Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

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I’m terrible with legalese... can someone with a bit more experience translate what this means for me? I keep reading it over and over and end up confused.
I replied below but i messed up the reply function, (was up all night on the nZ mosque massacre so stupid tired, sorry
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I'd go blind if I had to go through it again.
(I subscribed for updates, was searching for grand jury transcripts on the chance in a zillion they would have accidentally been left unsealed.. I didn't find them)
Someone must know something, I so want to take that from him, his last bit of power... where are you YY, in heaven, I know but , where did he put your body?
He will smash and splinter if she is found pre-trial.

It was a good thought. There was another case (I dont recall which one), where there was some important "redacted" documents and the person that originally did the redacting did it wrong with a simple font overlay or something, and when we copied them over to another format type document, the redacting disappeared. LOL
Nice to see you back again and I remember your great work from the early days.

It's now a death penalty case, so it's very complicated legally because his defence need to prepare for his trial and they also need to prepare for his DP hearing, if convicted. To date they have used every trick in the book and it's harder than hell to get through their waffle which is bordering on vexatious.. that's basically about some nutcase academic's theories, that they want to testify at the dP part of the hearing. NOw, here's the thing, he's planning on pleading innocent and sane for his trial, he didn't do it, and for the DP , if convicted, he's going for full-on weirdly uniquely insane.

Meanwhile we're all going nuts here, rehashing old ground and theorising about what might have happened to her body, we're up and down to that gym at least once a day.. do you remember the route? We're looking for some of the original maps again, remember we did the time it would take him to walk to gym etc? We are having another virtual search of the Johnson building, thinking, well a few of us oldtimers are still thinking he may have hidden her there, having gone to all that trouble to kidnap and presumably kill her, it's possible he used some kind of preservative so he could keep his prize nearby and visit her often..somewhere en-route to gym, where he would not need his car. we have exactly zero evidence to that effect but we badly want to find her before trial starts and we still hope (bangs head off wall) against hope that this might be possible..So it's back to the beginning and anything you remember could be really useful. That is if that is what happened. #Clueless, so it's a fight to the death before he gets to star in his own feature film, the court-house.
Any of the old maps or anything else we searched at the very beginning need to be re-searched. Basically, if you're in the humor for it.
Just to get you fired up, it was reported that he was seen smirking in a recent court appearance.
Michelle divorced him but he still apparently continues to manipulate her and it is possible if not likely that she believes she still loves him.
His defence tried to destroy the character integrity and reputation of his girlfriend who got him arrested by agreeing to a wiretap. Nobody knows how she is or where she is. She is not scheduled to appear as a witness and we do not know if he is still manipulating her either. We hope she is okay, but we do not know
His defence are also objecting to feds listening in on his personal phonecalls, and his sex phonecalls.
YES. Truly.
I also manage to check in here on occasion and that was a great recap Kitty so thanks for giving us a case recap to let us know where we stand.

As far as searching for her, I have always thought the Johnson building was a candidate place for him. I always wondered if he found a hidden room in the basement there or maybe in an attic space or behind a wall that never got searched.
I also manage to check in here on occasion and that was a great recap Kitty so thanks for giving us a case recap to let us know where we stand.

As far as searching for her, I have always thought the Johnson building was a candidate place for him. I always wondered if he found a hidden room in the basement there or maybe in an attic space or behind a wall that never got searched.

I remember your great work here very well indeed.
We're thinking maybe somewhere he could find her easily or bring his creepy friends to view her, always remembering he was broke, indebted and lazy as hell but he needed money and having discussed poss of snuff movies , necrophiliac goings on and having found nothing but having learned these are commodities that carry a high price-tag, it is indeed possible she is in there, possibly preserved..this boy was ambitious, he wanted to kill lots of people, allegedly so I imagine he had a setting laid out for his handiwork which could possibly have been viewed as a frame or a proof with which to gain admission to some rather more depraved or deadly pursuits/clubs,
The FBI claimed it had been meticulously planned, he just didn't plan on being caught, he would have known and prepared a place for her before he took her. So he had a lot of time, it had to have been convenient...
Right now he perceives himself as a mastermind criminal, better than the fBI,better than everybody, because they never found her... it's his throne and he gets to direct operations.

