IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #23

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I really hope since the family said they will be taking and answering media questions, that they ask some good ones. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean they will answer them. Or can answer them. But I hate when these things come around and the media asks the same ol' questions/things we already know the answers to.

I hope someone has warned them that their every word, facial gesture, and tone of voice, etc., will be criticized, scrutinized for hidden meanings, and forced to fit pet theories. It'll be brutal. :(
Struggling to get multi-quotes in here, ugh.
@Bentley: I'd like to test this outside but the wind is howling here today and would interfere badly. :/ So this morning I did a test inside on the stairs. I'm curious what you pick up.

:moo: the phone was not on the ground at that time... it sounds to me like the phone is moving and near the voice.

Has anyone tried recreations of walking in their yard with video/audio? I'm about to go in my yard to do leaves... I think I'll try a few experiments. Anyone else?

KizzyKat has an interesting theory and did some walking around testing - #447

Check it out:
I've tried to read every single post but have skipped a couple pages when things were moving fast. I didn't see this mentioned, so apologies if it's rehashing a topic.

I've repeatedly listened to the audio released by the ISP immediately after the press conference. I've listened with and without headphones. I heard and still hear "Git down the hill." However I also hear two separate and distinct background noises. One is the crunching of leaves. But the other sound that has really been bugging me is a rhythmic 'whooshing' noise. It finally just occurred to me last night that it sounds rather similar to the sound when taking blood pressure with a manual cuff & stethoscope. I'm wondering if Libby quickly slipped the phone in her top/bra to hide it while it was still taping and the microphone is picking up her heartbeat? I tried to recreate it using my iPhone video and voice memo app and walking up/down stairs. It picks up my footsteps on the stairs but not my heartbeat. But then I'm not in the same emotional place she was, which at that point could've been adrenaline rushing and fear/panic/sheer terror. :( I will note that with my experimenting the video camera recorder picks up more sounds and with more clarity than the voice memo app on my phone.

If Libby's phone was hidden away tucked in her top/bra, that could indicate the phone stayed with her & was recording much longer than if she had opted to go through the motion of reaching for it, taking it out of her top (which he might see, or she wasn't able to do) and her pitching it on the ground at some point along the way. Which could also indicate that BG found it himself, and he pitched it. (I've felt all along LE has the actual phone. I've also felt she clung to that phone as long as she possibly could. Even if she couldn't use it right away to get help, she'd cling to it in case she did get an opportunity. IOW from a psychological perspective it was a lifeline - a means of connecting to others that when one is in distress they don't want to lose.) All this is MOO.
Does anyone still have the link to the MSM I believe TV station locally in Delphi from 2/13 where they spoke with Abby's mom and Libby's grandfather? It was threads ago. TIA.

It was talking about the search.
I hope someone has warned them that their every word, facial gesture, and tone of voice, etc., will be criticized, scrutinized for hidden meanings, and forced to fit pet theories. It'll be brutal. :(

Yep. I really think only Liberty's grandfather will be speaking, though. I kind of hope nobody else from the families shows up. They don't need the public gawking at them, IMO.
Regarding the serial killer angle (which I'm not entirely sold on) I was reading the Wikipedia article about SKs and found the section on organized/disorganized/mixed classifications to be interesting. If this crime was committed by a lone SK, looking at the various characteristics listed, which classification would you say fits BG?
organized, disorganized, mixed?

I itemized and somewhat paraphrased the section for readability sake:

Organized serial killers:
- often plan their crimes methodically
- usually abduct victims, killing them in one place and disposing of them in another.
- often lure the victims with ploys appealing to their sense of sympathy.
- some specifically target prostitutes, who are likely to go voluntarily with a stranger.
- maintains a high degree of control over the crime scene. usually has a solid knowledge of forensic science that enables them to cover their tracks.
- may follow their crimes in the news media carefully and often take pride in their actions, as if it were all a grand project.
- usually have social and other interpersonal skills sufficient to enable them to develop both personal and romantic relationships, friends and lovers and sometimes even attract and maintain a spouse and sustain a family including children.
- in the event of their capture most likely to be described by acquaintances as - kind and unlikely to hurt anyone.
- IQ tend to be near normal range, with a mean of 94.7.
** organized nonsocial offenders tend to be on the higher end of the average, with a mean IQ of 99.2.

