Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #115

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I often wonder if that vehicle in the CPS lot belonged to a potential witness. But then I ask myself: Why park it there? Did the other lots not have many spaces left? If that was the case LE should have a greater chance of finding a person who saw this killer. Did the person park it there so they wouldn't be seen in usual parking places and therefore be associated with the trail that day? If I were an investigator that possibility would make me very curious. Of course, it could have been a new vehicle and the owner would want to park their vehicle where it would be less likely to get dinged by the door of another vehicle. In any event, this person has some familiarity with the trail and surrounding areas to know they could park there and walk to the trails.
anna Williams 'thought we'd have this wrapped up by now' screams out to me its close and they know who.(likely the family dont know specifics but they been told its all good)
just applying that sentence myself I can not see how you could use it in the context of LE have no idea on who the perp is.
its kinda confident??
reading between the lines imo she is saying I cant believe they haven't arrested him yet with what they got.
anyone feel this interpretation?
or am I way off :p

I go back and forth with this. One day (minute) I think LE knows, then next day or minute, I think they do not have a clue**
Depends on which day it is :p
but I keep the Hope alive as the families have been keeping HOPE alive.
A car was abandoned at the abandoned CPS building between noon and 5 PM on the 13th Feb 2017 and none of the searchers that drove past there noticed it or knew who it belonged to? I don't buy it
Good point. You would think the searchers, in addition to searching the trails, may have also been stopping other trail users - on the trail and in the parking lots - about seeing the two girls.
I often wonder if that vehicle in the CPS lot belonged to a potential witness. But then I ask myself: Why park it there? Did the other lots not have many spaces left? If that was the case LE should have a greater chance of finding a person who saw this killer. Did the person park it there so they wouldn't be seen in usual parking places and therefore be associated with the trail that day? If I were an investigator that possibility would make me very curious. Of course, it could have been a new vehicle and the owner would want to park their vehicle where it would be less likely to get dinged by the door of another vehicle. In any event, this person has some familiarity with the trail and surrounding areas to know they could park there and walk to the trails.
I think coming up with why that car was there for up to 5 hours, why noone saw it. would be helpful. I mean many of the family members would drive by it as they dropped the girls off, then went to pick them up, drive along the routes that could take them to Libby's, then LE turning up and all the helpers. This car must be there on a regular basis and so people are used to seeing it there perhaps, like a builders van or pick up with tools for work in the area. There is a house very close to the CPS building as well as other business related premises so this vehicle did not stand out to anyone? Perhaps someone dropped the person off then came back later to collect them? MOO.
I go back and forth with this. One day (minute) I think LE knows, then next day or minute, I think they do not have a clue**
Depends on which day it is :p
but I keep the Hope alive as the families have been keeping HOPE alive.
I've been the same way. But as time goes on, the times when I believe LE knows something significant become fewer and fewer.

One thing that sticks out to me is that another case came to my attention and it involved Parabon NanoLabs. Recent articles state they are solving cold cases or unidentified bodies at a rate of at least one a week. LE has been very coy as to whether or not they have the killer's DNA. LE has usually alluded to the possibility that they have DNA but stopped short of saying they have the killer's DNA. If it is because they an unidentified touch DNA - or more than one - and are not sure if they have the killer's or not why not go to Parabon with the DNA. Parabon might be able to render a facial profile or profiles that can be compared the sketches.

Of course, they may have done this very thing and that can explain the change in the sketch. But they sure have been secretive as to why they changed direction in April.
Emoting that you are the kind of person who would commit mass murder as revenge for being avoided by women is a great way to ensure women will avoid you.
I would think for every online emoter there's an equal amount that say nothing.
I think coming up with why that car was there for up to 5 hours, why noone saw it. would be helpful. I mean many of the family members would drive by it as they dropped the girls off, then went to pick them up, drive along the routes that could take them to Libby's, then LE turning up and all the helpers. This car must be there on a regular basis and so people are used to seeing it there perhaps, like a builders van or pick up with tools for work in the area. There is a house very close to the CPS building as well as other business related premises so this vehicle did not stand out to anyone? Perhaps someone dropped the person off then came back later to collect them? MOO.
Again, good points. 5 hours is a long time given how short those trails are. A person with more of an interest than just hiking? Bird watching, photography or other hobby? Or stalking for a victim? That would be much ado about nothing if it turned out to be a trail user who heard about the missing girls and decided to join the search for an additional hour or two on the trail, hence the vehicle was there longer. Or a handyman doing work in the area. Or, since the building was demolished later, it belonged to someone surveying the building for the subsequent demolition and they weren't seen because they were inside. But I would think 4-5 hours is a bit long for that endeavor.
That 4-5 hour time frame maybe a rough estimate from LE with a 'fudge' factor of about an hour on both sides of that time frame because they have no idea how long the vehicle was really there. I would think if the killer parked there he left the area as soon as he could and I don't see him being in the area any longer than 3:30 to 4:00. And maybe even slightly earlier.
I've been the same way. But as time goes on, the times when I believe LE knows something significant become fewer and fewer.

