Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #156

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The article does say that. But this is when I get frustrated with the media, because in that paragraph where it talks about how LE is still investigating KAK, it isn't an actual quote from DC, so we don't know if DC literally said anything about KAK, or if the person reporting added that. If DC said it, I wish they would quote it...would be much more persuasive.
We also don't know if the article you're talking about is NEWs (or OLDs). They don't put a time nor a date on that article. That's a pet peeve of mine. So if LE was "still investigating" KAK... and this article was posted years ago... then it's not really new news, is it? :p
We also don't know if the article you're talking about is NEWs (or OLDs). They don't put a time nor a date on that article. That's a pet peeve of mine. So if LE was "still investigating" KAK... and this article was posted years ago... then it's not really new news, is it? :p
I wish someone in the media would outright ask DC if LE still wants tips on a_shots, and leave KAK's name out of it. And then, when reporting his answer, quote him.

LE is not going to answer anything regarding KAK. But treating a_shots as a separate entity, to which LE brought us, might still give us insight into their current investigative strategies. DC might say they still want tips, even if they don't, just to protect their real focus, but I would like to hear his answer to that specific question.
i felt the same way. To me is unclear whether they are specifying he we to the CO shortly after the murders on the 13th or if theu are saying the murders were on the 13th and RA went to the CO some unspecified "short time" later which could even be days later.
Don’t you feel like if it was after they discovered there was a murder that the CO would have immediately called in regular LE? If they were just missing I feel like that would be a senerio where it could more likely be overlooked or just recorded by the CO.
CO are LE in Indiana.
Simply jotting down the info doesn't suffice IMO. Such a small town, suspect and CO known to each other? It just doesn't add up IMO
I don't we have enough information on this to know if things don't add up or not. We have a two sentence statement from a source, with very little detail.
What i am wondering with the reporting is whether something else led them to RA, then they looked back and found he came forward early on, or the other way round?

I wonder if someone in the community developed suspicion?
I'm wondering that too. I think this case will highlight the need to always go back to basics and have fresh eyes on cases.
What i am wondering with the reporting is whether something else led them to RA, then they looked back and found he came forward early on, or the other way round?

I wonder if someone in the community developed suspicion?
I've wondered the same, but then argue with myself that if this were the case, surely someone would be talking about it by now. I suspect that no one in Delphi ever suspected RA of anything at all.

With the arrest of Richard Allen for the Delphi murders of Libby & Abby, many are still wondering if there is a connection to the murders of Elizabeth & Lyric - as well as other unsolved murders/crimes in the area over several decades.

RA’s daughter graduated High School in 2013 so it is quite possible that the family was looking at colleges over the Summer of 2012. Does anyone know if he may have been in the Evansdale area for this purpose at the time of the murders?

(I am not mentioning the daughter’s name, nor am I in any way suggesting anyone should “sleuth” her. My heart goes out to her as she is another victim of her father’s alleged acts and I can’t imagine the pain she is going through right now, too.)
CO are LE in Indiana.
Simply jotting down the info doesn't suffice IMO. Such a small town, suspect and CO known to each other? It just doesn't add up IMO
i didn't say he just jotted it down i'm saying he passed the information on to the relevant officers in charge which is why it is in the case file (thank god otherwise this likely would never have been solved). Random COs don't get to jot stuff into the case file so obviously he or she took the information to the right place. The idea that a game warden (who yes they are law enforcement) should have taken this information and gone Rambo and solved the case by himself seems weird to me and i can't agree with it. If anyone who was a law enforcement officer in Indiana started working this case instead just passing information they got to the people running the investigation can you imagine the chaos that would result?!? Also i've not seen it reported anywhere that RA and this CO knew each other.

Did the investigation as a whole some what drop the ball? Based on the information we have now it seems like they somewhat did BUT to put that on this CO is IMO and JMO unfair.
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With the arrest of Richard Allen for the Delphi murders of Libby & Abby, many are still wondering if there is a connection to the murders of Elizabeth & Lyric - as well as other unsolved murders/crimes in the area over several decades.

