Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams & Liberty (Libby) German - The Delphi Murders - #150 *ARREST*

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I am considering taking the day off work to watch it. I know my boss is going to have it on her computer for us to hear. I’m just not sure that I can remain lady-like. I (like many here) have lost many nights sleep over this crime.
I just happen to be working from home tomorrow, thank goodness now I can tune in and I’ll probably be crying or freaking out and I can do that in peace lol
I stand corrected!

It’s impossible to keep everything straight (at least to me) in a case such as this. So many moving parts.

Here’s part 2 of the interview Sarah Turney did with Kelsie German just this month, but before the latest major development.

I have to remind myself this a 22/23 year old young woman speaking so eloquently about her sister Libby and friend Abby. imo

That does work, but in that case, why would they search the river near KAK's house? It's like 40 miles away from the murder site, and practically in KAK's backyard.

That's why I tend to think that he may have at least been at the scene, even if he was waiting in a car.

Then maybe he dumped items in the river afterwards.

Yes this seems a bit more plausible. KAK might also have thrown hard drives or other media containers there.

I wonder also if RAM might have dumped / placed articles associated with the murders in that spot upon the news of the KAK arrests and investigation.

I do think some connection is likely, even if it's at several removes.
I just have to say this:
As a volunteer WS staff member, it is easy to get focused on managing the day-to-day details of Reports, PMs, TOS, etc. and forget to come up for air periodically to see the big picture. It has obviously been an eventful few days with new posts and new threads happening at a very fast pace.

As I am following along in this thread while doing my job for WS, it has finally sunk in for me just now. This deeply disturbing case thread, where for 5 years we have ALL been holding vigil for precious Abby & Libby and those that loved them (and that now includes US), is finally at a place where we may have some answers about the WHO, what, where, how. IMHO we can never understand the why of such evil, but any info about the other details, and most importantly, the possibility that justice may now be within reach and not just a pipe dream, makes me catch my breath and my tears flow. It is overwhelming, and I think I need to be quiet for a few minutes to realize and appreciate this moment we have come to. What a blessing to be alive and present here for this.

Truly this is just my personal perspective, and simply wanted to type it out loud.
THANKS for listening.

I would think the inconsistencies in controlled substance counts would trigger a DEA audit. Until someone picks up a prescription, it would still show up as part of the count. People picking up the prescriptions would have to sign for narcotics. So unless she was forging signatures, running their insurance, and making the copay for the scripts then I do see how she would be able to steal a significant amount of controlled substances. Also, if they were deceased and someone ran their insurance, this would trigger an alert to the insurance company resulting in a pharmacy audit as well.
Yes -- this is very tightly controlled, certainly in Canada and the UK. It takes a significant amount of cooperation and levels of fraud to make this happen, and I doubt it begins or ends with the pharmacy tech.

Disclaimer: I'm a doc, not a pharmacist.
It seems like his appearance has changed quite a bit over the last few years. The long weird beard, buzzed haircut, and appears to have put on weight.
YELLOW ROSE, Thank you for the link to a great recap (especially for all the returning posters.) But, I NEVER read this line before. If true, then LE is claiming they knew who the murderer was for 8 months before his arrest???? Holy you keep someone like that, who killed innocent children under surveillance 24/7, for 8 months???
"Indiana State Police said in February they know who killed the girls, but say they have insufficient evidence to make an arrest."
(Long article. The info I cited is just under the picture of a handcuffed RL in orange jumpsuit.)
I don’t put too much stock into DM “journalism”. I don’t think the Indiana state ever said that.
I keep watching the fireworks video and wondering if it's really him. It sounds like a heavy accent.

I was under the impression that in those fireworks videos, the man in the navy/black top is KA’s brother who is deceased (they were posted in an album commemorating him). I assumed RA was the barely seen guy in the red/white/blue tie dye T-shirt.
I keep watching the fireworks video and wondering if it's really him. It sounds like a heavy accent.

It’s not him , the original video was taken
from Facebook. It’s of a family member who has died and the person said that in the original post of the video about ‘missing the person’. But it seems like the video has been taken from its original source and the context of the video lost.
Yes, and still people doubt whether LE has their perp. I mean I highly doubt LE has misled them.

If I could explain this. Not so much it is doubted LE has their perp, it's more that without more detail which of the two is the monster? (or 3) According to several links I followed here, it states that both KAK and RMA lived in Peru. The Wabash river is near KAK's present home. The A.shots account was apparently used by more than one person. Looking at the illegal 'ring' of people using the A.shots account some may believe more than one person possibly knew about where the girls were going to be that day. The Wabash river is near KAK's home, the bridge is near RMA's home.

I don't think it is too far fetched to believe that two or more people with the same perverted activities would find each other. We don't know at this time, or I don't know what type of work RMA did prior to working at CVS. It would not surprise me if RMA was a clerk or cashier at another business. A place where he would be meeting the public in a more quiet way. KWIM?

I hope the families are doing OK. This has to be horrible on them.
It’s not him , the original video was taken
from Facebook. It’s of a family member who has died and the person said that in the original post of the video about ‘missing the person’. But it seems like the video has been taken from its original source and the context of the video lost.
Yes it *seemed* to be first cut and shared by a well known (imo obnoxious) YouTuber who posted it claiming it was evidence of BG’s gait. They were told it wasn’t him but left it up. It was all over social media.
It’s not him , the original video was taken
from Facebook. It’s of a family member who has died and the person said that in the original post of the video about ‘missing the person’. But it seems like the video has been taken from its original source and the context of the video lost.
Oh goodness, thank you for the update!
I doubt it, jmo. No one has been sentenced to death in Indiana since 2014. The last execution was 2009.
I have lived in Indiana my entire life.
This guy didn't even get it and he stabbed 3 children and their mother to death and ran. I guess it is up to the victims families also.

This was the family's request, per the linked article:

The prosecutor filed a special notice with Judge Gull in August of 2021 to request life without parole after the victims’ family said they did not want them to pursue the death penalty because they want Hancz-Barron with other inmates in the general population, not in isolation on death row.
YELLOW ROSE, Thank you for the link to a great recap (especially for all the returning posters.) But, I NEVER read this line before. If true, then LE is claiming they knew who the murderer was for 8 months before his arrest???? Holy you keep someone like that, who killed innocent children under surveillance 24/7, for 8 months???
"Indiana State Police said in February they know who killed the girls, but say they have insufficient evidence to make an arrest."
(Long article. The info I cited is just under the picture of a handcuffed RL in orange jumpsuit.)
I wonder if it took that long to run all the DNA. Maybe they had to run genetic genealogy. Just a thought.
I wonder if he checked out these threads over the years or the many YouTube channels..he'd probably have used an alias though if he did.
What i’ve always wondered in cases where the murderer went under the radar fairly long: were there murderers where Websleuths (the mods or the sleuths) uncovered profiles on here belonging to the murderer? For example through their e-mailadress or if they verified themselves here as being connected to the case.

Reason i ask it on this threat: are the convicted or arrested murderers checked against followers/contributors?

Just curious if there’s a pattern or smth to learn there!
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