Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

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so again they went and hired yet another shrink, happily ignoring his previous admonishment for the October idea...
Their sense of #entitement and their whole attitude to the victim, YY and the other victims, TEB and ex-wife are off the Richter scale in arrogance and show no respect for state's budget for trials.

There's like about 10 years of appeals that will follow this guilty verdict in any case.

If shahid was wise he would simply issue an ultimatum immediately- admit guilt, disclose body location and cease making a mockery of justice, and disbar the lot of them.
2 years fluffing around in cells, happily sedated, taking and making 'sex-calls' among others, continuing to cover his tracks via insisting michelle delete his accounts and dodgy comments on reddit and possibly other sites and manipulating his state-funded defence to actually prepare michelle's statement in an effort to render evidence search null and void. and the state continues paying and paying and paying.
a guilty admission now would save state expense of trial and lead to discovery of her body or proof that it has beeen irrevocably destroyed. Then electrocute him anyway,?
No , no, no, no! We can't have this making a mockery of the justice system and taking the Judge for a mug! No way.

JMO but I think the Judge will give a very quick response to this little plan. We already know and have heard him losing patience with BC and his Defense team. He must be feeling so angry, out if his robes and away from court. Thinking things he just can't Voice in court. He isn't going to give in to them and put the start too far back, if at all. He may just say no, you'll have to deal with this when Trial is done.

On the matter if BCs favourite book, I'm on page 125 of 384 and omg! I'm no prude but ......... as my late mother would have said "the language in that book is vulgar!" and that's without reading the bits about the killings and disposals.

Speaking of the killings and disposals, as I say I'm on page 125 and haven't seen anything to report, just the "vulgar" language. I'm not actually reading every single word, I'm skimming and looking at each paragraph to find what I'm looking for. The print size is a pain in the *advertiser censored* to read even with my glasses on.

I must cut down tv viewing, give up Alaska, The last Frontier, Life Below Zero and Mountain Men until I finish reading. Bye for now, see you at Christmas (I'm joking)
No , no, no, no! We can't have this making a mockery of the justice system and taking the Judge for a mug! No way.

JMO but I think the Judge will give a very quick response to this little plan. We already know and have heard him losing patience with BC and his Defense team. He must be feeling so angry, out if his robes and away from court. Thinking things he just can't Voice in court. He isn't going to give in to them and put the start too far back, if at all. He may just say no, you'll have to deal with this when Trial is done.

On the matter if BCs favourite book, I'm on page 125 of 384 and omg! I'm no prude but ......... as my late mother would have said "the language in that book is vulgar!" and that's without reading the bits about the killings and disposals.

Speaking of the killings and disposals, as I say I'm on page 125 and haven't seen anything to report, just the "vulgar" language. I'm not actually reading every single word, I'm skimming and looking at each paragraph to find what I'm looking for. The print size is a pain in the *advertiser censored* to read even with my glasses on.

I must cut down tv viewing, give up Alaska, The last Frontier, Life Below Zero and Mountain Men until I finish reading. Bye for now, see you at Christmas (I'm joking)
Brave brave person! I feel guilty now, I should have tried harder.. but, you know there's link to an online version here?... We could try rooting out the relevant chapters when you find them, tho' page numbers will probably be different... try to match with any nearby geographical location that just might stand out.. longshot but you never know... I think he buried her, probably whole. But he found some way to mask a cadaver scent by using some material or substance used to occlude scent..I'm not sure what that could be but i'll look it up, might be chemical or something solid or something solid lined with some material. A graveyard, an ancient history site, a place that does
not receive many visitors, yet located within the city...
It may be that he 'packaged' her body in this material before he put it in the bag and took it to his pre-planned tank, box or dark corner of some building somewhere ...may be a place of extreme temperature, v hot which would hasten decomposition within this material, which I don't know exists or not..or very cold. He may not have used his car at all for this journey though the vague Chinese reports we received many moons ago, suggested he had switched off his gPS or removed his watch for a period of time. But that may have been a theory or one of his tricks in an effort to divert search direction...
I'll have a look, no harm checking.
I am sure he will rule quickly on it. He will hold a hearing on the matter on February 25th, and I would expect a ruling within a few days of that.

He said he was open to a "reasonable" request. Certainly, July is more reasonable than October....... but, he has also said he wants to get this underway, and that he was open to a delay of weeks and not months. Also, these delays put a further burden on YY's family and on witnesses, and Shadid has already increased inconvenience to them by moving it to Peoria.

