Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #91

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It’s coming. Carter is this mad because this person is known and he betrayed many people. Sadly, as I will keep saying, more pain is coming for the families. And now I believe they continually said “little girls” (about 7 times in PC) because he is probably a dad to someone.
I wonder if FBI profilers gave them info about how this type of killer reacts to angry authority figures??

About his walk.

I was a nurse and my husband was a prosthetist (fabricated and fit artificial limbs) and I worked with him in his clinic over 10 years.
BG looks like he could possibly be a below the knee amputee on the right. A B/K prosthesis is usually held on by suction created by the stump fitting into the socket of the prosthesis. If the stump is extremely short, it is held on by a sleeve.
When he steps, the right pant leg has a telltale crease right under the knee. This is created when the lip of the prosthesis, or the top, catches on the material of the pant. It also happens when there is some slippage of the prosthesis. A lot of amputees wear baggier pants "cover" the prosthesis but this can lead to that crease.
When he picks up his left foot to take a step, you can see the sole of his shoe in the toe area because that's how most of us walk...heel to toe, meaning on the up step, our ankle flexes up to bring the toes up and to allow us to "land" on our heel first. He does that perfectly on the left.
When he raises his right leg, he raises it a bit higher and straight up, the sole of the shoe in the toe area cannot be seen at all, even as he brings it down. That's because their is no ankle flexion at that time. He brings it straight down. Not heel first, his whole foot comes down at the same time.
It's very subtle, and most people have no idea someone is a below the knee amputee but I caught that right away.
Number 1 reason people lose a limb is diabetes/circulation problems. Then trauma...motorcycle, car, tractor, lawn mower, industrial, etc. accidents. We of course have many vets with amputated limbs also.
A prosthetist usually takes care of the same person for life unless they move. It's very personal, and patients are extremely loyal to their prosthetists. If they sent the new sketch to every clinic in the nation, and he IS a below the knee amputee, his prosthetist would recognize him.
I sent my thoughts regarding the above to the tip email address of the state police.

YAAASSSS!!! Thanks for chiming in! I'm a critical care nurse of near 30 years. I noticed it immediately. I posted it then deleted it because I thought perhaps it is just me. Then I re-posted it because it was nagging me. I replayed that video a hundred times. If you worked with amputees, there is a nature and look to the gait. I wonder if we should call it in. Many people think because you are an amputee , you have a limited lifestyle and ability. Not so. No reason a R BKA could not be on a bridge.
Edited" Thanks for sending the tip in.!!!!!!! I feel so much better having the opinion of someone with clinical experience in the issue of prosthetics. CSI!!!
I agree that the references to Abby and Libby as children and little girls were deliberate and suspect that BG is a father.

I also agree that they are withholding information about the vehicle because they need that specific detail to be independently verified and not planted or influenced by any outside suggestion.
I actually have tears in my eyes. Wearing headphones, the second clip- between guys and down the hill, I swear I hear a high pitched/ girls voice screaming "oh my goooodd! Nooo!" And now I cant unhear it. I hear it every time it replays and it is making me cringe and my eyes tear up.
What that actually is i think is the water below, it was kind of distorting the voice so I tried to reduce the bass sound it was producing now its just high pitched so the bass in the voice still comes through. There is two versions released by police, they kinda did the same thing on one and I heavily increased the effect.
YAAASSSS!!! Thanks for chiming in! I'm a critical care nurse of near 30 years. I noticed it immediately. I posted it then deleted it because I thought perhaps it is just me. Then I re-posted it because it was nagging me. I replayed that video a hundred times. If you worked with amputees, there is a nature and look to the gait. I wonder if we should call it in. Many people think because you are an amputee , you have a limited lifestyle and ability. Not so. No reason a R BKA could not be on a bridge

For the other 99% of us, what is a R BKA?
False memory is what I'm guessing. They need an independent witness who hasn't been prompted.

As an example, in no way do I say this is a rude or judgmental way, but our "witnesses" here are suddenly hearing the girl's voices on the audio. Some of us witnesses aren't hearing a thing. It was stated innocently, I'm 100% sure. But the seed is planted. Same with the car. It's a great illustration.
It seems their choice is between risking a false memory or no memory. So they've opted for the risk of no memory. Which makes me think the car is not all that fundamental to their case.
"Everything said in that press con was scripted by a FBI Profiler. It is designed to agitate and provoke the killer in to acting differently or saying something to someone that makes them stand out."
This is what a lot of us have been saying about LE's direct talk to the killer. The fact that something recently happened to make the final connection to someone in particular is also the interpretation of many on here. There are more that believe LE are close than those that do not.

I totally agree. The words spoken at press conferences are always pre-scripted and carefully prepared in advance. The rest of us who are listening are oblivious to what buttons are intentionally being pushed beyond the obvious.

Hopefully it hits home to the perp who must know LE is closing in, or to others who might be protecting him.
I agree that the references to Abby and Libby as children and little girls were deliberate and suspect that BG is a father.

I also agree that they are withholding information about the vehicle because they need that specific detail to be independently verified and not planted or influenced by any outside suggestion.

