IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #33

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I do remember the comment but never formed a opinion on why LE was asking for people to look for a backpack. I've always (just my opinion) thought that BG was carrying a kill kit under his jacket. We never heard anything indicating either girl had a backpack did we? MOO, of course.

More specifically, police want to know if anyone recalls a hitchhiker along the Hoosier Heartland Highway, a person walking along a county road or highway, Riley said.

We don't know if the person's a local or a drifter who came in and left," Riley said, adding that if someone saw a person throwing away a backpack, they'd be interested in tracking that down, too.

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So, the truck could have been collected at the same time but be an unrelated warrant to RLs? When he gave his dressed up interview I thought there was a white pick up in the shot. I'm going to go look.

I'm not into sleuthing innocent old men, but so much doesn't add up. Wait and see is going to be my new mantra here.

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If I may, I would like to just gently suggest that the reason for RL's dressing up was because it was for a Inside Edition interview which would have been made by pre-arranged appointment, so it makes sense that he is cleaned up and dressed nicer.

The other interviews are by MSM hanging out or even knocking on his door for an interview any time of the day. jmobservation
There are so many unknowns. I still can not possibly see BG and RL being the same person but for a moment let's put that aside. Things to consider:

- If the girls were at least familiar with RL, which we can assume they were because of RL stating he knew the families, then what would trigger Libby's decision to capture him on her phone? Wouldn't you be more likely to want to capture the creepy stranger than the old man you know?

- Assuming that the girls again knew who RL was, and banking on the fact that Libby was trying to record any evidence possible, don't you think she or Abby would have at some point through all of this called him by name? Pleading with him etc? LE would have his name recorded and we wouldn't be here 5 weeks later scratching our heads. And again with the recording if this was a trespassing situation IMO we would have RL yelling about staying off of his property, etc.

- LE was incredibly shook up during the press conferences, some of them clearly holding back tears. We have discussed the quotes about the recordings being "the stuff of nightmares". If this was a simple "tresspassing" situation, I for one am of the opinion that the murders and COD would be straightforward...perhaps a shooting? From all that can be gleaned from the interviews with LE and what they have said, I think it can be safe to assume that the girls were found in a manner that was highly disturbing (granted dead children are always upsetting but this seems to be an even more extreme case). This has not played to me as a simple and straightforward CODs.

- RL doesn't own the bridge, why would he consider the girls to be trespassing? There have been no reports of him hassling people on his property before...why start now at 77, and on land/bridge he didn't even have ownership of?

- This is more of a question as I don't know the answer for sure and haven't been able to find difinitive quotes, but I believe that several on WS stated that his probation was over and that he in fact WAS allowed to drive...that he had nothing stopping him from getting behind the wheel. If someone could confirm this that would be great as it would knock out a lot of this "RL needed to lie about driving" stuff. If I misunderstood apologies ahead of time!

The problem with these threads moving so fast if that if you don't read through every single post you may miss something highly valuable...

Also I would still suggest that you guys check out this podcast since we have so much time on our hands waiting for more facts:

It is with a retired FBI agent regarding child abduction stats, preventing victimization and more. Gave me some good insight that helped me with this investigation.
I listened to that podcast and agree it is very informative! I also listened to the Polly Klass case (did you suggest that, too?)- also informative.

As for current probation/ driver's license status, I recently reposted something a previous poster stated in a thread or 2 ago. This suggests his license was still suspended through 9/2017, probation too, maybe? Note: Not my original post, just sharing.

"I hoping by linking this I can clear up the question of why RL's License would still be suspended. If you go back to the "My case link"

and enter case #08D01-1312-FD-000107 you will see he was first arrested on 11/28/2013 and at his trial on 9/15/2014. His license is suspended for 1 year but in between while waiting to be sentenced. He was pulled over again on 2/21/2014 (ref case 08D01-1402-FD-000016). At the sentencing for that case on 10/8/2014 he is given another 2 years license suspension to run consecutively with the previous suspension. Since he already served 30 days of that suspension the current suspension would not end until 9/15/2017...
IMO ...Does this make sense

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If I may, I would like to just gently suggest that the reason for RL's dressing up was because it was for a Inside Edition interview which would have been made by pre-arranged appointment, so it makes sense that he is cleaned up and dressed nicer.

The other interviews are by MSM hanging out or even knocking on his door for an interview any time of the day. jmobservation
Good point.
What did I attribute to a news agency. The guy is doing interviews left and right... it is always a cause for some concern. And has nothing whatsoever to do with anything a news agency did or did not say.

