Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - #155 *Richard Allen Arrested*

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I think it's a real possibility RA is having trouble finding an attorney in the area and neighbouring counties. Also if RA wants to go to trial any defence attorney for double murder requires a significant retainer. Trial costs would exceed the value of his house. We do not know how supportive his family is in all this. Perhaps that is another issue here. At this present moment I don't think he'll plead it out. Very early days though.
Very early yes. I bet there is a high falutin lawyer looking for a book or movie regardless of the outcome. 100% discount!
When the pictures of Abby and Libby taken at the crime scene are shown in court, can the courtroom be emptied of all media and spectators? I think the only people who would need to see them would be jury, judge, prosecution, and defense lawyers.
I disagree vehemently. If my child is murdered by a pervert,I want the world to see what perverts do. Otherwise only a small sector sees the reality of evil
I disagree vehemently. If my child is murdered by a pervert,I want the world to see what perverts do. Otherwise only a small sector sees the reality of evil
What I meant was is it legal for a judge to clear everyone from a courtroom except for those involved in the trial. Does the trial judge have this authority? I disagree with you about allowing all spectators to see the crime scene photos. These girls suffered enough. I know they will not be in that courtroom, however, I do not think a parent/grandparent should have to suffer through the media and spectators seeing the battered bodies of their children. I do not have to see evil to know it exists. I hope we can agree to disagree.

Never heard who came forward with the photo of Abby. I remember that the video of BG was said to have been from Libby's cloud account and not from her phone. I wonder if that's where the Abby photo was from, too.
I'm confused about the t-shirt. Is it just a tie-dye shirt acquired after the murders?
Libby was wearing a tie dye shirt on the day the two were murdered.
A tie dye shirt was created as a memorial to the girls, I believe there are multiple versions. It has a quote on the back in white lettering.
The shirt RAs daughter is wearing is an early version of the memorial shirt. Evidently as per GHI the grandmother of Libby contacted him with images of those early shirts. GHI blew up the photo which shows the lettering of the quote is visible on the back as being the same.
It is all on the GHI video from Sun Nov 6.
Do you have insider info or links to support this?

How do you know?
Those would be prudent responsible actions for RA for the sake of his family.
Do we really think he is that kind of man?
I don’t think he will. So, a prudent action his wife could take would be to begin divorce proceedings so finances are split and everything they own isn’t liquidated for his legal defense.
An ego maniac may plead Not Guilty and fight down all their finances just because he can and he has just the ego to believe he has a snowball’s chance in hell to win.

Scott Reisch explains that some actions by the court may be questionable currently due to RAs current lack of representation.
I did not know that sealing the PCA meant RA could not see the evidence against him, I thought it sealed it from the public/ media.

As someone who's never had to hire a lawyer for anything, and also someone with the normal vested social interest in how I am perceived, I don't even know what I would do if I was the target of such an investigation. Imagine being Mr. Family Man, maintaining a hum drum life, and then suddenly being in this position. Where would I even start?

When I need a professional, I usually reach out to my friends and neighbors for advice. "Hey, I need some minor repairs, anyone know someone reputable in the area?" Extrapolate that to a double murder. "Hey, so I'm being looked at for that famous double murder from five years ago. Anyone know a good lawyer?" Add potential death-penalty case and small town to the mix, and I'd imagine I have no choice but to request a public defender.
I agree it would be mind blowing to be searched and then arrested out of the blue. Problem is, finding a DP attorney isn’t easy. Even finding a qualified public defender to be appointed may take time. RA evidently stated he planned to hire an attorney- but that hasn’t happened.
So at this point having the docs sealed, as per Scott Reisch video today, is a problem as is him being moved. There is no one to represent his interests, and he can’t see the evidence against him.
I was unaware sealing the PCA kept the evidence from the defendant.
I have two ways of looking at this.
1. RA is innocent and initially thinks he doesn;t need a lawyer. Then when the gravity of the situation hes in kicks in, he disengages completely.
2. RA has something very bad to hide and is expecting some other 'friends' to dig him out of the mess he's in.

Its probably neither of these :).
3. RA is guilty and in denial/ ego fog and pleads Not Guilty, and begins to think he can win. Liquidates assets to purchased a DP attorney to fight.
At the time of the murders RA would have been 44 ish. He’s now 50 if I’m not mistaken. If you look at just the eyes and nose of that second sketch and compare it to RA, the tiniest details are spot on. I think this witness had eye contact with RA and was left with a bad feeling. Photos from the last few years show him looking younger than his age. The recent mug shots depict weight gain and greying of hair. I agree with you that the second sketch looks very youthful and perhaps the curly hair threw things off a bit.
Well, if anyone looks close, YBG sketch has a lazy eye, too. Not so RA. It would throw me off either,
Those would be prudent responsible actions for RA for the sake of his family.
Do we really think he is that kind of man?
I don’t think he will. So, a prudent action his wife could take would be to begin divorce proceedings so finances are split and everything they own isn’t liquidated for his legal defense.
An ego maniac may plead Not Guilty and fight down all their finances just because he can and he has just the ego to believe he has a snowball’s chance in hell to win.

