Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - #155 *Richard Allen Arrested*

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(RSBM for focus R Logan)

Back on the last thread (or two) there were a couple of posts that I wanted to reply to, but for now -- generally:

I don't think that RL was directly involved in A&L murder; but I do think it's possible that they (LE) have since discovered that RL may have known about something peripherally.
Perhaps RL at one time initially accessed/knew about something (a_s account? perv ring?) -- and decided that it was not for him, but then also didn't report it.
I've been pondering this for a while.

RL may not have been a perfectly sqeaky-clean citizen, but I don't think he was an actively depraved pervert.

But, in the video, the pause when DC was answering the question concerning RL, the, "we haven't cleared anybody" response, was a little bit surprising, but then again, it is also a pat response.
So, not sure if it means anything or not.

Maybe RL might be guilty of not reporting something that he definitely should have reported.
Or maybe he knew nothing at all!
The statements, lack of statements, half-azzed statements ...
It's all so cryptic.


RL subject raised @1:40,
"we haven't cleared anybody" @ 2:16

RL - Logan. Some people still think he had to have had something to do with it.

IIRC, we should only be discussing KK and his charges in his thread so the only perp to really discuss here is RA.
I didn’t say RL killed the girls, we were just discussing why/how LE hasn’t cleared RL and how he could possibly be involved since he hasn’t been cleared. That is all.
Are you all discussing RA or someone else - Kline? I know this guy has its own thread - so getting confused...
I've self reported my last post in regards to KAK. What I'm confused about is that LE still requests tips on the a_shots profile into the A & L tip line, yet even that seems to be off the table here. KAK is the admitted creator, so it's hard to separate him from the profile, but at the same time, I guess we don't know who was using the profile that LE seems interested in.

I wish MSM would simply ask LE if they are still requesting tips on a_shots. They said so only a few days ago, but another blatant answer would be helpful. JMO.
RL - Logan. Some people still think he had to have had something to do with it.

I think the defense could try to argue RL had something to do with it. That may be why LE has so consistently said "we are investigating everyone" "no one has been cleared" to show they took every single person involved very seriously and left no stone unturned.

A common defense strategy is to shift the blame to someone else in the proximity and then complain that LE did not properly investigate them.

Posted: Apr 3, 2017 / 04:59 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 3, 2017 / 06:53 PM EDT

Logan is not considered a suspect in the killings.
MOO RL is not off the table as involved in some way, as the whole reason for sealing the AA is because of the “ongoing investigation.” Carter specifically declined to say RL was cleared when asked by a reporter at his Q&A after the Oct 31 PC.
Interesting note here is that it was sent from White County jail. Postmark shows 1 November. Wasn't filed until 9 November. Wonder what the delay was.
Wonder, filing date is a week and a day later.
He apparently wrote his request the day after the Oct 31.
Maybe the court did not receive physical letter in a timely fashion?
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Just catching up in here due to wind storm knocking over trees, which pulled power cables down since Saturday.

I am not arguing the point BG could have been drunk, HOWEVER, I have been to the trails and the bridge and honestly, I would have looked like a drunk or someone on drugs trying to cross the bridge.
There are rotted out boards and boards missing--it is not a straight walk across there.

Yes he could have been drinking, but the video and images, IMO, look like he is just on a mission.
What the motive was, I have no idea but he was on a mission, the way he walked, seems like he has walked it before, IMO

(Glad that the power is back! I didn’t have it on Saturday, and on Sunday, thought how many people in the world don’t have it now, or are facing cold winter. Wishing all who don’t have heat or power to go through it).

BG…could have been 100% drunk (I have dealt with alcoholics, saw alcohol hallucinosis several times, and in general, feel compassion towards people with substance issues). When drunk, people might do the strangest things and not remember. But…being drunk is not the same as dissociation caused by, for example, Ambien, when people would do reasonable things, but forget about them in the morning. What would bother me if someone allegedly killed in a drunk blackout would be absence of DNA. Not typical for alcoholics, they leave DNA everywhere around, in all forms. What would also bother me would be the gait on the bridge. Broad-based, sailor’s gait would be expectable from someone drunk, but this guy would totally pass field sobriety test. JMO. I know we don’t see everything, but he crosses legs. Highly unlikely for a drunk person.

If he drinks so much that he earned himself alcohol dementia, it would be totally on him. I doubt, however. He plays pool. (Google “lawyers for Wernicke-Kosrakoff’s syndrome”, there are such!).

I did notice a strange progression of the way his eyes look, maybe he was developing certain thyroid condition, and might be in waves. JMO. However, one think CVS probably gives its workers is good insurance, and TSH is standard test offered by any practitioner annually.

In short - he was thinking well enough to avoid detection. Maybe he went downhill later, but JMO - he totally knew what he was doing.
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