One of the defense's arguments for July 1st is that their new psychiatrist is saying they can be done and ready to testify by July 1, and that they need to have the testing all finished by the start of the trial, so they can be consistent in their questioning and cross examination of witnesses in both the penalty and the punishment phase. To me, that seems to be a stretch. Many of those who testify in the punishment phase aren't probably going to testify in the guilt phase, and those who do would be testifying on different matters. For instance, if one of YY's friends testifies in the guilt phase, the testimony would presumably be about what happened the day YY went missing, and how they interacted with investigators and what they told investigators during the course of the investigation. Then, should they testify in the punishment phase, it would be about what their friendship with YY meant to them, what her personal character was like, and how they have been affected by her loss. Moreover, they aren't using any kind of mental health defense for the guilt phase. This aspect is only supposed to be addressed in the punishment phase. The question for the guilt phase is simply "Did Brendt Christensen kidnap and kill Yingying Zhang, and did he lie to Federal investigators during the investigation of this event?" IF you are not using a mental health-based defense for these questions, I don't see how completing mental health examinations is absolutely required before beginning the guilt phase.

I am by *no* means any expert on this, and you can never predict what Judges will do, but if I had to hazard a guess, I would say they won't get July 1st, but they might get mid May to early June for the start, then possibly get a little more time between the verdict and the start of the punishment phase.

I am still hoping for late April/early May.

Somewhere there is probably some guy interpreting all of this garbage and is the one that has to pass this along to YY's family. At what point do their heads just explode at the circus that appears to be our justice system??? We are approaching 2 YEARS!!! since those people last saw their daughter. Here I am, just a regular citizen, unrelated to the Zhangs , and my level of anger and disbelief is off the scale! Oh , and I know, God forbid we don't give this BC all of the legal rights that he most certainly didn't give poor YY.
I pray constantly for this family. Sigh...
This may not be the PC thing to say, but if someday some " prison yard justice " were to be served, I think I'd be ok with that.
trunizback, I so agree with the 'prison yard justice' after all, it's not u heard of.
way this is panning out he is more likely to get a private suite in a luxurious psyche facility complete with room service and all the *advertiser censored* he wants for the rest of his days.
How many people of colour receive what he has already received courtesy of the state?
why are all these exceptions being made for him?
He has given nothing back apart from lies.
He continues to withhold the location of her body even though he heard her mother's pleas in open court.
For an SM, he is rather delicate regarding any discomfort he may need to endure himself.
That makes him a sadist only, a power hungry controlling bully.
Prosecutors accuse BC’s defense of deliberately stalling, ask for May 6th start date

Prosecutors accuse Christensen's lawyers of intentionally delaying trial

My guess is that Shadid will do early May, then give them a delay in the start of the sentencing phase.....
In their motion Friday, prosecutors argued this delayed request was not an oversight but part of the defense's strategy.

They also revealed more details about the delay, which were previously only laid out in a sealed motion by the defense.

"By November 11, 2018, the defense team knew of the psychiatrist's purported unavailability and 'discussed filing a motion to continue immediately, but decided to wait' until February 8, 2019, after telling the psychiatrist that his or her unavailability 'would be an additional argument in favor of continuing the April trial date,'" prosecutors wrote, quoting the defense's sealed motion.

After the request was denied by Shadid, the defense said they asked their psychiatrist if he could be ready by April.

He said he couldn't and apparently quit, according to prosecutors' description of a closed telephone hearing earlier this week.

In support of their proposed May 6 date, prosecutors said
Prosecutors accuse BC’s defense of deliberately stalling, ask for May 6th start date
Prosecutors accuse Christensen's lawyers of intentionally delaying trial

My guess is that Shadid will do early May, then give them a delay in the start of the sentencing phase.....
gee, I s'pose the next step will be for the judge to charge the Defense lawyers with obstruction and malpractice, be fired, and start over from scratch with a new set of defense attorneys -- ju-u-u-ust kidding (I think) -- hope this is the beginning of the END of delays, and May 6 is a fixed-in-stone date, if it has to stretch into May at all.
gee, I s'pose the next step will be for the judge to charge the Defense lawyers with obstruction and malpractice, be fired, and start over from scratch with a new set of defense attorneys -- ju-u-u-ust kidding (I think) -- hope this is the beginning of the END of delays, and May 6 is a fixed-in-stone date, if it has to stretch into May at all.

The prosecution has basically said they would be ok with May 6, and by that date the new psychiatrist should be close to done with his interviews and testing. The defense doesnt need his report to be "consistent" with their cross examinations during the different phases of the trial... that is BS.... so, my guess is that Shadid will give them early May. That would be 3.5 weeks delay, which is right in line with what Shadid has always said he'd be willing to do.

