Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #126

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This is a good point. No accent: Not Yooper, not twangy, not Chicago-y either. Solidly that Southern Michigan/northern Indiana or Ohio range.

I mostly agree with this and the post you quoted, but my experience is a little different with a couple of the areas mentioned.

My dad's whole side of the family is from Cincinnati, and none of them have southern-like accents. Maybe they are unique within the area in that regard, but they all just sound like generic accent-less midwesterners.

I also know a lot of people from southwestern Michigan (Kalamazoo area) and almost ALL of them have an accent that's hard to describe but somewhat like a Wisconsin accent. The few people I know from southern-central and southeast MI don't have accents though.

I think, not just based on the accent but the totality of the circumstances, that it's overwhelmingly likely BG is from rural central or northern Indiana. If he's not though, I feel like Illinois and Ohio are decent possibilities, and Missouri, Iowa, and Michigan are not out of the question.
I don't hear the southern twang in BG's voice that I would expect from a denizen of Cincinnati or Louisville, but a northern city like Gary, Chicago, or Battle Creek that was a couple of hours away would not surprise me at all.

I agree. Regarding Ohio, lots of southern roots and usually some detectable accent in most people's speech. IMOO Of course the person could have recently transplanted. This case just baffles me to no end. Those sweet girls! And even managed to leave video evidence, and still no arrest.
I don't hear the southern twang in BG's voice that I would expect from a denizen of Cincinnati or Louisville, but a northern city like Gary, Chicago, or Battle Creek that was a couple of hours away would not surprise me at all.

I agree. Regarding Ohio, lots of southern roots and usually some detectable accent in most people's speech. IMOO Of course the person could have recently transplanted. This case just baffles me to no end. Those sweet girls! And even managed to leave video evidence, and still no arrest.
because of the way he has vanished. they say even full blown psychopaths can become unhinged after an event like this...

this is someone who has escaped justice, has flown the coop or never was in the coop to begin with, but he has managed to completely hide, walk off, never let on..

he's a pro, ( and by this I mean practiced, prepared and particular), by particular, I mean he chose a place for reasons known to himself and he was fairly organized about getting away and what was left behind. I am not convinced he even cared about the phone evidence.

and he's going to do it again. watch. mOO
In my opinion, the sad fact of the matter is that most people are invisible to the people around them. People's heads are buried in their phones, their own conversations with others, and they simply do not pay attention.

We do not know how Abigail Williams and Liberty German died, but a person may have been able to walk past with a small amount of blood on them or with wet pant legs and people may not have even noticed. The Monon High Bridge trail is a not a place that people associate with crime.

So the man on the bridge could have literally walked anywhere. I think sometimes the reason cases remain unsolved is because people put so much belief into eyewitness statements and follow that to the end.

Sometimes it makes me wonder if this killer has learned the art of perception. If you kill in a place that people think is mostly for locals, people will think it is a local.

In the Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins case, I saw the Seven Bridges area where the bodies were found in a youtube video from a reporter. The first thing I thought is that a dead end street with just small paths going through the area is not the place a truck driver would ever take his truck. But maybe that is the point. Sometimes we get fooled by our perceptions.

I agree with a lot of your post.

BG knew this line of reasoning as you describe. When people are out in nature, generally they don't think the worst. Here we had two unaccompanied juveniles in a desolate spot in February in northern Indiana. just sitting ducks, really.

My thoughts too. Hoosier Heartland Hwy by all accounts is perfect for that....just driving away. By around the time the families call the police the killer is perhaps two hours away or more. Besides Indianapolis you’ve even got Chicago coming into play. At three hours out you can add Cincinnati and Louisville. The population just within that time frame presents a staggering amount of possible suspects.

I'm convinced that after the new IN 25/HHH opened in 2014, BG put the wheels in motion to carry out a fantasy at the MHB area. Add in the mild Winters of 2016 and 2017, and we have a perfect recipe for disaster there. The foliage was down on the ground, he had perfect lines-of-sight at a sparsely-traveled spot that people of all ages enjoy.

