Importance of hiring a lawyer

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Jo in Calif

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2010
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O.K. peeps this my first thread, so bear with me.
We have all, or most of seen the videos, on the importance of not talking with LE or hiring a lawyer.
There are a lot of people involved in this case who have talked to LE and have not hired a lawyer, as far as we know. Thus far, as far as we know, have not been singled out as looking like a POI, only 2 people. My question why have all these other people talked with LE and not hired lawyers? When their chances of LE suspecting them of being involved were just as great as anyone.
O.K. peeps this my first thread, so bear with me.
We have all, or most of seen the videos, on the importance of not talking with LE or hiring a lawyer.
There are a lot of people involved in this case who have talked to LE and have not hired a lawyer, as far as we know. Thus far, as far as we know, have not been singled out as looking like a POI, only 2 people. My question why have all these other people talked with LE and not hired lawyers? When their chances of LE suspecting them of being involved were just as great as anyone.

Maybe they like to live dangerously?

More likely, when they were questioned, the questions were all pointed at what each witness saw other people doing. I'm a big believer in consulting with a lawyer but I'm also practical: the money tree has not yet sprouted in my back yard. So until or unless the questioning turned to "and can you tell me what YOU were doing at 9 am 4 June?" I probably wouldn't consult a lawyer.

The instant the questions started pointing at my own actions is the point at which I, personally, would feel the cost/benefit ratio tip towards consulting a lawyer.

But I can't speak for anyone else.
I like to think they are taking the Marc Klass view- I will totally cooperate, just do what you need to do to rule me out, then let's work together to find him/her.

If you have nothing to hide, then LE should be able to rule you out pretty quickly. Now if they start acting weird or signal that they are trying to build a case around you, then you should stop talking and lawyer up pdq.
I believe there were other friends, that were with Terry after Kaine moved out, that were involved in the bat phone scenario. Why if DeDe proclaims her innocence, is she the only one that hired a lawyer? Why did LE, as far as we know not suspect the other friends, just DeDe.
I believe there were other friends, that were with Terry after Kaine moved out, that were involved in the bat phone scenario. Why if DeDe proclaims her innocence, is she the only one that hired a lawyer? Why did LE, as far as we know not suspect the other friends, just DeDe.
It could be because the other friends were able to account for their entire whereabouts on the day Kyron went missing, which LE was able to confirm, and DDS could not.

I would not hire a lawyer either, if I had no involvement and could substantiate my whereabouts.
It could be because the other friends were able to account for their entire whereabouts on the day Kyron went missing, which LE was able to confirm, and DDS could not.

I would not hire a lawyer either, if I had no involvement and could substantiate my whereabouts.
That's the way I feel, but there a lot of people that say, it doesn't matter if you're innocent, don't under any circumstance talk to LE. To me the chances of innocent people talking to and being fully cooperative with LE,are much greater than a guilty person, especially when a missing child is involved. To me, IMO this is why Terry and DeDe are guilty in being involved with Kyron being missing. Still can't quite figure out DeDe's involvement.
If you have any indicator that you may be the TARGET of an investigation, whether innocent or guilty, talking to LE [without representation] would be foolish, imo.

Assuming that I am innocent, I would use my attorney to get useful information to LE.
For me, it would depend on the circumstances. If I witnessed an accident, then of course I would speak to LE without a lawyer present. If I witnessed a crime, I would speak to LE without a lawyer present. If my child was missing, I would speak without a lawyer present, unless LE began focusing on me as their suspect, and then I would hire a lawyer -- not only to protect myself and my family, but in some ways, to keep LE's focus in check. If I knew I was innocent, but that LE was focused on me, I'd do everything in my power to refocus their attention. IMHO, pleading with LE to focus on strangers or Bobby's father or whomever only gives rise to, "She doth protest too much." So, yes, I would hire a lawyer. I would not speak to LE without a lawyer if my statements were not those of a witness. In essence, if a crime occurred and LE were investigating as if everyone was a suspect, I would consult an attorney.

IMHO, LE are basically good, well-intentioned people, but even well-intentioned people get it wrong, and although the exception not the rule, there are innocent people in prison and innocent people's lives have been destroyed because they weren't adept when dealing with LE and the legalities in this country. Also, LE does, sadly, sometimes get tunnel vision. This is not to say it's malicious, or purposeful targeting of a specific person (although it can be), but sometimes in the zeal to solve a case LE gets it wrong. Hiring a lawyer is a personal choice, a right, and should not, IMHO, be an indication of guilt.
That's the way I feel, but there a lot of people that say, it doesn't matter if you're innocent, don't under any circumstance talk to LE. To me the chances of innocent people talking to and being fully cooperative with LE,are much greater than a guilty person, especially when a missing child is involved. To me, IMO this is why Terry and DeDe are guilty in being involved with Kyron being missing. Still can't quite figure out DeDe's involvement.
Hate to say this out loud, but here in Orange County, you would never talk to the cops, without an attorney present. ESPECIALLY if you are innocent.

ETA: What I mean is I would have one answer for OC cops, I will be happy to talk to you with my attorney present.
Maybe they like to live dangerously?

More likely, when they were questioned, the questions were all pointed at what each witness saw other people doing. I'm a big believer in consulting with a lawyer but I'm also practical: the money tree has not yet sprouted in my back yard. So until or unless the questioning turned to "and can you tell me what YOU were doing at 9 am 4 June?" I probably wouldn't consult a lawyer.

The instant the questions started pointing at my own actions is the point at which I, personally, would feel the cost/benefit ratio tip towards consulting a lawyer.

But I can't speak for anyone else.

