Illegal/Underground Adoption Theories and leads

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A few things, IMO, that support the theory that EJ did arrange for an illegal adoption, or sale.

-EJ supposedly had an appointment with someone on Dec 23rd and arranged for a babysitter.
-when she paid the babysitter, she told her she had “come into some money”.
-she updated her MS status to “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” shortly after that appt.
-she may or may not have told TPS that she had found “underground help” on Dec 23rd.
-she was seen on more than one occasion with a Hispanic man.
-she was seen with a couple in the parking lot of the hotel.
-she ordered pizza for more than just herself on the 24th.
-she told TPS in her second jail interview that the couple told her they were going to hide Gabriel.
artsy1 we are thinking the same. :)

To me, it's the only scenario that fits TPS's personality. She has to be in charge, she has to run the show, she has to have things her own way. So why would TPS have invested so much time and effort into trying to get Gabriel away from EJ and LM only to let EJ go rogue, give Gabriel away on her own, and then go on national tv and do her smug smirk every time anyone says something to her about Gabriel being missing unless she arranged the whole thing and knows where he is. Even in her "we've been duped" interview, TPS wasn't upset.

I know if I had spent even a day with that beautiful boy, I would be bawling my eyes out every time someone said he's missing.:angel:
All very plausible artsy1. I've never ruled out TPS as the mastermind behind any type of hand off/"adoption" that may have occured but I was just mentioning points to make me believe that there seems to have been a plan in place and that Gabriel was in fact handed off to someone else rather than the alternative of what EJ told LM she did.
All very plausible artsy1. I've never ruled out TPS as the mastermind behind any type of hand off/"adoption" that may have occured but I was just mentioning points to make me believe that there seems to have been a plan in place and that Gabriel was in fact handed off to someone else rather than the alternative of what EJ told LM she did.

Sorry Kamille - I thought you were implying that EJ had set the whole thing up. My mistake!:banghead:
Sorry Kamille - I thought you were implying that EJ had set the whole thing up. My mistake!:banghead:

No need to apologize artsy1, I could totally see where you might have thought that in the way I worded the beginning of that post. I should have been more clear.

But then again, I haven't ruled out the possibility that EJ did set this up all on her own either. ;)
Maybe this has been addressed before and I just didn't find it. But if TPS DIDN'T set up the plan of making Gabriel disappear, why didn't she contact LE earlier?

If TPS isn't involved in the disappearance, then why didn't she contact LE while she was communicating with EJ in SA and tell them that EJ was on the run with the baby and planning on disappearing? If TPS REALLY wanted Gabriel found, why wouldn't she have contacted them right away and told them that she was worried about the baby? Why instead did she act as cheerleader for the "underground" that EJ was working with? After all, she left that message on the judge's voicemail begging for him to give her custody, so why not have the police pick up EJ and Gabriel right away, bring them back, and EVERYBODY go sit in front of a judge if TPS wasn't involved?

And then TPS goes on national tv AFTER EJ leaves SA and begs LE to come talk to her?!?!?! :waitasec:
Maybe this has been addressed before and I just didn't find it. But if TPS DIDN'T set up the plan of making Gabriel disappear, why didn't she contact LE earlier?

If TPS isn't involved in the disappearance, then why didn't she contact LE while she was communicating with EJ in SA and tell them that EJ was on the run with the baby and planning on disappearing? If TPS REALLY wanted Gabriel found, why wouldn't she have contacted them right away and told them that she was worried about the baby? Why instead did she act as cheerleader for the "underground" that EJ was working with? After all, she left that message on the judge's voicemail begging for him to give her custody, so why not have the police pick up EJ and Gabriel right away, bring them back, and EVERYBODY go sit in front of a judge if TPS wasn't involved?

And then TPS goes on national tv AFTER EJ leaves SA and begs LE to come talk to her?!?!?! :waitasec:

The only answer I can come up with is that TPS had no legal right to report EJ missing. She was somewhat working with LM and knew that he was going through the court system to get his son back and that LE was involved. I do believe that TPS was trying to get EJ to come back, if only so she would still have a chance to adopt Gabriel. But even if she had called LE there was nothing they would do for her that they weren't already doing for LM.
The only answer I can come up with is that TPS had no legal right to report EJ missing. She was somewhat working with LM and knew that he was going through the court system to get his son back and that LE was involved. I do believe that TPS was trying to get EJ to come back, if only so she would still have a chance to adopt Gabriel. But even if she had called LE there was nothing they would do for her that they weren't already doing for LM.

