Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #115

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Some in Delphi area wrongly thing the case has been solved? How can that be?
Maybe my anxiety level is greater than the norm, which is very possible. We had a horrible multiple murder occur in my current town (population under 30,000) several years ago. I couldn’t sleep or walk alone at night without fear (as an adult) until the perpetrators were arrested. Even then, the fear did not fully resolve. I grew up in a small town (1,800 population) where no one ever locked their homes or cars, even at night. No one does that these days in my hometown. The world has changed and there are more “deviants” out there. At times, I regret having children of my own, but most of the time I am grateful I chose not to bring another life into this world. I would be in a a constant state of anxiety if my children were growing up in an area where such a horrendous, unsolved crime occurred...especially if the LE thought it was a local.

I’ve been told by some locals that a lot of people are just clueless about the case and aren’t following it because it doesn’t involve them. Unfortunately because it isn’t on the news much anymore some wrongly think it has been solved.
I thought so too...but here we are over 6 months after the last PC with no arrest.:( I recently read about another case where people suspect the two young victims were potentially a “revenge/ retribution killing” for family members involved in the meth world. Would this be a possibility in this case since LE have stated they believe people are “afraid” to come forward with info?

After following this case, I am appalled by the criminality of the Midwest.
My perception was of a farming heartland, but instead have found the reality is harsh and dangerous, the Midwest is now a "Meth Belt."
Unfortunately the girls were never safe.
Might be referring to something their POI said (eg talked about movie on SM) or did (attended a screening of the movie) after the murders. Not necessarily referring to the crime scene.

JMOO. Thinking that the reference by LE's DC was, in fact, referencing *both* "real estate" in the POI's mind [i. e., the POI may have a religious background/interest in such things], as well as various aspects of the CS ("crime scene"). Do I/we *know* anything about the CS? *Not!* (Nor do I, for one, really want to know anything about it... am more interested in the killer's motive.) So this comment is entirely conjecture -- MOO (since I know "nada" about the CS). Entirely hypothetical on my part (for those who think I have any new info.; sorry, but I don't).

While hopeful for this case to be solved (for justice for Abby & Libby and for their families), am also especially eager for the killer to be indicted. That day's coming sooner, rather than later! Let's keep believing! All MOO.
You would imagine that most people in the community are living in fear terrified of BG but I have heard from locals that this is not the case. Most people are focused on living their own lives and aren’t thinking about the case much with some even wrongly think the case has been solved. There are some who are following the case closely and are fearful of BG striking again but I have been told they are in the minority.
If those you speak of live in Delphi, how can that even be possible, thinking the case has been solved, to be that disassociated with such horrible murders occuring right in their small community to two children? I live in a town of many thousands more than Delphi and I know that would not be the case here, even after 2 1/2 years. That just makes me sadder than ever for the Delphi community.
Do Not Even Whisper About Implicating Family Members.

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I am still deleting posts. My suggestion is that everyone take a rest and review The Rules

Thanks all.

Im just thrilled that there was a Mod post in which I wasnt involved.

Cheers all!!
I’m pretty confident that the main purpose of the PC was to lure him to the event & give him the message that they’re on to him. Whether the Shack reference was part of that or not, I’m not sure. JMO

I think the main purpose of the press conference was to try to find the individual the witness saw who may have had their car parked next to the old building near the Monon High Bridge trail. No one has enhanced the video from Liberty German's phone enough to state that the man in the video is the same man as in the new sketch from April.

Since the main question is probably how did the killer leave without being seen in the area, it makes sense to look for people with vehicles that have not been identified by law enforcement.

This case may not be solved because law enforcement is looking for the wrong person in the wrong place. What if the killer is not local and what if the killer is not the young guy depicted in the new sketch? In this case, I think those are some big ifs.
Opinion - This thread will go berserk on the day BG is arrested.......I can't wait. Surely qone of my 50+ sleuthed area suspects is correct.......LOL !....moo

Ill gleefully get put in time out for expletive filled cheers lol

My heart would be so full knowing the girl's families will sleep a little better at night.
I’ve been told by some locals that a lot of people are just clueless about the case and aren’t following it because it doesn’t involve them. Unfortunately because it isn’t on the news much anymore some wrongly think it has been solved.

