Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #112

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Putting two and two together, he is not from the family with a criminal history, either. And they might have moved to Delphi, otherwise, given the tight familial connections in Indiana, someone at the level of the 3D-4th cousin would have been found, in either CODIS or Gedmatch.

Actually a very valid point. Unless that's how they are finding him. But yes, lol
Welcome and thanks for joining us. :)

The mods do run a tight ship here and we only discuss confirmed/verified statements from LE and main stream media anyway; anything else is considered rumor and quickly deleted so you don’t have to worry about any of that here. Unless it’s something from LE, or by someone who is verified, we really don’t want to discuss it anyway.

One thing I will say is that in my experience living in an area where there was a brutal child murderer loose is that there were all kinds of local rumors flying. None of them turned out to be true. However, conversely, I’ve seen that work in the opposite manner in other cases here, as far as locals having inside information and local rumors turning out to be true.

Whatever the case, after my own personal experience with various local talk which ended up being completely false with not even an ounce of truth to anything, I usually take any “talk of the town” with a grain of salt, especially in this case, due it’s, uh, “extra sensitive and complex nature”, jmo.

Understood. And it's also out of respect as well. The rumors here go from plausible to ridiculous real quick, and there are many rednecks with guns in these parts.
Also, how far do people com from around the area to visit the trails and the bridge? I read in MSM on the day the girls were discovered and all the road blocks were up, that a guy had come from Logansport to visit and turned back disappointed. So he may not be from Delphi or local at all but still be familiar with the trails. I will edit to add the link.

Cannot find that link so take that as MOO.

I did find this interesting link about the bridge , while looking, so will post this anyway.

Fences going up at bridge near Delphi girls' slayings

Totally not to be argumentative, but the entry leads to a park, set of trails as well. Logansport is still considered quite local, in these small areas and with all the technology now, it is not uncommon for kids to have friends in several of the small towns around. When you literally have graduating classes of about 100 to 150, pickings are slim lol.
So far what we appear to have gleaned from a local is the following.
  • No one physically witnessed the crime
  • High bridge is remote
  • You have to know High Bridge is there to get there.
  • The local Police are not equipped/not use to deal with such a high profile case.
  • That the perpetrator must have known the area
  • That the witnesses were in the area and saw a man walking alone
  • There were zero cameras on the trail
  • That not many people rent homes in Delphi they own homes
  • There are Zero Businesses in the area the girls were found
  • It is not uncommon to have someone Kayak.
  • That every person jailed gives prints and a DNA swab for whatever reason
  • That it is not unusual to see a man walking alone on an unusually warm day
  • That they do have DNA and the only person it could belong to is the perpetrator
  • The hope is Ancestry kits may expose the perpetrator
  • The nature of the crime appears to be known about locally!!!
  • That the phone may have recording the entire thing and may have been put in a pocket,
  • That locals do have ideas on who the perpetrator is however keeping tight lipped due to the awful response from previous suspicions.
  • That the poster thinks LE is holding back for all the right reasons
Personally I can’t argue with any of the above then again I am not a member of the Delphi community or even USA. I also come from a small community of 3k people who have beautiful woods and lakes in a semi remote area. Most local people know where to go to keep out of the way of visitors and to stay away from the well known footpaths. (Trails) I think I have said it before but just because you come from a small community does not mean to say in this day and age everyone knows everybody. They just don’t. Yes there are those high profile local characters that everyone knows or knows of whether it be local business people, landowner, developer, criminal, elected person, local bobby (lol what's one of those)? As for getting back to normal after such a horrific incident from my own perspective I know where @momma_k is coming from albeit on a very tiny and different scale. Aggravated burglary in your home of 50+ years, suddenly takes the honesty and naivety away from the way one has always lived. It takes a lot to start getting back to anywhere near normal especially when the perpetrator/s haven’t been caught or if they have you don’t know about it and relying on cross County Police communication.

Here is hoping today is the day

No. I honestly don't think it's a good idea, and to be honest not entirely sure anyone but the perp knows the true motive. I can say he's nothing short of pure evil.
Welcome momma_k! Being local, are you aware of why LE had it so wrong for two plus years? If the killer was sloppy and stupid why were they on the wrong track that long?
I want to say that I am beyond grateful for the welcome, and the information I am providing is both from communication with those involved, or those close to those involved, as well as just local knowledge and a bit of informed gossip. I will not however breach what LE is trying to accomplish by limiting information, as there reasoning is solid. I truly believe they are holding back for all the right reasons.
so momma k, I am not asking you to divulge if you are not comfortable doing so but can you clarify that you know stuff that we, the outside community are not seeing or hearing?
much appreciated.

just going off what I keep in the back of my mind( think it was carter iirc) saying everything out there is wrong.
like web tubers etc have it all wrong......


