Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #140

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MOO doesn't fit timing.
MOO i think it's too long to get to the bridge after pic, also by AW picture time, BG had already been seen by them on the trail.
But... Good idea as we are not privy to the messaging going on before going to the bridge.
IIRC LG asked other people to go, and that is could habe been by SC or other app.
And Anthony_shots didn't have to have responded to her, but just gone or sent someone else
Just a thought…
I don’t understand Snapchat and Instagram anywhere near as well as some of y’all do, so I’m asking if this is possible.
Last week someone suggested that maybe Libby posting the picture of Abby on the bridge was a message to Anthony_shots that they were at the bridge. A good question I thought.
My question is it possible Libby took and posted that picture and her only intent was to share it with her friends, but that because anthony_shots had attempted to catfish her, he would have received that picture along with her intended friends. Then he could have contacted someone he knew was close to the bridge about the girls being there.
This might explain why the girls were talking about the creepy guy and seemed to act as if they were not expecting anyone. Of course if might have been because they were expecting the cute guy and not this creepy guy.
So…is that possible? If so, it would mean Libby and Abby were not at the trails to meet anyone.

One theory that I have regarding the killer being alerted to the girls presence on the bridge that day:

KAK listed (at some point) that he was the owner of Kline Photography. It could be that under the guise of Anthony Shots, he told one of them that one of his favorite spots to take photos was the Monon High Bridge and that he planned to be there at some point that day.

We all know that it has been said that the girls had no plans to go to the bridge that day, that they had planned a Mall trip that was apparently pushed back to late afternoon or early evening. They were bored with the hours that lay in between.

Maybe one of the girls recalled the fact that the Shots profile told them he would likely be there and they thought "Maybe we will actually see him out there and get the chance to meet him."

Whoever it was that killed the girls that day COULD have offered this scenario to several different girls HOPING that they would "bite" and show up. I remember one individual stating that they saw who they thought BG was and said hello, but that he just glared at her. It made her feel creeped out. I do believe she was with a group of others, and that could be what saved her. (all just speculation).

Anyhow- if he was there- and this is what occurred- that photo of Abby on the bridge that uploaded to Snap Chat is all he would have needed to understand EXACTLY where they were. It fell into place, just as he had hoped.

This all just my opinion and speculation , and one of several things that I believe could have happened.

Two kids are dead and they dont believe 'any person has done anything intentionally wrong'??? WTF? Who is that statement in regards to even? Themselves as investigators? The killer??
I think it refers to themselves, I think they didn't look into KAK as thoroughly as they should have done initially (but wiped devices were certainly a stumbling block).
The fact he hid his iPhone, then wiped it before handing it in is a massive red flag (along with the other devices seized in the raid).
The super duper recovery software has obviously thrown up a treasure trove of info they only got to see in 2020.
I think they dropped the ball big time on the case (but I'm hoping it's not too late and they can pick the ball back up and resume the game). JMOO
I just hope this is solved soon for the girls and their families, justice needs to be done.
One theory that I have regarding the killer being alerted to the girls presence on the bridge that day:

KAK listed (at some point) that he was the owner of Kline Photography. It could be that under the guise of Anthony Shots, he told one of them that one of his favorite spots to take photos was the Monon High Bridge and that he planned to be there at some point that day.

We all know that it has been said that the girls had no plans to go to the bridge that day, that they had planned a Mall trip that was apparently pushed back to late afternoon or early evening. They were bored with the hours that lay in between.

Maybe one of the girls recalled the fact that the Shots profile told them he would likely be there and they thought "Maybe we will actually see him out there and get the chance to meet him."

Whoever it was that killed the girls that day COULD have offered this scenario to several different girls HOPING that they would "bite" and show up. I remember one individual stating that they saw who they thought BG was and said hello, but that he just glared at her. It made her feel creeped out. I do believe she was with a group of others, and that could be what saved her. (all just speculation).

Anyhow- if he was there- and this is what occurred- that photo of Abby on the bridge that uploaded to Snap Chat is all he would have needed to understand EXACTLY where they were. It fell into place, just as he had hoped.

This all just my opinion and speculation , and one of several things that I believe could have happened.