This keeps it starting before the 2 yesr anniversary of the crime, which is important to her parents, so my guess is early May is what we will get.

Hopefully, Shadid's reaction will be " No, this is still B.S., were starting in April....." Stranger things have happened, so you never know......
does his proposed menu of psychiatric ailments rendering him illegible for death happen to contain any elements of amnesia? And is this speculative amnesia contagious and has it infected his defenders too?
Cos if he's not amnesiac, he remembers where he put her.
Where is she Brendt?
Do you know where she is Brendt?
Brendt, anybody can hide anything or person, you're no genius, actually.
Are you getting your jollies on hurting her family more, Brendt?
which of your pleasure centres is excited by this? And are they located in your cortex, cerebellum or pons?
And does your alleged psychosis accommodate them easily or with difficulty?
You're an idiot, actually.
You have succeeded in making the uS justice system as idiotic as you are?
Are you also an anarchist?
You're gonna fry, baby... there are very few alleged mental illnesses that will spare you from that electric chair.
sizzle sizzle, up you go.
Article on BC’s defense team and their actions....

In Brendt Christensen trial, 'these defense lawyers are doing their job'

Basically, they’re pulling out all the stops, as that is what ABA guidelines call for.

Also, they are filing all sorts of motions, even those that seem to have no chance, in order to get things in the record for the appeals process, as laws and Supreme Court rulings can change. The appeals court can only look at things that have been brought up in a case, so they have to bring things up and make issue of them so that they could have the possibility of being addressed later.

Point is made that a vigorous defense is critical for the legitimacy of the process. I agree with that. Ultimately, I want him strung up for what he has done, and I don’t want anyone to be able to say he got screwed over or that his team screwed up.

He’s earned what he has coming to him, and I don’t want anyone to say it wasn’t a legitimate punishment.
The article is remiss by its failure to compare resources to other DP cases.
Is justice for the perpetrator more important than justice for the victim?
Every agonising day increases the pain for her devastated family.
Does the law not consider that a valid point?
Monday, February 25th:
*Motions Hearing (@ 11am ET) - IL - Yingying Zhang (26) (missing on June 9, 2017, Urbana; not found) - *Brendt A. Christensen (28) indicted (6/30/17) on kidnapping (Federal charge) resulting in death of Yingying and 2 counts of giving false statements to FBI. Plead not guilty; DA will seek DP.
2/25: Motions hearing. 3/4: Response to Motion in Limine & Motion to strike potential jurors; 3/11: Pretrial Conf.; 3/25: Final Pretrial Conf.; 4/1: Jury Selection begins; 4/9: Trial begins, which should last about 5 weeks.
From 1/11/19 to 1/29/19 Motions denied - see post #165 here - Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*
2/1/19 Update: Judge Shadid gives defense 3 more weeks to conduct the mental health exam and disclose the results. 2/4/19 hearing (re #118) was vacated and moved to 2/11. Motion in limine filings (from 2/8) due on 2/11. DNA and cadaver dog searches (#119) are on the schedule for 2/11.
2/6/19 Update: U.S. District Judge James Shadid approved a list of about 120 questions Wednesday that potential jurors. Jury selection is scheduled to begin April 1 and could last several days to several months. 1. Defendant's Motion 158 to Require Potential Jurors to Complete Jury Questionnaires in Person at the Federal Courthouse is DENIED; 2. The Court ADOPTS, with minor modifications, the parties' Agreed, Proposed Jury Questionnaire [164-1]; 3. The Defendant's Amended Motion 179 in Support of Defendant's Proposed Supplement to the Joint Jury Questionnaire is GRANTED as to questions 5 and 6 in Defendant's Sealed Proposed Supplement to the Joint Jury Questionnaire 165 and DENIED in all other respects; and 4. Question 45 from the United States' Response 166 will also be included in the questionnaire. The Motion Hearing set for Monday, 2/11/2019 in Urbana will now begin at 9:30 AM. Time change only.
2/8/19 Defense files motion for continuance - to or after October, 2019.
2/11/19 Update: Judge James Shadid denied a defense motion (#118) to exclude DNA & blood test results taken from the apartment of Christensen. Re Defense motion for continuance: U.S. District Judge James Shadid denied the motion, saying “an October trial date is absolutely out of the question.” After denying the motion to continue, Shadid said both parties have until the end of the week to request a more reasonable start date for trial. Shaded also heard arguments Monday about the cadaver sniffing K9that allegedly alerted to the presence of a decaying body in Christensen's bathroom. Shadid has yet to rule on this motion (#119). Next Response to Motion in Limine & Motion to strike potential jurors on 3/4.
2/13/19 Update: Defense motion to throw out the superseding indictment and the NOI on grounds of Unconstitutional discrimination in the decisions to bring federal charges against defendant & to seek the death penalty is denied. 2/15/19: Judge Shadid denied defense motion (#119) to exclude Cadaver dog searches.
2/19/19: was a status conference in front of the Judge via telephone the other day. Defense moved to delay the trial (to July 1, 2019). Arguments were heard. Shadid gave the defense until noon tomorrow (2/21) to file a motion, and the prosecution until the end of the day on Friday (2/22) to file a response, then there will be a motion hearing on Feb. 25th. Prosecutors recommend 5/6 as start of trial.
Here’s a writeup on today’s hearing. Shadid wasn’t happy with the defense team....

