Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #116

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They have a video of the suspect.
They have recording of his voice.
They have a crime scene.
They say they know the second sketch is the man responsible for the murders.
They say they know the person talking in the recording is the person on the bridge with the girls.
They say they believe he is from Delphi.
They say he "was" hiding in plain sight.
The say they have likely interviewed him, or someone close to him.
Local, State, and Federal law enforcement has been on the case for nearly 3 years.

I do not profess to be the sharpest tack in the drawer, but these facts lead me to believe they know who BG is.

Yet we have no arrest.

They have a video of the murderer.
They have recording of his voice.
They have a crime scene.
They say they know the second sketch is the man responsible for the murders.
They say they know the person talking in the recording is the person on the bridge with the girls.
They say they believe he is from Delphi.
They say he "was" hiding in plain sight.
The say they have likely interviewed him, or someone close to him.
Local, State, and Federal law enforcement has been on the case for nearly 3 years.

I do not profess to be the sharpest tack in the drawer, but these facts lead me to believe they know who BG is.

Yet we have no arrest.


Law enforcement could not enhance the video enough to come up with an accurate description of the man on the bridge. Therefore they started guessing with eyewitnesses who gave descriptions to them of what the man looked like. Then they started making claims that the killer must be a local(lives or lived or works or worked).

So the general public is looking for someone who looks like the man based off the sketch released on April 22, 2019. Is law enforcement correct? That is for you to decide.
Here is what I think:

I have always thought the man Liberty German videotaped on the Monon High Bridge is the killer. It would be relatively easy for law enforcement to figure that out with a reasonable amount of certainty. The distance and speed from where he was videotaped to when his voice first appears on Liberty German's recording would be easy to conclude that either he is the killer or he was very near the area where the girls and the bridge guy were talking.

As for the second sketch released on April 22, 2019, I do not think that sketch is at all representative of the description of the man on Liberty German's video. I think because law enforcement is as lost as the rest of us and all the youtubers who zoom in and have created their own personal sketches of bridge guy, they just decided to take a guess that a witness who gave a description of a man from February 2017 might be the killer. So they put that out for the public in the hope that maybe they get lucky.

I think when the man who murdered Liberty German and Abigail Williams gets caught that he will look nothing like the second sketch released on April 22, 2019. And I think it is the confusion between the second released sketch and the Liberty German video that is the reason this case is taking such a long time to solve.

The confusion between the 2 sketches has really created a mess and absolutely slowed things down. But I do not agree that LE just took a guess with the NBG sketch hoping to get lucky. No no, not at all IMO.

LE has stated the new sketch is the face of BG. The face to the body we see on the bridge. Now I know there are some on here who say that LE actually is just expressing an opinion, but I don’t agree that’s all it is- at some point, when LE states things as fact, we need to accept them as fact.

The “at some point” for me was during this April presser. They had to come out to the public and admit they got things wrong. That cannot be easy. They swallowed their pride and said “please be patient with us, please. We are only beginning”. So while I’m slow to accept LE statements as pure fact since they are only human and make mistakes (um, most likely in this case!), I strongly believe they are right this time. They wouldn’t have come out and shown humility and admitted having gone down the wrong path if they weren’t certain of the facts they are now putting forth.

All MOO.

(sorry all, no links to the statements by LE. They’ve been posted a bazillion times so I assume they are relatively memorized :))
They have a video of the suspect.
They have recording of his voice.
They have a crime scene.
They say they know the second sketch is the man responsible for the murders.
They say they know the person talking in the recording is the person on the bridge with the girls.
They say they believe he is from Delphi.
They say he "was" hiding in plain sight.
The say they have likely interviewed him, or someone close to him.
Local, State, and Federal law enforcement has been on the case for nearly 3 years.

I do not profess to be the sharpest tack in the drawer, but these facts lead me to believe they know who BG is.

Yet we have no arrest.

Good post...IMO the reason for no arrest while knowing all these things you've listed can only mean DNA evidence cannot absolutely, beyond a reasonable doubt, physically place him at the murder scene.
LE has stated the new sketch is the face of BG. The face to the body we see on the bridge. Now I know there are some on here who say that LE actually is just expressing an opinion, but I don’t agree that’s all it is- at some point, when LE states things as fact, we need to accept them as fact.
Snipped by me

LE says they believe the sketch is the face of BG, not that it is a fact that it is. Their belief is their opinion, they can change it too if new evidence comes to light.
From the 4/22 PC
"The result of the new information and intelligence over time leads us to believe the sketch is the person responsible for the murders of these two little girls”

The confusion between the 2 sketches has really created a mess and absolutely slowed things down. But I do not agree that LE just took a guess with the NBG sketch hoping to get lucky. No no, not at all IMO.

