Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams & Liberty (Libby) German - The Delphi Murders - #150 *ARREST*

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I still think the wife may have inadvertently found something and then said something about it to a friend not realizing the thunder that’d come down on her home. I think she found something on either a computer or in the burn pit.
IMO not only would I never ever have recognized this guy RA from either of the totally dissimilar sketches, I can’t even recognize him from one confirmed pic of him to another. He’s just the plainest looking guy I guess (except for the extreme lack of height & BG’s height was never clear).

The only distinctive thing about BG to me is his frame & the way he appears to be moving in the video … but even that is hard to be sure of since he’s walking on a rotting old railroad bridge.

So JMO I can’t see expecting anyone in town to recognize him based on what we had…with the possible exception of a very close longtime family member who knows him well enough to catch his gait & frame. Even then, as a very great band would sing, “you ain’t gonna learn what you don’t want to know.”
I dont know why you still trying to tie this to KAK
he lives there by the murder location ! .. he was there all the time and any stupid slip ..he is gone
he didnt try to run to another state.. say another country
he is that BRAZEN just like his murder .. possibly felt safer with all the unrelated dramas that was on
Her mom (grandma?) said she regularly checked her phone. Having experience with investigations, I can tell you no doubt in my mind that the snapchat/social media/phone stuff is involved in this is. I don't suscribe to the "there are no coincidences in life" bit at all. Actually, I think several things people (including LE)have thought were meaningful will end up being coincidences just because of the nature of the small town they live. (I.e. if any family got their meds at cvs doesn't mean that has ANYTHING to do with murders. But it COULD, so must be ruled out, that sort of thing). BUT, the girl(s) being so involved in snapchat & sm AND clearing the phone just the week before.... and the fact that they clearly came in contact with a "sex ring" would be a very freaky and strange coincidence in my opinion if it wasn't somehow connected (directly/ indirectly) to their murder.
In my opinion.
Apparently CVS is the only pharmacy in Delphi.
Haven't they had the ability to put the squeeze on KK for more than 5 years?
He's been in custody for more than 2 years.
The only way they got info from him is if it was piecemeal bit by bit and they connected the dots. I've said from the beginning I thought the phone/sm connection was key.
And then they find out the girls were doing exactly what we don't want kids doing online, the most dangerous thing they possibly could be doing unbeknowst to them (because they're innocent KIDS they trust so easily) and when a bad thing happens, ESPECIALLY IN A SMALL TOWN, of course the chances of this being connected is extremely high. If LE weren't focused on it to some degree, then they would've been negligent by any investigative standards.
BUT... and I'm not privy to this investigation, but LE esp high profile, do have the means to track the IP etc where those online convos could have originated from. Not just screen names.

So if he was involved in that aspect, and that's very very possible, then they would have been able narrow it down to him without too much of a challenge and he at least would have been in their radar. And that may be the case.
But the one little thing that gives me pause, is that I think they've been "reaching" and doing trial by error for 4 years. Throwing noodles at the wall. The changing perp renditions to ignoring some witnesses until they got someone in their radar that fit her description, then a new drawing is released... the emotional appeal at the one conference (which actually told me that they had nothing. When experts in this stuff start going emotional DURING an investigation and the professional mask is dropped publicly, it's usually out of despair and frustration.

So either they got a lucky break in this case that has nothing to do with anything they've been trying or they have bit by bit been putting together info from kk AND THEN were able to use that to secure some physical evidence. I don't see how they made the arrest that confidently without some physical evidence, but hey, stranger things have happened. But there's no way kk just suddenly squealed everything. He's been a very slow drip.
According to the Heavy article that's been posted here multiple times, "Allen is a licensed pharmacy tech in Indiana, according to state records. The license was issued in February 2018, a year after the Delphi murders."

So it sounds like he didn't start working as a pharmacy tech until AFTER the murders. So I wonder what he was doing during Feb 2017 for work?

I also have to say, I have followed this case from the day it happened, and I am so happy for the girls' families and loved ones and honestly at times, wondered if this day would ever come. Wow.
Btw for all the talk about one of the girl’s reset phone … don’t forget KAK withheld the phone he used for the a_s account from LE, then super-deleted the relevant apps in a way (wrongly) thought to destroy their data forever & turned the phone in to LE with some cockamamie story about how it was missed the first time ….
i feel like we're going to see a lot of quotes like that, with people saying " oh he seemed so normal"

just shows you its not always the ones who look crazy, sometimes its like they say.. its the quiet ones
I’m definitely more weary of the quiet ones nowadays, as opposed to the straight up crazy individuals. At least you know what you may get with them, have witnessed it etc, the quiet ones? You just don’t know what they’re capable of, or have done… JMO.
Im going to wait before jumping all in on the new suspect, they've been wrong about 3-4 other suspects so far.

Id like to hear what they have on him

But have they actually ever arrested someone in relation to the murders? As far as I’m aware, no? If not, that’s the difference here this time around. Let’s just see how this plays out while maintaining faith in LE. They’re talking about a big press conference with all LE present. Kelsi commenting today is the day, there is also an inbox exchange with Becky saying someone is in custody. All of that speaks volumes to me.
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WRTV reported that the man had already appeared in court on Friday.

So to keep my notes straight - I shall post this now even though it happened yesterday. And I can shorten this up a bit.

Friday, October 28th:
*First Appearance Hearing (@ am ET) IN – Abigail Joyce Williams (13) & Liberty Rose Lynn German (14) (Missing Feb. 13, 2017, found killed Feb. 14, 2017 – *Richard “Ricky”/”Rick” Matthew Allen (50) arrested & booked (10/27/22) into the Carroll County Jail on suspicion of murder.

Friday, October 28th 2022 WAS the day!
The ISP released the a_shots ask in Dec. '21, then followed it up with the Yellow SM platform update in Apr. '22. That was only 6 months ago. In 5 1/2 years, that was nearly the only time LE asked anything about any one specific name, albeit a fake one, and DC said they gleaned good information from that.

The ISP sure seemed to have their reasons for the a_shots stuff, and now here we are with an arrest.

I'm very curious what we'll hear on Monday. I think there will be some information, but I'm also not expecting all the answers. The prosecutor will likely have a lot of input on what is said and not said. Jmo.
If CVS is the only pharmacy local, just think of the % of Delphi population that must have at least seen him working behind pharnacy in the last 5 + years, even if there were many other techs employed. It is astounding to me and so unsettling that this person had a public facing, "day to day", normal business hours, in a
health care, and even "general store" type capacity. Astounding.
If CVS is the only pharmacy local, just think of the % of Delphi population that must have at least seen him working behind pharnacy in the last 5 + years, even if there were many other techs employed. It is astounding to me and so unsettling that this person had a public facing, "day to day", normal business hours, in a
health care, and even "general store" type capacity. Astounding.
It pains me to think members of the girls' families might have interacted with him at the store over the past few years. :mad:
If CVS is the only pharmacy local, just think of the % of Delphi population that must have at least seen him working behind pharnacy in the last 5 + years, even if there were many other techs employed. It is astounding to me and so unsettling that this person had a public facing, "day to day", normal business hours, in a
health care, and even "general store" type capacity. Astounding.
Going about his daily life as normal draws far less attention than say someone packing up and leaving immediately after the murders IMO. I think because we now have a face for reference you can definitely see the connection within both sketches to RA but if I had passed him in the street or spoke to him over a counter I likely wouldn't have batted an eye at him. He pretty much had the perfect disguise.
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