Disorganized serial killers:
- usually far more impulsive, often committing their murders with a random weapon available at the time
- usually do not attempt to hide the body.
- likely to be unemployed, a loner, or both, with very few friends.

- often turn out to have a history of mental illness
- modus operandi (M.O.) or lack thereof, is often marked by excessive violence and sometimes necrophilia and/or sexual violence.
- disorganized serial killers have been found to have a slightly lower mean IQ than organized serial killers, at 92.8

* the classification of mixed offender exhibits both organized and disorganized characteristics

some specifically target prostitutes, who are likely to go voluntarily with a strange
BG is a mixed organized killer. All of the organized traits fit except that he prefers little girls, as far as we know.
I believe anyone who murders another human has mental health issues. This belief does not include stand your ground, self-defense and other such issues as that.

JMO and all that jazz
Joseph Giacalone‏ @JoeGiacalone 3m3 minutes ago
Catch me on @InsideEdition tonight discussing the similarities between #Delphi IN teen murders and those in Evansdale, IA. Is is a pattern?
With the bridge being the end of the trail and the trail being about a mile long and the suspects image being taken at 2:30 they could easily have been back at city park, where the trail starts for pick up. I am assuming that was the drop off and probably the pick up. Now i see why it took time to get to the bridge, i would think the the trail was searched first.
Does anyone still have the link to the MSM I believe TV station locally in Delphi from 2/13 where they spoke with Abby's mom and Libby's grandfather? It was threads ago. TIA.

It was talking about the search.

This it?

One other idea that's been floating in my head (just speculation--so take it with a grain of salt) --is : If the murders of Lyric/Elizabeth and Abby/Libby are related--- what are the chances someone just happened to cross their paths ?

Someone HAD to know they were going to be in a certain area alone without adults at that time and place.
Which makes me think someone is trolling the web and specifically social media accounts.

So maybe therein lies the best clues ?
Would LE be able to track down people who were following or communicating with any of these girls ?

Since none of us here at WS (Hope not !) think exactly like a serial killer or a perp who hasn't yet committed murder, but has been planning to kill for some time --- what better way to find out when a child or teen is going to be out and about , but to stalk their social media ?

I find it hard to believe BG simply happened to meet the girls while he was out walking.
Not that it couldn't happen.
Has it been confirmed that the imagrs of the suspect are him walking north?
Are the photo/s of the girls (if more then 1 ) of abby walking/headed in the north?
Jmo i don't think the girls ever crossed the whole bridge, i think maybe they took his photo/video because he came from the southern end.

Hi EM. :seeya:

From the timing of both images of Abby and BG in the afternoon (between 2 and 3 p.m. IIRC), and the direction the sunlight is hitting them plus the shadow angles, many WS'ers have deduced that they are walking from the north to the south end of the bridge. IMO Which to me implies that he followed them and forced them back to the south end of the bridge.
Has it been confirmed that the imagrs of the suspect are him walking north?
Are the photo/s of the girls (if more then 1 ) of abby walking/headed in the north?
Jmo i don't think the girls ever crossed the whole bridge, i think maybe they took his photo/video because he came from the southern end.
Not possible for either the girls or BG to have been walking north when the photo or the video were taken due to the angle of the sun and the sides of the individuals that have sunlight on them (their right sides in both cases). Were it to be the case of heading north then the photo and video capture would have to have taken place between11:53am and 12:30pm. And we know that isn't the case.
This it?


