IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #27

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Can someone please let me know how you would be taken into custody because of a DUI violation. Obviously I understand you could be picked up for DUI again and that would violate the terms.
--not an attorney but so live in rural meth lad America where probation violations are common cause for lockup--

If you're on parole/ probation and _at all_ involved {unintentionally or no} in a case w 20+ FBI agents? You better be squeaky clean. Having an old bottle of wine 🍷 etc or whatever they found is plenty to throw you back in the slammer.
Under this much scrutiny the LE is even more a by the book entity. IMO
DUI are misdemeanors, generally you are on bench probation and not monitored by PO. usually the probationer must take classes and sometimes they must register and use a breathing device in the car. but that is usually after a second DUI. however, I think maybe the wording on a probation agreement can entitle a PO to come and search you. they just generally don't.
It could be anything like that. Also, those on probation waive their 4th amendment rights so a probation officer can show up at your home at any time of the day or night and search without a warrant. If they were to find alcohol in the house or even empty alcohol containers, no matter who that alcohol belonged to, that person can be violated and taken in.

What you say is true, however I can't see why they would torment the old guy like this, at THIS particular time. I could see if he was driving his vehicle on public roads while he was heavily intoxicated, but that would have involved another charge against him and not just a probation violation. I do not think he has the body type to be a match for the photo of the suspect, however I find it so weird that they're holding him without bail at THIS time. He has lived there for 50 years, he's an old man, he drinks, he lost his son apparently, I'd be drinking too I'm quite sure.. I'd want to just be left alone. Why shake this old guy's boat. Even if they HAD to take him in, surely they could have postponed it or something, so that the timing was not so problematic for him, considering the media attention right now.
I personally can't imagine that LE/the courts/the judge/whatever are seemingly being so harsh with the old man. Obviously he has a history of alcohol abuse, but so do many others, and I'm sure in that area too, and it seems they have been fairly lenient with him thus far, based on what I saw when someone posted his infractions. Why NOW, when this man is kind of being watched by MSM, since it was his property on which the girls were found.. and knowing that it must have caused him much grief for his property to have been chosen as the location for such a horrible event.. and just all of the circumstances that we know about, would indicate that perhaps right NOW, he should be treated a little lighter. Not to mention that people are going to get the wrong impression by him being incarcerated at all, and let alone without bail. It really gives me pause to wonder what the hay is going on.

Perhaps it's a good time to keep one's noise clean and make sure you're not violating probation, for obvious reasons (like, for instance, an investigation going on in your backyard).
Nope. The property owner has been arrested and jailed on a probation violation (old DUI charges) but we don't know how he violated his probation and nothing has been said that he has anything to do with this case.

That's all.
Thank you.
Can someone please let me know how you would be taken into custody because of a DUI violation. Obviously I understand you could be picked up for DUI again and that would violate the terms.

However, if someone spotted you out at a restaurant having a beer or a glass of wine, is that a violation?

I'm sure it may differ for each state, but as an umbrella statement are DUI violations large or can they be small as well? Such as an off-duty officer seeing you purchase beer at a grocery store.
He could have been driving on a suspended license, seen drinking, in possession of a firearm, did not complete mandatory classes...any of those would be a violation of his probation. I'm sure I missed some.

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Yes. Getting a cell tower dump is something the FBI would have done immediately. Even though they get thousands of phone numbers from people who are not involved they have software to quickly sort through and identify numbers of possible suspects. Then they have to get search warrants to go further to look at individual phone data. But they can seal those warrants so the persons of interest do not know their cell phone data is being reviewed. However they can hit a roadblock if someone uses a burner phone purchased with cash which they discard afterwards. And in that case it would at least help with their profile of the person, leading toward that it was targeted IMO.

I think that is illegal.

FBI would need a search warrant for an individual's cellphone number. Don't think they can indiscriminately look all all cell phones used at the time.

I agree with the OP.
I have seen in other cases that LE first gets warrants for each cell provider for all traffic without identifying information. Then after analysis they get new warrants for ID info on any numbers that match the criteria they are searching - dates, times, locations, etc. in both warrants they must have probable cause for the info so there is nothing illegal about it. IMO

Molly Mae,
I have to agree with you. I don't think you just take a picture without feeling something. Maybe the girls were spooked because they are "young girls" and alone on a scary bridge.. they get themselves worked up and maybe scare themselves like "woah this guy is creepy.... I'm scared.." Libby snaps the picture from far away and turns around and keeps walking. Maybe they stop, or he speeds up, something triggers her to hit the record button while phone is in her coat pocket.. most likely not with the anticipation of the unthinkable in mind.. maybe to show her grandparents later on or make a Snapchat about the incident.
Something tells me this was not a random act. I do think the BG is involved because if it was a picture of you, wouldn't you have come forward by now and say "hey that's me! And give your statement?

I hadn't thought about a scenario where they might be taking a video to share on snapchat later. Good thinking. In this day where young people share everything and anything, that makes sense. To clarify though, there's no doubt in my mind that BG is our perp. I think he deliberately went onto those trails that day looking for a female he could overpower - I'm just not sure that Abby and Libby were specifically targeted ahead of time.
Welcome to Websleuths!

It's what i call SSDD < same stuff different day. :)

Any horses still breathing? How many times and how many ways can the same thing be posted? Sorry, but 20+ threads of the same questions/comments seems excessive and counterproductive.

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Maybe they noticed how shallow the water was while on the bridge and figured in moment of panic and crisis, that was a good option. They probably weren't aware of an open field and since they just came from the north end and no one was there, maybe they figured no one would be there for assistance if they did go back that way. I think he grabbed one and forced the other by coercion. I think if he didn't grab one they both could've out ran him easily.

I agree that he grabbed one so the other didn't run. I disagree that they didn't know which way to run to get to help because they lived nearby there and knew the area.
Yep exactly. Scroll and roll and keep my mouth shut even if I could be helpful. No longer worth it. Utilize the red triangle and keep the rest to myself. <3

Please don't keep quiet if what you have to say may be helpful. It is very hard to make everything in writing come out the way it was intended. Somethings that may seem snarky may not have been meant that way. And I can only speak for myself, but sometimes I may perceive something as snarky if I am already not in the greatest mood.
Well I am trying not to check in so many times. This case has upset me so it is hard not to keep checking. I also just got told by someone that they did not want me talking about it to them. I usually do not talk about criminal cases but this one has got to me. Anyhow I will bite my tongue and just keeping checking in but a little less often unless I had something really great to contribute. ....but maybe I will miss important info....

Considering that, as has been mentioned, things are hashed out and rehashed, it's unlikely you'll have to read back very far to see what you missed (IF it was important), if you check in a little less often. That is what WS is for though, having other interested parties to discuss the case with, because those that don't have that interest, won't want to discuss it with you on and on.
a new thread is ready for you HERE

Please begin to move over. This one will close shortly.
Is there an easy way to locate the current discussion if you've been away and several threads have closed and gone on? Several times I've come back and could not find the latest part of the discussion. Just go round and round in the old stuff ....

Also my WS format on the PC has changed so I do not have ads and current comments on the right. Where did it all go?
I cant keep up is there a suspect????
No there is no official suspect. The most recent article I read from March 13th said they have several 'persons of interest'

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He could have been driving on a suspended license, seen drinking, in possession of a firearm, did not complete mandatory classes...any of those would be a violation of his probation. I'm sure I missed some.

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Or failed a tox screen.
I knew someone who missed his last PO meeting because of miscommunication and he never knew until he was stopped for something. Fortunately he wasn't on a suspended sentence so he was arrested and made bail.

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