IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #30

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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With the latest search warrant being served at the home of property owner Ron Logan we have decided to open up Ron Logan to sleuthing with these rules:

*Use his initials only (R.L.) or call him the land owner.

*This does not mean you can sleuth his family or neighbors.

*In the event you do discover something about someone else who happens to be connected to R.L. and you think
it is related to the case you must check with us before you post it.

* R.L HAS NOT BEEN NAMED A PERSON OF INTEREST. Please do not accuse him of the crime.

If you have any questions alert on any post and send us your question. Or you can send a private message to one of the mods.

To reiterate, You can now sleuth the land owner R.L. but ONLY R.L. No accusing R.L. or anyone of being the killer.

Thank you,



Emily Longnecker‏@EmilyWTHR 50m
50 minutes ago

Mike Patty on property search--
"I hope the investigation wherever it takes police leads to the arrest of the person or persons involved."
LE does not serve warrants to clear people! It would be a huge waste of time. They serve warrants because they have probable cause to search property or attach a person they believe were involved in the commission of a crime.

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The property is being searched, and police have said that the property owner is not a suspect. Wouldn't that mean that there is probable cause to believe that the suspect took the girls to the property, and that they may have been assaulted in one of the buildings?
LE does not serve warrants to clear people! It would be a huge waste of time. They serve warrants because they have probable cause to search property or attach a person they believe were involved in the commission of a crime.

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MTE. They have some reason for doing this
Whatever the details happen to be, that vehicle is likely involved with the girls' murders.

What scenarios with that truck fit with what we know?


Possibility 1) RL hires a younger man to help him on the "farm" from time to time. This hired hand uses RL's truck for farm duties. They are seeing if DNA at the crime scene matches DNA in the truck that the hired hand used. This hired hand has been mentioned by tips as matching the photo of BG.

Possibility 2) A white truck with a man matching the photo of BG was seen around town OR at the graveyard that day and time. After running plates thru the state of Indiana, RL's vehicle showed up and was the closest to the bodies found. Tips called in said they saw a white pick up truck at the graveyard. LE looking for a fiber, hair sample or DNA match.

Possibility 3) They have the DNA results and the search warrant for RL's property is for the truck AND the search warrant allows LE to get a DNA sample from RL and/or RL's son.

Possibility 4) ????? Your thoughts.......
I hope this case gets cleared up quickly because I've had nightmares I've been murdered like three times this month. My husband says I can't read websleuth before bed anymore.

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Were you on the thread last night where we all shared how anxiety-ridden we have been? You are not alone there!!:gasp:
Apologize for being so dense, but I thought PO was police officer. What does it mean? Thanks.

PO here has been Property Owner. We can use his initials RL which IMO is less confusing.
I don't think RL is responsible but I mean there has to be SOME reason for the SWs and arrest right?

Maybe the probation violation was because after weeks of looking at surveillance video around town they discovered his vehicle driving around.

Maybe after he was in jail he made some statements that (further?) contradicted his original alibi, and LE found enven more surveillance video of that truck driving around, but this time it was during the time he said he was out of town. This would obviously make his alibi suspect, and depending on where the truck was seen, they had sufficient reason to confiscate it for a search. We don't know what else they took from the property.

All speculation.
No disrespect to LE, but it seems that waiting over a month to search property where the bodies were found is a bit late. I realize they searched the woods, but it must be because they had no probable cause that they didn't search the buildings then either.

Most older people who own or lease a lot of property either have a part-time hired hand to help them or a relative. I wonder if he rents space on his property to anyone.
Would someone be so kind as to catch me up on what we're allowed to discuss re: RL? Link to mod ruling would be great. Thanks :)

Steleheart bumped Tricias notice, 4 posts above yours :)
Heads up, googling for this mainly brings up people that murder old people. I'm sure some have been mentioned, though?

There was an old couple from Chillicothe, MO who murdered farm hands. They were the oldest people ever sentenced to death. Gary Hilton was also in his 60s when he was murdering if I remember correctly.

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If a search warrant was served to link or rule out RL as a suspect that tells me that LE has no DNA from the crime scene. MO
Maybe the probation violation was because after weeks of looking at surveillance video around town they discovered his vehicle driving around.

Maybe after he was in jail he made some statements that (further?) contradicted his original alibi, and LE found enven more surveillance video of that truck driving around, but this time it was during the time he said he was out of town. This would obviously make his alibi suspect, and depending on where the truck was seen, they had sufficient reason to confiscate it for a search. We don't know what else they took from the property.

All speculation.

Certainly could be!
Hi, trying to catch up -- missed all the new stuff this morning. I see all the speculation about RL. Is he sleuthable at this point or is everyone just cavalierly doing it in spite of TOS? (<---- no snark intended, just really want to know-- I don't have time to read back through the entire thread to find out if it was officially allowed by a mod.)

Can someone Trish's post from earlier today to help?
Hmm... about the vehicle being towed....could Libby have been recording the perp while he drove? It would be easier to hide a phone when the driver is otherwise occupied with driving. Perhaps "down the hill" was where he was "going" with the vehicle.

Just thinking aloud while we await more info. JMO

Just another thought about the cell phone .... a 77 year old man may not be likely to be proficient on the newfangled phones and computers.

RL looks younger in his mugshot (sorry .... someone posted it way back @ pages 7-10 somewhere, I believe)
Are you referring to the photo Libby took of Abby and uploaded to Snapchat? If so there are no cars or people underneath the bridge in that photo.

I disagree and think it looks like a car near the bridge.
If a search warrant was served to link or rule out RL as a suspect that tells me that LE has no DNA from the crime scene. MO

Well, not if they have familial dna......they might be checking on the evidence that he knew that so and so did it.....
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