's testimony she was asked whether she deleted his Reddit account ad she demurred but stated that deleting his account would not delete the messages but the detectives replied that quite a few of his comments had actually been deleted, another report stated that Reddit were co=operating with the prosecution to locate the deleted accounts. reddit became much stricter since then and I think pretty much all the threads discussing his account are now gone.. there were lots and lots of theories, all of it was almost impossible to read, incoherent and babbly, would be impossible to identify the writers from the words, some felt quite druggy. Well done you searching still! Speaking of that site there is a thread about theories, one was that she was placed in a tank in a farmyard...
@Webthrush, a gift, I'm laughing because we know we all need to read that dratted book and none of us can, but maybe, just maybe there might be a few shortcuts here
I edited cos this does need a #GraphicWarning
lots of clips on link

I did hear that film was not nearly as creepy as the book Psycho on U-tube&authuser=0

I'll look at some of these when I get a chance (and I'm not already TOO depressed with the world!), but I've already read on forums that the movie version leaves out (or re-interprets) a LOT of what is in the book.

By the way, as far as googling around on Reddit, I wasn't really looking for BC's account (although I did see a lot of messages listed as "deleted"), but looking for ideas he might've picked up on, especially since there's a whole Reddit thread on 'best ways' to dispose of a body.
I'll look at some of these when I get a chance (and I'm not already TOO depressed with the world!), but I've already read on forums that the movie version leaves out (or re-interprets) a LOT of what is in the book.

By the way, as far as googling around on Reddit, I wasn't really looking for BC's account (although I did see a lot of messages listed as "deleted"), but looking for ideas he might've picked up on, especially since there's a whole Reddit thread on 'best ways' to dispose of a body.
Apparently the dodgy comments were on the threads about serial killers

here's another analysis of book vs movie
Monday, February 11th:
*Motions Hearing (@ 9:30am ET) - IL - Yingying Zhang (26) (missing on June 9, 2017, Urbana; not found) - *Brendt A. Christensen (28) indicted (6/30/17) on kidnapping (Federal charge) resulting in death of Yingying and 2 counts of giving false statements to FBI. Plead not guilty; DA will seek DP.
2/11: Motion in Limine Motion #118 & #119 to be heard; 3/4: Response to Motion in limine & Motion to strike potential jurors; 3/11: Pretrial Conf.; 3/25: Final Pretrial Conf.; 4/1: Jury Selection begins; 4/9: Trial begins, which should last about 5 weeks.
1/11/19 Update: The Defense filed a new Motion to Dismiss & want a judge to throw out the U.S. indictment and plans to seek the federal death penalty. They say both violate the Equal Protection Clause because charging decisions shouldn't be based on a victim's nationality. The conclusion that the victim's national origin also unconstitutionally influenced the decision to seek the death penalty against Mr. Christensen is inescapable" his attorney's claim. The State of Illinois has banned use of the death penalty.
1/15/19 Update: BC's motions to dismiss count 1 due to lack of jurisdiction has been DENIED. It stays in federal court. The judge has not yet ruled on the motion to suppress evidence provided by the jailhouse informant. He DENIED the motion BC filed to suppress evidence from BC's jailhouse communications (letters, phone calls, etc.). The judge DENIED one of their motions to find the death penalty unconstitutional. FBI agents search of apt. was legal. Jury selection has been moved to 4/1.
1/18/19 Update: Motion #118 will be heard on 2/4, Motion #119 will be heard on 2/11. Christensen will be removed from courtroom when EH testifies. Motion #118: to Exclude Expert Testimony Regarding Cadaver Sniffing Canine. Motion #119: to Exclude DNA and Serology Test Results.
1/22/19 Update: Judge Shadid said the search was conducted lawfully (search of apt). Evidence acquired from the search should therefore not be neglected-denied, also denied the motions to suppress the following: Christensen’s activity in jail; statements he made to his girlfriend, wife and law enforcement; recordings of Christensen taped secretly by his girlfriend.
1/29/19 Update: Judge Shadid denies defense motion 99, the motion to suppress identification testimony by EH. The prosecution will be able to present her testimony that a white male wearing a black t-shirt and sunglasses approached her in a black sedan claiming to be an undercover cop, and that she identified BC as the one who approached her in a photo lineup.
2/1/19 Update: Judge Shadid gives defense 3 more weeks to conduct the mental health exam and disclose the results. 2/4/19 hearing (re #118) was vacated and moved to 2/11. Motion in limine filings (from 2/8) due on 2/11. DNA and cadaver dog searches (#118) are on the schedule for 2/11.