Now here's "my thing" regarding my opinion of where he lives. He lives close enough to where he could monitor the search. That's part of his fantasy, his ultimate control over the situation. Ideally, he figured the girls would not be found before, say, mid-evening. The girls simply disappeared, even with the evidence of two SnapChat images Libby uploaded and were later shared among the searchers.

BG is an extremely dangerous individual and a control freak of the worst kind. His fantasy came true and he had to monitor it. He lives close enough to have monitored it on TV, it continues the fantasy for him and, again, is the ultimate form of control for him, as he has not been caught, yet.

He gets off on the horror and terror he has perpetrated against his victims, their families, their communities, and for that matter, the world. The story is known world-wide, he's a celebrity and he gets off on it.

My guess is he was home by supper time.

I agree with a lot of your post.

BG knew this line of reasoning as you describe. When people are out in nature, generally they don't think the worst. Here we had two unaccompanied juveniles in a desolate spot in February in northern Indiana. just sitting ducks, really.

What I think made these murders even more of a mystery as to how he got away was that the trails weren't desolate that day. There were people around in the area.
I don't hear the southern twang in BG's voice that I would expect from a denizen of Cincinnati or Louisville, but a northern city like Gary, Chicago, or Battle Creek that was a couple of hours away would not surprise me at all.

Agree 100%.

The "Guys" part of the audio to me is a dead giveaway. It's not southern at all, more Northern Cities Vowel Shift/Inland North American. It sounds like "Guise", same way I would say it, and it sounds like a question, like he's getting their attention. "Guise?", (then some time later), "down the hill" (phone probably in a pocket by that point, voice muffled and garbled).

MOO is he lives somewhere in north central Indiana, but possibly further afield, maybe much further out. I still maintain he was home by supper, so in my mind he lives within a 2.3 hour drive of Delphi.

One thing I've thought about relative to the killers escape is this. What if he was in a position of total normalcy in terms of his departure. Now, I am NOT pointing a finger at anyone, simply using examples.

Say the mail person drove in to the cemetery, parked, did the crime, and then continued to deliver the mail.

Or some utility vehicle, or a farm tractor, or some other vehicle that would not rouse suspicion, at all.

Maybe a local business vehicle that drives that cr300 regularly, a farm vehicle, or an equipment trailer hauling mowing equipment, or a cemetery caretaker.

Or the killer is so well known, that his presence anywhere near the CS that day would NEVER be questioned.

Or, he simply got in a car, and drove off, never being seen by anyone.

I'm always thinking this animal left via some form of vehicular transportation.
[QUOTE="stattlich1, post: 16362331, member: 253890"

Or, he simply got in a car, and drove off, never being seen by anyone


Despite the talk about people seeing BG on the trail and in the vicinity that day, despite the sketches that were supposedly made with those people’s help, I’ve kinda come to believe exactly what you’ve suggested here.
What I think made these murders even more of a mystery as to how he got away was that the trails weren't desolate that day. There were people around in the area.

I agree. But remember, if he knew the place well.. .he knew he could stay undetected in the woods north or east of the trail on the north end of the bridge, then come out look to his right and see nobody else just arriving and coming towards the bridge, make his quick walk across to the other side of the bridge and force them down the bank, more or less under the bridge then across the creek to a very isolated area.

So... if he could plan this much out so well, then he could have already certainly planned a good escape strategy that would have kept him mostly unseen until he was long gone.

This guy is the worst kind of murderer (if there is one worst kind).. he is not dumb... he is smart and tactical.

Fingers cross for a big break in the case soon.
yeah, I never understand this " did you notice a car" stuff..more than likely you will not "notice" a car, unless there is something about it that makes you take notice are everywhere..Haven't they gotten any satellite photography for that day?

What I think made these murders even more of a mystery as to how he got away was that the trails weren't desolate that day. There were people around in the area.

Yes, although it’s never been reported that anyone saw Libby and Abby on the trail either so it’s not really surprising if nobody saw the killer. BP said there just happened to be a lull of trail-walkers at the time.

