IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #35

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Is there an article or video?

Here's one. You can check Lizzie and Lyric's thread for more if you're interested.

Drew is on a crusade to help police crack down on convicted sex offenders considered missing after they fail to register with authorities. He has made posters bearing missing sex offenders' faces to hang in Iowa police stations and raises money to use as rewards for people who provide information about their whereabouts.
All he would have to say was that he was in Lafayette all afternoon... which I believe is what he said. And they were last seen via snapchat on a public hiking trail, not on his land... as of the evening of the 13th. As of 6:30 pm when he arrived home, LE still thought the girls were not really in any danger.

I posted about the police likely being able to tell had he been drinking that day of the 13th, not about any alibi. They're trained what to look for and they could likely smell it if he had been drinking that day they were presumed missing or lost.
My theory is, RL holds the key to finding BG. They are not the same guy, but RL is either knowingly or unknowingly helping conceal BG's identity. LE will search the property, find evidence to prove to RL that they know what he knows, and he'll help them track down the real perp.

That being said....even though I do NOT buy into the theory that RL did it, here would be the clues supporting that theory:

1. There are several parts of the pictures that link RL and BG as the same guy. The jeans, the gait, the tendency to pocket his left hand, the gut, the camo hat, the green strap on RL's chest, the layering, the body size, ALL of that makes me think these are the same guy. The one piece that doesn't fit is the age. I cannot make BG out to look over the age of 60 in my mind.

2. RL, being 77 and a known drinker might be crazy enough to make some of the odd mistakes we have seen to this point. Only a drunk, senile old loon would kill 2 people and then wear the same hat and gun holster the next day in a news interview. Only an old guy losing his grip on reality would not notice that his victim was filming him and then not take her phone when he left the scene. He would have to be so out of touch with technology that he didn't recognize the phone as being a video recording device and then so out of touch (and so "new" at murder) that he didn't bother to search them and destroy the cell phone.

3. I highly doubt this old 77 year old man was conveniently shopping for tropical fish at the perfect time of the murders. Does he have a badass fish tank? Is he a fish enthusiast? Prove it. I don't know any old farmer type dudes like this to have a dual interest in extreme drinking and tending aquariums.

4. You can tell this old dude has seen some hard work in his day. His hands are rough and his sleeves are rolled up in some pics. His boots are old and muddy. You know how they always say last thing to go on an old boxer is his power? That's very true. There are a lot of old Indiana farm boys that look like fat old men who can break you with their bare hands. Don't think this guy couldn't pull off this crime. 80 year old men kill deer in the woods, drag them a mile, hang them, and clean them with no help.

5. Police just took his damn truck. That seems odd to me. He's already got 3 DUI's, but they are just now taking his wheels? They expect to find something.

6. This might be the only human being on the planet who could actually keep watch on that bridge and strike a vulnerable victim when no one else was around. Anyone else would need to arrange this meeting with the victim ahead of time. He's the one guy who could stalk that spot regularly because he lives there.

Again, this is not my preferred theory. I'm just giving you this side of the coin

As I've said before, I am curious about #3. Those fish! What a strange little detail in the case. I'd like to know more. (There may be nothing to the fishy detail, but that doesn't mean I'm not curious about it.)

I am not surprised that the reward does not seem to have "worked" although for all we know, the tip that led to the search of RL's property was given with an eye on the reward. Imo, huge rewards bring more tips, but not better ones, as a rule. And anyone who knows for sure who killed these girls is at risk of being charged as an accomplice or for obstruction. Also, rewards are paid out after convictions and in a double murder case, we are looking at years down the road. It is not like you make the call and get a check to blow town and start fresh. Jmo

The reward is worth a response IMHO. It hasn't worked yet.

My opinion is that if that picture has not "bagged" the perp by now, he's long gone.

We can go round and round all we want, but it won't help.

I have my eye on someone. But I can't post it here.
He's a real sicko, and he's gone now. RL, imo is a HUGE distraction.

Let's all hope this freak gets caught. :jail::jail::jail:
Sorry if someone else already noticed this, but instead of a car in can see 1, possibly 2 other people in this photograph

I think the red circle on the left, the one on the tracks, is the bridge closed sign. Look at the shape of it.

And it looks like there are orange sand bags at the bottom to keep it in place.
he was "intelligent" enough to get a college degree...

Snark detected. Not exactly a rousing endorsement. We've all known people who got degrees who simply weren't that bright. Plus, if he drinks as much as it appears from court records, he may not be as smart now as he was then.

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Is anyone following a local reporter who is covering the case? If so, could you post the info? I'd like a recommendation. TIA.