100% agree he is a father. Probably of at least one little girl.
Should be easy to identify the perp wandering around if he has a lazy eye, prominent chin, amputed leg and voice box ;)

I agree with the sentiment that the noises heard between 'guys' and 'down the hill' are most probably artefacts from trying to clean up/enhance the audio, plus any ambient noise.

Hearing certain words in noise is a common auditory illusion, and can be considered a form of pareidolia; it's the same reason that people think they can hear hidden meanings in songs played backwards.
Others being able to hear the same words - after you've told them what words you can hear - is due to the effect of auditory priming. I really recommend watching below for a striking example of the same phenomenon:
It's also why audio such as 911 calls are sometimes sent to independent organisations to transcribe and compare, as priming can drastically change what exactly you will hear. The brain is a funny old thing.
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It seems their choice is between risking a false memory or no memory. So they've opted for the risk of no memory. Which makes me think the car is not all that fundamental to their case.

I think it's to send a message to the killer that they know he parked there, and someone else knows he parked there. "We have a witness."
Thank you, appreciate that!

I guess I’ll make a prediction on who the killer will turn out to be...

Sorry, just to my earlier post. Things like this, try not to get caught up in over analysing. The ‘gait’ and looking down seems to me he simply had to watch where he was walking and the gaps in the tracks where uneven.

Here’s what the police would want you to try and recognise:

- shoulder movement, if any, when he walks.
- does he move with his whole body or just his legs when he walks.

Usually we do all this automatically. Like how we can pick our friends and families walks from a distance.

In case I can’t check back in, I’ll leave you with this mindset to use...

When ever the police tell you something on news, PC etc. Ask yourself, what do they need to know that for... evidence? Witness? Etc.

My feeling is it would be someone who works a low paying and repetitive job. Probably single living with family, or a roommate. Brought up by a religious single mother (strict).

That would explain the control, and fantasy he’s having watching this unfold. I doubt he’s committed any major crime before or after these horrible murders.


Thanks, Matt!

If/as you're able to check back in here, would be really interested to get your rationale r/t your belief that BG hasn't committed any major crime either before or after the it b/c he hasn't been identified through DNA matches in the system, no evidence of similar crimes being committed, etc., or are there other reasons you're thinking this crime was a one-off?

Followup question: do you believe him to be capable of committing murders like these once and then completely stopping, i.e., never committing another major crime? Do you see him as someone who would kill themselves vs. risk being identified/caught?

I don't think BG has the internal controls to stop himself from further violence now that he's killed twice.
I think it's only a matter of time before BG acts out on his evil impulses again, but I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts about that.

Final Question: is your sense that LE does or does not have the killer's DNA in this case?

All of the Above: JMO.
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IMO, it's to weed out false tips.

If someone says, "I saw a red convertible at that location," but the vehicle was a Mack truck, then the cops know to dismiss the tip or at least put it as low priority.

That's my guess from my armchair. :)


Agree with you. But if they get a tip about someone seeing a Mack truck there, you can bet that LEO will be meeting with that person in a hot second. I think that LE now has a good sense of what type of tip(s) contains the lynch pin. I really believe LE is that close.

My feeling is that they have a new piece of physical evidence that they need to definitively tie to BG.

Also, I want to comment on people's memories fading after 2 years. I cannot recall what I ate last week, but I can tell you everything that I did on September 11, 2001. That date was significant, and I will go to the grave with those memories burned in my brain. Similarly, the Justin Ross Harris case, which involved a dad leaving his son in a hot car, occurred just around the corner from where I used to work. That case drew me in from the beginning. I can still remember the heat from that day, etc. For the most part, ordinary days are forgettable, but when something significant happens, we have sharpened memories. I can guarantee that people in the area of the Monon High Bridge Trail on the day that two innocent girls were murdered in their quiet town remember what they experienced that day.
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It's really not fair to make fun of the people (and I am one of them) that hear words that have been distorted after "guys". I have enough experience with audio to know that what you hear there has been distorted. It's not simply a phone in a pocket rubbing on the inside of that pocket. If you have ever used a program like Audacity and played around a bit with the filters, you know what distorted voices or sounds sound like. And several people heard the same thing without talking to each other about it. And yes, you definitely need headphones.

The thing is, I said it could be pareidolia, but I am not the only one who hears it. And no, it's not the same as seeing monkeys dangling from trees and puppies in his pants that make him walk funny. Whatever that sound is has nothing to do with armchair sleuths trying to solve the case by seeing things that are not there. It is just about the shock of hearing something like that and trying to share this feeling with others. And yes, it is all just my opinion and of course not a fact.

I usually don't have problems with listening to all kinds of recordings like 911 calls, etc. But I will never be able to listen to this recording again. I don't know if it is pareidolia or not but I can't unhear it and it is very disturbing to me. It's just a horrible case that has been unsolved for too long.
Just thinking if the girls did reference a "creepy guy" then I think that removes any thought that they might have known him.
I distinctly remember the use of the adjective "creepy" and the word "again". I recall an article/report that one of the girls can be heard on the audio say something to the effect of "There's that creepy guy again." If I am remembering this correctly, then 1.) I do not think the girls knew or recognized him, and 2.) they saw or encountered him earlier that day. I have a thought/theory that I will post in a few minutes that could explain this.
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