IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #35

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For me the discussion about his alcohol use is simply relevant to point out that this is not an upstanding citizen in the community who is being railroaded simply because he has a beer or two and could never commit this crime. I see some posts that appear to view this man as a Santa Claus figure. And frankly I think that's because people saw his initial interviews and felt for him, having such a terrible crime committed on his property. Once people vest their feelings in another and relate, it can be quite difficult to see that person in a different light.

Of course alcoholism is a diagnosis. None of us can diagnose someone through the internet. And to me it is not relevant if he has such a diagnosis because people can abuse alcohol and not be alcoholics.

We are also aware that alcohol abuse does not make someone a murderer or child molester. True.

However, it can be relevant to certain things. One, people who abuse alcohol are, as others have pointed out, often extremely dishonest and manipulative. They can also be filled with rage and have problems with their impulses.

Do those qualities make such a person a murderer? No. But it does refute the notion that such a person is honorable and could never do anything terrible.

Two. A rap sheet like this man has is quite indicative of alcohol abuse. Does someone who stops at a bar at the end of the day to have a beer or two qualify as a drunk? No. But someone who continues to stop at the bar after work after just one DUI, has a huge problem. For normal, upstanding people, the days of driving home from the bar are over forever after one DUI.

Three. That brings me to a third point. Alcohol abusers or alcoholics have a mental health disorder. They are not bad people or criminals just because they have a disorder. Agreed to whoever was pointing that out earlier. They deserve help and compassion.

But when someone continually and narcissistically chooses to endanger others instead of obtaining treatment, that DOES go to their overall character.

This man has a heavy rap sheet. Keep in mind that the Indiana court docket appears to only go back to 2010. And since then, RL has been pretty busy:

9-30-5-3(a)(1)/FD: Operating a Vehicle with a BAC of .08 or greater, 9-30-5-2(b)/MA: Operating A Vehicle While Intoxicated; Endangering A Person, 9-30-5-1(a)(1)/MC: Operating a Vehicle with a BAC of .08 or More per Blood, 35-44.1-2-3(d)(1)/MA: False Informing, 9-24-19-2/MA: Driving While Suspended (Prior w/in 10 years), 9-21-8-31/IFC: Failure to Yield Right of Way at Entrance to Through Highway

9-30-5-2(a) & (b)/FD: Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated Endangering a Person, 9-30-5-1(a)(2)/MC: Operating a Vehicle with a BAC of .08 or More per Breath

FEB. 2011
9-30-5-2(a)/MA: Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated Endangering a Person, 9-30-5-1(a)/MC: Oper Veh w/ Alcohol Concentration Equivalent to at Least .08 but Less than .15, 35-44-2-2(d)(1)/MA: False Informing, 9-30-15-3/IFC: Open Alcoholic Beverage Container During Operation of a Motor Vehicle, 9-24-19-1/IFA: Driving While Suspended

JAN. 2011
9-30-5-2(a)/MA: Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated Endangering a Person, 9-30-5-1(a)/MC: Oper Veh w/ Alcohol Concentration Equivalent to at Least .08 but Less than .15

The odds of such a rap sheet on the part of a casual drinker with bad luck is nonexistent.

Of course again, it does not make the man a murderer. Of course not. But it does refute the notion that he's Santa Claus and it may say something about his character and the chaos within him.

I have no idea whether this man is involved. Clearly LE has grounded suspicions and is doing its job and checking it out. To me, his build is very close to BG and his voice sounds the same. His head does not resemble the grainy BG photo so much though.

In confident that LE is working hard and knows what it's doing. I don't share the opinion of some that because you can make better money elsewhere, smart, educated people aren't going into law enforcement. Especially the FBI which is working this case.

I'm prepared to hear this man has been arrested for something related to this crime. I'm also prepared to hear that he's been totally cleared and someone else is suspected or arrested. Time will tell.

But witch hunt of a kindly gentleman who just likes to have a beer now and then? Nope.

