Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

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Shadid pushes start of trial back to June 3rd.

Christensen trial delayed until June 3

Haven't looked at the article yet, or looked for the ruling on Court Listener for details as to why.

Basically, he split it down the middle between what the defense wanted and what the prosecution wanted. Given how the defense were the ones who botched this, I think he's being more than fair to them. I am a tad disappointed, as this means all this will be going on right at the two year anniversary of her abduction, which will once again be another painful ordeal for her family.

My guess is that he wants to give the psychologist time to finish his interviews with BC, so that they will not interfere with BC being present for the trial.
This is a victim friendly group. Last time I looked.
If there's any leniency doing the rounds, IMHO it's the victim that should be receiving it, not a half-baked excuse for a legal system!
From the article-
.S. District Judge James Shadid approved a two-month delay for the trial, which had been scheduled to begin with jury selection April 1.

After their request to delay the trial to October was denied, Christensen's lawyers asked for July 1, and prosecutors asked for May 6.

If he is convicted of kidnapping and killing visiting University of Illinois scholar Yingying Zhang, Christensen's lawyers plan to argue that he has a severe mental illness to avoid the death penalty.

The defense had asked for a delay because one of their mental-health experts couldn't be ready for an April trial.

Although at least one of Christensen's lawyers knew this since November, they didn't ask for a delay until this month.

"By continuing the trial to June 3, 2019, the Court has mitigated any potential prejudice to the Defendant
stemming from his counsel's mistakes," Shadid wrote.

Fine- Do It on ONE condition.
That a new fully funded gigantic search for her remains is funded and instigated for the duration of the delay- land sea and air and no expenses spared.
Cos, dont be kidding ourselves that any psychiatrist on the planet will be through by April 2030- this is Brendt's party and he's still causing sadistic pain to way too many people who should now be compensated
with a helluva lot more than a bloody handprint and a possible cadaver dog signalling an end to it all efforts- all expenditure and subsequent efforts are going into Brendt, his Majesty, the Baby.
i would now be taking the death penalty off the table and finding him accommodation for the remainder of his life in the toughest roughest most violent prison in America.
Time for a proper and complete new search. 8 weeks or longer duration.
Shahid is no hero, he's a wimp like most of them.
The only heros are the searchers and they are few and far between.
Shadid pushes start of trial back to June 3rd.

Christensen trial delayed until June 3

Haven't looked at the article yet, or looked for the ruling on Court Listener for details as to why.

Basically, he split it down the middle between what the defense wanted and what the prosecution wanted. Given how the defense were the ones who botched this, I think he's being more than fair to them. I am a tad disappointed, as this means all this will be going on right at the two year anniversary of her abduction, which will once again be another painful ordeal for her family.

My guess is that he wants to give the psychologist time to finish his interviews with BC, so that they will not interfere with BC being present for the trial.

SO disappointing!! …and what if in the next couple months the psychiatrist dies, or becomes sick for several weeks, or has a family emergency taking him away from his work, or what if BC is hurt in prison and unavailable for examination, or similarly what if key witnesses or members of the Defense team become indisposed in that period of time for any reason; seriously, so many ways this trial can simply be delayed again and again, the longer it is already delayed, and the further it becomes from people’s memories and availability.
These Defense attorneys must be laughing themselves silly that they're getting away with such an abomination of “justice.”
Apparently BC has waived his Constitutional right "to a speedy trial." :-(
From court site added date. I have next one on 3/4 then 3/11 & 3/25.

NOTICE OF HEARING ON MOTIONS in case as to Brendt A Christensen 223 MOTION for an Order Establishing Jury Selection Procedures, 229 MOTION to Establish Jury Selection Procedures, 258 MOTION for Reconsideration re 220 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,, Order on Motion for Psychiatric Exam,, Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File,, 232 MOTION for Oral Argument on Jury Selection Procedures : Motion Hearing set for 3/14/2019 at 01:00 PM in Courtroom A in Peoria before Chief Judge James E. Shadid. (CG, ilcd)

