Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #92

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So when LE shows the video clip, they are no longer asking the public to recognize the person but specifically the "mannerisms." And then they are quick to tell us to ignore the most obvious mannerism, what appears to be the gait, because of the wide slats of the railroad bridge. What other mannerisms can be identified in such a short clip? What are they hoping we see that tells us who this is? Maybe the quick spitting (so someone with a dipping habit)? Or is it the turned out feet they want us to focus on?
Hands in pocket jump out to me as distinctive mannerism. And the way he holds his arms. The way he seems inwardly focused, not a person who is more outgoing, perhaps, but someone quieter (imo) - he doesn't take up a lot of space like many men do while walking. Head down, hands tucked in - even with the dangerous bridge slats to walk on, he doesn't seem to be noticing the world around him, but focused. That's likely how he always is. Not big gestures but controlled and tight.

Contrast to some who would be looking up and around, arms out, hands in the open - that would give a totally different vibe to a personality.

I mentioned upthread that my husband never walks with hands in pockets. It would be strange to see him walk that way. He grew up in the midwest, but a city kid. He is outgoing, athletic, extrovert. He would walk carefully across the bridge, but would look much more nimble and would be more "open" instead of tucked up inside himself. He definitely takes up space wherever he is. He has a big personality and his body reflects it.

My father and brother-in-law also grew up in the midwest, but on farms. They almost always had hands in their pockets. Their mannerisms look like BG.

Also looks like BG uses his coat to carry stuff. That could be characteristic as well.

So when LE shows the video clip, they are no longer asking the public to recognize the person but specifically the "mannerisms." And then they are quick to tell us to ignore the most obvious mannerism, what appears to be the gait, because of the wide slats of the railroad bridge. What other mannerisms can be identified in such a short clip? What are they hoping we see that tells us who this is? Maybe the quick spitting (so someone with a dipping habit)? Or is it the turned out feet they want us to focus on?

I think if you know the person you can recognize extremely subtle things. No different than recognizing someone you know well from a great distance. You may not be able to exactly tell it’s them, but you have a pretty good idea.

LE are not asking random strangers to identify him and match him to a stranger pulled from Facebook!

They want to hear from people that actually know the suspect! Moo
I don't remember this being recorded as fact at all.
There was an article that was posted with pictures of a man walking in Deer Creek taking pictures. Beneath the picture was the caption. In one of the pictures you could even view some discarded clothing. If it's been removed and not allowed to be discussed let me know and I will delete my post.
So going back to the presser, that was obviously carefully scripted by experts with specific intentions, why do you think he said "how you left them is NOT what they are experiencing today" in an assertive tone? To me that seems like it should be obvious, they are experiencing eternal glory in heaven today, the opposite of the evil state of murder they were left in. So why state the obvious, what was the point of that? Did the perp leave them in such a way that he feels he is the one who "saved them" from evil? That kinda fits the theme of the rest of the presser, timing of Easter weekend (for Christians that weekend is all about being saved), the Shack reference, and points to someone in the religious community or someone who is pretty outward about preaching their faith.

Is it possible they are in communication with the killer somehow and he's bargaining with them? One of his "demands" was for them to mention, in a press conference, "how he left them?"
It's not "hateful". I'm far more suspicious of any man who works with children for the church than any other profession.
Your suspicions does not make someone guilty. Call in your tip, if you think LE hasn't done their job. If you think you know who the killer is, it's your responsibility to call in the tip. JMO
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I know what you mean, it did me too. It also became a great example of why it can sometimes be very wise for people to refuse to be interviewed by the media and instead just remain anonymous.

MOO Although I feel sorry for RL, he hid the fact that he drove to recycling center the day of the murders it got him in a lot of trouble.
He was a habitual DWI driver with suspended license, after lying he got the book thrown at him.
In the end he was in jail for about 18 months of his 4 year sentence.
So going back to the presser, that was obviously carefully scripted by experts with specific intentions, why do you think he said "how you left them is NOT what they are experiencing today" in an assertive tone? To me that seems like it should be obvious, they are experiencing eternal glory in heaven today, the opposite of the evil state of murder they were left in. So why state the obvious, what was the point of that? Did the perp leave them in such a way that he feels he is the one who "saved them" from evil? That kinda fits the theme of the rest of the presser, timing of Easter weekend (for Christians that weekend is all about being saved), the Shack reference, and points to someone in the religious community or someone who is pretty outward about preaching their faith.
I read a couple of articles on serial killers [not that i think that's what this is, don't know, just looked at SK references since FBI profilers speak to that), anyway specifically I looked at how often they are control freaks. Often crazy for control. Its what they classify as organized killers who get off on planning it all. I was thinking of the way DC words were chosen to prove that BG was not and is not in control! Perhaps with the hope of pushing him to cave, react, meltdown.
I think Doug Carter's remarks, which at times seemed ad libbed, tell us a lot about his religious faith. But I don't think his remarks tell us much if anything about the suspect.

I agree that the line about when he takes his last breath on this earth, he'll be thinking of the family was a personal ad lib from him, when he ad libbed his tone changed and he was more quiet than when he was delivering the rehearsed script intended for the presser. But I felt like that was more of an apology to them and filled with deep regret for what seems to be a mistake in how the new old sketch was perceived (and therefore ignored) for two years, which may result in this case never being solved. The rest though still seemed to have a purpose and I'm still so curious what the purpose of stating the obvious like that would be. But poster who said it was likely another line trying to take power away from the perp makes sense to me too.
Friend of mine said the exact same thing. I think BG must have already been in the area, not following them on SC.
I agree. After hearing about the vehicle at the press conference, I have been thinking BG arrived before the girls and waited for them to be dropped off. He knew they would be there.


