IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #35

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I have a question. In the second picture. The one of the creek. Is this looking from the bridge in the direction in which the bodies were found? If so, and they crossed the creek as some people surmise, would they have crossed from the right side (looking at the photo) to the left? If so, in my opinion that is totally NOT plausible. There is no way they went up that embankment. It would have been a chore for the most fit person, let alone two teenagers who were being made to do so under duress. I'm not even sure I am looking at the picture correctly, but if I am - I say no way.
Yes that is looking the direction that would put them crossing from right to left. It would be possible further up the river where the crime scene tape is located. Water is ankle deep and degree of incline is shallower according to USGS cant see the crossing point in that photo.

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If ten men of varying ages were lined up in these same clothes, I doubt any one of them would stand out as looking like this image. To me it is just clothing with (probably) a mustache.
No snark intended, but I don't get the obsession over the photo. They have got to have physical evidence as well. While they called BG a POI or suspect, might the evidence have pointed a different direction? I think they probably have a lot of physical evidence.

I'm curious about the other people on the trail. A parked car in the spot where other hikers park seems very risky to me in broad daylight with two victims to control.

Another poster upthread thinks the murders were done elsewhere. A barn, a structure on RL's property?

If Abby had a phone that wasn't recovered or later found, couldn't someone have tossed it on their way in or out of town & thus the pinging all over town statement?

I'm still curious about trash pickup there on RL's property.

I agree. Study photos seems to be a one way dead end. We can't use photo to pin point someone, only if we get the right guy, provided he didn't dramatically changed his appearance, we can say: Aha, it is you! Using photo alone is dangerous, I can foresee the suspect manipulate the jury using photo as a tool. He can dramatically change his appearance and deny wrong doing.

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I am in total agreement with all of what you said. I am from the West Lafayette area, and I have read from a few sources that LE is using the investigation of these murders as a pretext to arrest people on unrelated charges. As a member of this community, I find that to be highly infuriating. We need to find whoever killed those girls, not lock away some old man for drinking a beer. Either LE knows who did it, and are watching them, or they have no idea.

If they are watching someone, I am wondering what the hold up is. Delphi is a small town, and somebody had to have saw something. If LE truly doesn't know who did it, then they darn well had better find out. If people are afraid to talk because these cops are thinking in a predatory manner, then they will never find out who did this crime.

The community here is already looking over their shoulders, and the last thing we need is to have everyone snitching on everyone. If the tips are related to the case, that is one thing, but most of these warrants don't seem to be related to this case. Probably neighbors holding a grudge. We definitely don't need a Salem-like atmosphere in this community. Just my opinion..

Yes. This is especially irritating. I don't care about any other crime, excluding violent crimes, that LE is receiving tips for. People have been living with neighbors, not really caring about petty crimes they may be committing, but became suspicious and willing to give a tip. And to use that against people, who just want a brutal murderer caught, it's just wrong and a waste of resources and time. Catch the killer!

Primetime Justice‏
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@PTJusticeHLN 3h
3 hours ago

Police have issued a search warrant on the property where the bodies of Indiana teens were found.
The transcript isn't posted yet. Sometimes it takes HLN until the next morning, but it should show up eventually. I'll keep checking for it.

Do they post a video as well? I only managed to catch it because someone kindly mentioned it upthread.
When they hauled RL in two Friday's ago, anyone involved in the murders could have easily put something on his property..maybe even in his property- home, car, etc. Then called in an anon tip that his property should be searched. Perhaps bloody articles of clothing, etc. planted on/in RL's property.

I wonder on the night of Feb. 13th if RL's little terrier reacted more than normal. I have a terrier and some of them have great hunting instincts. Mine knows when something is afoot.
Good stuff. Kids tend to broadcast their every move these days through social media. It's dangerous.

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Many adults do the same thing. IMO nothing good will come from broadcasting every move on SM or anywhere.
Quick question- when you were trying to reenact on the bridge, was that angle normal? Or was that angle really strange? The angle of his body. I'm not even sure what it will tell me but I keep looking at it

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The only way i could recreate the picture was from a seated position on the last platform on the SE end of the bridge. I feel like she was sitting on the platform and holding/ hiding her phone to secretly record him.

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Just saying.....
What's in the white bag inside his jacket? Booze?
Do they post a video as well? I only managed to catch it because someone kindly mentioned it upthread.

Not that I know of, just the transcript. They did tweet out a short video clip from tonight's show that I posted. I don't think the full episodes are available online, though.
I thought a SW was only served if there is REASONABLE SUSPICION which leads to PROBABLE CAUSE. Is this correct? I'm reading that some people think they just searched RL's property because "that's the crime scene". But its not the crime scene. The woods are where the bodies were found. What caused reasonable suspicion? We don't know. We are all trying to sleuth but it feels like we are going in circles, not focused on the right aspects, and theorizing on NOTHING. I'm reading so many posts that are repeat theories because we are just TRYING to UNDERSTAND what in the world we can do to help. Is BG still out there or NOT???. IMO
Sorry brother. I just dont see it.

