Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, and Liberty (Libby) German, 14/The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #89

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I think Police Supt Carson statements about the "vehicle" were confusing to media as well. Media above cites Feb 13 but Carson said Feb 14 at the presser.
Yes, but he apparently corrected that near the end of the presser. I haven't gone back and listened, but several posters have pointed it out. MOO
Tobe Leazenby was standing next to Doug Carter on stage.
Thanks. Wow, I'd make the worst witness *ever*. I didn't even recognize him. To me, he looks like he's much younger than what I remember from 2 years ago. Just goes to show how 'age' is difficult to determine. In that vein, I know guys in their 40s that could easily pass for 'boys'.
Self preservation MOO
Exactly. It’s counterintuitive that a guy who kills two girls, is going to show fear or nervousness.

It’s been shown to be true though, atleast in many serial killers and budding serial killers.

That’s why we typically see the same type of profile, one that involves significant behavioral changes in the time period following a murder.
Hopefully (and I am sure LE has already) they have been going through yearbooks from the high schools and colleges/tech schools in the areas to try to match the sketch.

I was trying to do that earlier but I'm pretty bad at that sort of thing. has no yearbooks for Delphi Community High School after 2010. I think that is the only high school in the city?
The big news to me is the witness

LE was making a statement right out of profiling 101. He was personalizing the profile that the feds gave. Age, local, about power, you told someone, you have a conscience (which I don't believe) we've interviewed you, you inserted yourself, you could be here right now, then the odd "Shack" reference. That is a very personal reference to the killer.

Sketch is very personal also. Noticeably long chin, and tight, possibly wiry, curly dark hair.

They should really have released what the truck/car is supposed to look like. What's the use of that info? If they asked for public to study his mannerisms/walk, then they should have released vid of him actually walking more than 1 second. I found that bizarre.

I find it odd that the perp wouldn't be in the system anywhere. You don't just wake up one day and murder 2 little girls. Child *advertiser censored*? Molesting charge?

Interesting that the profile didn't speak about his educational level or employment. Is he a loner? Uneducated? Employed around children or "hobby" lets him be around kids?

I think when caught, he will be in his 20's only because I believe he has to be relatively young to not be in the system yet for scientific evidence to come back with a hit. Possibly just misdemeanor offenses up until this point?
The guy on the bridge now appears to have had nothing to do with the girls' murders. Hard to believe, but that's what LE just implied with the new sketch that looks nothing like BG.

The guy on the bridge IS the guy who murdered the girls. The new sketch doesn’t look much how we’ve been picturing him, I agree, or much like the old sketch but the guy walking on the bridge is the killer.
His emotion when he speaks to
The community about embracing the family is very telling. IMO- like you (perp) took advantage of his community.
IMO- perp is a family menber- that’s why he is so emotional when he is speaking almost like he is shocked himself .

the perp is not likely a family member or someone the girls knew by name. Think about this; they filmed this guy that clearly made their alarm bells go off. She was smart enough to probably conceal the phone and record until it died (or what-have-you). The girls would have been clever enough (knowing what we do about them) to use the Perps name to make sure LE knew who it was!

"guys, go down that hill" (I don't remember exact wording)
"ok Fred, we are" (I'm making this up obviously).
I’m new here so I hope I don’t break any rules but after seeing that presser I thought, like many here did, that there was a lot of religious reference and the date of release being close to Easter was a chosen for sure. I took the new sketch and though maybe I can just google some local religious figures and see if any match the sketch. One google search brought up someone that I think the sketch closely matches (age may be off?) and is/was very close to the case. There was even a news video of this person talking about “evil” which reminded me again of the presser. Sorry again if this type of thing isn’t allow. But I was stopped cold by it... I’m am sure the police see the resemblance too, right?

After a bit of searching I found who you are talking about and my jaw dropped! OH MY GOODNESS
‘We also believe this person is from Delphi’: Police release new sketch, additional information in Delphi murder investigation

Carter said the investigation has shifted in direction. They now believe they're looking for someone who lives in Delphi or used to live in the city. He also said investigators were looking for the owner of a vehicle found abandoned on the east side of County Road 300 North next to the Hoosier Heartland Highway between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. The vehicle was parked at the old CPS/DCS/Welfare building, police said.


"The result of the new information and intelligence over time leads us to believe the sketch is the person responsible for the murders of these two little girls," he said. "We also believe this person is from Delphi--currently or has previously lived here, visits Delphi on a regular basis or works here."

Carter said the suspect is between the ages of 18 and 40 and may look younger than his true age. He also had a message for the killer.

"We believe you are hiding in plain sight. For more than two years, you never thought we'd shift gears to a different investigative strategy, but we have. We likely have interviewed you or someone close to you. We know that this is about power for you, and you want to know what we know," Carter said. "One day, you will."


“We believe you are hiding in plain sight. For more than two years, you never thought we'd shift gears to a different investigative strategy, but we have. We likely have interviewed you or someone close to you.”

I hope all the locals take note of anybody who suddenly changes their appearance.
I apologize if this has been answered - but where is the CPS/DPS/Welfare building in relation to the trail? Is it possible that LE is still combing through various footage from Delphi from the 13th & 14th and recently came across footage of this new sketch person & the abandoned vehicle?
This is my opinion after the PC:
LE has been saying things all along that allude to the fact they know who BG is. They lack the evidence to prove it beyond reasonable doubt. I truly believe that now 100%.
LE knows & now, so do Libby & Abby’s families.
It is also my opinion that the new sketch would have caused shock & gasps from the family. LE had to brief them first so the families reaction was not obvious to the audience/press.
I believe BG abandoned the car because he drove it to the Bridge & he obviously could not go back for it at that time.
Maybe the TOD was estimated between 12-5, and maybe LE has reason to believe a vehicle was parked at that specific location during those hours? Could be a lead, or not. If no direct witness, then no description? Just brainstorming...

Could they have gotten this info from satellite photos? They know when it was there but but can’t quite make out enough to describe it?
the perp is not likely a family member or someone the girls knew by name. Think about this; they filmed this guy that clearly made their alarm bells go off. She was smart enough to probably conceal the phone and record until it died (or what-have-you). The girls would have been clever enough (knowing what we do about them) to use the Perps name to make sure LE knew who it was!

"guys, go down that hill" (I don't remember exact wording)
"ok Fred, we are" (I'm making this up obviously).
I agree, and not just for the reasons you said (which are compelling).

He may have seen them before, but I don’t think there was any sort or relationship.

Someone close to the victims wouldn’t have had to kill them out in the open.

I also think he would have been caught by now, if he was known to them.

My personal belief is that this was a crime of opportunity.
Maybe shack is a restaurant or bar in Delphi worth looking into found some interesting stuff. All JMO

If it refers to the book, the murderer is definitely damaged goods if that was used as any sort of a motivator to murder two innocent young teens. Is the perp mentally ill I wonder, an adult still living at home, the type an overprotective mother might protect even if she had suspicions?

“The title of the book is a metaphor for "the house you build out of your own pain", as Young explained in a telephone interview.[5] He also told radio host talk show Drew Marshall that The Shack "is a metaphor for the places you get stuck, you get hurt, you get damaged...the thing where shame or hurt is centered."[6]
The Shack - Wikipedia
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