Prior to the April PC I thought it had been solved, but I’m not from Delphi.
I think the main purpose of the press conference was to try to find the individual the witness saw who may have had their car parked next to the old building near the Monon High Bridge trail. No one has enhanced the video from Liberty German's phone enough to state that the man in the video is the same man as in the new sketch from April.

Since the main question is probably how did the killer leave without being seen in the area, it makes sense to look for people with vehicles that have not been identified by law enforcement.

This case may not be solved because law enforcement is looking for the wrong person in the wrong place. What if the killer is not local and what if the killer is not the young guy depicted in the new sketch? In this case, I think those are some big ifs.
I think the killer must be a current or former local--he seemed awfully comfortable on that bridge--but if he isn't, then the case will be difficult to solve indeed.
I don't think that LE has a complete nuclear DNA profile; if they did, then they would have said so. They may have a partial profile, they may only have mitochondrial DNA, or they may have DNA that doesn't even belong to BG.
I wonder if le could (or did) put different men with different body types up on Monon High Bridge (and used the exact phone Libby used) to get as close of a guestimate to BG's size, clothing, face shape, anything at all that they could glean to get more information. It's a shot in the dark, but if they could glean just one more thing that's a step in the right direction.
If those you speak of live in Delphi, how can that even be possible, thinking the case has been solved, to be that disassociated with such horrible murders occuring right in their small community to two children? I live in a town of many thousands more than Delphi and I know that would not be the case here, even after 2 1/2 years. That just makes me sadder than ever for the Delphi community.
I think the main purpose of the press conference was to try to find the individual the witness saw who may have had their car parked next to the old building near the Monon High Bridge trail. No one has enhanced the video from Liberty German's phone enough to state that the man in the video is the same man as in the new sketch from April.

Since the main question is probably how did the killer leave without being seen in the area, it makes sense to look for people with vehicles that have not been identified by law enforcement.

This case may not be solved because law enforcement is looking for the wrong person in the wrong place. What if the killer is not local and what if the killer is not the young guy depicted in the new sketch? In this case, I think those are some big ifs.
How did he leave without being seen? The focus has been on him leaving north. Dig a bit to see where he would end up if he followed the road/woods under the bridge southward.
I wonder if le could (or did) put different men with different body types up on Monon High Bridge (and used the exact phone Libby used) to get as close of a guestimate to BG's size, clothing, face shape, anything at all that they could glean to get more information. It's a shot in the dark, but if they could glean just one more thing that's a step in the right direction.
By measuring the boards on the bridge and surrounding trees one can do a math equation to figure out a reasonable height.
How did he leave without being seen? The focus has been on him leaving north. Dig a bit to see where he would end up if he followed the road/woods under the bridge southward.

That path is rarely, if ever, discussed here. IDK why not.

It seems to me that the girls might have gone that way for a bit, as well, during the time unaccounted for.

Maybe the girls saw something down that way before heading back towards the bridge. Maybe BG was down that way, too, and zipped (moved around quickly) to try to cut them off on their way back to the trailhead. Then, when they did not come back across the bridge, he went on in towards them.

After that, he could have headed south, and then zipped back around to retrieve a vehicle. (Or got somebody else to do that for him on a pretense.)

That, of course, is just one set of possible scenarios. Anyway, I think it is worth further consideration.
I am marking my spot so that I will continue to get alerts, so that I can read yall's posts.....I also like typing moo......LOL !....moo
cody did you know if you click on the tab next to the page numbers at the says go to first unread??? it will take you exactly where you last left off on that particular thread.

no need to mark your spot ;)
After following this case, I am appalled by the criminality of the Midwest.
My perception was of a farming heartland, but instead have found the reality is harsh and dangerous, the Midwest is now a "Meth Belt."
Unfortunately the girls were never safe.

The farmland had its own level of criminality, always. And maybe the farms were more disinclined to give out their own.

As to meth, a horrible drug, no doubt, but it is called “poor man’s cocaine” for a reason. It is a strong stimulant, and the only difference from other similar substances is that it is easier to make, and can be synthesized on the farms.

Cocaine can make people very psychotic, too, but the limiting factor is the price.

As to opiates, they are everywhere, simply everywhere.

So if we looked at the same farms a 100 years ago, they would not be clean, either, but the drugs of choice would be tobacco and alcohol.
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