2/6/19 Update: U.S. District Judge James Shadid approved a list of about 120 questions Wednesday that potential jurors. Jury selection is scheduled to begin April 1 and could last several days to several months. 1. Defendant's Motion 158 to Require Potential Jurors to Complete Jury Questionnaires in Person at the Federal Courthouse is DENIED; 2. The Court ADOPTS, with minor modifications, the parties' Agreed, Proposed Jury Questionnaire [164-1]; 3. The Defendant's Amended Motion 179 in Support of Defendant's Proposed Supplement to the Joint Jury Questionnaire is GRANTED as to questions 5 and 6 in Defendant's Sealed Proposed Supplement to the Joint Jury Questionnaire 165 and DENIED in all other respects; and 4. Question 45 from the United States' Response 166 will also be included in the questionnaire. The Motion Hearing set for Monday, 2/11/2019 in Urbana will now begin at 9:30 AM. THIS IS A CHANGE IN TIME ONLY.

2/8/19 Defense files motion for continuance - to or after October, 2019.

They'll meet Monday for a previously scheduled hearing to discuss the reliability of blood and DNA tests taken in Christensen's apartment, as well as on the reliability of a cadaver-sniffing canine which, according to the defense, alerted to the presence of a body in Christensen's bathroom.

Christensen's lawyers ask court to delay trial until October
I've just been flicking through online looking for a decent site for live stream trials and came across an old case that kittythehare might like to look up. It's Robert Pickton of British Columbia. He was a pig farmer, called his farm Piggy Palace. Urgh, makes me shudder at the thought.
I've just been flicking through online looking for a decent site for live stream trials and came across an old case that kittythehare might like to look up. It's Robert Pickton of British Columbia. He was a pig farmer, called his farm Piggy Palace. Urgh, makes me shudder at the thought.

I'm wondering whether this trial will be televised?
Does anybody know?
How can we find out?
I'm wondering whether this trial will be televised?
Does anybody know?
How can we find out?

I don't see why it wouldn't be televised. I don't know who does the camera work but the trials I have seen have been live streamed by the news company that covers that particular area. I'm the wrong person to give advice on the coverage though because I haven't got a clue which news covers which area, County, State or whatever. If we were talking UK cases I'd be better equipped kitty, so would you no doubt,
I don't see why it wouldn't be televised. I don't know who does the camera work but the trials I have seen have been live streamed by the news company that covers that particular area. I'm the wrong person to give advice on the coverage though because I haven't got a clue which news covers which area, County, State or whatever. If we were talking UK cases I'd be better equipped kitty, so would you no doubt,
I just hope it is, I don't want to be relying on newspaper coverage which, without actual transcripts is short and subject to bias.

I wish we could obtain transcripts, think most are on Pacer but it's not a friendly system and expensive to boot.

I'm also wondering whether anybody noticed whether any power tools (am psycho) were removed from his apartment in evidence or whether any such tools were subsequently suspected of having been discarded or missing at any stage? I did not notice them on warrants but such a long time ago, I wouldn't necessarily have remembered.
I just hope it is, I don't want to be relying on newspaper coverage which, without actual transcripts is short and subject to bias.

I wish we could obtain transcripts, think most are on Pacer but it's not a friendly system and expensive to boot.

I'm also wondering whether anybody noticed whether any power tools (am psycho) were removed from his apartment in evidence or whether any such tools were subsequently suspected of having been discarded or missing at any stage? I did not notice them on warrants but such a long time ago, I wouldn't necessarily have remembered.

Forgot to say, I used Law And Crime, also World Justice News on the Cheyanne Harris Trial. WJN have cases from all over the place, great site and free. It's open now kitty,

I can't remember what they brought out to be honest. I was thinking about the pug farmfor disposal, YY was tiny, he could have just put her in a hold-all and done whatever at a farm if he knew of one.
Wasn't there a mention of him having killed a cat recently?
Kitty I'll read that later. As to a kitten it rings a bell but where did I read it? I don't recall. Killing is something he seems to get his kicks from so heaven knows what or who else he has gotten rid of, we may or may not ever find out.
Kitty I'll read that later. As to a kitten it rings a bell but where did I read it? I don't recall. Killing is something he seems to get his kicks from so heaven knows what or who else he has gotten rid of, we may or may not ever find out.

I think it's likely we read it among the lists of previous actions which his defence was trying to get eliminated from evidence.
I don;t recall upshot of that one and I don;t think I ever really heard a description of the killing. But in the book there is a killing of a cat in a particularly gruesome manner...