I guess I might be missing part of the equation. When exactly did LM know that EJ was gone with Gabriel? Every news article I've read says he went to LE after the text that Gabriel was dead (Dec 27), but apparently TPS knew where EJ was long before that.

And since TPS says she knew EJ was going to run, she could have reported a child in danger and LE would have looked into it. TPS would have had every right to report them missing if she felt the child was in danger - and since she knew EJ didn't want him, to me that would signal that he was, in fact, in danger (again, unless TPS was in on it and knew what was going to happen to Gabriel).... :waitasec:
I guess I might be missing part of the equation. When exactly did LM know that EJ was gone with Gabriel? Every news article I've read says he went to LE after the text that Gabriel was dead (Dec 27), but apparently TPS knew where EJ was long before that.

And since TPS says she knew EJ was going to run, she could have reported a child in danger and LE would have looked into it. TPS would have had every right to report them missing if she felt the child was in danger - and since she knew EJ didn't want him, to me that would signal that he was, in fact, in danger (again, unless TPS was in on it and knew what was going to happen to Gabriel).... :waitasec:

I don't know the exact sequence of events but I think LM got concerned when he went to get Gabriel on Dec. 20th, which was the day of the joint custody exchange and I think he went to court the next day to get temporary full custody. At that point I think LE was already involved but LM was going the legal route. I'm not sure when exactly LM knew that EJ was in San Antonio but I am pretty sure he knew by the 23rd because that was the day that TPS posted on her FB that EJ got an underground help in TX. I'm not sure why LE didn't try to find EJ in San Antonio at that point. It might be because it was still going through the courts, even though in his request for temporary full custody I believe that was when LM said that EJ "could and will injure Gabriel". I agree that she was probably very findable at that point, with her posting on her My Space. I don't know why they didn't trace her IP and nab her then but it may be because it was still in the courts. Once EJ sent LM the text that she killed Gabriel everyone started taking things very seriously.
If TS truly felt that she had no legal authority to report EJ's situation to LE, she still should have reported it to CPS--in her state and in TX. I think she didn't report it because she was still intending to control how/where G ended up even if it wasn't with her and probably planning to profit from it too. TS may have wanted G for herself at one point but don't forget she likely also knew other people through all her other adoption search and church associations that were desparate for a child-- family (much removed, obviously) or friend. Delving into that business, she was, IMO just too darn familiar with the process of placements and making the taking of a child look sort of legal for me to believe she doesn't have alot of working contacts in the underground world. Even if it was only because she looked for herself. EJ being on the run was facilitated by TPS, IMO. And who is to say that EJ went rogue in TPS's eyes? My guess is EJ was being very cooperative with TS's vision of how things should be handled. I think the only things that didn't go as planned were EJ's over-zealously-injurious text and phonecall to LM which didn't get the expected reaction (I'm assuming they expected him to give up and believe her out of the country already) and being arrested in FL prior to actually getting out of the country. EJ's noticeable apprehension in the hotel parking lot suggests to me that there was a point where EJ might have actually considered cutting loose from the plan but I think she ended up caving whether out of fear or just lack of a better plan. She did just as her pupeteer directed I think.

There's no way I think TS didn't know exactly what was happening every step of the way even as they started deviating from the original plan-- I really believe she orchestrated the entire thing beginning to end and is in damage control phase right now.