It's difficult to think like him because he goes a step further than most..Lazy=easy=convenient=close

He's playing with everybody.
We're all his pawns and we hate him for it, no, we hate him for his rape of innocence, just because he could. Stay awhile please.
We're stuck, seriously stuck, going round in circles, and there are even a few people on the ground who could physically search or at least snoop around, ask questions, if we knew what the questions were.
I remember your great work here very well indeed.
We're thinking maybe somewhere he could find her easily or bring his creepy friends to view her, always remembering he was broke, indebted and lazy as hell but he needed money and having discussed poss of snuff movies , necrophiliac goings on and having found nothing but having learned these are commodities that carry a high price-tag, it is indeed possible she is in there, possibly preserved..this boy was ambitious, he wanted to kill lots of people, allegedly so I imagine he had a setting laid out for his handiwork which could possibly have been viewed as a frame or a proof with which to gain admission to some rather more depraved or deadly pursuits/clubs,
The FBI claimed it had been meticulously planned, he just didn't plan on being caught, he would have known and prepared a place for her before he took her. So he had a lot of time, it had to have been convenient...
Right now he perceives himself as a mastermind criminal, better than the fBI,better than everybody, because they never found her... it's his throne and he gets to direct operations.

It's difficult to think like him because he goes a step further than most..Lazy=easy=convenient=close

He's playing with everybody.
We're all his pawns and we hate him for it, no, we hate him for his rape of innocence, just because he could. Stay awhile please.
We're stuck, seriously stuck, going round in circles, and there are even a few people on the ground who could physically search or at least snoop around, ask questions, if we knew what the questions were.

Yes, I totally agree and will plan to visit more often now. I was waiting for his trial to pickup and I am interested in the trial as I want to hear the word "guilty" at the end.

I agree he had this planned out for some time. Way back I read some of his posts on that dark sick website he was visiting where it talked about dungeons and torture. That told me all I needed to know about how he took his sick fantasies into the real world.

I am a little shocked his ex-wife has not been able to share with LE what he did with YingYing. I still wonder if she knows something that could pinpoint exactly what he did. She may know and not want to tell LE because she may be afraid she could get arrested herself or maybe she feels guilty for how much she allowed him to fester into evil.
Because we know he is a braggart and loved to tell others of his sick fantasies like he told his friend that had the wire at the walk for YingYing. He was basically bragging. So I suspect he was like that with his wife as he begun his plannings. She may be too afraid to talk.

I also remember talk of a duffle bag and so I think he removed YingYing in the duffle bag.

And I totally agree that he could not have gone too far with her as he wanted her body close by to relive his evil thoughts. Which is why that building close to his place has always been where I think he took her. Im not convinced LE searched that building, its walls, its basement, its attic areas as thorough as it needed to be because of the large size of the building area. The problem we have as a public is unless we get someone to allow us to search it ourselves we wont have access to it to look further.
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Yes, I totally agree and will plan to visit more often now. I was waiting for his trial to pickup and I am interested in the trial as I want to hear the word "guilty" at the end.

I agree he had this planned out for some time. Way back I read some of his posts on that dark sick website he was visiting where it talked about dungeons and torture. That told me all I needed to know about how he took his sick fantasies into the real world.

I am a little shocked his ex-wife has not been able to share with LE what he did with YingYing. I still wonder if she knows something that could pinpoint exactly what he did. She may know and not want to tell LE because she may be afraid she could get arrested herself or maybe she feels guilty for how much she allowed him to fester into evil.
Because we know he is a braggart and loved to tell others of his sick fantasies like he told his friend that had the wire at the walk for YingYing. He was basically bragging. So I suspect he was like that with his wife as he begun his plannings. She may be too afraid to talk.

I also remember talk of a duffle bag and so I think he removed YingYing in the duffle bag.

And I totally agree that he could not have gone too far with her as he wanted her body close by to relive his evil thoughts. Which is why that building close to his place has always been where I think he took her. Im not convinced LE searched that building, its walls, its basement, its attic areas as thorough as it needed to be because of the large size of the building area. The problem we have as a public is unless we get someone to allow us to search it ourselves we wont have access to it to look further.