One thing that sticks out to me is that another case came to my attention and it involved Parabon NanoLabs. Recent articles state they are solving cold cases or unidentified bodies at a rate of at least one a week. LE has been very coy as to whether or not they have the killer's DNA. LE has usually alluded to the possibility that they have DNA but stopped short of saying they have the killer's DNA. If it is because they an unidentified touch DNA - or more than one - and are not sure if they have the killer's or not why not go to Parabon with the DNA. Parabon might be able to render a facial profile or profiles that can be compared the sketches.

Of course, they may have done this very thing and that can explain the change in the sketch. But they sure have been secretive as to why they changed direction in April.
Here's a senario, what if LE did ask Parabon Labs to see what they can come up with as far as a facial profile. What if that "snapshot" looked very similar to the earliest sketch done by a witness, that was disregarded because it looked very much like a person well-known who was discounted early in the investigation. I'm just surmising on one possible explanation. I know there are many others just as possible, or not.
The thing about the vehicle and the CPS building, it was said to be parked not in the parking lot but along the side of the road (Per GH, I think it was when he bought the satellite image, he stated that on his video).

That is just really strange and would stand out. Why park along the side of the road and not in the parking lot? Would he be that stupid to park in such an conspicuous place?

It wouldn't be a searchers vehicle at that time. The search didn't intensify until after 4:00 and LE was not notified until after 5:00. Any initial searchers would have ample parking near the trailhead along the side of the road there, at the cemetery at Mears property....

The word abandoned has been scrutinized. The word abandoned makes more sense if a vehicle is left along the side of a road rather than in a parking lot.

Just throwing out some thoughts on this.
Sorry if it seems like you—that was completely unintentional. I'm generalizing a lot in my half-baked speculations, and admittedly stereotypes are unintentionally expressed. I play and watch sports and follow this case as well as Mollie Tibbets. LOL

No problem. I was actually laughing when I realized it sounded just like me, and as I wrote that post.
The thing about the vehicle and the CPS building, it was said to be parked not in the parking lot but along the side of the road (Per GH, I think it was when he bought the satellite image, he stated that on his video).

That is just really strange and would stand out. Why park along the side of the road and not in the parking lot? Would he be that stupid to park in such an conspicuous place?

It wouldn't be a searchers vehicle at that time. The search didn't intensify until after 4:00 and LE was not notified until after 5:00. Any initial searchers would have ample parking near the trailhead along the side of the road there, at the cemetery at Mears property....

The word abandoned has been scrutinized. The word abandoned makes more sense if a vehicle is left along the side of a road rather than in a parking lot.

Just throwing out some thoughts on this.
If LE wasn't informed until after 5pm, that could explain the timespan if they know the car wasn't there when they arrived.
Are you referencing something current? I just looked, didn't see anything recent...

Hello, I am a long time reader, my english is bad so sorry for that.
That case really is hunting me. I am not a true crime fan or something but this case is in my heartbreaking and unbelievable. Can't imagine whats up there in this small community for such a long time.....

What is the scanner thread? Can't find something "new" there.....

I hope this case will be solved. Justice for the girls, families and friends.

From Germany with love!
Hello, I am a long time reader, my english is bad so sorry for that.
That case really is hunting me. I am not a true crime fan or something but this case is in my heartbreaking and unbelievable. Can't imagine whats up there in this small community for such a long time.....

What is the scanner thread? Can't find something "new" there.....

I hope this case will be solved. Justice for the girls, families and friends.

From Germany with love!

Rahmer, I'm in the same situation as you (minus the German part) and recently joined. Webslueths is confusing! I figured out if you go to the first page of the thread/first post it will have a link near the bottom of the first post to the scanner thread. The scanner thread is about activity from the police scanner/radio. Here is a direct link -
They later clarified (if you can call it that):

Multi-Agency Taskforce Clarifies Points about the Delphi Murder Suspect Sketches ·

Delphi, IN – The Multi-Agency Task Force is providing the below points of clarification after yesterday’s informational news conference.

  • A car was parked in the abandoned CPS building parking lot between the hours of noon and 5:00 p.m. on February 13, 2017
    • We are looking for anyone who could give a description of vehicles that were in the parking lot during the time
And doesn't that wording make it sound like whomever the driver was is secondary to the request? They needed a witness to the car between noon- 5 because the car can be matched to the driver and that will put him at the scene. Familial DNA can only put a family there at the murder scene, the car is the key to proving which one. Just thinking outloud.
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