Alexis McAdams from the Fox affiliate, Fox59 . She's on Twitter at alexismcadamstv
Sorry if someone else already noticed this, but instead of a car in can see 1, possibly 2 other people in this photograph

Is it possible you are someone could post that image of Abby on the bridge & the suspect on the bridge so the angle/degree from which the image were taken from. TIA
I think the red circle on the left, the one on the tracks, is the bridge closed sign. Look at the shape of it.
This has been thoroughly discussed in previous threads. Might try around thread 3-10 maybe? At the beginning the posts were coming so fast it was impossible to keep up with.

All of the shapes and shadows at the far end of that picture were accounted for by LE.

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My big counterpoint to this is deer hunting. RL wears a mossy oak camo hat during interviews and camo neoprene boots in other interviews, which indicates he may be interested in hunting. If he's a deer hunter, then he has experience lugging heavy dead weight around the woods. It's a huge pain in the *advertiser censored*, but once you've done it a dozen times, it's nothing more than a normal chore. And again, hundreds if not thousands of old men 77+ years old do this every year.

Sorry, I meant to quote one of the posts about whether or not RL could carry the girls.
I posted about the police likely being able to tell had he been drinking that day of the 13th, not about any alibi. They're trained what to look for and they could likely smell it if he had been drinking that day they were presumed missing or lost.

RL did not have any contact with LE on the 13th.
I have wondered if that was taken out of context.
Who is to say why she did that. Because she took the video/audio doesn't to me mean that she viewed him as a threat. Maybe he meant that by her doing so gave them an image-audio of the suspect.
As far as we know she may have taken others images from a distance. Jmo

Years ago while sitting on a beach with friends we would watch people that walked from one direction or the other and if it was somethink we wanted the other to see/observe we would call out times.
Like, i would say 2:00 and the friend would look in the 2:00 direction. :)
Some were sights for sore eyes. Lol fun times.

I'm thinking that LE's having the full video, so having a better idea what happened after that still, led them to conclude she had to have presence of mind and to call her a hero (rather than someone just taking pix, like many of us do). JMO

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As I've said before, I am curious about #3. Those fish! What a strange little detail in the case. I'd like to know more. (There may be nothing to the fishy detail, but that doesn't mean I'm not curious about it.)


Yup me too... why tropical fish? why not buying feed or pricing farm equipment both of which would seem to make more sense...unless he really does have an aquarium, which I'm sure LE knows at this point.
That information has never been released to the public, but at least one parent talks about it being sexual.

I don't believe any parent has said that it was "sexual". Do you have a link to that statement?
It's also possible that the recordings were stored in the cloud, so no matter what the killer did or did not do with the phone, the files were accessible to LE.

IIRC, we don't know if the recordings are from the cloud or the actual phone.


I believe they said from her phone. She may have dropped it either accidently or deliberately and it was recovered during the search.
How did the phone and the video end up in police's hands without the killer taking the phone with him or just destroying it on the spot?

A) The killer did see the phone and was definitely going to take it, but she was still up high on the bridge and she threw it as far as she could right before he could take it. Police found it in the woods later. I think this is most likely. She already had the phone out for a while, as evidenced by the pictures of her friend, so I assume she already had the phone "out" in her hand, and ready to record as soon as BG approached. The moment she thought her life was truly in danger, she chucked it off the bridge.

B) The killer did not see the phone when it was recording and was in too big of a hurry to search the bodies after the killing. This makes it a new, highly incompetent killer. That's a huge oversight.

C) The killer saw the phone, but made her put it away. She pocketed it, but it was still recording. Somewhere along the walk, she slyly ditched it without him seeing. He did search for it later, but she had already dropped it.

D) The killer saw the phone, but did not recognize it as a video recording device and didn't want to take it because he feared the police could "triangulate" the location. This is my "RL did it" theory. An old, drunk man who doesn't understand smartphones just figured it was a phone but not a camera, and wanted nothing to do with it.
They may have taken the phone. LE has never said they have the physical phone.
I don't believe any parent has said that it was "sexual". Do you have a link to that statement?

Here's one. You can check Lizzie and Lyric's thread for more if you're interested.

Drew is on a crusade to help police crack down on convicted sex offenders considered missing after they fail to register with authorities. He has made posters bearing missing sex offenders' faces to hang in Iowa police stations and raises money to use as rewards for people who provide information about their whereabouts.
I'm still catching up, so I apologize if this has been answered already, but RL is 6'0". If you look at his arrest records, it's located in the detailed offender information. My iPad is acting up and I can't link, sorry.

OMG, Thank you VERY much!!! Big Kiss coming your way!!!


You are my HERO!!! No way RL was BG!!!!
Here is an article about infrared photography used in crime photos. Super long but first page might be helpful. The pics that some are saying are photoshopped were found using reflective, refractive imagery. It does not mean that a person was stuck in the railroad tie etc but images are bouncing around from the camera lens imo. I think there could be some great clues in the photos and just keep a bit of an open mind. It might be what LE needs to crack this case wide open. Pictures and DNA are great for murder cases. No snarky remarks pls just scroll and roll. :) :scared:
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