IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #37

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I'm mostly lurking but have followed most of threads from early on.

I am a grandma 👵🏻 in my seventies and would not feel balanced AT ALL getting on that bridge.

So I don't think RL was on the bridge. I also wouldn't think he was a murderer but one never knows another's heart.

If he worked in tandem with Bg I guess the two of them could do it.

But why now after living on that property over 50 years? He would have had plenty of opportunities for murder or crime.

Seems like in that size town he would have somewhat of a generalized reputation. People talk and speculate about their neighbors.

And I don't think it's that of a dangerous criminal.

Of course anything is possible.

Well, if you have a problem with your eyes so do I , because I was thinking the same thing, looks like a stormtrooper.

Just want to clarify on the picture I posted upthread for those who think it is a concrete piller. The potential person would be standing by the 3 support. The support that doesn't have concrete, just iron or steel or whatever metal they use to build bridges.
I'm mostly lurking but have followed most of threads from early on.

I am a grandma ���� in my seventies and would not feel balanced AT ALL getting on that bridge.

So I don't think RL was on the bridge. I also wouldn't think he was a murderer but one never knows another's heart.

If he worked in tandem with Bg I guess the two of them could do it.

But why now after living on that property over 50 years? He would have had plenty of opportunities for murder or crime.

Seems like in that size town he would have somewhat of a generalized reputation. People talk and speculate about their neighbors.

And I don't think it's that of a dangerous criminal.

Of course anything is possible.


Thanks for delurking!

And I think it's a local. I think someone may have overheard the girls' plans (not via sm) and stalked them. I just find it too hard to believe some random person staged an attack of this caliber and was not familiar with the terrain so to speak. Was the person that did this off work that Monday so wasn't missed there ?

I don't think the suspect lives in Delphi, but he is obviously familiar with the area and surrounding parks. Sometimes children are murdered 20 miles from where they were abducted, and sometimes they are murdered in the same location. Maybe he lives 20 miles away.

Clearly he was not working. It was a "winter holiday", right? A snow day that wasn't used? School teachers and staff would also have been off work that Monday, right? It wasn't a professional development day for teachers while students had the day off.

Was it a Delphi holiday, or a State holiday?
First time posting, I have friends that "clean up" crime scenes. They go in after police,FBI or whom ever is "processing the scene" . It's a horrible job, IMO.
AND --- just because RL said "it was pristine " doesn't count... AT ALL. JMO.
Epiphany in my own mind for the moment. Been thinking about Jessica Heeringa today since the discussion about Kill Kits earlier, someone said it was farfetched, anyway

My epiphany: Mobile Kill Kit. He's got it all on him. Just like I have all my stuff self contained for hands free movement. Living in CO I have a million things I'm carrying with me at all times. Women, we have our lipstick, chapstick, and a million other things. I also have vests...and we all have a backpack here in CO. Thinking of the duffle bag and its potential contents...I'm thinking backpack. Or as I stated earlier he didn't bring the duffle bag with him on the bridge. Had it stashed closeby. For Before and After the crimes.

Thinking out loud. IMO he's got a gun and rope on him. Assuming a planned attack what else would he need on him? He appears to have gloves, has a fanny pack, I imagine spare ammo, a knife. He probably has a compass and flashlight. Going to stop now as to not lend any ideas.

Sorry my post isn't coming out clearly right now, really tired. I'm hoping to mark my thoughts to think about this more clearly tomorrow.

New article in NOCO I just posted. Totally cold. They said tips have reduced, three of the many agencies have resigned/withdrawn due to lack of personnel or whatever.
Two years later NOCO is unsolved despite a gaziiilion agencies working the case. Totally cold. How many cases do we see like that here. Lizzie and Lyric...

ETA maybe we are all right. He's got a gun, rope, salami AND cheez-itz. Not making light of the situation. For real, who knows what all he has on him.
I don't believe screaming/yelling could be easily heard. There are variables, of course. If it had been summer, the trail would likely have at least some traffic mid-day. And while sound can carry further at this time of year (no leaves on trees), the homesteads are large and somewhat distant from the bridge. Also, the noise of the cars/trucks traveling on the highway that runs near there would compete with any voice carry (if you google it, you'll even see two semi trucks passing over Deer Creek on 25, which is probably less than a half mile from the bridge. So no, I really don't believe cries for help would have been easily heard.
I have to say, after hiking in Delphi, the "vibe" made me suggest to my dh that we consider carrying for our own safety (we can conceal/carry in IN). We encountered an intoxicated older man on the trails, along with a pot belly pig (yep, running at us from a distance; had our kids with us and couldn't make out what it was at first).

