IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #37

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I realize you didn't intend any misleading with this comment, but to clarify (for those who didn't listen to the audio link), he says, "the murder or murderERS...", not just the latter.

Later, starting at about 20:45,ISP Sgt Slocum refers to the "murderers" and did not mention "murderer or murderers" but only "the murderers." To clarify, earlier in the interview he did mention "Killer or Killers." But, he did in fact state "murderers" and not "murderer or murderers" a little after 20:45. Maybe it means he and/or others are leaning toward there being two killers or a killer and a participant as opposed to one. We already know they have not ruled out one versus two killers. Does it mean anything factually? So far, no, IMO. Who knows? I will file it under slightly curious for now, until or unless I hear additional info from LE.
Later, starting at about 20:45,ISP Sgt Slocum refers to the "murderers" and did not mention "murderer or murderers" but only "the murderers." To clarify, earlier in the interview he did mention "Killer or Killers." But, he did in fact state "murderers" and not "murderer or murderers" a little after 20:45. Maybe it means he and/or others are leaning toward there being two killers or a killer and a participant as opposed to one. We already know they have not ruled out one versus two killers. Does it mean anything factually? So far, no, IMO. Who knows? I will file it under slightly curious for now, until or unless I hear additional info from LE.

Good catch!

It is so sad that there are so many suspects of interest, lotta bad guys out there. However, it sounds to me like they have their man + possibly another one and they are narrowing & tightening things for a rock solid case. So they will have the proof 50 or so potential suspects have all been checked out & cleared. I've never heard the term "suspect of interest" before, but I like it.

I'm feeling very optimistic there will be an arrest, just not as soon as we would like no doubt.:please:
50 or 60!
Wow. That seems very unusual. In my novice experience, I almost interpret that as 'we have no idea who is involved and are keeping our eyes on everyone.' Who could be included in those 50-60? RSOs? PO? and ???

Or, could it be a ploy to make the suspect (s) think they aren't on to him/ them?

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A "Kill Kit" is not farfetched. Prior cases tell us this. They need their supplies, restraints, weapons, etc.

Off the top of my head, Jeffrey Willis and RB/ Jessica Heeringa. Look up what he had in his van.

I brought up kill kits...james dean worley kept handcuffs, twist ties , duct tape, gun and knives to name a few both in his previous abduction he was convicted of DECADES earlier. and in the evidence taken from his vehicles after he kidnapped and killed Sierrah Joughin last summer (and who knows how many others they have not yet charged him with in their ongoing investigation. Which btw they found JDWs Barn of Horrors and home filled with the stuff nightmares are made of) Anyhow, it is actually chillingly common for these types to carry one!!!! Because, you know, they always wanna be prepared when their perfect chance encounter comes along!!!! Gives me the willlies!!!
It’s been almost a week since investigators searched the home of Ron Logan, the man who owns the property were Abby and Libby were found. Although it doesn’t appear as if they found any significant evidence, items removed from the home and farm outbuildings are still being evaluated, according to Riley.

“He is still a subject of interest," said Riley. There are 50 or 60 people who are subjects of interest.”

50 or 60. Not a couple or a few but 50 or 60. Doesn't sound like they have a suspect in custody or know who it is.

Can you imagine if those names were released? I wonder if they all resemble BG?

50 or 60. How difficult is it for LE to gather evidence on one person of interest. Let alone 50 or 60.

Well, that should give the murderer(s) a measure of comfort. I hope that was the intent, but I don't believe that for a second.

I wish the ISP information officers would stop talking and tweeting.


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My first post. I have done my best to read every post in this forum regarding the murders of Abby and Libby. I agree with a great deal of the theories, statements and or opinions I have read thus far. I look forward to any feedback. It doesn’t hurt my feelings to give 2 cents and get change back. I’m not a believer in coincidences.

“Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys” – Emma Bull

The images below were captured from a news media video located at this link [video=youtube;s91Q1WRuN3E][/video]

Below shows 2 images of RL on February 16, 2017 on his property near the location of the crime scene.


The below image is of the suspect (BG) identified by LE from a video found on Libby German’s cell phone February 13, 2017.


I am sure most of you are recognizing the resemblances between RL and BG from the above images. Here’s my questions based on my observations.