Absolutely believable scenario.
Many predators have lured girls/women with a promise of a modeling career or praising their looks and offering them free photos for a modeling portfolio.
I vaguely recall mention of that on this thread but wasn’t she shot in Lafayette, not at a Delphi park. Do you have a link? I also didn’t know the same boyfriend was convicted for sex trafficking minors. Was this is Delphi, I’d think that’d be huge!
Its going to take a while to dredge up. Thank heavens for the Comet.
IMO...possibly, in other words, KAK was allowed to remain free from arrest and charges during 2017-2020, in which time he could have offended again? Possibly a computer tech didn't reveal enough or did but investigators overlooked something? With over 40,000 tips coming in it would seem the odds were there for errors to happen. AJMO
IMO...possibly, in other words, KAK was allowed to remain free from arrest and charges during 2017-2020, in which time he could have offended again? Possibly a computer tech didn't reveal enough or did but investigators overlooked something? With over 40,000 tips coming in it would seem the odds were there for errors to happen. AJMO

Maybe he was arrested and they discussed him being an informant for lesser charges. They wanted to see who he was in contact with?
Or they let it slide or was an error.
I think it refers to themselves, I think they didn't look into KAK as thoroughly as they should have done initially (but wiped devices were certainly a stumbling block).
The fact he hid his iPhone, then wiped it before handing it in is a massive red flag (along with the other devices seized in the raid).
The super duper recovery software has obviously thrown up a treasure trove of info they only got to see in 2020.
I think they dropped the ball big time on the case (but I'm hoping it's not too late and they can pick the ball back up and resume the game). JMOO
I just hope this is solved soon for the girls and their families, justice needs to be done.
I agree. The PC in
2019 certainly practically said that, that they would return to a productive line of investigation.
IMO...possibly, in other words, KAK was allowed to remain free from arrest and charges during 2017-2020, in which time he could have offended again? Possibly a computer tech didn't reveal enough or did but investigators overlooked something? With over 40,000 tips coming in it would seem the odds were there for errors to happen. AJMO

Offended again and so much time to cover his tracks even more.
Offended again and so much time to cover his tracks even more.
The thing that worries me is that if we can see fake date stamps and manipulation of information on KAK's
Please tell me they went over it all with a fine tooth comb, screenshotted friends lists, dug a little bit deeper ? If not it's probably way too late as the rats will have been positively bombing from that particular sinking ship from the initial raid onwards. JMOO
One theory that I have regarding the killer being alerted to the girls presence on the bridge that day:

KAK listed (at some point) that he was the owner of Kline Photography. It could be that under the guise of Anthony Shots, he told one of them that one of his favorite spots to take photos was the Monon High Bridge and that he planned to be there at some point that day.



Samsung Galaxy SS
This iPhone was named “Kline Photography” and was factory reset on approximately February 23, 201 7. Kegan would’ve been 22 years 01d at this time. This device was not secured With a password 0f PIN code. There were numerous usernames and email addresses located 0n the phone including;
There were some chat messages recovered from this device from MeetMe, Facebook Messenger and Snapchat. Conversations that took place between February 23, 2017 and February 25, 201 7 discussed meeting people in Las Vegas and prostitution.

A take away from this is that the device was reset on the 23rd. This was before the search on the 25th. After the reset, the device was used to discuss Vegas, etc. What I find interesting about this one is the 2/23 initial reset. Additionally, this device seems to be the only one not secured with a password, pin code, etc. if I recall correctly.
I’m just flabbergasted by this bulletin released today.
…It’s not a stretch in any way to surmise from information we’ve seen that KAK’s internet profile found it’s way to Libby’s SM accounts.
…I don’t think it’s a stretch to think that that was one reason LE raided KAK’s house two weeks after the murder.
…I think even Barney Fife would have thought KAK was hiding something with all the deleted files and info.
But…instead of investigating hard, LE lets the case “ebb and flow”, this case that might be connected to the brutal murder of two children.
…Then LE last year finally decides to present the case to someone with a brain who says “arrest the guy!”.
…Then over a year later someone thinks “hey, maybe the public can help with this!”.
This is not dropping the ball, this is possibly torpedoing the investigation. Heads should be rolling, people should be losing their jobs over this! Local, county, state, maybe even FBI. This is shameful, and to think at one point LE was mocking people following the case on social media, saying they had it all wrong.
LE owes the families and the public a huge apology.
Based on this new statement from LE I am
now 100% convinced LE are clueless, hopeless, incompetent and incapable of solving this case. As long as there’s not 100% overhaul of the investigative team this case won’t have a chance of being solved.

Poor girls…

What the hell is going on?

Get your poop in a group. Maybe proof read these statements. Maybe realize the tremendous power these statements have. Maybe realize the media opportunity via these statements that is available to help the investigation. Here we are AGAIN talking about the messaging INSTEAD of the message. I want to be confidant in the investigation, but it is hard.
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I'm completely speechless after seeing this latest release. I am not a person normally critical of LE but wtf is going on here?! And who is approving and writing these releases? Do they have zero sense? I wish a whole new force could just take this over that knows what the heck they are doing because the people currently in charge pretty clearly don't. I feel so terrible for the families most of all.
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