Well, perhaps if we found some very detailed blueprints of the building, we have some maps but they're not extensive... there must be better maps...I agree it is doubtful if it got a thorough search 'cos we would have seen it on media. It's huge. And though they possibly and it is likely the went through it with cadaver dogs, if he had used a masking type of preservative, dogs could have missed it, also a zinc case could mask it, i did some research in past few weeks, it's here somewhere on types of substances used for embalming etc, I was surprised to learn that they are not rare commodities and quite easily procured. She was tiny. The search dogs picked up a signal in the bathroom of his apartment, I think . Science graduate. Could easily have done it. His prize.
there was also a reference to another victim that he met online, brought to a graveyard and tried to strangle. As far as I remember her testimony is being presented and was presented for DP approval- future dangerousness.

The fBI are still searching for her, they recently visited his prison in an attempt to speak with other inmates.. if anything looked likely, and I do know we can only mostly work intuitively at this stage, I think they would be agreeable to checking it out.

He also tried to pick up another girl on the same day, about 2 hrs before he took YY.
A half tank of petrol had been used in the car when Michelle returned. But it's possible he used that while stalking, he may not have left town at all. Did Michelle know? I do not believe she did because she was very open with police before his defence presented a statement made by her tp tHEM retracting pretty much everything she had previously said. At one stage, she told them she believed he was capable of it and at another she asked them for advice on obtaining a barring order against him as the reality came home to her. Either way she is an unreliable witness now. I think he announced it at the march when he was with his slave because he was also providing proof of his dominance and using it to further enslave her and show her how powerful he was. The little god of all things awful.
It is unknown the extent of how many other slaves he still has at his disposal... look at his defence team, for example.

I would much prefer he gets chucked into the roughest most violent prison in America for the remainder of his days and let his fellow inmates take care of him.
Let him know what it's like to be dominated in the most physically and mentally painful ways.
That reply yesterday was about trying to arrange to keep him out of the general prison population.
It will drag on for another 10 yrs and I doubt we shall see him fry but it would be some comfort to place him in 'uncomfortable' settings while he awaits death.
So we need new maps, new photographs and we need old archived maps too.
It is possible there are other unused buildings on his gym route too, or very close by.
I spoke with a friend who is a huge Bret Easton Ellis fan. I’ve read American Psycho myself but it’s been years and is a bit fuzzy at this point.

He made a fantastic point, it would be hard to use his love of the book as any basis for justifying that BC must be crazy. There are passages of extreme violence, however, what people love most about it who truly love the book is the nuanced point the author is trying to make. You really have to have your faculties about yourself to understand that the book is a satirical statement about what the whole world has become.

By the way, I’m generally a squeamish person and remember very few particulars of the violent scenes but do remember they were almost outlandish in nature and require a certain willful suspension of disbelief to continue reading them. Almost like they were so out there that it is no way they actually happened. Because of this, many people think the main character never actually committed any crimes at all and was struggling with mental illness.
I also thought of one other thing. I know very little about organic chemistry but BC would have known a ton. It’s possible he butchered the body and used two different solvents, correct? I would imagine you might be able to separate soft and hard components and dispose of them separately. I’m also not sure that would be incredibly difficult to do.
I also thought of one other thing. I know very little about organic chemistry but BC would have known a ton. It’s possible he butchered the body and used two different solvents, correct? I would imagine you might be able to separate soft and hard components and dispose of them separately. I’m also not sure that would be incredibly difficult to do.
We went through solvents, none of them work quickly and what would have been the point? He could have just as easily butchered an animal... but he wouldn't earn any street cred for that.
All that planning for a quick kill and dismembering?
Recall his preferred role- he liked to dominate. When she died, he had not figured on being a suspect. I suggest he whisked her away to a pre-prepared space inviolable to everyone except himself in his sick mind.
The book is relevant because it was his favourite book and it was missing when Michelle returned from her weekend away.
Now, whereas the movie was more as per your description, the book was not, it went into some horrific detail, again, its years since I read it too.. there is a link to a free copy online here in this thread, I posted it some time ago.