Yes! Is that in the media tread?
Could you? :loveyou:

ETA Tread? I ain't fixin dat. fageddaboudit :gaah:
Not possible for either the girls or BG to have been walking north when the photo or the video were taken due to the angle of the sun and the sides of the individuals that have sunlight on them (their right sides in both cases). Were it to be the case of heading north then the photo and video capture would have to have taken place between11:53am and 12:30pm. And we know that isn't the case.

Was there some comment by LE that it's possible the images are flipped right-to-left? I recall that being mentioned, but didn't see/hear the quote myself.

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Interesting comment 10 or minutes ago on the Justice for...FB Page.
So, I didn't go to bed until 6:30 this morning. My mind was buzzing after listening to the radio show, I tried a few times to reply to posts about the video/audio but every time I did I lost the post when the page refreshed.

What we DO know about it.

It was Libby's phone
She hit record shortly before a crime began
The suspect is on video, visually (on the bridge)
A voice (down the hill) is captured on the recording but they cannot determine if the voice belongs to bridge guy
They do not have video of him speaking.
They do not have evidence that proves it was one perp
They do not have video of a 2nd suspect (clear video, clear enough to determine more than one perp)
However they have not ruled out the possibility it could be more than one perp.
LE stated they have more video and audio and it was (paraphasing) 'stuff of nightmares'
SOMETHING made Libby hit record as the bridge guy was approaching, LE referred to this as heroic

Scenarios I have running through my mind.

Abby had a jacket on. We were told that Libby was wearing a tie dye tshirt and grey joggers, could she also have a jacket that wasn't mentioned?

What happened to the phone at that point.

Did she hit record and put the phone in a pocket? Or keep it in her hand?
Did she hit record and quickly pass the phone to Abby to hide?
Did bridge guy snatch the phone away and not know how to turn it off, or did he use it to film the girls? *shudder*
Could a 2nd perp have crept up behind them whilst their attention was on bridge guy?

We know it was not immediately turned off or destroyed,they have further video and audio.

LE has never said it was "stuff of nightmares". They have never even used the word nightmares.
I finally listened to the audio clip. I clearly hear "get down the hill". The looping of the audio muddies it up. IMO

FWIW I'm from the western US and to me I don't hear any accent at all. I do have midwest relatives and I can usually spot accents from that part of the county. He wouldn't sound out of place where I live at all. So maybe he has a very past connection to Delphi. Maybe a family member that worked for the railroad? ALL JMO

ETA My observation about the accent helps me understand why the billboards are being shown in so many states.

A few threads ago someone posted that they had recently stopped at the highway rest stop near the bridge and there were no flyers to be found anywhere. I'm behind on my thread reading so am wondering if that was ever confirmed and better yet, rectified?
Hi everyone! Good morning :coffee: Been a member for quite awhile but can hardly keep up to post very often. I do love reading all of yours thou!

Anywho, my dad is a long distance trucker, mainly up and down the east coast. I asked him to print out and distribute some flyers at whatever stops he makes at rest stops, truck stops, ect. He stops at Flying J a lot.

Probably wont help much if at all but it certainly can't hurt. I hope and pray for swift justice for these innocent girls.


it only takes the right person to recognize the man on those flyers. The word needs to get out to the masses.
Was there some comment by LE that it's possible the images are flipped right-to-left? I recall that being mentioned, but didn't see/hear the quote myself.

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I've not heard this from anyone, and especially not LE. Gray's excellent and precise videos in which he matches numerous landmarks and places the suspect on the bridge indicate he was travelling toward the SE side of the bridge as was Abby in the photo that Libby took of her on the bridge at 2:07 PM.

At the SE end you don't run into solid forest. The rail bed, while grown in some, continues on (otherwise there would be no need for the barricades to block vehicles) and if you were to follow that rail bed long enough (probably 80 miles) you would end up in Indianapolis.

Thank you for that info; I wondered where the end is.

Back up north, there was an abandoned railroad that was turned into a wonderful bike path. Of course, it went through many properties and some of the owners threw a fit over strangers crossing their property. In the end, there was nothing they could do to prevent it.
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