1. Are they both are wearing hoodies?
2. Are they both wearing camouflaged baseball style caps?
3. Are they both wearing similar outer jackets over the hoodies?
4. Are they both wearing jeans?
5. Are they both wearing glasses? Maybe transition lens.
6. Are they both displaying the same style of gait?
a. Is it a coincidence that the suspect is attempting to look like the property owner where he is planning on committing the crime?
b. Do Abby and Libby know RL?
c. If so, would this allow someone to get close to Abby and Libby before they realize it’s not RL?
d. Did BG know RL and where his property lines were located?
e. Maybe BG had a grudge with RL with so much sophisticated effort in framing him? It sure has taken the attention away from BG.
8. What alarmed Libby to begin recording BG?
a. If Libby or Abby was acquainted with RL did they think it was RL and started recording for fun and then realized it was not RL?
b. Did she realize it was someone else she recognized and then hid her phone?
c. Did Libby think the man was over dressed for the current temperature? Was BG over dressed for the temperature as well as possible concealing a weapon and other items needed in order to commit the pre-planned crime?
d. Notice how Abby is dressed on the bridge in the photo Libby had posted to snap chat. It appears a light jacket with a light shirt. Sun was shining and notice the fall of her shadow on the bridge as does BG’s shadow in his photo. This is the same time of the day.
9. Was it a coincidence this terrible crime happened on Monday, February 13[SUP]th[/SUP]?
a. Was it public knowledge that there would be no school on this day?
b. How far in advance was it posted and how was this information passed on to the community?
c. Did anyone from either family mention to anyone that Abby and Libby would be going to the trail that day? Did anyone mention to anyone else the time they would be getting dropped off?

I don’t find it much of a coincidence at all that BG went out of his way to portray RL as a ruse for getting close to the girls and to allow anyone else in the area to believe he was RL with just a quick glance. I don’t find it a coincidence the bodies were found on RL’s property. BG gathered intel and conducted recons of the area and rehearsed the phases to commit these killings. It’s not a coincident he was aware of the exact time window he had to complete the crime and flee the area before a search party would be on scene saturating the woods searching for the girls.

IMO known facts instead of assumptions: BG was totally unaware Libby had a cell phone much less had already recorded him and was continuously recording. If Libby’s phone was found on her person or in her clothing BG never searched for the phone or if the phone was found tossed away from the scene Libby deliberately cached the phone for LE to recover.

Confusion: Was the area of the crime scene searched by volunteers the night of February 13[SUP]th[/SUP]? Is there a chance the bodies were overlooked in the dark or are they certain the bodies were not there during the initial search? I have read where there was a theory the bodies could have been brought back to the crime scene between 2:00 – 9:30 am.
yes! ITA with ALL of this! JMO
A "Kill Kit" is not farfetched. Prior cases tell us this. They need their supplies, restraints, weapons, etc.

Off the top of my head, Jeffrey Willis and RB/ Jessica Heeringa. Look up what he had in his van.

BTK comes to mind, too.
So I just got booted off a case discussion page on social media, because I an article was posted and I commented "I find this headline pretty misleading, seems like media clickbate". To which the 'moderators' jumped all over me because I had a difference of opinion over an ARTICLE HEADLINE.

So I just want to say thanks here because this community is focused on one thing and that is justice for the girls. You allow opinions and perspectives and discussion. There is a lot to be said for that.

I take social media with a pinch of salt but after today I certainly will not be following any more cases there.
Mainstream social media--social media not like this forum, which is so well moderated--is pretty awful. I followed news media reports of a local missing man and was disgusted by the comments people posted on those reports. Many people got blamey, jumped to conclusions, and worked​ themselves up into a frenzy. And often when anyone called them on anything or asked​ them to cite an official source, many got defensive and confrontational.

So I was hesitant to come here. But I am so glad that I did because the posts are so well reasoned, the moderators do a great job and are patient, the people here are polite and considerate, and no matter how many times someone asks​ what BG means, someone always responds warmly.

I was shy about asking you guys for acronym defs. But what fun to read the various definitions Google and urban dictionary suggested for BG and BBM. [emoji169]
I think that comes with the territory here... We have a lot of people who want this solved, who have watched maybe a little too much TV and been given only a tiny morsel of evidence... You've got to be creative with so little to come up with an explanation and guilty party.

Once a person is arrested, THAT is when the real useful background digging will go on. This early stuff is mostly just guessing I'm afraid.
Well said IMO
Also Slocum stated, about this case, "It's definitely unique". I think that says a great deal.
So I just got booted off a case discussion page on social media, because I an article was posted and I commented "I find this headline pretty misleading, seems like media clickbate". To which the 'moderators' jumped all over me because I had a difference of opinion over an ARTICLE HEADLINE.