This is all reallllly helpful for me in fleshing out the various theories I have, so thank you again, so appreciated! The time you ran into the man and the pig - so random (how cute tho I love pigs ha!) was this before or after 2/14? The location makes more and more sense to me from BG's point of view IMO. I have heard some here argue that the place is remote and others the opposite, but from what you describe it sounds remote and distant enough for the perp to feel safe, IMO. Interesting too that the sound of the highway would drown out any calls for help. Hmmmmm. I wonder then, if he would have even heard people calling for the girls...wonder how far the searchers went that night. So many questions, so few answers. I check the thread every morning, throughout the day at work and finally each night...this one has really hit home for some reason...maybe because I have a little girl of my own. Justice for those sweet babies can't come soon enough. Out of curiosity do you have any theories that I have missed that you would care to share? Those who know the area have a certain insight that we outsiders do not...IMO of course.
Here I go again...I live less than one hundred miles away - I called in a tip weeks ago, anyway, my small town in Indiana has three cold homicide cases
I don't think the suspect lives in Delphi, but he is obviously familiar with the area and surrounding parks. Sometimes children are murdered 20 miles from where they were abducted, and sometimes they are murdered in the same location. Maybe he lives 20 miles away.

Clearly he was not working. It was a "winter holiday", right? A snow day that wasn't used? School teachers and staff would also have been off work that Monday, right? It wasn't a professional development day for teachers while students had the day off.

Was it a Delphi holiday, or a State holiday?

I'm all about the 20 mile thing, Otto. 22 miles (to 28) is my magic number as far as awareness space, etc, jmo, moo.

What does that look like on a map? I haven't forgotten you've got great mapping skills :wink: We've all been slacking since Skibbys been so good about holding up the fort. BTW did she save The Queen yet? Go Skibby!
I agree. It is N625W, not to be picky with just a typo. Anyway, probably N625W ends where the blacktop stops and it is a private road on from there to where it dead ends at the house. I posted some pix of the road earlier today to show the road and hope you don't mind me posting a couple over again. Stills from one of Gray's videos. When I saw the LE vehicles there I thought as you, that it was a key factor in understanding more of how it might have gone down.

What caught my eye is that they primarily seem interested in the area from the road up the hill to the end of the bridge, not on down the hill to the creek. As far as I saw, they only had that area between the bridge and the road taped off for the CSI and the area where their bodies were found. Maybe this is where they were dropped off especially if Libby's sister went by Abby's to pick her up and then they were dropped off. Or even if they were dropped off on the north side maybe that is where they were going to be picked up. I wish we knew who was supposed to pick them up as I think that's a key. LE stated Libby's sister dropped them off and a family member was supposed to pick them up. Don't you think it's meaningful they would say who took them but not who was picking them up?

Thanks, N625W. I appreciate you correcting the number. It was stuck in my head as 265.

I think that teens ( I assume LG's sister is a teen ) take the shortest point from A to B and wouldn't drive around to the northern entrance to the trail when they could just go right down the road to a tributary and some may even walk there on their own.

I also think that if you tell teens you will pick them up at 3:00 or 3:30, they won't show up until 3:30.

All we have heard is that 'a family member' was to pick them up. Because in my world, adults are working during the day, I am going to suggest that the pick up person was not a parent. But, I am not sure that the identity of the driver makes any difference.

I think BG saw them walking to the trail from the south or being dropped off there and followed them into the woods. I just don't see BG coming from the north, all the way across only to cross back to the north.

It is possible that the girls never crossed the bridge but simply staged the AL photo at the south end. LG took other photos, so I am sure LE knows where they hiked. I just have a suspicion that everything happened on the south side and I think N625W is the key.
Who's off on Monday, or that Monday?

And he was home to sleep in his own bed that night.

Jmo, the girls would have been swooped up and driven far away...not killed.
I agree. That wouldn't be my first guess of what happened.

However, when LE says they have 50-60 potential PO'S it caused me to wonder if that could be why, plus with the FBI being involved so early on. Someone in one of the early threads said that Michigan is leading the nation in human trafficking, and although I don't know if that is true or not, it's only a state away. Some people also speculated that it could have been a planned abduction into a ring, but due to resistance, the girls might have been killed instead. I'm just trying to wrack my brain and fit puzzle pieces together from all different angles.

My personal theory is that it was a local and that he planned to attack anyone he perceived to be vulnerable enough for him to do so. I believe it was premeditated and thought out. JMO

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Interesting choice of words at 1:02 in the above.
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