Scott Reisch explains that some actions by the court may be questionable currently due to RAs current lack of representation.
I did not know that sealing the PCA meant RA could not see the evidence against him, I thought it sealed it from the public/ media.

If the property/house is jointly owned, then I don't think RA can liquidate the house for his legal defense without agreement by his wife. I guess a divorce could force the sale?
Is there a chance RA - if guilty - could be incompetent for execution under the Eight Amendment?

Unless this crime is what many of us have thought, which is a wider conspiracy, a “sick predator”, and thus quite likely he has other offences, as in if it was a wild psychotic one-off and he actually doesn’t remember it etc etc, perhaps there is something very wrong in this person’s head.

Just being devil’s advocate here. Personally from the photos and videos I’ve seen of him I strongly believe he has the empty affect displayed by true psychopaths (as opposed to sociopaths), and the little we do know about the crime suggests he could be that “sick predator”, but there’s all this other background fluff which leaves a small window of doubt in my mind. Plus there’s the information vacuum which is rapidly being filled by those of us outside the LE agencies involved. Who knows.

The fact he’s gone this long without a lawyer makes me think perhaps he’s gone mute. Or perhaps as others suggested he is a major addict and is detoxing. Either way this window of inaction on his part either could be indicative of - or maybe used as a way to innocuously suggest - some form of insanity.

But then, as a relatively sane person myself, I can’t imagine being in his shoes right now and thinking “damn I gotta beat the death penalty, loads to live for.”

JMO. Thinking out loud.
Also with regards to the confusion around what he’s been charged with. And this might be an awful thing to consider, but is there any way the felony part of “felony murder” could have been something he did to them on a very very high bridge, which caused them to fall? I’m NOT saying RA - if guilty - didn’t kill the girls, just wondered if an aggravated assault on a high bridge with good chance of the victim falling to their death would count as felony murder. I think it probably would.
Also with regards to the confusion around what he’s been charged with. And this might be an awful thing to consider, but is there any way the felony part of “felony murder” could have been something he did to them on a very very high bridge, which caused them to fall? I’m NOT saying RA - if guilty - didn’t kill the girls, just wondered if an aggravated assault on a high bridge with good chance of the victim falling to their death would count as felony murder. I think it probably would.
We do know that at 2:13, L's phone captured who LE has described as the man on the bridge, saying, "guys... down the hill." I don't recall the link where they discuss the video, but they also said the video is 43 seconds and "DTH" was at the very end. Does anyone have that link? Was that an HLN episode?

DC and TL have both said that "DTH" was said at the south end of the bridge, so IMO, we know at that moment, BG's intention was for them to go down the hill. And TL has said the girls were killed where they were found (Carroll County Comet Q & A). We know they were "moved and staged" per the RL PC, but that appears to mean within the very same area they were killed, not over a distance.

All that said, we really don't know anything of what happened between the end of the bridge and the place the girls bodies were found. DC recently mentioned how there are multiple access points to any rural location, so perhaps there's more to this than a straight cut walk dth and across the creek, but it's all speculation.

*Sorry, I'm not able to search for links at the moment, so any help would be appreciated.
Skimmed over the Scott Reisch video

I am 99% sure he is not saying the Probable Cause Affidavit / Charges are sealed from the accused. America does not have secret charges / evidence you can be arrested on.

Rather he is saying as a practical matter, a defendant without representation, moved between jails, will struggle to access the information in order to begin the process of mounting a defence.

e.g if the evidence is weak, the accused could immediately bring a motion to be released and have charges dropped.
I think we can get over focussed on the felony murder thing

Many jurisdictions codified aspects of murder where intention is indirect. One of the most common is where you intended to commit GBH and the person dies, even if you didn't intend to kill them. This type of thinking has been expanded into many other situations where the accused basically assumes the risk of someone being killed.

So for example, where you are part of an armed bank robbery, but never dreamed anyone would get hurt.
Those would be prudent responsible actions for RA for the sake of his family.
Do we really think he is that kind of man?
I don’t think he will. So, a prudent action his wife could take would be to begin divorce proceedings so finances are split and everything they own isn’t liquidated for his legal defense.
An ego maniac may plead Not Guilty and fight down all their finances just because he can and he has just the ego to believe he has a snowball’s chance in hell to win.

Scott Reisch explains that some actions by the court may be questionable currently due to RAs current lack of representation.
I did not know that sealing the PCA meant RA could not see the evidence against him, I thought it sealed it from the public/ media.

That is concerning. If he had a lawyer, they might request a psychiatric evaluation (depending on the circumstances). There needs to be someone looking out for his interests. Is it possible that a psych eval was done during the intake process?
(I am not making excuses in any way, but isn’t that how due process works?)IMO.
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