link: Docket for United States v. Christensen, 2:17-cr-20037 -
Monday, March 4th:
*Motions Hearing (@ 9am ET) - IL - Yingying Zhang (26) (missing on June 9, 2017, Urbana; not found) - *Brendt A. Christensen (28) indicted (6/30/17) on kidnapping (Federal charge) resulting in death of Yingying and 2 counts of giving false statements to FBI. Plead not guilty; DA will seek DP.
3/4: Response to Motion in Limine & Motion to strike potential jurors; court will start sending out summons to potential jurors. 3/11: Pretrial Conf.; 3/14: Motions hearing; 3/25: Final Pretrial Conf.; 6/3: Trial begins, which should last about 5 weeks.
From 1/11/19 to 1/29/19 Motions denied - see post #165 here - Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*
Court hearings for 2/1/19 thru 2/11/19 reference post #254 here: Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*
2/11/19 Update: Judge James Shadid denied a defense motion (#118) to exclude DNA & blood test results taken from the apartment of Christensen. Re Defense motion for continuance: U.S. District Judge James Shadid denied the motion, saying “an October trial date is absolutely out of the question.” After denying the motion to continue, Shadid said both parties have until the end of the week to request a more reasonable start date for trial. Shaded also heard arguments Monday about the cadaver sniffing K9 that allegedly alerted to the presence of a decaying body in Christensen's bathroom. Shaded had yet to rule on this motion (#119). Next Response to Motion in Limine & Motion tot strike potential jurors on 3/4.
2/13/19 Update: Defense motion to throw out the superseding indictment and the NOI on grounds of Unconstitutional discrimination in the decisions to bring federal charges against defendant & to seek the death penalty is denied.
2/15/19 Update: Judge Shadid denied defense motion (#119) to exclude Cadaver dog searches. 2/19/19: was a status conference in front of the Judge via telephone the other day. Defense moved to delay the trial. Arguments were heard. Shadid gave the defense until noon tomorrow (2/21) to file a motion, and the prosecution until the end of the day on Friday (2/22) to file a response, then there will be a motion hearing on Feb. 25th.

2/25/19 Update: At a hearing Monday (2/25), U.S. District Judge James Shadid didn't set a trial date for accused kidnapper & killer Christensen. But he did have harsh words for his lawyers. Their October request was denied, and they're now asking to delay the trial to July 1. In response to the delay request, prosecutors said May 6 would be more reasonable & alleged that the defense intentionally waited to seek a delay as part of their strategy. While Shadid didn't accuse them of this, he nearly accused them of lying. The psychiatrist will be examining Christensen in March, April and May, then will prepare a written report for the defense. Shadid didn't issue a ruling Monday on the date, saying he would take a day to create a schedule & start date that can accommodate everybody.
2/28/19 Update: Judge Shadid sets June 3 as trial date. Motion hearing added for 3/14 re 223 Motion for an Order Establishing Jury Selection Procedures, 229 Motion to Establish Jury Selection Procedures, 258 Motion for Reconsideration re 220 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,, Order on Motion for Psychiatric Exam,, Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File, 232 Motion for Oral Argument on Jury Selection Procedures.
Any news on motions denied?

TIA! :)
Docket for United States v. Christensen, 2:17-cr-20037 -

Mar 8, 2019

Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings

Mar 8, 2019

Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings as to Brendt A Christensen: Miscellaneous Deadline 3/18/2019 for responses to motions in limine. (TK, ilcd)

Mar 7, 2019

TEXT ONLY ORDER granting Defendant's Unopposed Motion 262 for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to Brendt A Christensen (1). All responses to motions in limine now due 3/18/2019. Entered by Chief Judge James E. Shadid on 3/7/2019. (SJP, ilcd)

Mar 7, 2019

Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply


Mar 7, 2019

MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply to All Pending Motions in Limine by Brendt A Christensen. (Taseff, George) (Entered: 03/07/2019)

Main Document

Extension of Time to File Response/Reply

Download PDF

Mar 1, 2019

TEXT ONLY ORDER as to Brendt A Christensen (1): Defendant's Motion 228 to Reconsider is respectfully DENIED. Entered by Chief Judge James E. Shadid on 3/1/2019. (SJP, ilcd)
kittythehare from court site said:
TEXT ONLY ORDER as to Brendt A Christensen (1): Defendant's Motion 228 to Reconsider is respectfully DENIED. Entered by Chief Judge James E. Shadid on 3/1/2019. (SJP, ilcd)

Anyone happen to know "what" Motion 228 is about? or do I have to go look..... :D

Oh - I have this in my notes - is this Motion 228?

3/1/19 Update: Judge Shadid denied a motion to reconsider by BC’s defense requesting inclusion of some previously denied questions for the jury questionnaire.
Anyone happen to know "what" Motion 228 is about? or do I have to go look..... :D

Oh - I have this in my notes - is this Motion 228?