I mostly agree. However, even if the questions were "where were YOU at 9am on June 4th"...if I knew my alibi was iron-clad and easily/quickly verifiable (I was at work, in a meeting with 6 other people, for example)...I'd skip the lawyer. But if was, say, driving around aimlessly at that time...yeah, I'd be calling an atty pretty darn quick!
I live here in Illinois and and would get an attorney for just about everything other than being a witness to a car accident. And even with that, I have my doubts.

And if I ever had an attorney suggesting that I should take a polygraph, I would run, run, run, away to find another. :eek:

I can't imagine navigating the world of LE on my own. :no:
Regardless of DD being innocent or involved, her father is a deputy.
If I were in her shoes, as soon as I knew they wanted to talk to me, the first thing I would do is call my father for advice, even if innocent. I'm pretty sure, if my father were in law enforcement, his advice would be to get a lawyer before saying another word to anyone.

That's my guess for why she might have retained a lawyer even if innocent.
Hate to say this out loud, but here in Orange County, you would never talk to the cops, without an attorney present. ESPECIALLY if you are innocent.

ETA: What I mean is I would have one answer for OC cops, I will be happy to talk to you with my attorney present.

Was Orange County where the Rodney King riots happened? Portland Police have had a rather tarnished rep of late for shooting first and asking questions later, but I don't believe this is the perception with the Multnomah County Sheriff's Dept.

My partner and I had a conversation about this the other day. It's sad to me that it appears that defense lawyers using unscrupulous means are only necessary to free obvious criminals or to counter unscrupulous LE methods. Of course if I was innocent of a crime and I felt I was being railroaded, I'd hire one, but I wouldn't like it. I would hope, in my naive way, that the truth and the evidence would speak for itself in our society.
Was Orange County where the Rodney King riots happened? Portland Police have had a rather tarnished rep of late for shooting first and asking questions later, but I don't believe this is the perception with the Multnomah County Sheriff's Dept.

My partner and I had a conversation about this the other day. It's sad to me that it appears that defense lawyers using unscrupulous means are only necessary to free obvious criminals or to counter unscrupulous LE methods. Of course if I was innocent of a crime and I felt I was being railroaded, I'd hire one, but I wouldn't like it. I would hope, in my naive way, that the truth and the evidence would speak for itself in our society.

Nope. Rodney King was in Los Angeles. I lived about 4 blocks from where it happened.
That's the way I feel, but there a lot of people that say, it doesn't matter if you're innocent, don't under any circumstance talk to LE. To me the chances of innocent people talking to and being fully cooperative with LE,are much greater than a guilty person, especially when a missing child is involved. To me, IMO this is why Terry and DeDe are guilty in being involved with Kyron being missing. Still can't quite figure out DeDe's involvement.

I agree with you ~ innocent people don't automatically lawyer-up as a rule.

I realize many others see this differently, though. However, I see no reason why anyone innocent would want to withhold information about a missing child when they could possibly help. I find it selfish in the extreme.

I have talked to police before about different things without a lawyer present and had no problem with it. I don't think innocent people have anything to fear from the police.

I don't see the police as my enemy - most people will call the police when they are in trouble without hesitation, so why not cooperate when it can help someone else?

I agree with Cypress.

In Kyron's case, remember Kaine was consulting the Intel attorney he had access to almost immediately. Terri didn't get her own lawyer until Kaine took BabyK away, which I found interesting, because she had allegedly already failed numerous LDT's, had repeated her story over and over to LE and was being highly suspected in the media. I also agree that DS was most likely advised by her father to lawyer up.
I agree with Cypress.

In Kyron's case, remember Kaine was consulting the Intel attorney he had access to almost immediately. Terri didn't get her own lawyer until Kaine took BabyK away, which I found interesting, because she had allegedly already failed numerous LDT's, had repeated her story over and over to LE and was being highly suspected in the media. I also agree that DS was most likely advised by her father to lawyer up.

I've always thought she did it then because (a) she knew there was a good reason KH took baby and left; and (b) she knew that the reason was because he found out about the MFH. I think she realized that because of the attempted sting on the same day. jmoo
I agree with Cypress.

In Kyron's case, remember Kaine was consulting the Intel attorney he had access to almost immediately. Terri didn't get her own lawyer until Kaine took BabyK away, which I found interesting, because she had allegedly already failed numerous LDT's, had repeated her story over and over to LE and was being highly suspected in the media. I also agree that DS was most likely advised by her father to lawyer up.

The way it looked, to me Terry hired an attorney on DeDe's advice and it wasn't a divorce attorney. There were other friends at that house, that were involved in suspicious behavior, buying bat phones. Now I would think those ladies had to buy new panties, when they found out LE found out about the phones. Yet none of them hired attorneys, that we are aware of, and cooperated fully with LE.
I've always thought she did it then because (a) she knew there was a good reason KH took baby and left; and (b) she knew that the reason was because he found out about the MFH. I think she realized that because of the attempted sting on the same day. jmoo

Agreed. But if you look at Terri's text to a friend, which was about an hour after her email that day to KH she says something like "and guess what, it's legal", where she's NOW referring to the fact that KH taking babyK away is legal. I think that is the first time TH talked to an attorney, after KH took the baby away. I think she hired Houze, when she was served the RO. Wasn't it all the same day?
Agreed. But if you look at Terri's text to a friend, which was about an hour after her email that day to KH she says something like "and guess what, it's legal", where she's NOW referring to the fact that KH taking babyK away is legal. I think that is the first time TH talked to an attorney, after KH took the baby away. I think she hired Houze, when she was served the RO. Wasn't it all the same day?

I don't think Terry talked to an attorney the day Kaine took the baby. I think when she called 911 they told her Kaine had the legal right to take what was also legally his, the baby.

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