RA’s daughter graduated High School in 2013 so it is quite possible that the family was looking at colleges over the Summer of 2012. Does anyone know if he may have been in the Evansdale area for this purpose at the time of the murders?

(I am not mentioning the daughter’s name, nor am I in any way suggesting anyone should “sleuth” her. My heart goes out to her as she is another victim of her father’s alleged acts and I can’t imagine the pain she is going through right now, too.)
I've also wondered if he has any involvement with Lyric and Elizabeth's murders. There's nothing been officially said that he's linked but I don't think he should be ruled out. As for involvement in any other murders/crimes, would they be investigating his links with any others right now or just focusing on his involvement in Abby and Libby's murders ?

Whilst searching RI stuff I re-watched this from a year ago. Interesting to note that he felt the case would be solved in 2-3 days. RI states with the evidence at the scene and video/audio of BG that you'd be able to solve the case even in the 1960s with what LE have.

Well worth a re-watch for tidbits. Fox59 Robert Ives Interview
If they could solve it decades ago with what they have then it must be actual physical evidence then, vs heavily reliant on DNA. I imagine DNA is a bonus in this case. I wonder what they have? I saw an interview on HLN: “Down The Hill” (which is available on YouTube), and the LE interviewed stated that the crime scene investigators were out there for 4 days. It was an interesting remark when given another reporter went to the area where the kids were found with RL sometime after the police were finished and the scene was unremarkable. If you hadn’t known two kids were found dead in that general area, you wouldn’t have known anything was out of place at all really. So what was there that took so long to examine or to bag and tag? Had this been an area where people often went to let loose? A party area? Was this some sort of makeshift worship area for some sort of cult? Was this an area where lovers often took their partners to avoid hotel fees?? What was there that took so long and meant they could have solved it back int he 50s or 60s??
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IMO ‘right after’ the murders RA went to the CO would mean to me on that same day as opposed to days later but have no way of knowing if this source is providing reliable information. But if it is, why I’m thinking that is if anyone noticed RA that day by voluntarily coming forward as a ploy, it gives the appearance he wasn’t involved rather than LE having to track him down if he remained silent. JMO

“Right after Abby and Libby's death, Allen went to the officer and said he was on the Monon High Bridge that afternoon, but that he didn't see the girls, according to the source.”

What you are saying is fair. If we were in March 2017 i would agree with you, but i think 6 years later the definition of right after in peoples minds changes. I agree it is most likely he came forward to "get out front" so to speak of anyone reporting they saw him out there that day and fully agree with the part of your message that I bolded it is better to tell them you were there before they find out.

I do think if we had a better idea when exactly he came forward we could infer somethings from it, maybe. If he came forward that afternoon it would mean it was likely part of his plan. If he came forward after LE ask in the the media for anyone who was out there that day to come forward, likely a few days later, would point to more him reacting to events. Not even sure why it would matter but just thinking out loud.
If they could solve it decades ago with what they have then it must be actual physical evidence then, vs heavily reliant on DNA. I imagine DNA is a bonus in this case. I wonder what they have? I saw an interview on HLN: “Down The Hill” (which is available on YouTube), and the LE interviewed stated that the crime scene investigators were out there for 4 days. It was an interesting remark when given another reporter went to the area where the kids were found sometime after the police were finished and the scene was unremarkable. If you hadn’t known two kids were found dead in that general area, you wouldn’t have known anything was out of place at all really. So what was there that took so long to examine or to bag and tag? Had this been an area where people often went to let loose? A party area? Was this some sort of makeshift worship area for some sort of cult? Was this an area where lovers often took their partners to avoid hotel fees?? What was there that took so long and meant they could have solved it back int he 50s or 60s??
Could it be because of all the dead leaves from the trees covering the ground at that time of year ? I imagine small pieces of evidence could end up hidden beneath them and be really hard to spot. If the crime scene was quite a large area aswell it could explain the lengthy sealing of the scene.
Don’t you feel like if it was after they discovered there was a murder that the CO would have immediately called in regular LE? If they were just missing I feel like that would be a senerio where it could more likely be overlooked or just recorded by the CO.
good point you maybe right. Do we know when information about exactly where the girls where that day and where they were found came out. I'm wondering when the significance of him specifically being on the bridge became clear.