Judge admonishes Christensen lawyers

My guess is he will set a date much closer to what the prosecution wants. It will be delayed a bit, but not that much. He also seemed to agree with what I thought, that the psychiatrist shouldn’t be a reason to delay the start, because mental health issues aren’t a factor in the guilt phase.

I would expect him to release a new schedule by tomorrow or Wednesday....
Here’s a writeup on today’s hearing. Shadid wasn’t happy with the defense team....

Judge admonishes Christensen lawyers

My guess is he will set a date much closer to what the prosecution wants. It will be delayed a bit, but not that much. He also seemed to agree with what I thought, that the psychiatrist shouldn’t be a reason to delay the start, because mental health issues aren’t a factor in the guilt phase.

I would expect him to release a new schedule by tomorrow or Wednesday....

Can you give a little more on what the article says - can't access it.... :(
Can you give a little more on what the article says - can't access it.... :(
But documents show the defense knew this in November and waited until this month to ask for a delay.

Their October request was denied, and they're now asking to delay the trial to July 1.

In response to the delay request, prosecutors said May 6 would be more reasonable and alleged that the defense intentionally waited to seek a delay as part of their strategy.

While Shadid didn't accuse them of this, he nearly accused them of lying.

"I'm having a hard time relying on your representation that this would go as you say it would go," Shadid said. "It's one thing after another."

Assistant Federal Defender Robert Tucker apologized and said it "absolutely was not" their strategy to delay.

"We're not trying to play any games. We made a mistake, and we apologized for it," Tucker said. It was "our mistake, but he shouldn't be punished for it."

He said the defense had indicated it was always going to file a motion to continue, but that it wouldn't have made sense to in December.

But Shadid said if the defense had instead found another psychiatrist, "we wouldn't be having this conversation."

The psychiatrist will be examining Christensen in March, April and May, then will prepare a written report for the defense.

The two sides argued over when the psychiatrist would be able to let the defense know if Christensen's diagnosis would change significantly from what already has been declared.

At Monday's hearing, Shadid said he was eager to get the trial started, especially the initial guilt phase, when mental-health issues wouldn't be at issue.
She is still a missing person.
Anybody got any ideas at all where he might have placed her?
I went searching for ways to hide a body that would mask a cadaver smell from a dog.

I didn't find much- apparently, some types of metal containers will do it..I'm drawn, yet again to that site near his apartment that we spend months discussing from time to time...
It's big.
Would it be likely to contain old zinc or lead containers?
I cannot get past the notion that he would have kept her as a trophy.
Half tank of petrol could easily have been used during his stalking hours. Missing GPS data could be a decoy.

I think he kept her, I do.
His ego would never have allowed him to discard her so fast.. his perfect crime, in his own mind.

There were people here who knew that site well. Please come back if you're still around...?

If she was really his first killing, he would never have let her go easy... Macabre mind.... mad genius... needed money badly...photographs... video...
There is evidence out there that they have not found yet, including YY.

Instead of destroying what remained of her, suppose he decided to preserve her body?
Maybe we have been looking at it wrong?

(I once worked as a model- not Vogue- an anatomy model , in Harley St for medics doing their fellowship examinations in order to become consultant surgeons. My fellow models were all perfectly preserved cadavers. After a few days the smell of formaldehyde, I think, became bearable and we were quite a happy little collection of models. They were preserved so well that several days in the examination rooms did not alter their state of decay one iota. I was the only one that got my joints half twisted off and dislocated by over nervous student doctors)
Speculation, I know... but possibly much easier to acquire either embalming or preservation chemicals without arousing suspicion.
She could well be fully intact and fully preserved.
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