Thinking of that, of the most remarkable aspects of Libby’s SC was it placed them at the bridge. Otherwise I think it would’ve taken far longer than the next day to discover their bodies - and the killer was counting on that. Had she not I can imagine a whole lot of other possibilities would’ve arisen including the girls were taken by somebody right at the drop off point, unwillingly or not. JMO
I agree. But remember, if he knew the place well.. .he knew he could stay undetected in the woods north or east of the trail on the north end of the bridge, then come out look to his right and see nobody else just arriving and coming towards the bridge, make his quick walk across to the other side of the bridge and force them down the bank, more or less under the bridge then across the creek to a very isolated area.

So... if he could plan this much out so well, then he could have already certainly planned a good escape strategy that would have kept him mostly unseen until he was long gone.

This guy is the worst kind of murderer (if there is one worst kind).. he is not dumb... he is smart and tactical.

Fingers cross for a big break in the case soon.
Yes I agree this killer did some planning, especially where he wanted to approach a victim. Choosing two was very bold and confident.

KG and her aunt both said they saw a group of kids there and from KG recently, a car parked where the girls were dropped off at the trails. GH mentions FSG walking the trails. Podcasts talk about young girls with one seeing someone and an arguing couple also seeing someone noteworthy. We know two young women, CE and friend, were walking the area, one of them taking pictures. We know from a couple new articles, a local man that likes to blow an old-style type horn in the trail area was also working nearby that day and saw something he reported to LE.

If it was just those people and nobody else, on the trails that day, it's a lot. I personally believe though that there were many others at the Delphi trails area on February 13, 2017. AJMO
Yes I agree this killer did some planning, especially where he wanted to approach a victim. Choosing two was very bold and confident.

KG and her aunt both said they saw a group of kids there and from KG recently, a car parked where the girls were dropped off at the trails. GH mentions FSG walking the trails. Podcasts talk about young girls with one seeing someone and an arguing couple also seeing someone noteworthy. We know two young women, CE and friend, were walking the area, one of them taking pictures. We know from a couple new articles, a local man that likes to blow an old-style type horn in the trail area was also working nearby that day and saw something he reported to LE.

If it was just those people and nobody else, on the trails that day, it's a lot. I personally believe though that there were many others at the Delphi trails area on February 13, 2017. AJMO

My question would be why would anyone who genuinely believed they sighted the killer blab to others including reporters or on SM, particularly before an arrest has been made?

The public is very trusting if we believe everything we hear about any case without any validation coming directly from LE. Just for the fact LE switched directions from one sketch to another suggests to me there is not one irrefutable witness. I suppose we can jump to the conclusion both sketches were involved but LE never said that either. JMO
My question would be why would anyone who genuinely believed they sighted the killer blab to reporters or on SM, particularly before an arrest has been made?

The public is very trusting if we believe everything we hear about any case without any validation coming directly from LE. Just for the fact LE switched directions from one sketch to another suggests to me there is not one irrefutable witness. I suppose we can jump to the conclusion both sketches were involved but LE never said that either. JMO
Any sketch is only as good as the witness's memory. You could have a very credible witness with very poor recall of BG's physical attributes. It may also be that a witness saw BG from too far away to have a clear view of his facial features.
Any sketch is only as good as the witness's memory. You could have a very credible witness with very poor recall of BG's physical attributes. It may also be that a witness saw BG from too far away to have a clear view of his facial features.

Yes that’s quite typical. But in solving a case, inconclusive sightings won’t result in an arrest without additional evidence especially if they were not eyewitness to the actual murder/s. We don’t know, perhaps LE received dozens of suspected sightings of unidentified people in the area. The problem might arise if the early focus was mainly on a stranger.

But what of the killer giving false tips to intentionally lead the investigation astray? I do trust LE is reviewing not only possible sightings in the trail area that day but also who provided those leads. As LE has stated, there’s a possibility they interviewed the killer early on however I notice they didn’t say he was interviewed as a possible suspect. What’s a challenge in any investigation is determining the quality of witness’s claims.
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