Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #156

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good point you maybe right. Do we know when information about exactly where the girls where that day and where they were found came out. I'm wondering when the significance of him specifically being on the bridge became clear.

I do think that since all this happened before the video on the bridge was released the fact that he was on the bridges significance might not have been as clear. If he came forward after the video came out then it would be crazy they didn't immediately rocket him to the top of the list.

If you go back to the very first post that started the very first Delphi thread, this was the article that was cited:

And that article was posted by the news station at 10:29 pm on February 13th with the information that the girls had been on the High Bridge before disappearing. I would think word around Delphi would have been spreading way before that time, though, that the Bridge was a place that they had been.
Thank you for reposting this for those of us who haven't been following from day 1. :) My observations & questions from notes I took from RI's interview which I've relinked at the bottom.

RI - There was so much physical evidence at the crime, and the crime had been found so immediately after it had been committed, that it’s the sort of thing that experienced LE, experienced investigators, all believed “Well this is going to be solved real quickly. And normally it would be.” <snip> but if you had been a police officer in 1960 and you would have arrived at this crime scene with the traditional physical evidence that was there, and not to mention the fact that we had video and audio of the person I think certainly killed the girls, you’d be certain you would catch him within 48 hrs.

Interviewer: Just from the evidence at the scene?

RI – Yes, yes, circumstances of the crime.

Gemmie - If there was so much physical evidence and circumstances... I can't wrap my head around why it took them over 5 years. According to RI's interview they were all certain he'd have been caught within 48 hours. That and the next section below about the sheets that were handed out for people they wanted interviewed.

RI - they developed a system where there were tips, where there were hints, or there were reason to believe someone was in the neighborhood, there would assign… we had so many officers working on it, they’d give them sheets and say ‘Go find these people and interview them about where they were that day and so on”.

Gemmie: If RA went to the CO shortly afterward saying he was on the bridge, which places him practically at the crime scene around the time the crime happened... did they not have a sheet with his name on it and go interview him? If not, why not?

RI - There’s a house up on a hill that can actually look down, the backyard can look down and see the crime scene.

Gemmie - That's pretty brazen of him as I'd think he'd know that. I can't imagine he didn't take walks there often to scope things out for when the time came to act on his evil feelings. You'd think he'd have been aware of that fact.

RI - the fact that it’s not been solved, and the fact there doesn’t appear to be any motivation for it, it appears to be a serial killer type of thing.

Gemmie - "No motivation for it" makes it sound to me like there was no sexual aspect to the scene (which surprises me because that's where I've placed my bets). Otherwise, wouldn't sex be the motivation? Does anyone know what motivation means in this respect (where it "doesn't appear to be any")? Am I wrong in thinking a sexual aspect would be motivation? I'm not LE so don't know how they are trained to think about that sort of thing.

Interesting! We know that the LE decided fairly quickly this was foul play (I just read back from thread one actually, and it seems it was pretty obvious to LE - so again I ask, how did the people who find the bodies not immediately realize what they had stumbled upon - per LE in earlier links and discussed many times in various threads).

RI says it seems to be a serial killer type thing. Ok? Why? What the hell was at the scene / how were the kids found that tipped off LE but made it less obvious or not obvious at all to searchers who found the girls???

No motivation?? I wonder, does that just mean the scene was disorganized and they couldn’t determine a motive?
Interesting! We know that the LE decided fairly quickly this was foul play (I just read back from thread one actually, and it seems it was pretty obvious to LE - so again I ask, how did the people who find the bodies not immediately realize what they had stumbled upon - per LE in earlier links and discussed many times in various threads).

RI says it seems to be a serial killer type thing. Ok? Why? What the hell was at the scene / how were the kids found that tipped off LE but made it less obvious or not obvious at all to searchers who found the girls???

No motivation?? I wonder, does that just mean the scene was disorganized and they couldn’t determine a motive?
From KG's description of the search, the searchers were apparently on the south side of the creek when they spotted the girls' bodies on the north side. From that distance, even with phone zoom/binoculars (whatever they had), maybe the searchers could tell they were bodies, but not necessarily see all the details to know how things were left. If they called LE at that point, maybe no searchers went to the actual CS. It's also possible that since the FBI agent in the RL affidavit said the bodies were "moved and staged," that maybe the staging would look like something else at first, to searchers, especially from a distance. JMO.

ROBERT IVES: Well, in once sense, any murder scene is probably odd. But again this is where I have difficulty because I’m not sure what all has been released. There were a variety of things at the scene of the crime where I guess I would ask you to talk to the State Police about that. They have to decide what’s going to be released was not going to be released. It was just not your normal ‘a person was killed here’ crime scene. That’s probably all I can say about it.”

It wasn’t your normal a person was killed here crime scene?? It really does sound like searchers who found the kids probably didn’t realize the kids had been murdered right away. The scene may have just appeared like an ordinary woods scene - leaves, trees, branches… dirt… rocks. Probably nothing that stood out to the searchers to say the kids were killed there. I still do not get how this is possible and that is why this case has fascinated me! How do you just not realize someone was murdered there? Especially when years later we learn from LE that they believed the girls lost a lot of blood at the scene and had no visible signs of a struggle (taken from Murder Sheets Podcast regarding a released transcript).

ROBERT IVES: I follow along with your example. The very first case I handled as a prosecuting attorney back in 1987…1988, a fellow shot his wife in Deer Creek Indiana. He pinned her up against the refrigerator, shot in the back of the head, she fell on the floor, he shot or twice more in the chest. So, you had a dead person with three bullets in them. They were dead. He was seen at the scene, you know, things like that. All I can say about the situation with Abby and Libby is that there was a lot more physical evidence than at that crime scene. And it’s probably not what you would imagine, or what people think that I’m talking about, it’s probably not. And so because of unique circumstances, which all unique circumstances of a crime are a sort-of ‘signature’, you think “Well, this unusual fact might lead to somebody, or that unusual fact might lead to somebody”. I wish I could tell you, but again that’s up to the State Police. There was nothing that seemed similarly identical that you think ‘well this is modus operandi’. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the term modus operandi, where sometimes criminals will use a…commit a crime in such a way where it’s so distinct that it acts as a sort of signature for them.”

