Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #158

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I know looks do NOT mean guilty but his eyes have said GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY, that fiend! Obviously shooting the poor wee girls! Sickening! My opinion. They should have got him sooner, that's also my opinion, I hope he didn't kill others in the interim, so wicked.

We don't know that he shot them. We know he pointed a gun at them to kidnap them to get them DTH. Knives have been mentioned in both RMA & RL's PCA's... my take is the gun was tool to get them off the bridge, and he used a knife to kill them. All MOO.
Or Doug Carter is totally full of crap. Which is where I am leaning.

I am sorry, but I am so angry at the fact that RA basically served himself up while ISP was making these cryptic, drama-riddled pressers instead of doing THEIR JOBS.

And that is how I feel with filters.
Yeah. I have to agree with this. JMO
Sorry if this has been mentioned I’m struggling to catch up. Wondering why in the probable cause affidavit it made mention of the jacket a few times and no mention of it being tested or it containing any dna evidence.

Does the absence of this mean they didn’t find anything? Or if they did are they likely to keep this private and not contain it in the affidavit?
I believe they have their man but I still can’t wrap my head around why. A man married for 30 + years and had his daughter.

Plus the resemblance to Libby also adds a whole other ick to such a horrific crime.

I also don’t understand how LE screwed this up so badly. They had a sketch , video and Audio and the man admitted to be around when the crimes were committed. He literally placed himself there and they did nothing with that information for years.

This isn't a TV show. Even connections that seem very obvious take time to flesh out and investigate.
I need to elaborate more on my previous post, the FBI and ISP were heavily involved in this case. Agencies in this high of ranks have way more tools to their disposal than a <modsnip> working class small town LE agency in Indiana. For them to feel confident, we must be confident.
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Yes, how maddening to hear today that the witnesses said he had grey hair with a little brown when we were told when the first sketch came out that BG had reddish brown hair.
My take on different hair, clothes, sketch... is that a witness may have seen "just some guy" walking around the area that WASN'T RMA. It can happen. A guy was seen and a sketch was made. It does not mean the sketch is of the murderer if the witness didn't actually see him killing the girls or standing by their bodies. They just saw some guy on the bridge about that time. Other people were there. I can't imagine only children and women would be in the area and not one single guy other than BG.

So that's how I've come to terms with 2 different set of facts and sketches. :cool:
I've been following along... A few random thoughts.

3) In relation to #2- the prosecution has to release to defense every piece of evidence they have (discovery). So does this mean they can still gather more evidence between now and trial as long as they provide that evidence to the defense?
4) Was the bullet to gun match made after the SW was executed, which was after they re-interviewed RA? I'm still confused as to the timing of all this.
I do think LE have their man. I hope there's more. I'm trying to withhold judgement but I too am concerned over how this took 5 years, unless we are all missing something.
Sorry for long post. All the above is MOO.
Snipped for focus

3) Yes and yes
4) After.
I asked this in the last thread but never got an answer so reposting here as I'd really like one if one of you have the answer. :)

I was wondering how they come up with numbering victims. Maybe the one closest to where they are is #1? Can anyone explain this, please? TIA!!
Someone has to be #1 and the other #2. Nothing else.
Remember back when the murders happened. A female witness, C, took photos on the Bridge just after the two girls had been taken down the hill. C stated she saw a man dressed in black. Hence, I do think there was a guy dressed in black at the Bridge but it is not RA.

I believe C said she saw dude dressed in black under the Bridge arguing with a female, perhaps, as my memory is a bit foggy on the situ 5+ yrs later.

This is written as an opinion piece based on faded memories.
I've always thought the 'arguing couple' was BG with the girls and she just couldn't see one of the girls.

Still MOO
By the way, if anyone wonders the location of Hoosier Harvestore, 6563 W 300 N, Delphi, mentioned in the Affidavit of Probable Cause, whose security camera captured various vehicles of the accused and of witnesses, on the day of the murders, below is a diagram showing the location from Google Maps, in relation to the crime scene, the Monan High Bridge, and the Delphi Cemetery,

O this mean he killed them quickly possibly from behind?
Possibly. But I'm thinking from the front as he was bloodied up. But it's definitely possible. He could have slit their throats. That'd make the other freeze in terror before her mind kicked in and told her to RUN. I can imagine it could be done in less than a minute.
This isn't a TV show. Even connections that seem very obvious take time to flesh out and investigate.

Sorry it doesn’t take 6 years - he walked past 3 girls who he mentioned he passed in his statement.

Those 3 girls then say they walked past a person who resembled BG but it takes 6 years to join those dots. There is simply no justification for such poor police work. He literally handed himself to them on a platter!!
There is no person in Black!!

it’s just a different witness seeing Black instead of blue. I am not understanding the confusion here.

You only have to see the difference in the two sketches to see how people view things so differently moo
There could be. It also could be a completely different guy than BG/RMA. Just some dude enjoying a walk. For me, just because it sounds like there could be 2 different guys from descriptions and sketches could very well mean there were 2 different guys! One the murderer, and the other just some guy in the area at the time things went down.
Sorry if this has been mentioned I’m struggling to catch up. Wondering why in the probable cause affidavit it made mention of the jacket a few times and no mention of it being tested or it containing any dna evidence.

Does the absence of this mean they didn’t find anything? Or if they did are they likely to keep this private and not contain it in the affidavit?
I'm interested in the knife, boots, and driver seat being ripped apart for blood traces. He didn't get rid of anything, so how likely is it he's cleaned all traces. Even with all this time. MOO
It wasn't the opinion of the investigator - the PCA says he told investigators was wearing blue jeans and a blue or black Carharrt jacket with hood. That is a direct admission he was dressed exactly the same as Bridge Guy

Seems a pretty damaging admission to me
He must really not imagine himself a suspect in this crime to admit that???
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