It's my assumption that EJ was listening to advisors every step of the way. She may have been dealing with the "brushfire du jour" as things started to unravel but I really believe TPS was telling her what to do every day; in fact, every breath!
LM didn't go to LE until he got EJ's text even though (and I believe he legally could have reported it) she had already missed giving him his visitation. Maybe EJ assumed he wouldn't care because he had let her other transgressions go or maybe she had let his transgression go. Does anyone know if LM had been staying away prior to officially moving out of the trailer or was he regularly spending time with his child. I am not faulting him because I understand he was reluctant to be around EJ but, knowing his child was with someone he considered unstable, I'm wondering if EJ could have interpreted lessened involvement with G as non-interest in G and in her. Please know I really mean no offense to LM; I think I understand the predicament he felt he was in especially wanting to avoid any legal issues while trying to get his own life back in line. To me, EJ's text was "over the top" exteme but it smacked of the unhealthy and juvenile sensationalism that immature teenagers often resort to when they want attention. Given that EJ was raised in the foster care system, and shuffled often, I imagine extreme was pretty much a regular mode of operation. It's not normal to say what she said but for some reason, I think if she really did it and wanted to get away with it, she'd have said nothing. And if she wanted to leave with G, she'd have just left and not highlighted herself as gone. The need to call LM and say such concerning things, to me, seems motivated solely by a need to mess with his head!
Another reason I believe IMHO that TPS is expecting to get Gabriel back (as a Foster Child - hey, why not make a little money from the state on it?) is something else that has been bothering me.

TPS, if I recall correctly, admitted that she was looking up getting a new ID and SSN on her computer - and claimed it was because EJ wanted to disappear. If EJ is as intelligent as her family claims, why couldn't SHE look up that info on the computer herself? IMHO, TPS is the one who wanted EJ to disappear, so that EJ wouldn't be around by the time the dust settled and TPS had Gabriel in her own care. Because if EJ was still around, TPS couldn't take a chance that she would recognize Gabriel.

Here's my personal theory on the case from the start. It all began long before EJ came into the picture. TPS's adopted daughter started asking for a baby brother or sister. Since there were no other family members that TPS could get a baby from, she asked her adoption contact in TN to hook her up with gray market adoption groups, which the friend did.

When TPS learned how expensive it was to go that route, she started looking for other options. She joined groups (like the LDS group), posted on surrogate mom sites, etc., as well as keeping her eyes open in public for struggling young mothers that she could convince to give up her baby.

TPS found the perfect mark in EJ. TPS tried to convince EJ at the airport that if she really loved her baby but couldn't take care of him, she should give him up for adoption. Oh, and by the way, I'm looking to adopt a baby myself, so let's talk.

EJ thought it would be a way out of her troubles - her only hitch was to get LM to give up his parental rights. TPS told her that she could convince him. When TPS realized he wasn't going to be easy to convince, she had to come up with a more devious plan. TPS hammered into EJ that if LM was such an abusive boyfriend (a story EITHER started by EJ or put into EJ's head by TPS to get leverage with EJ), he would eventually hurt the baby as well, so they had to go to Plan B.

In Plan B, EJ skips town with the baby, and TPS convinces LM to sign away his rights (because the papers won't be legal anyway, don't you know) in order for EJ to bring the baby back. And since the most important thing was to keep the baby safe, Plan C was already planned as a contingency - only TPS's Plan C differed from EJ's.

EJ's Plan C was to adopt the baby out into the gray market and then disappear. After all, his safety was the most important thing, right? Oh, and since she already had contacts, TPS told EJ not to worry, that she'd set up the whole thing for her.

However, TPS's Plan C was for the baby to be "adopted" by a couple that SHE arranged to take him into hiding, so that she could ensure that TPS would end up with Gabriel at the end of it all. TPS had to make sure that EJ would never come back, and told her how to get a new identity so she could disappear and never return to see that Gabriel made his way eventually back to TPS.

When EJ got to SA, she posted that her "bubba was starting to crawl" as code to TPS that she arrived safely and was ready to start Plan B. When TPS realized that Plan B wasn't going to work with LM, she called EJ at the hotel, which the babysitter overheard. When EJ asked "what am I supposed to do, bring him back?", TPS told her that Plan C was activated and be ready to hand the baby off.