MOre evidence at the scene than what they found in a scene where man pinned a woman and shot her in the back of the head then twice more??? I imagine the scene of the crime in that matter was bloody to say the least!! Probably other things around as well, perhaps beer or alcohol bottles? Drugs? What was left at the scene that wasn’t obvious to searchers but was clear to LE that this was a murder?? The searchers must not have noticed blood or anything more shocking than finding two bodies. Its possible then that the kids were killed in an unobvious way and that while the scene was bloody, the kids were not (perhaps dirt and leaves covered blood? Maybe kids were wiped down and re-dressed if they were ever undressed?).

We were never told if the kids faces were covered or uncovered when found. EG: had someone placed a jacket over them Or something? Why would this matter? It would tell you a lot about how the kids were left and the killer’s state of mind. It would tell you as well whether perhaps initially searchers thought the kids were sleeping until someone removed a face cover and the kids didn’t respond to their names or something? MOOOOOOOO MOOOOOOOOO. I’m jus baffled as to how it wasn’t a normal someone was killed here scene, and how searchers didn’t know immediately what they’d stumbled on.
Interesting! We know that the LE decided fairly quickly this was foul play (I just read back from thread one actually, and it seems it was pretty obvious to LE - so again I ask, how did the people who find the bodies not immediately realize what they had stumbled upon - per LE in earlier links and discussed many times in various threads).

RI says it seems to be a serial killer type thing. Ok? Why? What the hell was at the scene / how were the kids found that tipped off LE but made it less obvious or not obvious at all to searchers who found the girls???

No motivation?? I wonder, does that just mean the scene was disorganized and they couldn’t determine a motive?
This is what RI said (so HOO) about why he said it seemed like a serial killer type thing (~5:20 in):

I would tend to think it’s a local person. But the fact that it’s not been solved, and the fact there doesn’t appear to be any motivation for it, it appears to be a serial killer type of thing. I’m not saying it is. I don’t know. But, it makes me wonder if it wasn’t a random act by somebody who isn’t around here all the time.

It's MOO that RI's SK comment wasn't about what was at the scene, it was because of the part I underlined above.

According to Vinelink, RA is back at the Carroll County jail. There is only one entry now, too.



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According to Vinelink, RA is back at the Carroll County jail. There is only one entry now, too.

Getting prepared for Tuesday :

Judge wants Delphi murder suspect in court on Tuesday


ROBERT IVES: Well, in once sense, any murder scene is probably odd. But again this is where I have difficulty because I’m not sure what all has been released. There were a variety of things at the scene of the crime where I guess I would ask you to talk to the State Police about that. They have to decide what’s going to be released was not going to be released. It was just not your normal ‘a person was killed here’ crime scene. That’s probably all I can say about it.”

It wasn’t your normal a person was killed here crime scene?? It really does sound like searchers who found the kids probably didn’t realize the kids had been murdered right away. The scene may have just appeared like an ordinary woods scene - leaves, trees, branches… dirt… rocks. Probably nothing that stood out to the searchers to say the kids were killed there. I still do not get how this is possible and that is why this case has fascinated me! How do you just not realize someone was murdered there? Especially when years later we learn from LE that they believed the girls lost a lot of blood at the scene and had no visible signs of a struggle (taken from Murder Sheets Podcast regarding a released transcript).

This is what comes to mind for me when I read RI's comment "It was just not your normal ‘a person was killed here’ crime scene.".

Perhaps he posed them so they were sitting up. I'd think most murdered people end up sprawled in some fashion on the ground. Unless they were killed against a vertical surface like a wall and they slid down and the wall held them up.


It couldn't have been the day the girls were murdered because their bodies weren't found until about 12:15 p.m. the following day (February 14). A presser was held later that day, and I'm guessing it was probably very late in the afternoon or in the evening. IMO the earliest he would have reported to the conservation officer would have been on February 15.

From then on I suspect he became quite a news junkie and watched a lot of YT videos whenever his wife wasn't around. He would have been alarmed when he became aware on April 22 that Libby had filmed him on her phone and heard himself saying "Down the hill". As the years ticked by, he probably kept his fingers crossed that he just might get away with murder. He must have known his days of freedom were coming to an end when an all-day search of his property was conducted about 16 October. He was arrested on 26 October.
I haven’t watched this in quite some time. I just rewatched it and IDK if it’s just me or not, but there was a considerable amount of tension between now retired Sgt. Kim Riley and Sheriff Tobe Leazenby in this video. Yikes!

ymmv JMVHAspieO
DELPHI, Ind. — The special judge overseeing the Delphi murder case wants Richard Allen to appear in person for a critical hearing next week.

Allen County Judge Fran Gull made the request for the Nov. 22 hearing to determine if court records filed in the case should be unsealed. Charging documents related to Allen’s arrest have been under court seal at the request of Carroll County Prosecutor Nick McLeland.

DELPHI, Ind. — The special judge overseeing the Delphi murder case wants Richard Allen to appear in person for a critical hearing next week.

Allen County Judge Fran Gull made the request for the Nov. 22 hearing to determine if court records filed in the case should be unsealed. Charging documents related to Allen’s arrest have been under court seal at the request of Carroll County Prosecutor Nick McLeland.

Does anyone know if it will be televised?
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