I've been following the threads (and the case from day 1) but things are moving so fast I've yet to find anything I can say that hasn't already been said.

@MassGuy - Apologies if you've already commented on this, and I know the topic has been off and on during the last few threads. Was wondering your opinion re: the audio as I trust your take on things.

Do you think the "Guys ... down the hill" are from the same clip or 2 clips spliced together, and do you hear the rumored screams or "oh my God" scrambled between? Why do you think they only released 1 additional word and chose that one? Thanks for your input.
I think it’s a longer version of the same clip, no splicing.

I don’t hear anything in between, and logically, it doesn’t make much sense.

That audio has been analyzed for a couple years, and law enforcement hasn’t mentioned any screams.

They’d certainly warn the public if the audio contained anything that horrific.

People would be disturbed by that.

As for the extra word, I’m not sure.

The more we hear from this guy, the more likely it is that someone will recognize his voice.

“Guys” seems fairly innocuous, so I don’t get why they didn’t include it in the original audio.

Isn't this from a snapchat? So would everyone who is friends with them have seen it on snapchat? If the killer turned out to be someone on their snapchat wouldn't that be an abject failure of law enforcement?
This photo riles me to no end. A lovely young person spending the afternoon on a hike, best friend along taking this fantastic picture. Could be any of us. All to change at the other end of the bridge. P***es me off.
I agree that the line about when he takes his last breath on this earth, he'll be thinking of the family was a personal ad lib from him, when he ad libbed his tone changed and he was more quiet than when he was delivering the rehearsed script intended for the presser. But I felt like that was more of an apology to them and filled with deep regret for what seems to be a mistake in how the new old sketch was perceived (and therefore ignored) for two years, which may result in this case never being solved. The rest though still seemed to have a purpose and I'm still so curious what the purpose of stating the obvious like that would be. But poster who said it was likely another line trying to take power away from the perp makes sense to me too.

Just the use of the phrase “when I take my last breath on EARTH “ is meant to remind the suspect that one day he too will face God in death. I believe it was all carefully rehearsed. Except for his emotions.
I agree that the line about when he takes his last breath on this earth, he'll be thinking of the family was a personal ad lib from him, when he ad libbed his tone changed and he was more quiet than when he was delivering the rehearsed script intended for the presser. But I felt like that was more of an apology to them and filled with deep regret for what seems to be a mistake in how the new old sketch was perceived (and therefore ignored) for two years, which may result in this case never being solved. The rest though still seemed to have a purpose and I'm still so curious what the purpose of stating the obvious like that would be. But poster who said it was likely another line trying to take power away from the perp makes sense to me too.
He started the press conference by commending the community for their support - said the public inspired in ways they don't even know. He ended the conference with tender and determined statement that he will think about the girls until he dies. He called Libby and Abby "little girls."

In between, he was angry, judging, authoritarian.

He was tender with the "good people" and tough on the "bad people."

Not random, imo.
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Since some of us are thinking as if starting from scratch, I do have a theory. Everyone seems to think that the girls were confronted by BG on the bridge because Libby took the video there. What if they simply spotted him and he just went on his merry way after that (or so they believed). Then the girls decided to do some more photography, perhaps at the cemetery (which is a popular spot to take photos for lots of young teens). They then went down the hill themselves and crossed the creek at a low point that they knew of. BG was tailing them, and maybe that is when he said something like "Guys, [I just came] down the hill." That saves lots of effort for BG in trying to control the girls for all the long distance. He killed them right then and there. Just another theory and my opinion only. MOO
Hands in pocket jump out to me as distinctive mannerism. And the way he holds his arms. The way he seems inwardly focused, not a person who is more outgoing, perhaps, but someone quieter (imo) - he doesn't take up a lot of space like many men do while walking. Head down, hands tucked in - even with the dangerous bridge slats to walk on, he doesn't seem to be noticing the world around him, but focused. That's likely how he always is. Not big gestures but controlled and tight.

Contrast to some who would be looking up and around, arms out, hands in the open - that would give a totally different vibe to a personality.

I mentioned upthread that my husband never walks with hands in pockets. It would be strange to see him walk that way. He grew up in the midwest, but a city kid. He is outgoing, athletic, extrovert. He would walk carefully across the bridge, but would look much more nimble and would be more "open" instead of tucked up inside himself. He definitely takes up space wherever he is. He has a big personality and his body reflects it.

My father and brother-in-law also grew up in the midwest, but on farms. They almost always had hands in their pockets. Their mannerisms look like BG.

Also looks like BG uses his coat to carry stuff. That could be characteristic as well.

Of note: In her photo on the bridge, Abby has her hands in her pockets, as well.
* His obvious comfort walking the bridge is a key characteristic IMO. Most of us would have our hands out for balance.

* The spitting. That might be why they added this frame.

* Hands in pocket on one side, hand on waist at the other or just walking with hands in pocket.
I don't think the girls would have taped BG if he was someone they recognized.

By “know” I don’t think they had ever met, I think it was online, maybe a friend passing messages, idk.
In the back of my mind, I’ve always felt one girl hoped to meet up with the murderer. Jmo

IMO, one does not require extraordinary balance to walk the bridge, it is no dif’ than walking any other terrain of the same width. It is not a tightrope. Moo
I wonder if that is an abandoned cemetery. Old cemeteries are great for people to set up camp. I see they were found between the cemetery and bridge. I am sure it was searched. It was just a thought.
My apologies if this has previously been posted... but I'm just curious if the video and recording of voice were all captured at once. Or was the video taken at one moment, turned off and then she started recording a second time. It may help identify the length of time between when she snapped the pic of him and when he was telling them "down the hill"
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