The handoff took place, but to try to keep LM from looking for Gabriel, EJ told him that she killed the baby and threw him in the garbage in the green diaper bag (TPS's story she concocted to try and avoid any searches for him). EJ deliberately left all of Gabriel's things EXCEPT the diaper bag in the room, so it would appear that her story was true. EJ then took off, with her new identity, thinking that she would never see or hear from her son again. Her downfall would be gloating on her facebook about her new life, not realizing that LE would track her down that way.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Gabriel has been handed off to the couple TPS arranged to take him. They go into hiding, waiting for some kind of sign (media signal, particular facebook posting, etc) that it was safe to bring him back. TPS goes public to try and get the story out quickly, so that it would die down quicker and she would get her baby boy back again. But things backfired, and the more TPS appeared in the media, the more her story changed, finally making her a person of interest. With being such a moral, Christian woman (as she touts herself to be), TPS figured EVERYONE would believe her and not consider that she was involved in any way.

TPS never gets upset about Gabriel being missing because SHE knows WHO has him, although not where he is. EJ doesn't even know WHO has him, since TPS set everything up, and isn't aware that the plan all along was for TPS to get Gabriel back in the end - only under a new name and identity.

So the couple who have Gabriel are in hiding, unaware of what's going on with TPS. I think if they knew that TPS has been "caught" by LE for her involvement, they would give Gabriel to someone to take to the police so that they wouldn't be found to be involved, if they can be linked to TPS. I suspect that they are just taking care of Gabriel, waiting for the sign to come from TPS to bring him back to her.

Anyway, that's my personal theory of the case. I don't know if any of it could be corroborated by sightings, timelines, etc. Just my two cents. :twocents:

I agree with you on your theory, except that I can't imagine how the couple who has him doesn't know by now LE is searching for him. They may be terrified of what will happen to them if found and they also may have taken him out of the country or given him to someone else.
A few things, IMO, that support the theory that EJ did arrange for an illegal adoption, or sale.

-EJ supposedly had an appointment with someone on Dec 23rd and arranged for a babysitter.
-when she paid the babysitter, she told her she had “come into some money”.
-she updated her MS status to “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” shortly after that appt.
-she may or may not have told TPS that she had found “underground help” on Dec 23rd.
-she was seen on more than one occasion with a Hispanic man.
-she was seen with a couple in the parking lot of the hotel.
-she ordered pizza for more than just herself on the 24th.
-she told TPS in her second jail interview that the couple told her they were going to hide Gabriel.

Kamille you can now add -she was arrested with a $20,000 ring in her pocket to your list! That's a pretty long list ;)
I knew I saw this somewhere..this is why I think EJ was saying the truth, that she thinks the people that took him are good people. I really don't think she would knowingly just sell him to anybody. I think she did a little of her homework at least, because she did want a better life for Gabriel than she could provide.
MOO, but this is why I think their info is online somewhere, because I feel she would have checked it out the day of the babysitter on a library computer or something. Then, having felt she verified the couple's info, she came back in a better mood...with a ticked off TS.

Bob said his granddaughter told him the baby's best future lay with the Smiths.

"I want him to have a better life than I did," she told him, "and the way things are going with me and Logan, he doesn't (have) a chance."

Also, the first part about the Smith's is why I wonder if the plan was to give him to them. Now that that's impossible, I wonder what the plan is.
To me, it's the only scenario that fits TPS's personality. She has to be in charge, she has to run the show, she has to have things her own way. So why would TPS have invested so much time and effort into trying to get Gabriel away from EJ and LM only to let EJ go rogue, give Gabriel away on her own, and then go on national tv and do her smug smirk every time anyone says something to her about Gabriel being missing unless she arranged the whole thing and knows where he is. Even in her "we've been duped" interview, TPS wasn't upset.

I know if I had spent even a day with that beautiful boy, I would be bawling my eyes out every time someone said he's missing.:angel:
BBM!!! I've never laid physical eyes on Gabriel, but I've bawled my eyes out quite a few times over this gorgeous little boy.
I have not even seen this video yet, so I hope I am not disappointed
But I am going to check all night until it is posted here lol

I just think that this sort of story might start flushing out more tips on this case
I am feeling really hopeful with the news about the ruby/diamond ring and this story about underground adoption rings

Snipped -- After investigating for two months Fox News at Nine has learned about a dirty secret of how birth mothers are paid with expensive jewelry. That led Gabriel's father to police who admitted that the baby's mother had a ring worth close to $30,000 on her when she was arrested.

I think it is strange that Logan had to approach LE about the ring, though --if this report is correctly worded

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