Finally, it's true that arrests and investigations like this have cast a pall and caused anguish on the part of innocent people and those who love them. I hate that. Sometimes that is due to inexperience, prejudice, blunders, or narrowed focus. But mostly I think that's due to the necessity of seeking justice for the innocent. For the most part I think LE is competent and thorough and sometimes has to investigate angles that turn out to be dead ends and hurt people in the process, inadvertently.

But the cost of failing to do their job because they're afraid of harming an innocent person's reputation would be catastrophic to community safety.

And I don't think speculation on Websleuths is any part of the problem anyhow. The rules tightly control what is posted here to minimize the pain speculation can cause. Go to Facebook or any of the comments at the ends of articles about this. Clearly this site and its posters are not the problem.

I think you might just be my Webslueth Hero!!! :applause::rockon::goodpost::rockon::applause:
you really think RL committed a felony by moving bodies rather tha call the police so he could cover up a probation violation?

IMO he wouldn't be moving the bodies to cover up the probation violation, he moved the bodies because he didn't want them found in his home!...

IMO if he came home to 2 dead girls in his house he 1) knew exactly who did it... because maybe they were still there and/ or were the same person who suggested he go out that afternoon... at this point he has a lot bigger problem then the probation issue... you may be able to hope that if the bodies are found quite a distance from your home and you have an alibi that you won't be suspected, but if the girls are in your house even if you didn't do it you are in some pretty hot water...JMO...
Did we ever figure out ir RL had a valid drivers license?

Or did he choose to drive the day of, and the day after the murders, illegally? tia

What if someone wanted RL to sell his land? Having 2 young girls murdered in your property would be so upsetting that he may now want to this way it could have been a random hit by someone paid to get RL to sell his land.

Man, this is really getting far afield...IMO, of course.

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Originally Posted by mandy.maree People are seeing all sorts of things in that pic. Cars, logos ,several creepers behind trees, the ghost of Lincoln.. Im sure if you zoom in close enough you can find whatever fits the theory you are working with.
I dont think there is anything in this pic but Abby on the bridge .
I have seen zoomed in and altered versions where it does look like car wheels there..but I am doubtful.

Look carefully!

I also have looked, numerous times and see nothing except AW on the bridge.
Maybe I need to update my prescription glasses LOL
It seems like there was nobody around.. or were there other people out there? Not much has been said about any people out there that day . I heard there was one girl who saw a couple and one man but that was about it.

It was reported in the early threads that friends of Abby and Libby were also there that day and that they saw them and waved. Also I believe it was Nana here on webslueths that said the area on the bridge was not nearly as remote as she expected it would be.
IMHO it takes way more skill, effort and calculation to pretend to be a SK in the moment, than to actually be one. Sorry, but not buying that someone accidentally/heat of the moment kills one person and then is composed enough to see all possible angles in mere seconds to make a snap decision to kill another.....and then hide bodies...and then relocate bodies.....and then elude searchers....and then.....and then... By someone who is 77. Oh, and who is under the influence at the time.

Come on. [emoji849]

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Great post thank you. 77 year old wheezing guy it's ridiculous and a distraction.
I don't believe I have read or heard if RL was given a lie detector test? If one failed that, I can see scrambling for a lawyer and no longer cooperating, MOO. Does anyone know?

I don't Know that he was asked to, could be the "he is no longer cooperating"

Btw don't ever take one if asked, most courts won't allow them to be used as evidence, and as far i am concerned it is a way for LE to guage if you are/have something to hide. Jmo

I have had to take them for security clearances, they are not fun, and the operator will play with you, like hypotheticals that you know something is against the law, then ask you a ? Sneaky they are. Jmo
I'm with you. The "poor old honorable man who just had a beer" schtick makes no sense to me.