Hiya @momma_k or anyone else that can help. I do have a two questions which you may be able to help with. My sole purpose for asking is US LE totally baffles me.

My understanding is that Delphi have a Police department consisting of a Police Chief, a Sargent and x5 Patrol officers who are responsible for local laws such as parking violations, noise etc and then State Law which I believe to be Indianan Law, My question is does this department just look after the to

Hiya @momma_k or anyone else that can help. I do have a two questions which you may be able to help with. My sole purpose for asking is US LE totally baffles me.

My understanding is that Delphi have a Police department consisting of a Police Chief, a Sargent and x5 Patrol officers who are responsible for local laws such as parking violations, noise etc and then State Law which I believe to be Indianan Law, My question is does this department just look after the town of Delphi and where do detectives come from to investigate such crimes. Daft question I know

I am not from Indiana so cannot inform about that state's LE structure specifically but here's some general info about LE structure in rural areas on my state which is Georgia. Locally, there are 2 levels of law enforcement: city police departments are responsible for matters within the city limits and county (sheriff) departments are responsible for matters outside of city limits. In larger counties the two are sometimes combined into one department. A rural city or county will have as many officers as the budget allows. Therefore, most (if not all) rural areas do not have the resources such as f
wn of Delphi and where do detectives come from to investigate such crimes. Daft question I know


Hiya @momma_k or anyone else that can help. I do have a two questions which you may be able to help with. My sole purpose for asking is US LE totally baffles me.

My understanding is that Delphi have a Police department consisting of a Police Chief, a Sargent and x5 Patrol officers who are responsible for local laws such as parking violations, noise etc and then State Law which I believe to be Indianan Law, My question is does this department just look after the town of Delphi and where do detectives come from to investigate such crimes. Daft question I know

I am not from Indiana so I cannot answer to its LE structure specifically. I can provide some general info about state LE structure based on the state where I live which is Georgia. There are 2 kinds of local law enforcement: one is responsible for matters occurring within the city limits of a city and the other is responsible for matters occurring outside of city limits and are usually referred to as sheriff departments. They can assist one another and are combined in some larger urban areas. Rural locations have as many officers as the budget allows. More wealthier areas of the state will have more personnel. Rural areas do not have resources such as crime scene analysis, labs, etc to help solve major crimes. This is where the state LE come into play. Our state LE, the Georgia Bureau of Investigations or GBI, is available to help these places that need and request their help. GBI has the trained personnel, labs, and equipment to investigate serious crimes. Most counties in GA call in the GBI to assist in the investigation of serious crimes. Urban areas like Atlanta could have some of its own specialists because their budget is bigger. The prosecution of the crime occurs in the court that has original jurisdiction for the physical scene of the crime. Original jurisdiction is usually the county superior court. I hope you find this info helpful. Fellow sleuthers, please advise if my post is misleading.
Actually a very valid point. Unless that's how they are finding him. But yes, lol

Understood. And it's also out of respect as well. The rumors here go from plausible to ridiculous real quick, and there are many rednecks with guns in these parts.

Thank you for coming in here with such a respectful attitude. :) The last thing anyone here ever wants to do here is compromise the integrity of the investigation, so you’re in good company :) .

Every day we wait for an arrest. We’re rooting for the girls, their families, and all of Delphi.

Hmmm. Then again they recently said he left something behind or am I misremembering? What could he have left behind other than DNA?

A weapon? Fingerprints? Clothing? Footprints? Spectacles? Video and audio definitely.
Let's hope anyway. JMO.

Here is the quote for reference by A McAdams; I recommend watching the video - some say this quote simply references the BG audio and video itself, but this was said after the release of the audio and bridge photo:

bradfordsleuth said:
In this Fox 59 clip from March 2017, Alexis McAdams talks about hearing from Carter about, 'They have recovered a very important piece of evidence from the crime scene that was linked to the killer'.

I have added the facebook link as well, which is worded slightly different.

Alexis McAdams - QUESTIONS: People had a lot of questions...

Here is the article that goes with it. It is missing the direct quote from Carter, but I have bolded some of the references to evidence.

FBI putting together profile of suspect accused of killing Delphi teens

It is snipped to comply with 10% rule.