LE has stated the new sketch is the face of BG. The face to the body we see on the bridge. Now I know there are some on here who say that LE actually is just expressing an opinion, but I don’t agree that’s all it is- at some point, when LE states things as fact, we need to accept them as fact.

The “at some point” for me was during this April presser. They had to come out to the public and admit they got things wrong. That cannot be easy. They swallowed their pride and said “please be patient with us, please. We are only beginning”. So while I’m slow to accept LE statements as pure fact since they are only human and make mistakes (um, most likely in this case!), I strongly believe they are right this time. They wouldn’t have come out and shown humility and admitted having gone down the wrong path if they weren’t certain of the facts they are now putting forth.

All MOO.

(sorry all, no links to the statements by LE. They’ve been posted a bazillion times so I assume they are relatively memorized :))

Admitting indirectly that they were wrong the first time with the first sketch is a very good point. I will admit that we do not know what information law enforcement has that caused them to come out with the second sketch. Time will tell whether they are correct.

When Abigail William's mother said on Dr. Phil that no one has been able to enhance the video enough to get a good description of the bridge guy suspect, I could not understand how law enforcement could claim the second sketch description was representative of the man in the video. It looks like law enforcement had only two choices with their investigation:

1. Put out eyewitness description sketches and hope they end up matching the bridge guy suspect when they find the man in the sketch. OR

2. Wait for years until technology can advance to the point where the video Liberty German captured with her cell phone can be enhanced enough to give them a good physical description of their bridge guy suspect. Then use that description to create an accurate sketch based off the video and not an eyewitness.

So, from my understanding of the investigation, I can understand why they did what they did.
Here is what I think:

I have always thought the man Liberty German videotaped on the Monon High Bridge is the killer. It would be relatively easy for law enforcement to figure that out with a reasonable amount of certainty. The distance and speed from where he was videotaped to when his voice first appears on Liberty German's recording would be easy to conclude that either he is the killer or he was very near the area where the girls and the bridge guy were talking.

As for the second sketch released on April 22, 2019, I do not think that sketch is at all representative of the description of the man on Liberty German's video. I think because law enforcement is as lost as the rest of us and all the youtubers who zoom in and have created their own personal sketches of bridge guy, they just decided to take a guess that a witness who gave a description of a man from February 2017 might be the killer. So they put that out for the public in the hope that maybe they get lucky.

I think when the man who murdered Liberty German and Abigail Williams gets caught that he will look nothing like the second sketch released on April 22, 2019. And I think it is the confusion between the second released sketch and the Liberty German video that is the reason this case is taking such a long time to solve.
A long two years passed before LE released the second sketch. It's only been six months since. I think there are other issues than just the new sketch.
They have a video of the suspect.
They have recording of his voice.
They have a crime scene.
They say they know the second sketch is the man responsible for the murders.
They say they know the person talking in the recording is the person on the bridge with the girls.
They say they believe he is from Delphi.
They say he "was" hiding in plain sight.
The say they have likely interviewed him, or someone close to him.
Local, State, and Federal law enforcement has been on the case for nearly 3 years.

I do not profess to be the sharpest tack in the drawer, but these facts lead me to believe they know who BG is.

Yet we have no arrest.

Why? Because the law protects the defendant more so than the victim.
Innocent until proven guilty.
They need that one missing piece to prove it.
Snipped by me

LE says they believe the sketch is the face of BG, not that it is a fact that it is. Their belief is their opinion, they can change it too if new evidence comes to light.
From the 4/22 PC
"The result of the new information and intelligence over time leads us to believe the sketch is the person responsible for the murders of these two little girls”


Right. I know that’s the statement that people are reading into. I can understand how some people would decide that the word “believe” means LE isn’t sure and they’re just making a guess. I just don’t agree.

Because there is also this:

“This is the face of the suspect that goes with the body of the video captured on Liberty German’s cellphone”.
New 'Face' of the Delphi Murder Suspect

That’s stated as fact. So at a certain point, I’m choosing to believe they are confident this is the case. Based on my understanding of the new information and the statements LE has made.

They have a video of the suspect.
They have recording of his voice.
They have a crime scene.
They say they know the second sketch is the man responsible for the murders.
They say they know the person talking in the recording is the person on the bridge with the girls.
They say they believe he is from Delphi.
They say he "was" hiding in plain sight.
The say they have likely interviewed him, or someone close to him.
Local, State, and Federal law enforcement has been on the case for nearly 3 years.

I do not profess to be the sharpest tack in the drawer, but these facts lead me to believe they know who BG is.

Yet we have no arrest.