Recall he was the dominant partner in his relationship with TEB. It's likely that was his preferred role in all his relationships...and in all his dealings with others,possible, I say speculatively because there is no evidence that he dominated in an academic career though posibly his role as teacher was a dominant role.
Just watching the film clips and the godawful book analysis above and trying to figure what fits with what we know and we know so little, I was mentally applying and the questions were coming up.

the book was missing when his ex-wife, Michelle returned. His favourite book
When the FBI came, she told him to go with them, she told them that she believed it was possible that he was the perp. I think she went into a fear response v son after because she asked the police via text if she could get a barring order.. This suggests that as the realisation hit her and the full gravity of the slaughter penetrated her psyche fully, she became afraid.

I also read yesterday that his 600 hrs of phonecalls were monitored and recorded, his defence objected on grounds they were personal matters INCLUDING SEX

It does look like he tried to woo her back once imprisoned

It was his defence team that took and prepared her submission in December saying the searches were illegal..he is still using her and they are complicit in his abuse of yet another woman.
Woman as Object, to be used and discarded.
The research is there in shining lights that women do not recover fast from abusers, they would be aware of this research but they still inveigled her through whatever he informed them were her weakest and most vulnerable points to get her to agree.
Does she love him still, she was asked.
Her reply- 'Is it relevant'
Maybe a more appropriate question would be 'Does he control you still?'

clearly he does and his request to her to delete his accounts and comments is proof of that. If she too was a submissive, it is likely she is still.

I wonder how TEB is? She is not expected to testify.

Is anybody taking care of her?
Is he still phoning and twisting her mind still too?
i think its likely.
When did phone-sex become prisoner's right, particularly a prisoner on trial for murdering a woman? And particularly when the type of sex preferred by this particular prisoner was a well documented abusive sex.Not a crime with a willing participant, I know. Was it tEB or his wife or did he have other slaves too?

The other striking point from the condensed form of the book- everyone was rich and successful. When his mates watched him putting a body in his carboot,they merely admired the designer bag he used..

They were all rich kids. Brendt was broke and lazy too, I think.

He needed money more than he needed a kill.
Or he needed a kill in order to make money , either by selling the footage or engaging in an act of necrophilia, filming it and selling it. There is a big market . I spent a long time searching it out in the early days, looking for YY...
I still think he profited from her death ,
was the book present and dit it form a part of his killing ritual? did he read her passages? Did it become so blood spattered that he had to discard it afterwards?

Michelle also stated in earlyinterviews that a blue holdall was missing too, not designer, but depending on how closely he followed the book's description, it may be significant.

The book character used to 'try' to confess to people that he had an insatiable urge to kill people.

He killed men and he killed women in his nice designer apartment.

Over the years, did man male students of his ever go missing? We concentrated on females but Brendt's ambition was to b a serial killer.

There is talk that his mandate is online somewhere, he detailed plans of how he would fulfill this ambition
I have not located or substantiated it but the book killer drew little cartoons and coloured them in.

Brendt drew cartoons too

It's a possibility that he tried to fully merge with the book character by imitation...
but they were oceans apart in terms of lifestyle and income.
Did this bother him much and how did he plan to bridge the gap?
To make money from his sexual acticities?

Did he film sex with Michelle, tEB and any other women he collected from his dating sites?

where did he store thefilm and have the police yet found it?

Was there another device that he hid and remains hidden. He was expecting them, after all, he had time
Another prosecution victory: NO DELAY UNTIL OCTOBER....
Judge says it is out of the question and "ridiculous to even consider it."
Ben Zigterman on Twitter

Thanks dm92; these latest judge rulings are encouraging -- he seems to have about had it with the Defense's tactics/requests.
As far as the "cat killing" question (upthread), my vague memory is that it was something he had done as a teenager in Wisconsin, but don't remember the circumstances.
Thanks dm92; these latest judge rulings are encouraging -- he seems to have about had it with the Defense's tactics/requests.
As far as the "cat killing" question (upthread), my vague memory is that it was something he had done as a teenager in Wisconsin, but don't remember the circumstances.

I don't recall anything about a cat. The animal in question was a guinea pig, I think.
I don't recall anything about a cat. The animal in question was a guinea pig, I think.
you're right, was a guinea- pig.
— The defense asked to block a report on alleged mistreatment of a guinea pig as a "serious act of violence." More motions: Defense also seeks to bar sex-assault claim

serious act of violence. i wonder where that report can be found and whether it bears any resemblance to the book
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