Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #108

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I’d be surprised if the south side of the bridge didn’t have crime scene tape up or was cordoned off in some way regardless of whether the girls went that way or not. LE would want to control all points of access to the scene and that would be one of them. Searchers may have destroyed evidence, but LE would still consider the entire area part of the crime scene until they determined it wasn’t. The crime scene techs would make that determination and they wouldn’t dismiss an area because it might’ve been contaminated.
Yes, the south end was taped off, over by other property owners land. Im not sure how far back it was taped off though
It is a bit of a different twist and I am not saying I believe it or it is my top theory but what about if the word "guys" was not directed at the girls. Could it have been a couple of "buddies" and an at entirely different time...? I still think there is a possibility the girls saw something or even recorded something they saw... Caught doing it perhaps? In the young way of their age, they did not realize what a big deal it would be to someone...?

"Guys, I have some Grade A stuff for you today"

"Guys, get those girls they saw us"

"Guys, take the girls down the hill"

"Guys, you had better get out of here fast, those girls saw us, I will take care of it"

"Guys you stay here, I will cut them off on the other side"

Again, not my theory really but just trying to think on it in a different way... What was the big secret of LE holding one little word for over two years unless there was more to it...?

Just thoughts and speculation.

It is a bit of a different twist and I am not saying I believe it or it is my top theory but what about if the word "guys" was not directed at the girls. Could it have been a couple of "buddies" and an at entirely different time...? I still think there is a possibility the girls saw something or even recorded something they saw... Caught doing it perhaps? In the young way of their age, they did not realize what a big deal it would be to someone...?

"Guys, I have some Grade A stuff for you today"

"Guys, get those girls they saw us"

"Guys, take the girls down the hill"

"Guys, you had better get out of here fast, those girls saw us, I will take care of it"

"Guys you stay here, I will cut them off on the other side"

Again, not my theory really but just trying to think on it in a different way... What was the big secret of LE holding one little word for over two years unless there was more to it...?

Just thoughts and speculation.

Really interesting speculation.
I think it’s possible he had an accomplice. I have struggled with the term “guys” directed at two girls, despite many saying it’s normal terminology and not gender specific.

I just finished reading some serial killer studies by Jennifer Chase, and it jumped out that most SK’s are white, 20-30, and kill in very familiar territory. Lines up. Good info in this article:

My Pick of 13 Interesting Facts about Serial Killers

Amateur opinion and speculation
She says, Libby says something like, well we can't go any father the trail ends. That to me sounds like a response to Abby probably saying something about getting away from the spot they were at, away from BG's approach. JMO

Maybe. Hopefully we will know soon.

It could just be that the trail ended there. It they were on the south end of the bridge it’s not like there was a wall creating an impenetrable barrier. They could’ve just gone around the barricade or voluntarily down the hill to the service road.

Anna said you can’t really know what their thoughts were because you can’t see or hear anything else and she actually heard more audio. If they were hysterical and panicked by BGs approach you’d think she’d have picked up on that and maybe said something in the interview - she’s actually very open about things.
Really interesting speculation.
I think it’s possible he had an accomplice. I have struggled with the term “guys” directed at two girls, despite many saying it’s normal terminology and not gender specific.

I just finished reading some serial killer studies by Jennifer Chase, and it jumped out that most SK’s are white, 20-30, and kill in very familiar territory. Lines up. Good info in this article:

My Pick of 13 Interesting Facts about Serial Killers

Amateur opinion and speculation

Yes, I have considered an accomplice too and I never really considered two and it is really not my theory but I just was thinking what if he was not saying that to them, or even possibly, neither thing to them, maybe not even "down the hill". They also would not have to be accomplices necessarily but someone who was there prior...

I have said it before but I agree with you "guys" just does not fit to me. "Hey guys" does or other words with it perhaps... If he started a sentence with just "guys" or used only that one word with two girls, it is a bit odd to me. I did have a light bulb moment today though and tried to think of all of the people I have known in life would anyone just start out "Guys" to two girls or others and I came up with one person I know that does that, would do that or has done that... And she just happens to be a teacher and a coach and played sports and has been coached... So if it was directed at the girls, I go back to my general instinct that it was someone who deals with kids and uses the term a lot and/or has authority over children.