3/1/19 Update: Judge Shadid denied a motion to reconsider by BC’s defense requesting inclusion of some previously denied questions for the jury questionnaire.
I'd go blind if I had to go through it again.
(I subscribed for updates, was searching for grand jury transcripts on the chance in a zillion they would have accidentally been left unsealed.. I didn't find them)
Someone must know something, I so want to take that from him, his last bit of power... where are you YY, in heaven, I know but , where did he put your body?
He will smash and splinter if she is found pre-trial.
I've not been able to do much reading of that book, you know, the favourite book that went missing. Been given new medication and it's playing havoc with my vision. Small print seems to be the size of a pin head so no chance I'll find anything of use to us.
I've not been able to do much reading of that book, you know, the favourite book that went missing. Been given new medication and it's playing havoc with my vision. Small print seems to be the size of a pin head so no chance I'll find anything of use to us.
At least you tried... it was a longshot anyways.. we'll find her, somehow... hope springs eternal...
My vision is dire too and getting worse. I bought my first smartfone and I just want to smash it off a wall or drown it, no mobile signal in my house, when broadband/phonelines are down, as happens every time it rains,I turn into a screaming bat, it's impossible, my house is 160 yrs old, in the middle of nowhere with 3ft thick walls.

I cannot figure how book is missing, it's not like it contained any step-by-step instructions for any procedures as far as I remember.. and he would have memorized them by now, if it had.

It is still on his facebook page , so it's not like he was attempting to hide his faves.
Anyone happen to know "what" Motion 228 is about? or do I have to go look..... :D

Oh - I have this in my notes - is this Motion 228?

3/1/19 Update: Judge Shadid denied a motion to reconsider by BC’s defense requesting inclusion of some previously denied questions for the jury questionnaire.

Yes. His motion 228 was a request to consider ruling 221. BC wanted potential jurors to fill out questions at the courthouse, and wanted some other questions included that were denied.
Kitty, I think his book got destroyed, burnt of binned possibly had blood on it. JMO.

I keep going down the same avenues and taking a left at the same junction, going round in circles. How I wish I could see with my own eyes, the area where he lived, walk the pavements he walked just in the hope of finding a good place to hide her body. I want to go the other way, down the avenue and do a left turn there but I keep going in these circles. Fed up thinking, thinking if where could he have put her.
With the snow cover melting soon can we have renewed hope for discovery?

Early on, someone mapped the likeliest routes from Champaign-Urbana to Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Any remains are near a route familiar to BC, IMHO. The route to class, the route to the gym, the route he used for running, the route to Stevens Point....

I shall be shortening this up after I post this....

Monday, March 11th:
*Pretrial Conference Hearing (@ 9am ET) - IL - Yingying Zhang (26) (missing on June 9, 2017, Urbana; not found) - *Brendt A. Christensen (28) indicted (6/30/17) on kidnapping (Federal charge) resulting in death of Yingying and 2 counts of giving false statements to FBI. Plead not guilty; DA will seek DP.
3/11: Pretrial Conf.; 3/14: Motions hearing; 3/25: Final Pretrial Conf.; 6/3: Trial begins, which should last about 5 weeks.
Court hearings from 1/11/19 to 1/29/19 Motions denied - see post #165 here - Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*
Court hearings for 2/1/19 thru 2/11/19 reference post #254 here: Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*
2/11/19 Update: Judge James Shadid denied a motion (#118) to exclude DNA & blood test results taken from the apartment of Christensen. Re Defense motion for continuance: U.S. District Judge James Shadid denied the motion, saying “an October trial date is absolutely out of the question.” After denying the motion to continue, Shadid said both parties have until the end of the week to request a more reasonable start date for trial. Shaded also heard arguments Monday about the cadaver sniffing K9 that allegedly alerted to the presence of a decaying body in Christensen's bathroom. Shaded had yet to rule on this motion (#119). Next Response to Motion in Limine & Motion tot strike potential jurors on 3/4.
2/13/19 Update: Defense motion to throw out the superseding indictment and the NOI on grounds of Unconstitutional discrimination in the decisions to bring federal charges against defendant & to seek the death penalty is denied.
2/15/19 Update: Judge Shadid denied defense motion (#119) to exclude Cadaver dog searches.
2/19/19: was a status conference in front of the Judge via telephone the other day. Defense moved to delay the trial. Arguments were heard. Shadid gave the defense until noon tomorrow (2/21) to file a motion, and the prosecution until the end of the day on Friday (2/22) to file a response, then there will be a motion hearing on Feb. 25th.

