Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #133

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I do, too. I guess it just seems less common with men. Maybe not. I don’t know what I’m talking about. Haha I just think BG looks very different from JBC. But I think the sketch looks just like him.
BG is dressed different than JBC in his fb posts. I am just saying if BG was out wandering around in the woods this is how he might dress or maybe he thought he would not stand out if he dressed this way. Either way it's still a mystery we want solved asap Jmo
If I had to describe a person, I could do a pretty good job of it, until I came to the age. I am terrible at guessing someone age.

If I had to describe someone for a sketch, it would probably look like Charlie Brown with a few more strands of hair. It was a shock to me when I first realized that many people pay attention to these things they call ‘details’.
See if these work for you; these are not exhaustive by any means:
A follow up comment, my impression of all of his bridge photos: total taunting.
He seems to be a risk taker, attention hog, and just so reckless.

So, I wonder if he wasn’t deliberately testing friends/LE to see just how many red flags he’d have to hoist to get attention?

obviously he felt comfortable, since 2017 at least, to post creepy comments, and odd memes. Heck, he was so confident in himself that he felt bold enough to abduct a young girl in broad daylight. He viciously attacked her. ... and was cocky enough to taunt LE with a calm “I saw her earlier”.

And then!, he went back to the basement and repeated his assault!

(Taunting. Look at me!)

(edit, added thoughts. But rambling lol)

moo of course
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I was exactly on this scenario and was about to post...
Perhaps the puppy was a lure but not was not killed but may have left evidence behind or indications of the presence e.g. barking in video/audio which LE have witheld.

I was exactly on this scenario and was about to post...
Perhaps the puppy was a lure but not was not killed but may have left evidence behind or indications of the presence e.g. barking in video/audio which LE have witheld.
In one of his Videos he calls the dogs “guys”. In the recording is it possible he is speaking to dogs and not the girls when he says, guys, down the hill? I know that’s pretty far fetched. Maybe used them as a distraction if he blitzed them? MOO
I really don’t understand the concern with the “contrast” in the manner of dress. Tons of dudes in the rural midwest (rural anywhere, really) substantially younger than BC dress like BG.

I know the BG pictures are super blurry, but if hypothetically BC is BG, just based on color I honestly wonder whether that khaki Cabelas hat BC is wearing in that one picture is the EXACT hat BG is wearing on the bridge.
I find it interesting that there are people who think that Abby and Libby’s murder was a sophisticated event.

I have never considered their murders as sophisticated.

I’ve always held the belief that this was random, very violent, quick, get out of dodge fast murder(s).

How sophisticated is it when a cell phone with video remains at the scene?

This guy got lucky. Really lucky.

I’d like to hear why some feel it was a much more sophisticated event.

he was lucky in aspects but

a violent murder in daylight .. he was fully prepared and left undetected while others were arriving on the scene
but the detail that is most important here.. is the SCENE .. he left signatures that made multiple agencies including the FBI scratch their heads ..something that made them think he is in the SK category, is that your average offender ?
I've been searching his posts by keyword, and this one is one of the creepiest (pic shows no comments, post has comments). Also realized some of the links are messed up order wise on my spreadsheet of his Facebook. I'll wait to fix it knowing that his Facebook might be deleted any minute anyways.

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I've been searching his posts by keyword, and this one is one of the creepiest (pic shows no comments, post has comments). Also realized some of the links are messed up order wise on my spreadsheet of his Facebook. I'll wait to fix it knowing that his Facebook might be deleted any minute anyways.

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Feb. 9, 2019

I want to hunt humans and have my own wall mount.
Brian Chadwell

*There it is, he does want to “hunt”.

Also, Maybe he has no hunting stuff due to not being allowed to have a firearm (still posted the bullet pic, though).
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I'm not entirely sure the Delphi killer is very sophisticated or just very lucky. I don't have all the facts that LE does. Maybe it is most likely a combination of very good planning and luck. The environment chosen by both of these events - a killing on a trail and a kidnapping using the offender's own house - doesn't seem to fit. But using the example of two serial killers who got away for a while, Ted Bundy and Israel Keys, their early crimes don't really resemble their last crimes. It's as if they got over-confident in their abilities. BTK got over-confident as well.

Chadwell certainly could have done something like this. Given his lengthy arrest record, if he did kill Abigail and Liberty I believe he was more lucky than sophisticated.
Agreed, that was disturbing. “I want to hunt humans.”
I don’t think it gets more clear than that.

If there’s one word for BG I’ve/we’ve used in the past, it is “Hunter”, “hunting”...

As for his his most recent crime, it’s different, but shows his desires, impulses, proclivity for rape and violence...potential murder...
42 years old strikes me as being on the high end of ages for someone to commit their first violent sexually motivated (attempted) murder. Given that BC has a history of violent crime spanning back to at least the year 2000 when he was 21-22 years old, I would be very surprised if this is the first time he's committed a sexual attack on a girl/woman.

I'm not sure what to make of Sheriff Tobe Leazenby's comment about him 'being on their radar' for the Delphi case, but then again the police will have access to police reports that could involve BC even if charges were never brought due to lack of evidence. Someone with his kind of record probably has some criminal history that never produced indictments that local PDs have on file.
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