I am going to read your serial killer link now :)
Yes, I have considered an accomplice too and I never really considered two and it is really not my theory but I just was thinking what if he was not saying that to them, or even possibly, neither thing to them, maybe not even "down the hill". They also would not have to be accomplices necessarily but someone who was there prior...

I have said it before but I agree with you "guys" just does not fit to me. "Hey guys" does or other words with it perhaps... If he started a sentence with just "guys" or used only that one word with two girls, it is a bit odd to me. I did have a light bulb moment today though and tried to think of all of the people I have known in life would anyone just start out "Guys" to two girls or others and I came up with one person I know that does that, would do that or has done that... And she just happens to be a teacher and a coach and played sports and has been coached... So if it was directed at the girls, I go back to my general instinct that it was someone who deals with kids and uses the term a lot and/or has authority over children.

I am going to read your serial killer link now :)

All I can say is it must be a Hoosier thing. Last week I was teaching, my class consisted of seven students, all female. I caught myself saying “guys” several times one day. I never thought about it before people mentioned here on WS but we do refer to everyone, even females, as “guys.”

I noticed myself saying to my all-female class: “Guys, take out your workbooks”
“Ok guys let’s take a break” and “hey guys you need to pay attention to this “
Really interesting speculation.
I think it’s possible he had an accomplice. I have struggled with the term “guys” directed at two girls, despite many saying it’s normal terminology and not gender specific.

I just finished reading some serial killer studies by Jennifer Chase, and it jumped out that most SK’s are white, 20-30, and kill in very familiar territory. Lines up. Good info in this article:

My Pick of 13 Interesting Facts about Serial Killers

Amateur opinion and speculation

This was a very interesting read, all of it. Number #13 was something I had never heard before. I also found it interesting that most have been in the western US and that they stay close to home quite often or to an area they know.

Will have to rewatch. Totally missed that part although I remember the path ending part.

Edit: Just watched it (well, just AWs parts). After she talks about the trail ending comment she says you can’t really know what they are thinking because you can’t really see anything or hear anything. I’m assuming she means BG isn’t in frame or saying anything. She doesn’t say anything about them being scared. If anything she’s saying you can’t really tell what is going on.

On a side note...I find her to be the most relatable of all of the family members. She’s very open and wears her heart on her sleeve.
I’m unable to sign into this, can somebody please pull the exact quotes if you get a chance? Tia very much!

Bumping Cutiekitty post.
All I can say is it must be a Hoosier thing. Last week I was teaching, my class consisted of seven students, all female. I caught myself saying “guys” several times one day. I never thought about it before people mentioned here on WS but we do refer to everyone, even females, as “guys.”

I noticed myself saying to my all-female class: “Guys, take out your workbooks”
“Ok guys let’s take a break” and “hey guys you need to pay attention to this “

Lol. Hoosier or a teacher thing? See that's where I lean, teacher, coach, etc. who is around groups of students and has learned to use it more commonly. I am not in Indiana but as I said, I have noticed a teacher/coach who does that.

Of course though if it is a Hoosier thing then it lends to local/Indiana as LE thinks.

I use the word enough when I stop and realize but it is generally "you guys"...

Lol. Hoosier or a teacher thing? See that's where I lean, teacher, coach, etc. who is around groups of students and has learned to use it more commonly. I am not in Indiana but as I said, I have noticed a teacher/coach who does that.

Of course though if it is a Hoosier thing then it lends to local/Indiana as LE thinks.

I use the word enough when I stop and realize but it is generally "you guys"...

It’s a Hoosier thing. I hear “guys” everywhere but didn’t really pay attention until reading about it here. Then I started noticing how many times I hear it, everywhere. I only teach part-time. I’m also an EMT, and I hear it in that line of work as well. “Bout time you guys got here” and “How many runs did you guys have today?” This is speaking to me (female) and the female medic I work with.