So I just want to say thanks here because this community is focused on one thing and that is justice for the girls. You allow opinions and perspectives and discussion. There is a lot to be said for that.

I take social media with a pinch of salt but after today I certainly will not be following any more cases there.

I rarely follow cases via social media, but am following one FB page with this one. It is like the Wild West on that page!

Hallelujah for WS!
Later, starting at about 20:45,ISP Sgt Slocum refers to the "murderers" and did not mention "murderer or murderers" but only "the murderers." To clarify, earlier in the interview he did mention "Killer or Killers." But, he did in fact state "murderers" and not "murderer or murderers" a little after 20:45. Maybe it means he and/or others are leaning toward there being two killers or a killer and a participant as opposed to one. We already know they have not ruled out one versus two killers. Does it mean anything factually? So far, no, IMO. Who knows? I will file it under slightly curious for now, until or unless I hear additional info from LE.

Interesting! I wonder if it was a slip of the tongue or not. If not, I do wonder what the chances are of two potential murderers not confiscating the cell phone(s) that were recording/taking pictures? In that case, I wonder if that leans toward them both being older, that they may not understand technology as well and believed they were just phones with no camera attached.
I listened to Tony Slocum's interview and, in addition to the points mentioned by BunnyHop about what stood out, I would add the following. He stressed that the girls "were doing all the right things", therefore I might conclude that they are not suspecting a cat fishing scenario (meeting a boy without telling the parents). Second, after being asked, "Do you monitor social media?", Slocum says, "yes, thats a starting point" and later..."that's how we got the video on the cellphone". Makes me wonder again about The Cloud.

I listened to him too, and I am so impressed with how he handled the interview. Regarding his comments about doing all the right things, I did not take that to mean that they couldn't have been catfished. JMO but I thought he was referring to them being outside on a nice day rather than inside on a computer, and that they thought to record the criminal activity. (He actually said this) He also did say that if people are out and about notice someone that seems suspicious they should leave first and call LE later. One of the things that makes this age group so vulnerable IMO is because they don't yet have their driver's licenses so if they find themselves in a sketchy situation they can't leave the area quickly with the help of a motor vehicle and often must wait for someone to come and get them. I remember waiting around to be picked up by a parent when that age, and it does make you feel vulnerable.

I do think that LE has liberty's phone, I did also notice however that Slocum said that they used SM to recover the video, my hunch is because it is a snapchat video and wouldn't be necessarily saved on her phone in the same way as if you were using the camera function. JMO. I think they would have to have her phone to have the "down the hill" audio, but that is JMO.

50-60 potential subjects but it's really not when you consider the population of the USA. JMO.
I listened to him too, and I am so impressed with how he handled the interview. Regarding his comments about doing all the right things, I did not take that to mean that they couldn't have been catfished. JMO but I thought he was referring to them being outside on a nice day rather than inside on a computer, and that they thought to record the criminal activity. (He actually said this) He also did say that if people are out and about notice someone that seems suspicious they should leave first and call LE later. One of the things that makes this age group so vulnerable IMO is because they don't yet have their driver's licenses so if they find themselves in a sketchy situation they can't leave the area quickly with the help of a motor vehicle and often must wait for someone to come and get them. I remember waiting around to be picked up by a parent when that age, and it does make you feel vulnerable.

I do think that LE has liberty's phone, I did also notice however that Slocum said that they used SM to recover the video, my hunch is because it is a snapchat video and wouldn't be necessarily saved on her phone in the same way as if you were using the camera function. JMO. I think they would have to have her phone to have the "down the hill" audio, but that is JMO.

50-60 potential subjects but it's really not when you consider the population of the USA. JMO.

That's what makes the world go around! :) I definitely do not think Slocum would have said the girls were "doing all the right things" if they thought the girls were meeting boys from the internet without telling their parents. JMOO
I can't image having to go through the tips. Jmo
ISP, FBI make big push to comb through tips, narrow down leads in Delphi murder investigation

Authorities said while there are many, they are constantly trying to follow up on leads.

Back at the Command Center. Big push today cutting down leads to follow up on. Getting the numbers down to a manageable number.

— Sgt. Kim Riley (@ISPLafayette) March 23, 2017

Just wishful thinking here, but it sure would be nice if some of our talented WS members could help out on that huge load of tips.

Just in case someone's getting ready to pounce and corect me, I'm just joking. I know it's impossible.
50-60 people of interest?? After 5 weeks? It's like they say in football , if you have two quarterbacks, you have NO quarterbacks."
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