Me too. Although commercials, Lifetime, and Walmart would have us believe that it's the most romantic day of the year and everyone celebrates it, my friends (mostly 25-50) are split down the middle as to whether they even recognize it. Last year I got on my business FB page and took a poll and of the 5,000 polled, only around 1200 said that they do anything at all. Lots of people said that if it weren't for FB posts and commercials they'd even forget when it was. Others said that the only reason they keep up with it because it generally coincides with the spring season of THE WALKING DEAD.I haven't done anything special for it since I was in school-high school. It always seems to fall on a day when one of us has work obligations or something. There are certainly other days that are more special-anniversaries, birthdays, etc. But maybe V Day did coincide with a memory or anniversary for him. If we are looking at dates, though, I am more inclined to believe that the date he killed on (the day school was out) was more important than the day after he killed.