Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #158

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It was a 2016 Ford Focus, the same vehicle towed when they served the search warrant.
If the car had transfer evidence such as mud and blood from the scene then how do we imagine he explained these to his wife or anyone else at the time? Assuming he went directly home post murders, and knowing a witness saw him covered in blood and mud - how did he get home and himself and the car all cleaned up before anyone saw or how did he explain this?
I'm left in total bewilderment with the release of the probable cause document....

It seems the law enforcement have turned a brutal murder perpetrated by an idiot that should have been solved in weeks into a six year mystery.

It appears RA all but confessed to the killing yet it was missed, perhaps due to focussing on another suspect who they knew was lying (RL) even though that lie was to hide the misdemeanour of driving with a suspended licence.

<modsnip: Reference info was removed>

The KK link must be one of the most random coincidences if he is not part of the reason either RA or the girls were there that day it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

How much money spend, how many sleuthing hours by the public and police have been wasted, how many free days has the perpetrator enjoyed when this case should've been done and dusted very early on.

It is what it is I guess, but I imagine the families of Abigail and Liberty must be frustrated that they endured so long and have every right to ask why.
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He could of racked( pushing the body of the firearm forward while holding the slide ) it to scare the girls , unless he was not familiar with the firearm, not sure if it had a round in the chamber. He probably knew he expelled a bullet but could not easily find it with all that was going on in a short time. I seriously doubt he left a unspent round on purpose. Hopefully in time all our questions will be answered.
We weren’t told so I wonder. Was there blood spatter on this bullet? Could a lack of blood spatter on it indicate he placed it intentionally post mortem? If he was covered in blood I suppose it could have transferred from him to the bullet but a clean shiny bullet would make me think he left it / maybe cleaned and left it on purpose. That might be an interesting “signature”. Mooooo.
In my opinion RA is guilty of the murders and will be found guilty in a court of law.I believe he acted alone during the murders and was alone with the 2 victims at scene of the murders....that being said here are some thoughts

1) IMO RA went to LE first (Friendly conservation officer?) first to let them know he was on the bridge but did not see the girls.He did this because he knew the other 3 girls saw him leaving the area and would surely tell LE of his presnece on the bridge that day.
His report went unnoticed for several different reasons. One being in the very early stages of the investigation the initial description of the suspect looked nothing like RA.Another is The " local friendly" LE he made his "helpfull tip" too never thought twice about it ,as his statement like others on the bridge that day was originally OFFERED in good faith from a concerned local citizens trying to help LE.The "friendly" LE officer probably had no knowledge of the 40call bullit found as he was not "in the know" on that piece of information let aloine if RA owned a 40cal. Add KK into the mix and all the lies he brought to the investigation and you have a perfect storm for RA to miracuously fly under the radar.

The report RA made was never looked at until recently by new investigators (Kathy Shank?) who found the old "tipster" report and then made the connection with bullit/gun ownership and the fat RA was on the bridge that day but other then the report she was looking at ,there was no mention of RA anywhere. Once that connection was made everything else fell into place:the gun,dna,boot prints,blood...etc. IMO They never looked at RA at all , let alone as a suspect until this newest connection was made. He got very lucky to get away with it for so long.

I Would not put blame on LE but rather bad timing and back luck .

2) IMO RA is pleading not guilty and claiming innocence because he is a sick F$#@K who wants to play this game for years and years to come. The type of beast to claim innocence to his dying day for his own sick pleasure. I am sure We will hear about all sorts of possible suspects from his lawyers when this trial starts ..but..the only person who is going to be directly connected by scientific evidence is RA.

3) Instead of dragging LE and grasping at straws why this took so long , I am going to be thankful this animals day in court is coming . All of our questions will be answered in the coming months...we waited 5 years whats a few more months.
I have respect for the way LE has handled this case. They never forgot about the case. It has been a very long process to finally have someone charged but they have been very careful. I know there are different ways users can get into other people's computers and messages. I do believe there is a connection with the girls through the AS profile. Something may have caused Libby to reset her phone and also to stop communicating with AS. If this did happen the fake AS may have become enraged and continued to stalk Libby's online activities. We will have to wait and see.
I thought it was a knife killing.
document doesn't radically change that.
Just adds a thick layer of the delusion
'thought he was Rambo'

'doin' God's work' ?
Please no, just no.
Could it be an exacto knife? One used to open boxes at CVS perhaps? That would fit in a pocket and be sharp enough to do serious damage.
The bullet at the scene came from his gun. Can't explain that away. He's the one.

I always thought that was a Sig Sauer in his jacket.

Rumors of clothing being found in the river are confirmed as true.

Still don't know how a search warrant was obtained.

Fruit of the poisonous tree? Hope not.
Me too on the Sig - distinctive outline.

Post in thread 'IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #114'
Found Deceased - IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #114
This witness statement has me curious . I cant picture her being able to make out mud and blood on his clothes as she drives past . I doubt this makes it into court unless they find the clothes.
It’s in the PCA no way she is not subpoenaed by one of the lawyers on either side!!
If they had run instead of complying, is it likely he would have shot them?
I think he was behaving in a particularly menacing way as well as showing them the gun
If he had shot them that gun was gonna make a huge sound and alert people all over the place. I wondered if he had ever fired it before? Surely he knew he couldn’t use it without drawing attention to himself. Probably only used it as a scare and control tactic.
I am catching up but I just want to say that even though for whatever reason LE seems to have overlooked the big blazing red flag that is Richard Allen since the beginning of this investigation and has taken so many years to make an arrest in this case, when the answers in hindsight seem to have been obvious from the beginning, I know many cases go cold and remain unsolved decades later. So I am not going to call LE incompetent when there would have been nothing to investigate at all if (allegedly) Richard Allen hadn't been out that day, looking for prey with intentions on killing the most opportune victim at the time.