In my business I have had multiple cases where the opposing side is a dangerous alcoholic or alcohol abuser and doesn't get caught despite repeatedly driving drunk. The odds of getting caught are slim. You have to be doing it a lot to get caught once and to get caught twice or three times? Get out of here. Dude has a serious problem.

And these types are often quite abusive and filled with rage. I've had way too much experience both professionally and personally with alcohol abusers to be naive enough to think this is a fluke or that RL is a kindly grandpa.

Sadly acceptance of drinking and driving is still pretty prevalent today, although not as much as when I was a kid.

(I recall being driven around by relatives, who would shout, "Hey grab me another beer out of the cooler back there will ya." sheeze!)

I think we all know someone who drives after drinking. The majority of those have a problem imo.

That in itself may not make RL any more or less likely to have anything to do with this crime, but it may impare his ability to recall important details.

And also, as you point out, the rage issues/blackout states, that often accompany drinking problems.

There's a joke about the Kennedy's, (well known for their drinking issues).

"What do you get if you mix alcohol with a Kennedy?"

"A Fuzzy Recollection".

I think RL may well have some memory issues at the least...and I too, don't see him as just a harmless grandpa.

But a drinking habit still gets a pass just the way smoking used to, but I do think that will change too.
I don't Know that he was asked to, could be the "he is no longer cooperating"

Btw don't ever take one if asked, most courts won't allow them to be used as evidence, and as far i am concerned it is a way for LE to guage if you are/have something to hide. Jmo

I have had to take them for security clearances, they are not fun, and the operator will play with you, like hypotheticals that you know something is against the law, then ask you a ? Sneaky they are. Jmo
I have had to take them as well for different positions. I had an operator tell me to always answer yes to a question about stealing from work lol. Said everyone has walked off with a pen, notepad by mistake or not. By the letter, that is stealing. Fun times!

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What I notice is that many times there tends to be a "Mob Mentality" that takes over.
(In many aspects of life)

Many believe everything they read. Then join in with torches and pitchforks.

I prefer critical thinking, common sense and logic. 2 cents.
Did you cross the bridge from the end by the cemetery or by the other end? I just wonder which way is the easier way that most people go?

Also wouldn't it be easier for someone who has done it before or even perhaps regularly? You would come to know where the large gaps in the planks are and the best route to cross it shall we say.
I don't believe I have read or heard if RL was given a lie detector test? If one failed that, I can see scrambling for a lawyer and no longer cooperating, MOO. Does anyone know?
No, LE has not said, but they have given to others over the course of the investigation.
It was reported in the early threads that friends of Abby and Libby were also there that day and that they saw them and waved. Also I believe it was Nana here on webslueths that said the area on the bridge was not nearly as remote as she expected it would be.

Iirc she also said she had a hard time finding it. Jmo
the girls may have tried escaping and ran across the creek on their own will, and he caught up to them or shot them as they were running, etc. imo

I'm uncertain I've heard anyone was nearby when the police think the murders happened. I do know other people were there on that day, according to media. Wouldn't a gunshot be heard? Of course we don't know about witness statements or COD, either.
because LE said it was in connection to the double homicide.
I think he knows who did it. He might have suspected someone who he knows is familiar with the area and may have been at his house that day. His suspicion was confirmed when he saw the photo from the phone and he went into protection mode. That is why when shown the photo he claims he has never seen that person before and then follows that up with that pic is of such poor quality noone could ever recognize him. If noone can see the guy in the photo then how could he be so sure he didnt know the guy?

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I am an Indiana native and me and my buddies at work have been analyzing this for days now. We are pretty familiar with the "type of guy" who wears the attire seen in the BG photos and with the "type of guy" who dresses/acts like RL....since this is my first post, I'm going to make sure this posts before I continue...don't want to waste a ton of time typing if my posts cannot be seen.
Did you cross the bridge from the end by the cemetery or by the other end? I just wonder which way is the easier way that most people go?
There is only one way to go. The NW end is connected to the trail. The other end dead ends on private property.

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