We do not know how or why it disappeared after that weekend except for the fact that it was not because he wanted to hide his love for it, it is still on his facebook account as a fave book. As @altojack stated, possibly became bloodstained during his weekend ritual, why it was exposed during the murder is unknown to us.
what if we are all overthinking the quick kill aspect of this--
I think it is quite possible, and maybe even most likely, that he INTENDED for her to be alive longer, but he killed her by mistake (don't get me wrong, I think that was his eventual goal, but he did it way faster than he planned). Remember the cause of death was gruesome-- I think there was probably some sick violent sex 'game' and it went too far and she ended up dead, and then he ditched her. But he would have preferred to keep her around, alive, for longer.

i imagine it gives that kind of person more satisfaction to control a live person begging him to stop than a dead person... jmo

if the quick death was an accident, there was no need for him to preserve or body or keep it close. he wanted her alive, so he could exert power, and that was it. I think he just ditched her body somewhere random and moved on to thinking about the next potential victim.
what if we are all overthinking the quick kill aspect of this--
I think it is quite possible, and maybe even most likely, that he INTENDED for her to be alive longer, but he killed her by mistake (don't get me wrong, I think that was his eventual goal, but he did it way faster than he planned). Remember the cause of death was gruesome-- I think there was probably some sick violent sex 'game' and it went too far and she ended up dead, and then he ditched her. But he would have preferred to keep her around, alive, for longer.

i imagine it gives that kind of person more satisfaction to control a live person begging him to stop than a dead person... jmo

if the quick death was an accident, there was no need for him to preserve or body or keep it close. he wanted her alive, so he could exert power, and that was it. I think he just ditched her body somewhere random and moved on to thinking about the next potential victim.
we're not all overthinking it, I am 'overthinking' it. No cause of death has been revealed because her body was never found. We do not know whether or not it was gruesome or even if she is dead, actually because there is no evidence that we can confirm apart from an alleged signal of a cadaver dog and some tapes that he is likely to deny or excuse as a brag .We all hope they have more than that but we do not know for sure and as she is still a missing person, we are exploring all avenues. As one does when a case goes on this long without catharsis.
So I went looking for the motions that were supposed to be heard on 3/14 - here's what I found:
Motion #220: Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief/Order on Motion for Psychiatric Exam,
#223: Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, #229: MOTION to Establish Jury Selection Procedures,
#232: MOTION for Oral Argument on Jury Selection Procedures,
#258: MOTION for Reconsideration re 220 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Psychiatric Exam, Order on Motion for Extension of Time, &
#266: RESPONSE to Motion by Brendt A Christensen re 258 MOTION for Reconsideration re 220 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,, Order on Motion for Psychiatric Exam,, Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File.
Motion #266-Denied.

So to me it looks like they have #223 & 232 - re Jury selection procedures, which I believe they have settled.

So I went looking for the motions that were supposed to be heard on 3/14 - here's what I found:
Motion #220: Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief/Order on Motion for Psychiatric Exam,
#223: Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, #229: MOTION to Establish Jury Selection Procedures,
#232: MOTION for Oral Argument on Jury Selection Procedures,
#258: MOTION for Reconsideration re 220 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Psychiatric Exam, Order on Motion for Extension of Time, &
#266: RESPONSE to Motion by Brendt A Christensen re 258 MOTION for Reconsideration re 220 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,, Order on Motion for Psychiatric Exam,, Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File.
Motion #266-Denied.

So to me it looks like they have #223 & 232 - re Jury selection procedures, which I believe they have settled.

267-?Docket for United States v. Christensen, 2:17-cr-20037 -
Okay - here's what's on the court site for the previous stuff I just posted. Let's see how close I got it! LOL!

267 Mar 15, 2019
OBJECTION to Government's Motion to Select and Empanel an Anonymous Jury by Brendt A Christensen (Pollock, Elisabeth) (Entered: 03/15/2019)

Mar 15, 2019
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge James E. Shadid: Parties present in open court AUSA Bryan Freres & James Nelson on behalf of the Govt and Defendant Brendt A Christensen with Attys Robert Tucker, Matthew Rubenstein, Julie Brain, Elisabeth Pollock & George Taseff for a Motion Hearing on Thursday, 3/14/2019. Arguments heard re the Motion for Reconsideration 258 and the Govt's Response 266. WRITTEN ORDER TO ENTER. Discussion held re: Motion 265 and Sealed Documents 263 & 264 . Defense to respond by 3/21/2019.
Govt's reply, if any, to be filed by 3/26/2019.
Court schedules a telephonic Status Conference for Monday, 4/8/2019 at 1:30 PM to discuss scheduling of possible Daubert Hearing.. (Notice of Call-in to be issued to counsel by, and obtained from, the Clerk.)
Court VACATES the hearing scheduled in Urbana for 3/25/2019.