LE is crossing the T's and dotting the I's ( I HOPE )
Admitting indirectly that they were wrong the first time with the first sketch is a very good point. I will admit that we do not know what information law enforcement has that caused them to come out with the second sketch. Time will tell whether they are correct.

When Abigail William's mother said on Dr. Phil that no one has been able to enhance the video enough to get a good description of the bridge guy suspect, I could not understand how law enforcement could claim the second sketch description was representative of the man in the video. It looks like law enforcement had only two choices with their investigation:

1. Put out eyewitness description sketches and hope they end up matching the bridge guy suspect when they find the man in the sketch. OR

2. Wait for years until technology can advance to the point where the video Liberty German captured with her cell phone can be enhanced enough to give them a good physical description of their bridge guy suspect. Then use that description to create an accurate sketch based off the video and not an eyewitness.

So, from my understanding of the investigation, I can understand why they did what they did.

LE has quite a few investigative options that aren’t reliant on a blurry video or eyewitness based sketches. I suspect one of those options recently changed the course of the investigation and lead LE to believe that the recently released sketch is more representative of the way BG looks as opposed to the previous sketch.
Or maybe they said they were at the trail, but left at 11:30.
Exactly. I don't think the car is as elusive as one might think.
Possible BG excuses that LE knows is not truthful:
I was seen walking because my car broke down and I left it there.
I was only there until 11:30.
A friend of a friend that I don't know borrowed my car and I don't know where they drove or left it.
Car caught on video.
And the oldie but goodie, the flat out lie, it wasn't my car even though it is the same exact car I have...prove it was my car at the DCS building.
I wonder now about the vehicle, and the sketch. They had information about the vehicle early on, and the "new" sketch was made by the end of the first week of the investigation.

Just seems odd to me. A vehicle description, albeit a vague one, was released 9 months into the Evansdale case. LE stated they wanted 3 credible descriptions from witnesses in that case before they released a vehicle description. I can guarantee at least 3 people could have described the vehicle in question in the Delphi case, considering it was along a rural road close to Delphi on a sunny day, by both the main trail and trailhead, and by IN 25.

Why sit on that for two years?

Did they sit on the car for two years?
I've been compiling a list of possible scenarios. Does anyone have others to add to the list?

Planned attack premeditated
Robbery gone bad
Saw something and killed girls to keep them from talking
On-line meetup gone wrong
Mental illness crisis escalated
Target shooting then decided to attack girls
Drug triggered rage
Suicidal and decided to take girls with him but after attacks suicidal ideation subsided
Here is what I think:

I have always thought the man Liberty German videotaped on the Monon High Bridge is the killer. It would be relatively easy for law enforcement to figure that out with a reasonable amount of certainty. The distance and speed from where he was videotaped to when his voice first appears on Liberty German's recording would be easy to conclude that either he is the killer or he was very near the area where the girls and the bridge guy were talking.

As for the second sketch released on April 22, 2019, I do not think that sketch is at all representative of the description of the man on Liberty German's video. I think because law enforcement is as lost as the rest of us and all the youtubers who zoom in and have created their own personal sketches of bridge guy, they just decided to take a guess that a witness who gave a description of a man from February 2017 might be the killer. So they put that out for the public in the hope that maybe they get lucky.

I think when the man who murdered Liberty German and Abigail Williams gets caught that he will look nothing like the second sketch released on April 22, 2019. And I think it is the confusion between the second released sketch and the Liberty German video that is the reason this case is taking such a long time to solve.

Well, if the murders were planned and there were no witnesses, it is quite enough for the case to take a long time to solve. The video is grainy, the voice is generic, the car is far away from that place (and maybe the owners are lying, but they are not involved in the murders, and did something else that they don't want to get known).

The second sketch is pretty generic for Delphi as well, so if the guy is local and young, I am positive there will be a certain degree of a match.

MOO. X 3. -

The witness who gave the description in 2017 might be lying, but his lies are not quite related to murders. He might have been in that area, on that day, doing something not quite legit (I think it has to do with dating, or something else that had it become known, would destroy his career or family life - but it is not murder).

An example. Let us say it is a man who is well-known and has a relationship with a 17-year-old girl. Just an example. Statutory rape, but not murder.

In the 2017, having given true account of his whereabouts, he'd lose his job, his family, or maybe something worse could ensue. DC said they uncovered tons of other crimes looking for the killer, so why not prosecute this guy?

So the man keeps mum about his minor crime. As it stands today, even if he lied about the bridge, IRL nothing can connect him to the murders, because he was not at that clearing. But at least his secret is safe.

Just an idea. Either this person is connected to murders and lying, or unconnected and lying, but lying he is. Why, we don't know.
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