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I don't think the BG photo looks much like RL until I look at the tilt of the head and look at the chin in both.
I thought a SW was only served if there is REASONABLE SUSPICION which leads to PROBABLE CAUSE. Is this correct? I'm reading that some people think they just searched RL's property because "that's the crime scene". But its not the crime scene. The woods are where the bodies were found. What caused reasonable suspicion? We don't know. We are all trying to sleuth but it feels like we are going in circles, not focused on the right aspects, and theorizing on NOTHING. I'm reading so many posts that are repeat theories because we are just TRYING to UNDERSTAND what in the world we can do to help. Is BG still out there or NOT???. IMO

Probable Cause

Probable cause is a requirement found in the Fourth Amendment that must usually be met before police make an arrest, conduct a search, or receive a warrant. Courts usually find probable cause when there is a reasonable basis for believing that a crime may have been committed (for an arrest) or when evidence of the crime is present in the place to be searched (for a search).
I'm keeping things grouped together to slim down my reply. Again, work is really cutting into my sleuthing time. But it rained today, so I was able to catch up again. I'm going to pre-apologize for the length and the massacre of the English language. I seem to have forgotten the rules of grammar and punctuation.

Just on this..
Is it popular consensus on here that the girls were removed and then brought back in the middle of the night? I am wondering how this could of happened? Although LE called off the search, I am sure family and friends were still driving and walking around (I did question this on a thread many moons ago)? Could someone of brought two bodies and left them in this area in the dark of the night?
Really? Walking the woods at nighttime?
Please someone show me an example of a crime in which the victim is taken from the scene, murdered/attacked elsewhere, and then returned to the abduction scene to be discovered later. Risking that someone is already searching for the missing teenagers and would see them being dumped. Risking being caught by taking them back to the scene of abduction...
If this has EVER happened, I'll eat crow. Otherwise....nah. JMO!

I have mixed feelings on whether they were removed and returned. I realize they were looking for live girls when they were searching, so maybe they were just hurriedly walking all over the place, but I still think it would be awfully hard to miss two bodies, even in the dark, unless they were camouflaged in some fashion. Leaves aren't overly fluffy this time of year after laying on the ground decomposing all winter. Admittedly, I have no idea how they were found, so it's a possibility.

I don't buy into the two different obituary dates being a date missing vs date found choosing. But I'm not sure if one survived for a while or if one was murdered later. If one was murdered later, is it possible only one girl was taken from the scene and then returned later? I don't think it's possible one girl would have been found the first night and the other not found until the second day, but the later timing of the 2nd day search has always been interesting to me. This is most likely my brain trying to come up with any possible different scenarios after 2 hours of sleep last night sitting in a $20 desk chair and then a massive caffeine binge all day that has me wired at midnight.

Seems like he could have really used $250,000. If he knows, why wouldn't he be working with LE to solve this? Reasons he would not bust the perps?
Illinois Missing - Fear of being considered an accomplice.
Ocgrad - Fear of having a family member killed in revenge.
Why take the risk and leave RL alive? The person or persons showed no compunction about murdering two young girls. Why leave someone alive in a remote farm when you could easily off him as well? No witnesses.
However, my flabber is truly ghasted that anyone seriously thinks these investigators are knowingly implicating an innocent man while they let the real killer(s) skip off into the sunset unscathed.

BBM-These two things, IMO, could both be answered with the same suspect. A friend/family member of RL. He wouldn't want to turn them in, and they wouldn't want to kill him.

It was a quote from police that said he was being moved to Clinton Co. for his own safety.
For whatever that is worth.
At this point I think it's all equine excrement. I am over the word dancing. Say what you mean and dadgum it, mean what you say. :(
This is directed at LE, not any posters here.

I'm curious if RL was having problems with someone in particular that was already in the pokey before he was arrested, or if someone was arrested or going to be arrested the day he was moved? Did anyone notice any interesting arrests the day RL was transferred and maybe the day before and after? Anyone that RL could have ratted out?

Or is this some weird play by LE to keep people talking about RL in hopes that someone associated with him won't let him go down for the murders or wouldn't want RL coming to harm (again possibly that whole friend/family connection).

I've always thought he looked middle aged too. Wondering why they haven't included that in the FBI link

I don't think they are going to formally exclude anyone, just to avoid the potential scenario where they say a suspect is between 40 and 50 years old and someone has a suspect that is 38 or 51. I guess they could expand the age range, but then they just look like they are throwing out wild guesses. Someone between 30 and 60 doesn't really narrow it down at all.
I am hoping to understand something and to learn about this site so that I can be a positive contributor. Am I wrong, or has there been a sweeping sentiment that no matter what develops, RL deserves sympathy? I do not understand why whenever someone puts forward a theory or observation, or a new way of looking at the evidence---while adhering to the TOS of this site completely---someone inevitably posts something saying, "well, I would do that" or "I have a ruddy face" or "how can you say that?". I mean, please....when people comment that he is an alcoholic...several people jump into action saying "maybe he just enjoys a beer" or "I would drink, too, if bodies were found on my property", or various other minimizations of the reality of this man's habitual substance abuse. I'm new here. This is the first case that I've been following. Is this typical ?
I don't think the BG photo looks much like RL until I look at the tilt of the head and look at the chin in both.

To my eyes BG looks like he has more of a Hapsburg chin and lip. Also, RL's skin around the lower cheek jowl area spreads out much more when head down compared to BG.

But perhaps they are related.
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