I find it odd that a 45 year old man wakes up one day and decides to go prowl on a hiking trail for innocent teen girls to kill. I would be surprised if there aren't more crimes and I would be surprised if they don't all involve hiking trails. Seems he was fond of it.
The whole thing is totally ludicrous. They had the FBI, local and state LE and it took almost six years to put this all together. It probably could have been solved in 48 hours, depending on when the witnesses were interviewed. Allen even told them he was at the bridge that day. And, if I recall correctly they might of mentioned what he saw at the bridge that day as LE discussed witnesses in press releases. Not sure and too too many threads to go back and check. Obviously hiding in plain view, plain view in a file.
Such total incompetence by LE!
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This witness statement has me curious . I cant picture her being able to make out mud and blood on his clothes as she drives past . I doubt this makes it into court unless they find the clothes.
Well, for me, if she said she saw it 5+ yrs ago... I'm not going to doubt her. Had she said it last week after he was arrested.. "Yeah! I saw blood and mud on this guy that looks like the guy you arrested"... then I'd be raising an eyebrow over that. But since it was stated back then, I'm a believer of her statement.

If he was in shadows, it might be hard to detect. If the sun hit him just right, it would stand out like a neon light. All MOO.
Could it be an exacto knife? One used to open boxes at CVS perhaps? That would fit in a pocket and be sharp enough to do serious damage.
When his wife said he had knives... I didn't once thing she meant an Xacto knife/box-cutter. IMO she meant real knives.


I apologize for the jacket comment which has nothing to do with the knives. I couldn't grab the comment to SS it without including it.

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Personally, I really think that RA went to the bridge intending to meet up with Abby and Libby that day. KK admitted that multiple people had access to the logins to his catfish account, a friend of the girls on the evening of they went missing asked what happened and Anthony shots replied ‘yeh we were supposed to meet up but she never showed up’. KK denies ever sending those messages. I really think RA had the logins and arranged to meet the girls, which would make sense why when he passed the other 3 juveniles and had no interest to attack. I think this must be part of some sick paedophile ring and that’s why LE have said there could be others involved. MOO

More to Ponder:

WHAT were the 3 other girls on the bridge doing that day? Were they going to meet someone? Did they catfish the victims? Were they catfish victims themselves?

IF the 3 girls did not pass RA on the bridge that afternoon he would not have went to LE first with his "help tip" .He went to cover his tracks. The timing of all 6 people with 5 of them being underage girls is somewhat suspicious given the social media aspect.Are all of them somehow connected. Did the catfish(RA) get catfished himself? Since when do social media cell phone addicted pre-teen girls go trail hiking ?

IF RA (legal drug dealer)did not go to LE first to let them know he didn't see the girls or anything suspicious while he was out sight seeing that day he probably would not be sitting in jail right now.Guy litterally ratted himself out.
I have a question:

I deduced from the affidavit that LE (because of the wording) gathered information by a cell tower data drop and that’s how they figured out who all was there at the times they were looking for because it pretty much says that.

Then the PCA just states RA “was interviewed” by an officer in 2017 and admitted to being there and seeing the juveniles that saw him.

From what I read and unless I totally missed it, the PCA doesn’t explain how the police interview was initiated: I assumed they contacted him from the cell phone data drop and identified him that way... But others have said RA voluntarily went in for an interview on his own and he was responsible for the initial LE meeting/contact?

So my question is: Do we know if he went in unsolicited to speak with LE or did LE initiate the initial interview in 2017?

Thanks :)
More to Ponder:

WHAT were the 3 other girls on the bridge doing that day? Were they going to meet someone? Did they catfish the victims? Were they catfish victims themselves?

IF the 3 girls did not pass RA on the bridge that afternoon he would not have went to LE first with his "help tip" .He went to cover his tracks. The timing of all 6 people with 5 of them being underage girls is somewhat suspicious given the social media aspect.Are all of them somehow connected. Did the catfish(RA) get catfished himself? Since when do social media cell phone addicted pre-teen girls go trail hiking ?

IF RA (legal drug dealer)did not go to LE first to let them know he didn't see the girls or anything suspicious while he was out sight seeing that day he probably would not be sitting in jail right now.Guy litterally ratted himself out.
Or if he had just gotten rid of the gun or the jacket he probably wouldn’t have been caught
I am still trying to figure out what was so secret about the charging document. It is a bit flimsy. But not worth the drama of keeping it sealed. JMO.
If I were RA's defense attorney I'd be spending every waking moment looking for firearms forensics experts and other Sig Sauers to debunk or just cast reasonable doubt on whether that unspent cartridge has enough distinctive markings to tie it to the gun.
I agree, it makes me sad. I hope they were killed quickly. Ugh I hate this part of it so much. Poor sweet girls.

It is heartbreaking to think about what Abbey and Libby went through. I can’t imagine how distressing and horrendous finding out these details must be for their loved ones. And the girl’s families have the additional stress of having the attorney’s of the man who has allegedly harmed them trying to minimise the significance of the details in the probable cause affidavit to the media for the benefit of their client and the worry about what will happen at trial. I hope and pray the alleged perpetrator spends the rest of his life in prison if he is the one who allegedly committed the murders and he is found guilty.
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