"All that information provides police with clues as to what kind of things they should be looking for as they serve search warrants. That, paired with evidence found at the crime scene, could help solve the puzzle.

Indiana State Police superintendent Doug Carter says they have several pieces and parts but they are looking for the one piece of evidence that will crack the case.

“I know that we have the human element – we have a very solid science element,” he said. "

Edited to add in facebook link which has slightly different wording.
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Actually a very valid point. Unless that's how they are finding him. But yes, lol

Understood. And it's also out of respect as well. The rumors here go from plausible to ridiculous real quick, and there are many rednecks with guns in these parts.

Are you able to say more on why you feel the killer was sloppy?

(Opinions are fine here, just as long as you state it as such. Plenty of opinions in here, lol).
Knowing not all of you folks are familiar with rural Indiana life, I am going to clarify one time. "Local" here has 2 meanings. It can mean a resident of actual Delphi. But in these parts it also means being from any of the rinky dink towns in the area. To clarify, area here means within 30 miles give or take. In a farming area, we all kind of intermingle.

To clarify, I think everyone is taking the term local and dissecting it too much.

Take it as this.
There is no way someone traveling through on an interstate could have stumbled on it. The nearest interstate is 65 in Lafayette. It is extremely unlikely someone would take a detour of over 30 miles from the interstate to a remote county road on accident or on a whim.
I will no longer comment on this matter, as I think it is taking too much focus away from the true meaning and nature of this case. I get details are important, just not that one. Like I've stated, in low population areas " local" means a lot of things.
Thank you for coming in here with such a respectful attitude :) The last thing anyone here ever wants to do here is compromise the integrity of the investigation so you’re in good company :) .

Every day we wait for an arrest. We’re rooting for the girls, their families, and all of Delphi.

Here is the quote for reference, in progress, this was a quote by A McAdams, see video (some say this quote simply references the audio and video itself, but this was said after the release of the audio and Bridge photo:

Looking for quote

All that is common knowledge for sure is that forensic evidence was left behind as well as the cell phone. It was also released DNA was found. Which is frustrating, as it is so far from what most people think as far as helpful. Until we find the monster, then it will be extremely helpful.
Thank you for taking the time to provide your local perspective.

I am sorry this horrible crime happened in your community.

We want nothing more than for this monster to be caught and prosecuted.[/QUOTE

It's people like you and places like this that will keep this case alive until justice is served. Thank you.
All that is common knowledge for sure is that forensic evidence was left behind as well as the cell phone. It was also released DNA was found. Which is frustrating, as it is so far from what most people think as far as helpful. Until we find the monster, then it will be extremely helpful.

Oh and thank you and you are welcome. I truly wish I had found you all earlier.
do you think or know if people (including the families) were shocked when the new sketch came out? Did they seem to recognize the person pictured?

I would say frustrated and disappointed. Understandingly so. I have the utmost respect for our LE, they are amazing. However, most feel that it was a day late and a dollar short. Around here, we all feel responsible for getting this guy. And not to be rude, but that sketch could literally "look like" about damn near 50 percent of our farmers. Without any distinct features it's almost impossible. IMHO that sketch is way too broad. The audio clip is by far the best piece of information released. It is distinct. And we collectively have all racked our brains.
I don't remember us discussing mushrooms here before. With that alone, you have added important background info, imo. I don't think it was mushroom season in Feb, not from my experience here in PA, but I don't know much about mushrooms. Are you talking psych shrooms or mushrooms that are used for food?

Morels are a huge commodity here, selling for upwards of 50 dollars a pound. They have a very specific season. May. It takes a very unique set of circumstances for them to grow, and they are freaking delicious. So yes, a food source, and yes a very specific season. As I'm not an expert I will add the disclaimer that while they may be found around May, it's not an exact science. But in these parts February is too damn cold for anything to grow. Especially mushrooms
IMO a seasoned killer would not have left a cell phone with a video camera at the scene.
However a knowledgeable tech type person would have known not to remove it as it is almost like a tracking device in its own right. Personal thought is he didn't take it, he heard it ring and left it without knowing what was on it. He had a simple choice leave it or take it he weighed up the odds and left it

Do you feel it was a random attack, or targeted and planned? Again, opinion is fine.

My opinion will always be the girls thought they were meeting up with someone else. I have no reason to state that other than knowing teen behavior as a mother of one.

It could also very well be a disturbed man with impulse control who stumbled upon an opportunity.
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