IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #12

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This is in response to last thread MSM report of a LE search on Canal St in Peru IN. There is an RSO on Canal St in Peru. The first name that comes up. A woman's name.
Thanks mods for the new thread for Abby and Libby.

Is it OK to bring fwd all their known SM? Or is this against TOS because they are minors? Tia.
I would like to see what everyone is talking about, thanks!

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This is in response to last thread MSM report of a LE search on Canal St in Peru IN. There is an RSO on Canal St in Peru. The first name that comes up. A woman's name.

According to LE the homeowners have been completely cleared.
where has that even been said? why does her weight matter at all?
- harleymae

From post #873 in last thread

The theory I had about the weight was that it would be easier to control (read:manhandle) someone who was 5'4" and 100# compared to someone who was same height and ~200#. Just my opinion.
I just had a thought, actually this was on my mind earlier but I just remembered to post it, do you guys remember that photographer Jesse Speer, the very talented nature photographer who abducted the little girl, took her up in the mountains out in BFE then let her go? She would have frozen to death had those hunters not found her....maybe he has kidnapped before and let them go after SA...and this is an escalation...

(The above case was also great example of the perp's fb going poof immediately after the arrest. I screenshotted everything before this and have a big file on him.

Iirc he went to Yellowstone Park, surveillance cams caught him entering...)
Not specific to this case but certainly relates to possibilities for RSO crimes :
Note that the RSO's lawyer talks about how SM makes up so much of our lives. Pointedly, he doesn't mention teens and younger kids. Just adults. Maybe it's time for a sea change in adults' and teens thinking about how and when to use SM.
It absolutely is.

My ex in prison, I still don't know how he found out...he somehow found my address and has written from prison. I did contact the authorities at the prison that he was harassing me...but I still don't know how he got my new address. I was pretty prolific on SM with a certain moniker that I no longer use, and I don't use SM much anymore.

People need to be very careful.

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I am beyond a helicopter parent when it comes to my kids. They don't have access to social media that I don't have their passwords too. I understand not all parents and kids are alike. I don't find it odd that all families aren't the same. I hope we end up with an arrest in this thread. What I do wonder is, did we hear if there was a credible sighting of the girls prior to being dropped off at the bridge? I wonder what and who saw the girls beforehand? I know it was stated a family member that dropped them off and was to pick them up. But what were the girls doing prior to going to the bridge? Were they just hanging out? Were they eating lunch at the local diner and then headed out? Did they get ready at one of the girls houses after having spent the night there?

I think these are really good questions, and have not seen this come up on previous threads. When LE investigate missing persons or murder cases they often go back in time to the days leading up to the disappearance/murder to figure out what was going on in the victim's life and who they were associating with. It would have been the weekend (and a long weekend since the girls didn't have school on Monday). Did they spend time together at each other's houses or in the community? Did they spend time with other friends? Did either of the girls have a boyfriend?
It absolutely is.

My ex in prison, I still don't know how he found out...he somehow found my address and has written from prison. I did contact the authorities at the prison that he was harassing me...but I still don't know how he got my new address. I was pretty prolific on SM with a certain moniker that I no longer use, and I don't use SM much anymore.

People need to be very careful.

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I agree completely, there really ought to be some kind of national campaign regarding the dangers of is IMO critical in protecting our children.
Have you ever been out with group of friends having a few drinks and you get up to get a refill and go use the restroom; and, being in the middle of a good conversation, you think to yourself, "I'll make such and such point when I get back to the table"...only to return and find that the conservation has moved on.

Yeah, me too! That's what it's like following this case and being threads/pages behind. I find myself wanting to make a point only to find the thread has been closed, or I'm 30 pages behind. :gaah:

However, I'm so glad we're all here for these precious girls! I live about an hour from Delphi in a community of about 50,000. I have always felt safe, not naively so, but safe, nonetheless. This has shaken my community to its core. I can't imagine what it has done to Delphi.

Keep sleuthing, fellow sleuther's! I'm going back to thread #9. :seeya:

Can anyone please help brings these links fwd, tia. I'm not a great sm person.

I don't have a link but if you look up Liberty's twitter ( just google her name) then you will see all her usernames for her various SM accounts... hope this helps.
Hopefully people are actively distributing flyers if they can, hint hint. These are available on the FBI's website.
I agree completely, there really ought to be some kind of national campaign regarding the dangers of is IMO critical in protecting our children.
Parents especially need to stop posting every little thing. I have friends who post pictures of their kids, with the exact location in their photo exif data. I really don't understand why adults are doing this.

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Parents especially need to stop posting every little thing. I have friends who post pictures of their kids, with the exact location in their photo exif data. I really don't understand why adults are doing this.

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Good post...I don't think some of them realize or fathom the dangers...they should though! Some are not savvy and need to make their pages private, at least.
Credit to Gray Hughes-

Flow of Crime-Part 2

Absolutely impressive. And chilling.
OK - bear with me but I have read about every single comment on every thread and maybe this doesn't mean squat!

The pic of the POI side by side, 2 framed from a video snip shows the POI with 2 footing positions. I don't think anyone has already posted this but...
If the original has a blue/grey stripe on the left side of a frontal view of the photo, I think, too, it's another person walking in front of him (assuming its a him of course). Anyway, I don't think it's a pic that was intended - because his feet change - he pivots. It's like when someone is walking a slower pace in front of you and you have to slightly pivot to move around that person to get ahead.
I don't think that person in front would mean anything to the case. It was just a pic of people. I have a similar aged child and that child takes videos of everything, everywhere. What if, something was found at the scene that made LE look back at all of the footage and LE found that POI? Meaning Libby was a "hero" (and YES she was no doubt), not because they automatically were fearful and deliberately captured the initial pic, but because of what she could have captured during the actual interaction. Perhaps, it was LE that identified the pic from random shots earlier that afternoon; because they had some reason to look for a similar artifact... of course MOO.

Hoping and praying that there is enough to find the person or persons - but that would explain the blue image on the ISP site. Hopefully this post is inline with the ToS.

I joined a few years ago and have never posted until this case. It hits home for me - both because of Indiana and the girls.

I love this site and have respected the legitimacy of comments and theories.
Just chiming in on the "g" sound...
i hear "guh down the hill."
i sometimes kind of alter the word "go" by just using the "g" sound and it comes out sounding like "guh."
i'm from the northeast section of the US, if that matters.
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