Occasionally I hear people here say “you guys’s” (pronounced like guy-zus or guy-sus? Not sure how to spell because I haven’t ever attempted to write it before). But it is used like a possessive form of you guys. For example, in the past few days I overheard at a riding stable: “How much are you guy-zus two hour rides?” Then later, from a different customer, “When is you guys’s vacation?”
I get the "you guys" as you reference in the first paragraph and frequency of use in that sense. I mean more to start a sentence with "guys" if it is just a couple of girls.

The guy"ses" yes I hear that too, seem to be a youth/slang thing although some I hear it from are getting older now.

The one that gets me lol and it has become really common, I have even heard it out of the mouths of newscasters on major networks--is "these ones" and "those ones". I don't call anyone on it and never would, but it privately drives me nuts lol. I started noticing my children doing it years ago and I can only think they learned it in school and since then, and that has been some time ago, it has become very common.

I do not know if I think the word guys as so much regional, age, position or a combination. Again, I agree "you guys" is very common or "hey guys" in normal everyday speech.

If it is so common, I wonder what the reason was for holding one word for more than two years? It has resulted in discussion but certainly resulted in no bomb shell "oh my, that's so and so" thus far anyhow and if they thought it would have, one would think it would be released sooner.

seriously, this guy got incredibly lucky. The grandfather arrived 3:15 so that means there was at most an hour to do the crime. That's an incredibly short period of time. Did no one see the perp? On one of the videos on YouTube they mention flannel shirt guy - who is that? Is there any witness who saw the guy that day?
seriously, this guy got incredibly lucky. The grandfather arrived 3:15 so that means there was at most an hour to do the crime. That's an incredibly short period of time. Did no one see the perp? On one of the videos on YouTube they mention flannel shirt guy - who is that? Is there any witness who saw the guy that day?
Father not Grandfather.
Could the girl(s) have been SA or forced to undress "down the hill" and then hastily escaped or led across the creek without bottoms on, BG also? Hence the clothing in the river and loose shoe? Then possibly the murder of extreme rage happened after and or during the crossing ? Could he have said to "take your clothes off down the hill" moo

Please Provide A Link With Info Or Proof They Found Clothing In The River
I would also add that the press conference was super odd. I have never seen anything like it. I am sure FBI profilers must have helped them craft the message. It almost seemed like they were trying to relay a message. Could there be a sick game going on with the killer sending them messages and they responded through the news conference? (Kind of like the BTK killer when they did it through the newspaper). Why mention the movie? In some respects, it did not seem as professional a news conference as one is used to seeing. They talk about the person being a coward; usually LE don't make statements like that; it's more emotionless in most cases.

Also the reference to what other people may think of the perp; it's an odd statement to make at a news conference. Their profiler must be telling them it's probably someone they has a job or position where they are looked up to such as a police officer, teacher, clergy, etc.

Why talk about the person acting differently? Usually people who do these kinds of things don't act that differently to people around them. So that tells me that they don't necessarily think it's a random predator, but someone for which this is their first crime.

I just think there had to have been some communication for the PC to go like that.

GREAT thinking ! i agree!
New DNA testing can predict eye, hair and skin color. Can it help find criminals?
Ran across this article. Made me wonder if ISP submitted DNA from this case.

Of course this is only an opinion, but I get the idea that LE has *some* DNA but it’s not enough to use well in the investigation.

What I mean is, they may have a sample that will be able to be used once they have a suspect - they can see if it matches. But, the sample may be too small to use for any other investigative techniques such as forensic genealogy, etc.

If they had a good enough sample I bet they would have taken it to Parabon Nanolabs because they’re the best. Wouldn’t that be amazing if they could do that? I bet with one of their profiles and the photos/audio they already have, it might actually find a suspect.
Could the girl(s) have been SA or forced to undress "down the hill" and then hastily escaped or led across the creek without bottoms on, BG also? Hence the loose shoe? Then possibly the murder of extreme rage happened after and or during the crossing ? Could he have said to "take your clothes off down the hill" moo
ebm as I was feeding into comments made without researching first.
seriously, this guy got incredibly lucky. The grandfather arrived 3:15 so that means there was at most an hour to do the crime. That's an incredibly short period of time. Did no one see the perp? On one of the videos on YouTube they mention flannel shirt guy - who is that? Is there any witness who saw the guy that day?
DG saw the flannel shirt guy upon arrival at the trail head.
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