2/25/19 Update: At a hearing Monday (2/25), U.S. District Judge James Shadid didn't set a trial date for accused kidnapper & killer Christensen. But he did have harsh words for his lawyers. Their October request was denied, and they're now asking to delay the trial to July 1. In response to the delay request, prosecutors said May 6 would be more reasonable & alleged that the defense intentionally waited to seek a delay as part of their strategy. While Shadid didn't accuse them of this, he nearly accused them of lying. The psychiatrist will be examining Christensen in March, April and May, then will prepare a written report for the defense. Shadid didn't issue a ruling Monday on the date, saying he would take a day to create a schedule & start date that can accommodate everybody.
2/28/19 Update: Judge Shadid sets June 3 as trial date. Motion hearing added for 3/14 re 223 Motion for an Order Establishing Jury Selection Procedures, 229 Motion to Establish Jury Selection Procedures, 258 Motion for Reconsideration re 220 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Psychiatric Exam, Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File, 232 Motion for Oral Argument on Jury Selection Procedures.
3/1/19 Update: Judge Shadid denied a motion (228) to reconsider by BC’s defense requesting inclusion of some previously denied questions for the jury questionnaire.
Thursday, March 14th:
*Motions Hearing (@ 1pm ET) - IL - Yingying Zhang (26) (missing on June 9, 2017, Urbana; not found) - *Brendt A. Christensen (28) indicted (6/30/17) on kidnapping (Federal charge) resulting in death of Yingying and 2 counts of giving false statements to FBI. Plead not guilty; DA will seek DP.
3/14: Motions hearing; 3/25: Final Pretrial Conf.; 6/3: Trial begins, which should last about 5 weeks.
From 1/11/19 to 1/29/19 Motions denied - see post #165 here - Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*
Court hearings for 2/1/19 thru 2/11/19 reference post #254 here: Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*
Court hearings for 2/11/19 thru 2/28/19 reference post #296 here:
Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

3/1/19 Update: Judge Shadid denied a motion (228) to reconsider by BC’s defense requesting inclusion of some previously denied questions for the jury questionnaire.
Motions hearing on 3/14 re Motion #s 220, 223, 229 232 & 258 will be heard. Motion deadline is 3/18.
March 13- exclude document 265 Exclude – #265 in United States v. Christensen (C.D. Ill., 2:17-cr-20037) –
NOW COMES the United States of America, by John C. Milhiser, United States Attorney for the Central District of Illinois, Eugene L. Miller and Bryan D. Freres, Assistant United States Attorneys, and Department of Justice Trial Attorney James B. Nelson, and hereby moves the Court to preclude the testimony of Dr. Jonathan Sorensen. The bases for the United States’ motion follow.
The Court’s scheduling order provided, among other things, that the defendant must give notice of his non-Rule 12.2 expert witnesses, including rebuttal witnesses, by August 24, 2018. (R.67). As the Court’s docket reflects, the defendant has failed to give timely notice with regard to multiple expert witnesses. On February 15, 2019, based on the defendant’s failure to provide complete notice of his expert witnesses’ proposed testimony, the United States filed a motion in limine asking the Court to limit the defendant’s experts to the information provided by the defendant and to preclude the (its a long read)
Dr. Sorensen’s testimony, on the other hand, is not grounded on the defendant’s individual circumstances of the crime and the character of the defendant – it is grounded on a self-serving statistical study which relies on the behavior of other defendants who committed other crimes in other jurisdictions. In other words, Dr. Sorenson attempts to rebut the specific with the general. Further, by relying on the behavior of other defendants, Dr. Sorensen’s testimony runs afoul of the requirement that the penalty phase be focused on whether the defendant should be sentenced to death based on his personal characteristics and those of the crimes he committed. Id.; see also Lockett v. Ohio, 438 U.S. 586, 604 n.12 (1978); 18 U.S.C. § 3592(

It is worth the long read, i can copy paste the missing pieces if anybody cannot log into site...
I haven’t been by the thread for awhile and just checked in. It makes me incredibly sad that we are still here and BC is being a smug *advertiser censored*.

That said, I know it stinks but I’m happy the judge is at least attempting to be fair. Hopefully this trial will be done RIGHT the first time with limited grounds for an appeal which can actually change things. Having to have patience for longer is brutal but YingYing deserves to have him locked up for good, not until his sleazeball attorneys can find a loophole to get him out.
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