Second, I would like to say all this bashing of news reporters and the like is really annoying the heck out of me. Seems to me we would be in much better shape if journalism wasn't such a denigrated profession. It's not just your post, it is many I have seen.

Some journalists undermine their own professsion by chasing ratings and clicks, blurring the truth with selacious details and eschewing facts for sensationalism.
They would be held in a much higher regard if integrity wasn't so easily compromised.
IMO, the truck was most likely noted in the search warrant.

Exactly. The SW that relates to the double homicide, not the probation violation. If the truck was taken in the search, it was not for the probation violation.

No, we never heard why LE was asking people to be on the look out for a discarded backpack. That seems like something very specific to be looking for.
I think BG looks to be carrying items inside of his blue jacket and possibly in a pack around his waist.
I really wonder why LE was looking for a discarded backpack...

Could the girls have had a backpack and now its missing? Jmo
What happened to picture showing distance between RL house and where girls were found? Has it been deleted?
I somehow missed your post. I think it's a very good summary. I have been uncomfortable with his eager interviews since day one. I could see the first interview, he's still processing what happened on his land, media catches him off guard etc...

But that last one? He dressed up for it. It annoys me when people want to get their own 15 minutes of fame at the cost of a horrific tragedy. This doesn't make him guilty of course, but for me I have less sympathy if it's his constant camera seeking that has brought this negative attention onto himself.

Early on so many veteran WSers made comments like: When they catch this guy we are all going to be surprised at who it is (or words to that affect).

To me, what's more surprising than the 77 year old man on whose property these children were found?

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I have relatives his age, and they dress up for all sorts of things. I know a mall walker who dresses for that the way he dresses for Sunday services.

I don't think it has anything to do with anything other than trying to show respect. It's perhaps just a generational thing.

The above is just my opinion.
Sometimes it's not good to miss so many threads :fence:

"Based on the information given by family and friends, police do not believe foul play is involved and have been given no information that would lead them to believe the girls are in any immediate danger, other than exposure to outside elements."



Regarding the part in red:

My brain just esspoded.
I swore I would stop reading because of endless speculation but something I read continues to bother me.

3 p.m. Indiana State Police and the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department hold a news conference confirming that the bodies found Tuesday are those of Liberty and Abigail. They say the case is being investigated as a double homicide.

They say they don’t believe there’s any immediate danger to the community.

Why the statement about no danger to the community if they think a random murderer is responsible & why the billboards unless it's a ruse?

I have a tough time zeroing in on PO but that statement doesn't jive to me. Of course the police know much more than I do.
This is irrelevant to the case but I want to share something personal about it and why it haunts me. I have many family members from Northern Indiana and I lived in Delphi/Lafayette from age 2 to 8 until my father died. My most vivid memory is of mushroom hunting with my father and crossing a bridge like this with the running water underneath and my little legs trying not to fall into cracks while my father held my hand.He worked on the railroad and I worried about a train coming or falling.My first time experiencing real fear.I can not get this case out of my head,those poor girls and the fear they felt.
If I may, I would like to just gently suggest that the reason for RL's dressing up was because it was for a Inside Edition interview which would have been made by pre-arranged appointment, so it makes sense that he is cleaned up and dressed nicer.

The other interviews are by MSM hanging out or even knocking on his door for an interview any time of the day. jmobservation

We built our home on property owned by my father-in-law. My children were blessed to have their pap pap live so close to them...but we all have our funny stories of the things pap pap did as he got older ( and he did not drink ) Just saying RL is 77 years old. I don't know him so because of pap and having a sister murdered myself I really can't get my mind around a 77 year old man being capable of I am waiting for that so called TWIST!!!

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My house once was broken into while we were away. The burglar rifled through our clothing drawers, including the ones where I stored my panties and bras. I used the same words -- "violated" and "raped" to describe my feelings afterward. It's not uncommon. JMO

Absolutely. When we were burglarized the intruders took a pillowcase from our bed to throw loot in. I couldn't sleep in that bed for a long time, even though the danger was gone. It was about feeling violated.
I find it unusual to use the word rape....especially if the girls were in fact molested/raped. It would be helpful to know how they were killed.
I absolutely agree. His use of that word was inappropriate and almost suggests anger. To me, it's odd for him to go to anger, if I'm reading him right, instead of sadness for the girls, or terror over the fact that they died violently and possibly with a sexual aspect to the crimes.

The above is just my opinion.
I was at work and asked a mean Dr I was on the phone with of he could SMELL his last name instead of SPELL...

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Oh no.... this made me LOL !
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