I do think that since all this happened before the video on the bridge was released the fact that he was on the bridges significance might not have been as clear. If he came forward after the video came out then it would be crazy they didn't immediately rocket him to the top of the list.
i didn't say he just jotted it down i'm saying he passed the information on to the relevant officers in charge which is why it is in the case file (thank god otherwise this likely would never have been solved). Random COs don't get to jot stuff into the case file so obviously he or she took the information to the right place. The idea that a game warden (who yes they are law enforcement) should have taken this information and gone Rambo and solved the case by himself seems weird to me and i can't agree with it. If anyone who was a law enforcement officer in Indiana started working this case instead just passing information they got to the people running the investigation can you imagine the chaos that would result?!? Also i've not seen it reported anywhere that RA and this CO knew each other.

Did the investigation as a whole some what drop the ball? Based on the information we have now it seems like they somewhat did BUT to put that on this CO is IMO and JMO unfair.
I was wondering - is it possible that the CO who spoke with RA regarding the girls went back to LE and reminded them that they’d spoken to RA who had been in the area that day? When people send tips in, its not uncommon for them to never hear back from LE at all to know whether their info was ever followed up on or not. It wouldn’t shock me if the CO went back to LE and reminded them and then maybe LE went to CVS to fill a script or whatever and eyeballed him themselves and an eye on his demeanour and an ear out for his voice? Maybe they watched him walk as well - who knows? Would something like that, and knowing that they had it in the file that he had been in the area when the kids went missing be enough to get them a search warrant etc?

Whilst searching RI stuff I re-watched this from a year ago. Interesting to note that he felt the case would be solved in 2-3 days. RI states with the evidence at the scene and video/audio of BG that you'd be able to solve the case even in the 1960s with what LE have.

Well worth a re-watch for tidbits. Fox59 Robert Ives Interview
Thank you for reposting this for those of us who haven't been following from day 1. :) My observations & questions from notes I took from RI's interview which I've relinked at the bottom.

RI - There was so much physical evidence at the crime, and the crime had been found so immediately after it had been committed, that it’s the sort of thing that experienced LE, experienced investigators, all believed “Well this is going to be solved real quickly. And normally it would be.” <snip> but if you had been a police officer in 1960 and you would have arrived at this crime scene with the traditional physical evidence that was there, and not to mention the fact that we had video and audio of the person I think certainly killed the girls, you’d be certain you would catch him within 48 hrs.

Interviewer: Just from the evidence at the scene?

RI – Yes, yes, circumstances of the crime.

Gemmie - If there was so much physical evidence and circumstances... I can't wrap my head around why it took them over 5 years. According to RI's interview they were all certain he'd have been caught within 48 hours. That and the next section below about the sheets that were handed out for people they wanted interviewed.

RI - they developed a system where there were tips, where there were hints, or there were reason to believe someone was in the neighborhood, they would assign… we had so many officers working on it, they’d give them sheets and say ‘Go find these people and interview them about where they were that day and so on”.

Gemmie: If RA went to the CO shortly afterward saying he was on the bridge, which places him practically at the crime scene around the time the crime happened... did they not have a sheet with his name on it and go interview him? If not, why not?

RI - There’s a house up on a hill that can actually look down, the backyard can look down and see the crime scene.

Gemmie - That's pretty brazen of him as I'd think he'd know that. I can't imagine he didn't take walks there often to scope things out for when the time came to act on his evil feelings. You'd think he'd have been aware of that fact.

RI - the fact that it’s not been solved, and the fact there doesn’t appear to be any motivation for it, it appears to be a serial killer type of thing.

Gemmie - "No motivation for it" makes it sound to me like there was no sexual aspect to the scene (which surprises me because that's where I've placed my bets). Otherwise, wouldn't sex be the motivation? Does anyone know what motivation means in this respect (where it "doesn't appear to be any")? Am I wrong in thinking a sexual aspect would be motivation? I'm not LE so don't know how they are trained to think about that sort of thing.

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