IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #31

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Still wondering, if RL was involved, why he would leave them on his own property to be found. We still do not know how exactly the girls' bodies were placed. Could it be they were buried and intended to be concealed but the searchers found freshly disturbed ground, or maybe scavengers disturbed the graves making them visible? Maybe they were not placed in open view, and someone on the property did not think they would be found. We know of cases where the perp buried the victims on his own property. It might have been difficult for the perp(s) to move their bodies, even if there was a plan to do so, not just physically, but also logistically with family out there searching nearby.
I don't know if anyone has answered this (and I don't think it breaks any rules), but there was a divorce somewhere between 2009 and 2012 and some financial problems around the same time. It seems the divorce filing occurred in 2009, but the disposition wasn't until 2012. All of his drinking charges that I can find were after the filing.

Off topic a bit, but can anyone tell me what this might pertain to? Briggs in the attorney in said divorce. I'm curious about the photographic evidence mentioned and if that would be considered normal. My mind took it to a dark place and I'm hoping I'm wrong. From Doxpop-
Caroline B. Briggs files Motion for Release of Exhibits. Court enters Order
releasing photographic exhibits to Caroline Briggs for use in a trial in
Tippecanoe Superior Court 1, per form. KATHY R. SMITH, JUDGE PRO TEMPORE
Filed By: Briggs, Caroline
File Stamp: 09/24/2012

I don't know if it is his or not. I thought maybe some of his court stuff might mention it, like if it was impounded, but I couldn't find a mention of any vehicle. It's a 1997-2003 4x4 extended Cab Ford F250 or F350.

snipped by me---

I noticed that, too! It seems like a big spiral for someone who seems to have kept it together for a whole lot of years! I can't find anything, other than this "batch" of things from about 2009 (divorce time) until now. There are other RLs with a different middle initial, but nothing from him. People don't luck out for 65 years of no trouble and then all of a sudden start getting caught. His behavior changed. Hopefully, that behavior change started and ended with some bad drinking and driving decisions.

I just dont think it is him. But, if it is, I am going to guess it was a drunk and angry thing. Someone mentioned maybe walking home from the store. I thought the same thing! Did he have a bottle of something in a bag in his jacket? Was he known to walk to the store over the bridge, since he wasnt supposed to be driving and he was no longer married? Did he see them on his property and it set him off? I just hope not. But, I also hope bridge guy is caught. He needs to be found, no matter who it is.

One more thing- we talked about the killer very likely having military background, due to the spot chosen. RL does have military background. In the court docs, the financial filing dated 10-2013 says that documents to military service were submitted......
Maybe this would be a good thing to do in the aftermath of these horrific crimes of Libby and Abby and other murdered children. Too many are vulnerable to crazies! . But is it an invasion of privacy? 5 apps to track your children's phones (article calls it spying) FWIW>>
It is spying. I wouldn't do it to my kids or my spouse, and I'd be offended if they wanted to track me. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should do something.

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Sorry - I missed your post!! Trying to catch up is tricky!!

I'll go back and read yours:seeya:

No need. It was basically what you said, minus the eloquence.

(You're right about catching up. I'm afraid to go to sleep tonight, lest I wake and find I'm two threads behind!)
It is spying. I wouldn't do it to my kids or my spouse, and I'd be offended if they wanted to track me. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should do something.

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In my case with my sister, i check her social networks, and talk about the risk of exposing her private life or meeting strangers IMO the best way.
Just in regard to people stating that a 77 year old man who may have health issues would not be a sexual offender, I strongly disagree.

Alot of my work has been with child victims of sexual abuse and the perpetrators have often been their in their 70's and sometimes 80's.

Erectile dysfunction means offenders can receive sexual gratification in a variety of ways. They don't necessarily need to be able to 'perform' in a conventional way. The buzz is primarily psychological.

And now there is always Viagra.....

I'm not saying he did it, I'm just saying you can't rule him out because of his age. jmo

For clarification purposes: my point was the fact that he has COPD and becomes short of breath with just walking AND that he is 77 and is, in my opinion, less likely to be a sexual offender than say a 40 year old, due to ED, etc. - I feel he is not the BG and did not commit this crime. I can't see him being in good enough health to commit this crime. FTR, even eating is a task that is hard to manage for COPDers, due to the energy required just to breathe. Not that he is that advanced, but pertinent because I just don't see him physically capable of walking the bridge, forcing them down the hill, restraining, raping (if in fact they were raped) and murdering these girls. Only my opinion. I think only a matter of days will tell the tale and we'll all know if our opinions are accurate or not.
I remember carbuff had mentioned very early on that maybe the girls saw the perp and instead of saying oh that's a stranger instead thought oh that's so and so, the man that lives right there, so maybe not a stranger but somehow familiar and safe to was said early on RL knew the families, right? So, technically RL might not have been a "stranger" to them. Did he fish there?