Arguments heard re: 223 & 229 Motions for an Order Establishing Jury Selection Procedures. (Motion for Oral Argument 232 GRANTED.) Parties agree to 20 peremptory challenges each, not including alternates. Parties agree to 6 alternate jurors. WRITTEN ORDER TO ENTER. Dft remanded to the custody of the U.S. Marshal. (Court Reporter NM) (JRK, ilcd)

link: Docket for United States v. Christensen, 2:17-cr-20037 -

Daubert Hearing: In United States federal law, the Daubert standard is a rule of evidence regarding the admissibility of expert witness testimony. A party may raise a Daubert motion, a special motion in limine raised before or during trial, to exclude the presentation of unqualified evidence to the jury.
I'm going to post this - so I can shorten it later. :)

Monday, March 25th:
*Final Pretrial Conference Hearing-vacated (@ 10am ET) - IL - Yingying Zhang (26) (missing on June 9, 2017, Urbana; not found) - *Brendt A. Christensen (28) indicted (6/30/17) on kidnapping (Federal charge) resulting in death of Yingying and 2 counts of giving false statements to FBI. Plead not guilty; DA will seek DP.
3/25: Final Pretrial Conf.; 6/3: Trial begins with jury selection, which should last about 5 weeks.
From 1/11/19 to 1/29/19 Motions denied - see post #165 here: Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*
Court hearings for 2/1/19 thru 2/11/19 reference post #254 here: Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*
Court hearings for 2/11/19 thru 2/28/19 reference post #296 here:
Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

3/1/19 Update: Judge Shadid denied a motion (228) to reconsider by BC’s defense requesting inclusion of some previously denied questions for the jury questionnaire.
Motions hearing on 3/14 re Motion #s 220, 223, 229 232, 258 & 266 will be heard. Motion deadline was 3/18.
3/14/19 Update: Motion #266 denied (which includes #220 & 258). Motion deadline is 3/18.
At the hearing, they argued that prosecutors' rebuttal mental health examination of Christensen shouldn't be recorded. Prosecutor James Nelson argued they only want it recorded to ensure accuracy. Shadid didn't rule Thursday on this particular issue. Prosecutors & defense attorneys debated about how jury selection should go, such as whether potential jurors should be questioned individually or in a group, whether visual aides will be allowed, & whether hypothetical questions about the case should be allowed. Judge Shadid didn't issue a formal ruling Thursday, but said he plans to send the attorneys information on each of the potential jurors by March 30. They're then supposed to confer with each other & submit questions to him that they want to ask the potential jurors. 1000 juror questionnaires were sent out this month with 200 back per Judge on 3/14, and 27 have already been excused for reasons like pregnancy, age, care-giving duties, disabilities & planned vacations. But he expects that at the current pace, there will be a large enough pool to begin jury selection June 3. Eventually, 12 jurors need to be selected, along with six alternates. It's unclear how long jury selection might take, but Shadid said that if it wraps up in less than two weeks, he could see the guilt phase of the trial wrapping up by the Fourth of July break. If a sentencing phase is necessary, he said that could happen after the break.
3/14/19 Update #2: Final Pretrial Conference hearing on 3/25 is vacated. Defense files Motion (#267) - OBJECTION to Government's Motion to Select & Empanel an Anonymous Jury. Next telephonic Status Conference hearing on 4/8 to discuss scheduling of possible Daubert Hearing. (Daubert Hearing: In U.S. federal law, the Daubert standard is a rule of evidence regarding the admissibility of expert witness testimony. A party may raise a Daubert motion, a special motion in limine raised before or during trial, to exclude the presentation of unqualified evidence to the jury). Arguments heard re: 223 & 229 Motions for an Order Establishing Jury Selection Procedures. Motion for Oral Argument 232 GRANTED.) Parties agree to 20 peremptory challenges each, not including alternates. Parties agree to 6 alternate jurors.
A bunch of defense responses to Motions in Limine were filed today, as was a ruling by Shadid. No idea what they are yet or if there is any information of interest in them as they are not yet available on CourtListener. I'll take a look at them once they become available.
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