Again, I don't know what RL's involvement is, and as others have already mentioned numerous times here I think it could be a family member, staff or friend he is covering for. Or he is the second perp.
It may be just me but RL's multiple DWI arrests show a reckless disrespect for others' lives regardless of the outcome of this case, regardless of his age, regardless of whatever he's been through. I'd say that about anyone who drinks and drives.
Nothing about RL screams BG. But the pics, clothes, and even the voice clip released are either frustratingly generic or too unclear to determine anything conclusive from them imo.
A warrant that allows search and seizure must be backed by probable cause. I guess that's all I can say I know conclusively here.
For clarification purposes: my point was the fact that he has COPD and becomes short of breath with just walking AND that he is 77 and is, in my opinion, less likely to be a sexual offender than say a 40 year old, due to ED, etc. - I feel he is not the BG and did not commit this crime. I can't see him being in good enough health to commit this crime. FTR, even eating is a task that is hard to manage for COPDers, due to the energy required just to breathe. Not that he is that advanced, but pertinent because I just don't see him physically capable of walking the bridge, forcing them down the hill, restraining, raping (if in fact they were raped) and murdering these girls. Only my opinion. I think only a matter of days will tell the tale and we'll all know if our opinions are accurate or not.

Sure, I hear what you're saying. And I agree that the odds are low that he could have committed it himself.

I guess I'm wondering if he was involved with the crime with another perpetrator......

But obviously - that's just pure speculation on my behalf.
It looks like LE has a handle on this. Thank God. Abby and Liberty deserve justice and poor Delphi needs an arrest.

Y'all have a good weekend.

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Maybe this would be a good thing to do in the aftermath of these horrific crimes of Libby and Abby and other murdered children. Too many are vulnerable to crazies! . But is it an invasion of privacy? 5 apps to track your children's phones (article calls it spying) FWIW>>

I can tell you from personal experience that police, at least in my city, are afraid to hit up people's phones, even after a tragedy has occurred. I had to do my own investigative work to find the missing pieces. And yes, they cited privacy, despite an imminent danger.
I'm thinking now, what if RL was tired of people coming on to his "pristine" property, caught the girls , had them remove clothing, then bound and gagged them. Believing they could be found embarrassed, but alive. However overnight, wild life, the elements, something, changed that.
Just a scenario that ran thru my mind. I just hope they find this creep sooner than later
It is spying. I wouldn't do it to my kids or my spouse, and I'd be offended if they wanted to track me. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should do something.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

I'm still trying to catch up but as long as my kids are on a service I pay for, I will track their location when they are spending the night at a friend's house. Usually I only do it when I'm about to go to bed and send them a night night/live you text. I don't spy on their texts but they know at any given time I will check their phone. I trust them but it's others I don't trust. Moo
Haven't read all posts but does anyone have a link to the search of the property across from RL's property last weekend March 10th.? Unable to find an article regarding this now. All I could locate was a photo on google images and a blurb on Thinking that possibly what was found there may have led to this search.JMO

Also of note for the first time ever signing in here I received an alert just below my sign in that this is an unsecure connection logins here could be compromised same with the password box. Anyone else?

View attachment 113036

This is the search from a week ago, the event that seemed to get everything rolling. Does anyone think the white pickup near the silo is the same one they towed today?
It would explain a lot if he took part in this crime. Someone who knew the property and could walk in and out without being seen by anyone. He could have killed the girls and walked right into his own house, cleaned up and then went to Lafayette to dispose of evidence. I don't think he was counting on there being a search party so soon. To get up and leave in the morning while his property was being searched for the girls is absolutely insane to me. And it makes me wonder why.

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I thought he said he had returned home from buying the fish and was THEN asked by a neighbor if they could search his property?

I also had a thought about how often the victim remains in the perps home after being deceased only to be disposed of the following day.
Power has been out for 2 hours so I'm trying to catch up.

Something I've considered- I haven't looked into it but statistically do murderers have pets? I know a lot start out killing and torturing animals but have a lot of them kept pets? Taking care of an animal requires compassion IMO. People with compassion don't kill other people IMO. I don't even like people compared to my menagerie of animals but I still wouldn't consider killing anyone. RL has a dog, horses and potentially fish. I just can't wrap my mind around someone who provides care to an animal having a disregard for human life. His horses and dog looked in good flesh, not something you can pull off overnight for camera crews. Unless he is going through a large number of animals, I just can't see it.

Now if someone was threatening harm to my animals like what has happened in the Houston area with service people and backyard dogs, I would definitely hold someone at gun point for hitting or suggesting they were going to hit my dogs with a pipe wrench. We would let the police sort that one out.
For clarification purposes: my point was the fact that he has COPD and becomes short of breath with just walking AND that he is 77 and is, in my opinion, less likely to be a sexual offender than say a 40 year old, due to ED, etc. - I feel he is not the BG and did not commit this crime. I can't see him being in good enough health to commit this crime. FTR, even eating is a task that is hard to manage for COPDers, due to the energy required just to breathe. Not that he is that advanced, but pertinent because I just don't see him physically capable of walking the bridge, forcing them down the hill, restraining, raping (if in fact they were raped) and murdering these girls. Only my opinion. I think only a matter of days will tell the tale and we'll all know if our opinions are accurate or not.

I have an impossible time embracing the idea that RL is BG, for exactly the reasons you have stated. My dad died of COPD at 74...and my uncle-in-law also died of COPD at 81. For the last decade or so of their lives (possibly longer) any amount of exercise was almost impossible, let alone exertion. And one took VERY good care of himself for the majority of the time he was afflicted by COPD, and the other had a spouse who took EXTREMELY good care of him. It's a pretty debilitating disease, especially at those advanced ages. Just my opinion, of course. I guess we'll probably know soon enough.
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